Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (5th)
- Last Updated:
- Date and time: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 (2022), from 16:00 to 18:00
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- The State of the Dataspace
- Domestic Efforts
- For the future
- Exchange of opinions
- Adjournment
Event Information
- Agenda (PDF/43KB)
- Document 1: Current status of efforts toward data connections (PDF / 978 kb)
- Exhibit 2-1: Services Made Available by data connections (PDF / 1,873 kb)
- Appendix 2-2: Efforts in Individual Fields (PDF / 4,781 kb)
- Appendix 2-3: Architecture for B2B transactions design (PDF / 803 kb)
- Appendix 2-4: Organization of Efforts in Individual Fields by Architecture (PDF / 629 kb)
- Handout 3: Directions for Advancing Intersectoral data connections (PDF / 386 kb)
- Proceedings (PDF/378KB) (updated March 9, 2023)
Relevant policies
Summary of proceedings
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 (2022), from 16:00 to 18:00
Online Meetings
- Kim Shin Ichiro SUNA (Executive Officer, AI Company, Company CEO, LINE Corporation)
- Nobuhiro Endo (Vice Chairman of Japan Business Federation, Chairman cybersecurity / Special Advisor of NEC Corporation)
- Naoki Ota (Representative Director of NewStories Co., Ltd.)
- Noboru Koshizuka (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- GOTO Atsuhiro (President, security Graduate University of Information)
- Yutaka Saito (Executive Director of the Information-Technology Promotion Agency Digital Architecture and Design Center)
- Sayoko Shimoyama (Representative Director of Link Data / Director of Info Lounge Co., Ltd.)
- Masahiko Shoji, Professor, Musashi University
- Satoru Tezuka (Professor, Keio University)
- Hideo Tomioka (Executive Director of Policy Planning Department, New Economy Federation)
- Jun Murai (Professor, Keio University)
- Toshiya Watanabe, Professor, The University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives
- Takashi Asanuma (Chief Officer of the Digital Agency, Digital Agency)
- Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy, Digital Agency)
- Tatsuya Honmaru (Digital Agency CA)
- Masaki Fujimoto, Digital Agency CTO
- HIRAMOTO Kenji (Digital Agency Senior Expert (Data Strategy))
- Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency / digital society Common Functions)
- Keisuke Murakami (Director-General of Digital Agency / in charge of services for citizens)
- Tatsuharu Narita (Deputy Executive Director of the Digital Market Competition Headquarters of the Cabinet Secretariat) * Absent
- Yasuki Matsuo (Executive Director of the Science, Technology and Innovation Promotion Office, Cabinet Office) *
- Shuichi Sakamoto (Deputy Director-General of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Science, Technology and
- Shigeaki Tanaka (Director of the Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Office, Cabinet Office)
- Katsu Yamasumi (Deputy Director General of the Personal Information Protection Commission Secretariat)
- Shin'ya Suzuki (Director-General for Policy Coordination of Minister's Secretariat of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications / Person in charge of Information and Communications)
- Masanobu MORITA (cybersecurity, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Minister's Secretariat, Director General for Policy Planning)
- Satoshi Nohara (Director-General of the Commercial Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of
Summary of proceedings
Councilor Mishima: .
Thank you for taking the time to come here today.
My name is Mishima, and I am Counsellor Digital Agency. I will be chairing the meeting today. Nice to meet you.
At the time of the meeting, I was scheduled to receive a comment from Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Masafumi Mori, the chief investigator of this working group, but it will take some time due to official duties. I will proceed with the meeting after receiving a comment from him when he arrives.
First of all, with regard to the members of this working group, due to time constraints, I would like to distribute a list of names instead of introducing them.
Today's meeting will be held online. We ask all members and those who are scheduled to give an explanation to turn on the camera, mute the microphone, and unmute the microphone only when they speak.
In addition, I would like to add that this working group continues to be open to the public by using the Teams live event.
Now, I would like to move on to the agenda.
Regarding agenda (1), Mr. Hiramoto, Senior Expert (Data Strategy) from the Secretariat will explain the "Current Status of the Data Space" based on Material 1 "Current Status of Efforts toward data connections."
Thank you very much.
HIRAMOTO, Senior Expert (Data Strategy): , I will explain based on Material 1.
Then, I will explain.
This is the second page. We have created a page on the main matters to be considered in the future. The fourth working group meeting was held in early September last year, and I would like to focus on four matters in the future.
As the theme of the fifth session, I would like to talk about "Consideration toward data connections in semi-public sector" and "Data Space, data connections Infrastructure and International Cooperation."
On page 3, I would like to ask about the overview and the direction of consideration. I have written three points here. First, in Japan, it is important to create a very technical infrastructure for data strategy, so we have been focusing on the technical aspect so far. We have been working on the development of standards and infrastructure, as well as considering service examples for semi-public sector and the infrastructure for data connections.
On the other hand, with regard to Europe, infrastructure development in Europe has advanced considerably, and as all of this has been completed, the development of data connections infrastructure is at a level that can be achieved in implementation, and we are considering how to use not only technology, including rules, but also a comprehensive data space, and how to connect use cases with the world in the form of international expansion, as well as implementation within the region. We are currently promoting data strategies with the highest priority.
Regarding the method of proceeding this time, as you pointed out at the 4th Conference, we would like to proceed in the direction of clarifying the Issue based on architecture and considering actual services.
This is page 4. As I indicated last time, due to the situation in foreign countries, the value of data has dramatically increased, and it is being addressed as a pillar of competition strategy and industrial policy.
On page 5. If we look at it in more detail, in terms of the arrangement and comparison of efforts with other countries, we are working in the form of the EU, Japan, and the United States. On the left side, I would like to explain along the architecture. In the EU, we are considering the development of rules, digital building blocks, tools, platforms, data models, and geospatial data at the bottom as a set. Recently, topics such as smart cities have been attracting a lot of attention, so INSPIRE and LIFO are written as standards for location data. Up to now, administrative data has been mainly used in text data, but geospatial data and sets are being used. In the United States, geoNIEM and geoINT are written at the bottom, and it has become a global trend to consider geospatial and general data in an integrated manner.
In addition, today's theme of data space is different in each country. In Europe, we are promoting data space by focusing on several small themes, such as how to create a cross-border space across countries. As you know, we are working on how to develop semi-public sector as a domestic platform.
In addition, the United States is called a domain, which is different from the United States, and the United States is focusing on several fields within the United States, many of which are closer to cyber and security.
The yellow fill is still developing, and the blue one is fairly developed. In addition, the tool or platform layer is slightly different in each country. In the EU, it is a digital building block, and the European Commission and the country provide basic tools, and private sector provides various tools, which are used by everyone, and are promoted in conjunction with open source. And it says LinkedData, but the database structure itself is also largely understood.
Now, Japanese business is based in data connections, and catalogs and connectors are attracting attention. In addition, the tool catalog of the United States is not a platform, but rather a data conversion tool or data exchange tool that is provided by the United States, and tools from private sector are used. There are various types of tools, but I believe that you are working to provide them in the general architecture of each country.
Japan is also working hard on open data, and it may seem that Japan is a little behind in this regard, but in the United Nations e-Government Survey announced at the end of September, Japan was ranked first in the United Nations in terms of eParticipation, including open data, and in that sense, there are places where Japan is good at and places where it is not good at, but in terms of this data space, I believe that the EU is making systematic progress.
On page 6. In terms of the key points in considering the data space, I think there is an overwhelming difference in speed and resources between the West and the Japanese. First of all, in Europe, the development of the cooperation infrastructure has been completed, and the design of tools, such as tools and data models, has almost been completed, and we are in the phase of implementation, so the speed of deployment is becoming extremely fast. In addition, testing beds and support tools have been developed, so it is becoming much easier to create a use cases, and we are doing a wide range of work. Also, when we discussed data quality the other day, the Japanese team is doing it with about 2 people, while the British team is doing it with 50 people, and we are investing considerable resources.
The second point is that in the United States, as a CDO, the person in charge of data is taking the lead in improving the data environment, and is providing a group of tools, so we are doing it at a moderate speed. It is said that Japan is doing it with a small number of people, but I think we have made progress in laying the foundation, but we have not yet fully developed the service.
My second point is that the data model should be the basis for everything. Whether we are managing quality or creating a data space, we must first create the data properly. The European Commission in Europe is promoting the creation of a data model and then building applications on it. By doing so, we can improve quality and productivity.
In addition to GAIA-X, which is often talked about, there is fiware, which is basic software. Even if we use this basic software, we need a data model that not only exchanges data but also flows through it. Therefore, we are working hard to promote the smart data model and standardize data.
In addition, it is written here as MIMs (Minimum Interoperability Mechanisms), and I believe that the basic philosophy is to make them as simple as possible and to make them extensible.
In the United States, there was NIEMopen, a data model within the government, and by making it an open standard, app development was promoted. Until now, government standards alone had not made progress, but by opening it to private sector, app development has been promoted.
In the last fiscal year, Japan created a data model in the form of the Government Interoperability Framework (GIF) based on almost the same policy. Now, GIF has begun to be adopted by each ministry, so I think we are catching up on this in a very good way, and we are preparing to start providing a set of common tools this year.
Also, with the emphasis on implementation based Trust, in smart cities and dataspace, where data is exchanged, whether the player can be trusted as a practical matter, whether the tool can be trusted, and how to realize implementation based Trust are being discussed in detail, I think.
On the next page, we are currently considering the data space, or the field of semi-public sector, for each field, but in the end, if you look at it from the perspective of a single person, he or she lives in the city, he or she can enter the data space of a wide area, he or she can enter the data space of smart cities, he or she can enter the data space of education, so various data spaces must be connected, shouldn't they? We originally had data spaces in each field, and we have been proceeding with the concept of connecting them through an inter-field data connections infrastructure, but we are currently considering how to create a mechanism to utilize all the data spaces involved.
From the next page on, I will briefly summarize the trends in Europe. Please turn over one page, and it is written as 1 at the bottom. By creating one common component, we are trying to create a data space as efficiently as possible by reusing the component in each field.
Turning to page 2, in order to strengthen interoperability, laws, data acts, and GDPR are drawing attention. The new proposal is the Interoperable European Law, and we believe that it would be better to incorporate data standards and other such matters more efficiently. To promote this, we are proposing a new law. We are incorporating a framework for government interoperability for voluntary use, but it has been voluntarily implemented for about 10 years and has been legislated. I think this is the point that deserves attention.
This is page 7. As I explained earlier, Europe, Japan, and the United States have been working on various projects. By organizing and collecting the results of these projects, we can determine how to use them as a whole. We have standardized them, and we are now entering an accelerated field or development phase. This is what Europe is doing.
Pages 8 and beyond are for your reference. On page 16, I briefly talked about the testing Bed. It is not just a matter of creating a data model and creating a guide. It is a matter of validation whether people who actually want to use the testing Bed can use it at their own place by simply trying it out. For basic services and data strategies such as this, thorough automation is being promoted. I wonder if Europe is being promoted like this.
This is the end of my explanation of recent trends.
Councilor Mishima: .
Before moving on to the next agenda, Special Advisor Mori arrived here, so I would like to ask you a few questions before the meeting.
Special Advisor Mori, nice to meet you.
Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Mori: I'm sorry to be late.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the fifth meeting of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group at the end of the year.
At the previous Working Group, as you introduced earlier, four main items were mentioned today. It seems that you will be discussing the future of the data space and data connections infrastructure, so as you saw the comparison with Europe earlier, I believe that Japan is still quite behind. However, because Japan is one step behind, if we increase the speed of catch-up, we may be able to catch up.
I would like to ask you to give us your opinions based on your knowledge. Our government will make further efforts, so I would like to ask for your cooperation.
That's all. Thank you very much.
Councilor Mishima: .
In addition, Special Advisor Mori will leave the office in the middle of the meeting due to his official duties.
Next, I would like to proceed with the agenda "(2) Domestic Initiatives."
I would like to proceed based on Materials 2-1 to 2-4.
First of all, Mr. Murakami, Mayor of For the public Group, Digital Agency, will explain Material 2-1 "Services Realized by data connections." Thank you very much.
Mr. Murakami: I believe that Mr. Murai Murakami. Nice to meet you.
The word "dataspace" has been around for a while, and I think it has a sense of what it is. However, there is probably a European influence, and I would like to briefly summarize what the data connections Infrastructure and dataspace are discussing.
It is page 1 of document 2-1.
There are several types of data connections infrastructure. Access to public authorities, for example, using My Number Card to call up information held by the Payment Fund at the medical care site, I think. For example, in terms of access by a specific group in the middle, there is a service industry in subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation where Asahimachi in Toyama Prefecture holds a program in which children and the elderly learn together, and a service that sends people there. There is also a case where the movement data of children is shared with the people of the service. In terms of access by an unspecified number of people, this is what we will do from now on, but even if a car is made using parts that are unknown to who they were made by, regulations cannot be observed unless the CO2 emissions data of that person is properly called up. There are an increasing number of cases where data connections is used in various aspects, mainly in the public field, in the field of citizens' lives, and in the industrial field that can be considered in the future, across business operators, organization, and organizations.
If I were to say where Digi-Cho is making a technical approach, I would say that it is data sharing platform that is promoting access to public institutions owned by public authorities and its utilization. On the other hand, subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation and others are highly praised for data connections between different service providers in the town, and we are now recommending access mainly to specific groups. Technically speaking, data connections is a city that realizes data exchange when the other party can be identified first, and for example, we are recommending the utilization of Orion, which has been promoted by fiware.
Today, what will be the main access later will be the access of an unspecified number of people. Until now, for example, data exchange has been carried out in the context of transactions between companies, such as keiretsu transactions, but in the future, for example, it is not known when and where people will use secondary storage batteries. It is not known when and where new business partners will come out. However, in order to protect regulations, it is necessary to have a data connections infrastructure that enables data connections with unspecified people who will come out later in advance. data connections is actively leading new technological initiatives to respond to these. At the same time, in fact, the technology that the Government of Japan has been working on through SIP has been ahead of this. Or, international competition is about to begin regarding the creation of rules surrounding this. I would like to briefly explain this situation and look back on the current situation of Europe's infrastructure. Next, I would like to explain the background of the data space economy.
This is page 3. As you all know, the population is declining.
On page 4. In the local service industry, it has already become extremely serious and easy to understand, but in order to ensure the productivity of the local service industry, the data connections base is essential. The fact that passengers wait for a bus that will come on time at the bus stop depends on the demand and supply. The fact that a car to pick up passengers is suitable for the convenience of passengers depends on the demand. The fact that employees match the work rules of the employer is the fact that employees and demand match the conditions of the supplier, and the fact that the work rules match the lives of employees is the fact that supply matches the conditions of demand.
Roughly speaking, at the moment of birth, it was the fate of Showa education that everything had to be taught by a designated homeroom teacher in a designated school district. On the other hand, the number of teachers cannot be increased, and it is said that there is no way that one teacher can teach English or information in a situation where nothing can be done. However, it will probably be an era in which students choose the resources of teachers according to the circumstances of the demand-side. In fact, if you think about it in that way, the initiatives of supply and demand are all reversed.
The reason for this is simply that the population is decreasing. In other words, it is impossible to increase supply resources, neither bus drivers nor the number of buses, and how to meet diversifying travel demand is directly linked to the productivity of the service industry. It is how to grasp demand trends in real time and how to appropriately allocate limited supply resources to the suppressed demand trends.
Therefore, in the age of population increase with supply-side superiority, it is enough to increase the number of buses, the timetable, and the number of teachers. For all service industries that can be done with that, we will first capture demand-side data and allocate supply resources appropriately. Behind this, we are entering a state in which a data connections infrastructure is necessarily required.
I would like to explain another flow. On page 5. For example, in the physical quantity industry, it is called Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). Considering the conventional age of production and supply of goods, producers decide next year's automobile production plan. On the other hand, manufacturers accumulate distribution inventory, bring it to the sales site, and when consumers actually buy it, they accumulate information such as how much inventory has been produced and how much distribution loss has been incurred. Looking at this, the PDCA cycle of the industry was in the Showa era, in which the supply-side made too many cars this year, so how many cars should be made next year?
So, what is happening now? For example, in one specific example, a department store in New York is out of red sweaters. If so, an order to increase production is automatically sent to a factory in China. For the increased production of red sweaters, without waiting for an order from a person, the inventory is moved from warehouse to warehouse in a way that the loading efficiency is the most efficient. In that case, the inventory of the seller and the buyer will be mixed in the warehouse, but if there is another tag, there is no problem in management.
If there is such a difference, there will be an overwhelming difference in price competitiveness. In other words, data moves things without people making decisions, and in the end, people validation the feedback loop of the things moved by data, and validation is done in the form of recreating the logic once again. What I am saying is that the order of people, things, and data is changing in the order of data, things, and people. This is logically the same as what the Government of Japan has been saying about a data-driven society for several years, and I am not trying to say anything significantly different from what has been discussed mainly by CSTI even in terms of Society5.0.
In fact, as a result of a candy store in town exhibiting at a convenience store, both convenience stores and Amazon are doing VMI in-house. It comes from the data at the store from the instruction of the production amount to the instruction of the inventory delivery at once. In that case, the same sweets from the same candy store are displayed at the same convenience store, but the private brand is 108 yen, and the own brand is 138 yen, and in the end, only 108 yen is sold.
Therefore, as soon as convenience store distribution starts, there is a flow of people who stop distribution and only sell their own brands to people who come to their stores to buy them. In fact, the reality that data moves the real thing and the difference in competitiveness that accompanies it promotes product selection has already begun to move.
I evaluate it as the data space economy. What I am saying is that the logic of things is about to change greatly from the age when data was the material to help people make decisions to the age when people validation logistics driven by data later. From the nuance that the economy of real space is driven by the economy of data space, I interpret that it was called the data space economy in Europe.
The same is true for the initiative to reverse supply and demand that I mentioned earlier. People do not make decisions when various ride-sharing services of Knockal pick up children or drop off the elderly. To put it simply, the instructions of the dispatcher are almost automatically processed digitally. In addition, without that, we cannot provide mobility services in this era of human resources shortage. The reality is that everything from big places like Amazon to how to rebuild local public transportation is moving according to the same logic. I think this is also the reason why people in Europe think that things should be viewed from the perspective of the data space economy.
This was considered in the B2B transactions structure on page 6. In the past, there were Series B, C, and D, and the counterparties were already decided. Therefore, in some cases, there was no common EDI in the first place, but it was enough to do digital for each series transaction, and I intentionally did not send an arrow at the end. However, if I always lived with the same counterparty, I did not have to look for the product number and keep it on the digital website screen. I just called and said, "Mr. kato, three more red items from last month," and he got through, so there was no need to make a digitalization. But this will not be the case in the future. All of a sudden, aircraft manufacturers build only two aircraft a year. What will small and medium-sized companies, which have been building on the orders of aircraft manufacturers, do? When they suddenly want to go to medical care Equipment Manufacturer, "Mr. kato, three more red items from last month" will not work.
The population is decreasing rapidly, and the number of exit markets for keiretsu transactions is decreasing at least in Japan. While the economy of building overseas is waiting, even SMEs must develop new business partners. If orders fly in the data space economy at such a time, it is logical to see a future in which jobs do not come to SMEs that do not open their doors to receive orders digitally.
Therefore, it is a matter of course that digitalization, which is a small and medium-sized company, has no time to wait. Are you going to send an order form by fax, send a quotation by fax, or call each other to do new business with overseas? Are you going to send an invoice by fax in English to respond to the regulation of CO2 emissions to protect the regulation in Europe? Such an era will come in less than five years.
In order to comply with European battery regulations and, in some cases, carbon footprint regulations, which will be introduced later, it is possible that European automakers will not be able to deliver parts unless they adopt technologies that comply with European battery regulations and carbon footprint regulation.
This is page 7. This is an image diagram. As you can see, various things are being completed in the data space and are being directed to the real world. In the midst of this gradual change to the architecture of the era, SMEs that could not get on top of the data space economy will be left out of transactions. Regarding the structure of the data space, if Japan does not make things with Japanese ideas, it may be necessary to use all the logic and parts of the data space economy created by Europe.
Nothing can be done next year or the year after next, but even in Europe, it is said that it will probably take five years to start the process. Now that Europe has started trial and error, if Japan does not start trial and error, it will not be done in five years. Therefore, I would like to see the possibility of Japan not starting trial and error in five years at the latest discussed at the Data Working.
Another point I would like to make at that time is that we are seeing a flow of social Issue accelerating the data space. It is page 8. One is that carbon neutrality is overwhelmingly accelerating the global data space debate from behind. As European automakers are riding on the trend introduced by Mr. Hiramoto earlier in the form of the Catena-X, at least most German automakers are also riding on it, but the reason is that we are already assuming that carbon-neutral regulation will come.
If we were to go to the extreme, for example, if we were to repair European-made automobile parts at a repair shop, depending on what kind of regulation we would create, which is also true, it may be necessary to obtain data on the CO2 emissions of the parts used at the time of repair by each of the European and Japanese automobile repair shops. At that time, we would call each and every car repair shop, ask when it is, how much the emissions are for this part number, and ask whether we would like to do such a thing in analog. In order to execute the regulation of the carbon footprint, it will be necessary to create a mechanism to share data with the corresponding data connections infrastructure.
Just like mill test report in the steel industry, there will be more traceability and certificates of origin for quality control in the future. In the flow of the shared economy in which secondary use of storage batteries is promoted, it has occurred that the certainty of goods, voltage retention, condition, who used them and when they were used, and if we want to pursue them under the PL law, we need to be able to pursue all the goods that were used or manufactured in the future, and those that were not used will not be used. At the same time, with the start of the Peppol e-invoice system, we are required to be able to trace transactions. At the same time, with the flow of the abolition of bills and the digitization of contracts, it is also required to be a new foundation in finance in terms of who lost trust, when, and how it was lost. It is required to be a foundation in which data connections must be done in a form that can be added to an unspecified number of people who cannot be specified as Orion plans.
On page 9, GAIA-X, the IDS Initiative, and the technical proposal are from Fraunhofer, but the IDS Initiative proposed the connector-type data space on page 10.
There are still many in Issue, but to briefly describe the data space of the connector type, if a connector is placed on various different systems, the connectors exchange data without permission. To put it very simply, it is such a world view.
Although it is still a developing and immature discussion, we have proposed that if any additional repair shop or business operator who came later puts a connector certified by God on their system, the connectors will go and find where the CO2 emission amount of this part is located and exchange it without permission, and that there is no need for human judgment to intervene in the transition. We have proposed that we make a data connections like this.
However, on page 11, in Europe, for example, countries, industries, and business operators, when I talked with IDS the other day and said 3D layer structure, they said it was interesting, but in order for the connector to function, I wrote country for now. Some people say that it doesn't have to be a country like ICANN, but in any case, the person who authenticates the connector needs to exist somewhere. There is a problem of whether to add one connector worldwide or one connector per country. It is not good to just put a connector on it, and if the connector is not an authenticated connector, you can add it freely later, but you cannot exchange data.
Next, I wrote industry. I don't know if this is an industry, but if there is a connector and there is a god who authenticates, for example, who will block it so that data exchange that should not be done under Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada rules is not done without permission. And who will organize the data library necessary for converting various different data models and data formats?
In fact, when we get down to it, this middle part becomes the most important. In an extreme case, connectors can be anything that we can talk about, and generations will grow up with compatibility according to the times. So, whether it is CADDE, which Japan has developed with SIP, IDS connectors, or EclipseDataspaceConnector, I think we will continue to research and develop them. What we need to consider here is that the rules and regulations of the middle layer should be prepared in accordance with the actual conditions of the architecture of each industry and business, and the tools necessary for that purpose should be prepared. I have already written that Japan is the god of connector authentication. In what kind of international interoperability system, in some cases, Japan and Europe will use connector authentication organizations to perform mutual authentication. What kind of system will it be? Unless Japan also discusses it now, it may be discussed as Europe likes.
In this situation, to be honest, I don't think there will be so much actual demand in data connections that can't be done without connectors right now. But considering that the storage battery rule will come, carbon neutrality will come, various social regulation will come, and corporate transaction sites will change from keiretsu transactions to open mesh-type transaction structures, it may be necessary to prepare such an arch from now on. Page 12 is very rough, so it is necessary to elaborate it. How will the connector-type data connections infrastructure, which has been made by SIP, be developed in the future?
We need to create the rules, architecture, and technology of the layers that you saw in the middle. If GAIA-X is an organization that speaks of cross-industrial ideas, led by the automobile industry, the automobile industry has created a spin-off called Catena-X, and is half way ahead of the industry in demonstrating and implementation. Therefore, we need to move forward in accordance with this, and we are working with the demonstration projects of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
This is a review meeting to control these, or to deepen the discussion on this. On page 13, all of you, as you can see, in this meeting, with the participation of Director General of IPADADC Saito, we are deepening the discussion. Again, why is data space necessary, why is data connections with a pattern in which the other party is not specified necessary now, and what kind of technology should be adopted? This review meeting is scheduled to further deepen the discussion toward next June.
Part of today's explanation is a report on part of the discussions at the Study Group, which was held. While reporting the results of the Study Group to the Working Group, what is considered to be necessary national decisions will be included in the Digital Priority plan. There is a part that says that the DSA will firmly work on the data connections infrastructure, so I would like to make a decision on what we will ask the IPA and the DSA to do to create a Japanese data connections system, while hearing the opinions of the experts in this working group. Recently, there have been voices saying that there are various types of data connections infrastructure, such as the data sharing platform, the Orion, and the connector, but what is going on? So, I arranged three types of data connections, one for public use, one that already has various parts that can be used while the other party is specified, and one that the world is trying to develop as an open type LAN while the other party is not specified.
Today, I would like to ask for your opinions and comments, including whether you should pay attention to these points from various angles, or whether there is a data exchange between the three.
That's all from me. Thank you very much.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, regarding Attachment 2-2 "Status of Efforts in Individual Fields," we will hear explanations from smart cities, disaster risk management, education, and medical care in that order.
First of all, Mr. Hioki, Director of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Cabinet Office, will explain smart cities's efforts.
Thank you very much.
Mr. Heki: I would like to explain the current status of the smart cities Measures.
On page 3, last time on September 6, you explained the background of smart cities's efforts and the outline of future efforts. This time, I would like to explain in more detail our efforts.
Smart cities is the nearest Issue to goal. As for smart cities, in the box below, "Building a City and area that Will be the Foundation for the Next Generation," which is the development of smart cities as written in the Basic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation, goal aims to realize area, a city where each and every person can enjoy optimal services without leaving anyone behind, in cooperation with local governments, universities, and private sector companies. Since it is about community building, the participation of various parties is essential. I believe it is important to promote smart cities measures by utilizing the wisdom of these people.
The main Issue is Issue, which is the most recent digitalization. First of all, I believe that it is most important for each area to formulate a plan for smart cities in conjunction with the Government's Okinawa Plan.
In addition, I believe that it is necessary to promote measures while responding to smart cities, such as creating bases for Issue promotion, human resource development, creating good examples, expanding them horizontally, and looking overseas, which is the latest Issue.
It is page 4.
In conjunction with the digitalization Plan, each area will proceed with the formulation of the smart cities Plan, but to that end, it is necessary to expand the smart cities Plan horizontally based on a common architecture. The Cabinet Office has compiled and published an Architecture White Paper and an Architecture Utilization Guidebook on the matters to be determined and considered when implementation smart cities.
The overall picture is in the lower frame on the left. Both urban management and urban operating systems are important. smart cities's strategies should be incorporated into local government's organizational system Plan and managed firmly. In addition, the other urban operating system should be operated under common rules, and both systems should be utilized to provide smart city services to users. I believe this is important.
In addition, we believe that standardization through smart city reference architectures will lead to sustainable community development, cost reduction, and the sharing of knowledge and services.
It is page 5.
Smart cities Common Architecture (design Thought) is a reference. It specifically shows an image of data utilization. In order to promote data utilization between cities, data components in smart cities are arranged in layers. In this architecture, standard APIs and open APIs will be developed, and the construction of OS in each city will be promoted while disclosing APIs. I believe that this will enable data cooperation and mutual cooperation with OS in each city.
It is page 6.
As a government project related to smart cities, it is a project subject to joint examination in fiscal 2022. Five projects of four ministries and agencies related to smart cities are subject to joint examination and target regions are selected. As a slide that summarizes each project, the area Revitalization Promotion Office of the Cabinet Office is conducting the Future Technology Society implementation Project. In outline, regarding the implementation Project of Future Technology in local government, we are supporting the construction of a local support system for social implementation and the area implementation Council.
The smart cities Promotion Project for the Solution of area Issue in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications aims to solve various Issue in area, and assists the introduction of services and assets using digital technology and the introduction of urban operating systems.
In addition, with regard to the smart cities implementation Support Project by the Urban Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, we are providing support to smart cities by utilizing advanced technologies to support implementation initiatives in demonstration projects.
The area New MaaS Creation Promotion Project of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is promoting social implementation of new mobility services in area and advanced MaaS projects related to the creation and horizontal expansion of business models.
Finally, the General Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is also conducting a Japanese version of MaaS promotion and support project. This project focuses on improving convenience and efficiency by upgrading mobile services such as public transportation.
It is page 7.
As for smart cities projects, in fiscal 2022, 51 area projects were selected through joint examination, and the relevant ministries and agencies are working together to promote smart cities.
It is page 8.
With regard to smart cities, we have been at the demonstration stage so far, but I believe that we need to take one step forward in the form of implementation and create a medium - to long-term roadmap for the future. Amidst this, I believe that it is necessary to consider how to consider Issue, create promotion bases, and develop human resources for sustainable activities.
In addition, I believe that it is necessary to advance and deepen the smart city architecture depending on the situation. I believe that it is necessary to make further efforts to realize common requirements for realizing cooperation between sectors and cities, and to continuously evaluate smart cities's efforts at the implementation level.
In this way, we would like to further expand cooperation with related parties toward the nationwide expansion of smart cities, so I would like to ask for your cooperation.
That's all from the Science, Technology and Innovation Promotion Office of the Cabinet Office.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, I would like to explain about our efforts in the disaster risk management field from Mr. Yazaki, Counselor For the public Group Digital Agency.
Thank you very much.
Councilor Yazaki: Now, I would like to explain our efforts in the disaster risk management field.
Firstly, in disaster risk management, we are working on two main platforms for data connections.
It is page 10. The first one is on the lower side of the figure. It is about information sharing among disaster response organizations. After the disaster occurred, we have no idea where or what is happening, so one major initiative is to share the damage situation and response information from public authorities.
One more thing is support for residents. In each phase, we are working to protect the lives of residents while receiving the necessary support, and to build a foundation for data connections.
It is page 11.
The first one is the support for residents on the upper side of the previous picture.
This triangle is an image of individual applications and systems. From normal times to the urgent, emergency, recovery and reconstruction stages, by providing services and information to individual residents, we would like to create a world view in which actions to protect lives can be taken, and necessary support can be provided in a push type in some cases after disasters.
Instead of individual triangles moving individually, as shown in the lower square, let's connect data by building a data connections foundation. Through this, while realizing one time only for each individual, let's promote the development of various triangular apps under the linked data. Through this, we aim to protect the lives of individual residents in the event of a disaster.
The launch event of the Council was held the day before yesterday. At the Council, about 250 people gathered. I would like to encourage such people, especially people from private sector, to promote the development of the triangular part of the application system.
It is page 12.
The second is the information sharing between disaster response agencies on the lower side of the first page.
The diagram on the right is green, orange, yellow, blue, and green. It shows a plan in which what kind of disaster risk management response should be taken in the event of an earthquake in the Nankai Trough is arranged for each menu. We recognize that it is necessary to take the most efficient disaster risk management response while making decisions based on a unified recognition in cooperation with the whole depending on the response status of the disasters or the status of the damage. We have built a system for this and a system for information sharing.
It is page 13.
It says disaster risk management Digital Platform. As you can see in the picture on the left, each ministry, local government, designated public institution, and private sector will collect information, analyze and convert it, and layer it on a map. By doing so, we will be able to see the whole picture and respond to disaster risk management as the overall optimal solution.
Regarding this, in 2011, the Cabinet Office operated the system once in the form of the Comprehensive disaster risk management Information System, and at the same time, there is the SIP4D for research institutions. After integrating these systems, we aim to start operation in 2024. When we start operation, we are working to improve information and ensure redundancy as a system.
It is page 14.
In building this system, the Cabinet Office and Digital Agency are currently working together to build a data model based on the Government Interoperability Framework (GIF). Amidst these efforts, the Cabinet Office and Digital Agency would like to work together to firmly advance the construction of this system while ensuring data accuracy and security.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, Mr. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Senior education Planning and Coordination Officer of the education Policy Bureau, education Promotion Office, and Mr. KIRYU, Director of the educational DX Promotion Office, will explain our efforts in the field.
Thank you very much.
Kiryu Director: This is Kiryu from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), .
Now, I would like to explain what I presented in Roadmap to the Utilization of Data in Education and the status of our efforts since then.
This is page 16. What I am showing now is an overview chart of Roadmap to the Utilization of Data in Education, which was shown in January this year by four ministries and agencies, namely Digital Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We are making it with the aim of expanding the three axes of scope, quality, and combination of data, focusing on digitalization, the second stage of the three stages of DX.
It is page 17.
In creating this roadmap, we used the education Idea Box to ask quite a few people about how to make use of Digital Agency's data inside and outside the school over a month. We also interviewed quite a few experts, and summarized the issues and the future direction of consideration for each issue.
It is page 18.
There are several details, but I would like to show you the overall structure here. The overall structure is short -, medium -, and long-term. One goal of the medium term is to make it possible to connect and use data between schools and installers by the time of the twenty twenty-five. The longer term goal is to make it possible to accumulate and utilize learning throughout one's life by utilizing personal data stores around 2030. While drawing such a big picture, the overall structure is to draw what each ministry should work on.
It is page 19.
I would like to explain six of the initiatives in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) based on the current Data Road Map. First of all, the first, second, and third stages are presented. Of course, it is not possible to use and utilize data suddenly, and the first stage, digitalization, must be solidified from the ground. In that regard, the first point is to consolidate ICT environments, terminals, and networks through GIGA School Concept. educational DX
Then, the next step is to establish guidelines on education information security policies to use it safely, and to promote digitalization of school affairs.
In addition, I would like to talk mainly about the three major tools that will be necessary after the second stage, including rules such as data standardization, common tools, and mechanisms for utilizing them.
It is page 20.
First of all, in the first phase of the GIGA School Concept, we will spend about 500 billion yen, starting with the supplementary budget for fiscal 2019, to increase the number of terminals and networks per person. In addition, of course, it is important not only to deploy goods but also to deploy people and actually move them, so we have also promoted the deployment of GIGA School supporters.
It is page 21.
In addition, deployment has been completed since last fiscal year, and full-scale use of terminals has been promoted since last fiscal year. Of course, Issue has been emerging, and although terminals for students are available, there were cases where terminals for instructors were old or might not be available, so we are proceeding with budget measures. In addition, there were cases where terminals for instructors were difficult or slow to connect because many people used the network, so we are proceeding with assessment and emergency response to ensure proper connection.
It is page 22.
On top of that, it is the most wasteful situation to not actually use it, so we are promoting operational support and human support for daily use, and we are taking measures to promote active utilization, such as promoting the deployment of ICT support staff and checklists.
In addition, there are quite a few inquiries from local government about how to use it in classes, so we are at the stage where we are promoting a method of dissemination called the GIGAStu Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Team in Promotion of DX, in which we gather school teachers, collect examples of the use of one device per person in each subject, upload them to our website, and update them as needed.
It is page 23.
Of course, the education Committee's security Policy is absolutely necessary for each person to use one device, so we have created guidelines on the education Information security Policy to serve as a reference when creating or reviewing it. Since the technology development is rapid, we are at the stage where we are advancing it while reviewing it in a timely manner.
It is page 24.
In addition, school affairs support systems has been the main system for data storage in schools, but the use of one PC per person has advanced, and data has been accumulated in one PC per person, which is called a learning system, as well as in application software. It is necessary to ensure the mutual distribution and interoperability of these systems. Therefore, we are now at the stage where we are advancing discussions on the future mechanism while presenting an image and taking budgetary measures.
In order to do this, as shown in the orange below, dashboard functions, first of all, functions that can be shown by visualization, are necessary in common, so we are at the stage of advancing discussions.
It is page 25.
This is treated as data itself, but we have been working on data standardization for two years. School data has been around since the analog era, but in the past, it has been divided considerably by local government and by operator. We are working to define common definitions where definitions are divided. For education content, we are assigning a code to the Courses of Study, and we are working to define various data, such as assigning the minimum unit of all learning guidance, and unifying the names of schools that were divided by survey with the school code. Of course, we are working with the members of the Digital Agency Data Team.
We are currently updating the definition of GIF based on the recent definition, and we are starting to discuss how to present the learning record. Around this time, the definition has become a very advanced part in the world, and we are now at the stage of starting to discuss what kind of definition is necessary in the Japanese education or higher education, while taking a lateral view of the global flow of international standards.
It is page 26.
In terms of common tools, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has created two common tools in the past few years. One is the CBT system. The CBT system created by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, ComputerBasedTesting, and a testing system that uses computers instead of paper are created directly from elementary, junior high, and high schools. There are currently about 30000 questions created by the national and local governments governments, and they can be installed and used freely at any time.
Of course, the problems include not only paper problems as they are, but also problems using video or images, or problems that can be tried and tested, and they can be accessed from elementary and junior high schools. Currently, about 80% of schools have registered, and nearly 7.6 million children are currently able to register their digitalization.
It is page 27.
This can be used in quite a few ways. We have proposed turning the National Survey of Academic Ability and Learning, which had been conducted on paper, into CBT. Next year, we will use MEXCBT for the English "Speaking" Survey in junior high school. In addition, there is the Regional Academic Survey, which is being worked on independently by regional local government, and we are talking about using MEXCBT for the National Survey of Academic Ability in regional local government. Or, there is a development of a cube, which is difficult for elementary school students to understand, as shown in the lower left. An elementary school teacher in Kumamoto prefecture created this problem in MEXCBT, and we can share it like a teaching material and make it together.
In addition, it is possible for people in other local government to use various problems from local government, such as homework for daily use or testing in five minutes at school. Such efforts are currently underway.
It is page 28.
Another tool is the EduSurvey system, which has been used to input Excel data from the national government to prefectures, from prefectures to municipalities, and from municipalities to schools and 35000 elementary, junior high, and high schools. It is an online survey system that contributes to reducing the burden of survey tabulation by responding on the cloud. There are about 200 surveys from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to schools per year, and this system is used for about 30 of these surveys this fiscal year. Next fiscal year, we would like to expand the number of surveys to about 100.
It is page 29.
So far, as for the voices from local government, it has been very popular because it was very easy to handle even if it was the first time. In addition to making it simple, I believe that it will be possible to see and analyze data that has been accumulated by each division in charge and use it for policy making.
It is page 30.
In addition, it is of course not enough to define data and create a system, but in the end, it will be meaningless unless data utilization leads to action such as teacher guidance and improvement of children's learning as output. So far, we have been analyzing data held by the government and utilizing it for policy. However, we are currently conducting research to format it to some extent for individual learning, and to consolidate this data and know-how on how to derive such action from this data so that it can be used.
It is page 31.
In order to do such things, what has been discussed recently is that there are quite a few voices and feelings of anxiety about how data will be used and whether it will be a problem if it is used in a way that I do not want. I recognize that in order to promote data utilization, it is difficult for people to use data unless the feelings of anxiety are suppressed.
For this reason, we are planning to publish it by the end of this fiscal year, and we are planning to summarize typical points of discussion in the form of Q & amp; A for each local government. We are currently compiling points of attention that can lead to a sense of security in utilization by presenting the points that are unclear, difficult to use, do not understand, and do not know what to do by classifying them into "It's okay," "It's difficult," or "This is certainly a gray zone, and it needs to be discussed."
This concludes my presentation on the status of efforts in areas related to education. Thank you very much.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, Mr. Digital Agency, For the public Group Councilor, will explain the efforts in the medical care field.
Thank you very much.
Mr. Ueda: My name is Ueda .
I would like to explain our efforts in medical care.
First of all, I would like to explain what I want to do in the future, and then I would like to explain what we have been working on so far.
It is page 33.
As for what we can do from now on, the three pillars of medical DX's efforts set forth in the Basic Policies of June are described.
The first is the creation of the National medical care Information Platform, which will expand the network of online eligibility verification and the Minor Insurance Card system to create a platform that can share general information on vaccinations, such as receipts and specific health examination information, local government, electronic prescriptions, medical care medical examinations, and electronic medical records. This is the first.
The second is the standardization of electronic medical records. In the current situation, electronic medical records are actually different in terms of the code of information and the format of the code. In order to exchange electronic medical records and information, we are considering unifying the format.
The third is revision of medical fee schedule DX. Medical fees are to be revised once every two years, but once every two years, the actual content is decided in February, and from April, the system must be operated as actual operation, so we are working to change the system according to the rules at once within two months.
The people who are involved in the medical institutions system are extremely burdened with this work. Looking back, the billing rules are basically the same, so system vendors are revising the system in accordance with the same rules in a short period of time, so we are thinking about whether we can provide the module and work efficiently. In October, the Government of medical DX Promotion Headquarters, headed by the Prime Minister, was established and is currently conducting discussions.
It is page 34.
This is an image of the National medical care Information Platform. Currently, medical care insurers and medical care insurers are the Health Insurance Society, but information held by medical institutions pharmacies, local government, and nursing care providers will be included in or exchanged on the National medical care Information Platform. As I mentioned earlier, information on medical examinations, prescriptions, and dispensing, information on electronic medical records, information on vaccinations, and information on nursing care will be exchanged and shared on the platform, and will be distributed to medical institutions, local government, and nursing care providers. In addition, it is a concept that information will be distributed to PHR providers through Mynaportal.
It is page 35.
This is the second part of my opening remarks, but the current situation is at the top. If you look at the left and right, you can see that they are the same test values, for example, one item of the same blood test. Even though they are the same test values, the data code or test value code, which is a code unique to medical institutions, is assigned. In this example, the data of A, B, on the right side, is "B-YMD" and "B99045", and the test results, dates, and data formats are also different.
Therefore, in the middle of this part, the standard code, which is written as "J-Date" as an example, is numbered, and at the bottom, information is exchanged by numbering the standard code. It is an effort to exchange the date, value, and format of the results.
It is page 36.
What is the future of these efforts? Here is a little more from the user's point of view. I have written three.
The first is to use a single My Number Card to go to various medical institutions. At present, there are insurance cards, as well as individual claimant certifications for children in various regions. There are also patient registration cards, vaccinations cards, maternal and child health handbooks, and medication handbooks that people bring with them when they go to medical institutions. The first is to centralize all of these items at My Number Card and make it possible to use only one card.
Second, the current system, the various information systems in medical care that I mentioned earlier, are held by local government, insurers, and medical institutions, and are actually input, but they are divided. By connecting these systems, once information is input, it is not necessary to input it again. What is input in local government, for example, is not input in medical institutions, but by doing so, we will promote one stop input, which will lead to the burden of creation on employees.
The third is to obtain the consent of patients in My Number Card and share all medical care information in medical institutions throughout Japan, which will lead to the improvement of medical care.
For example, if there is information, we will avoid duplicate tests and medication, and it is also assumed that the people will be able to improve their health by viewing the documents in Mynaportal.
In addition, it is assumed that by accumulating information on medical care, it will be used as big data for analytical and research development.
It is page 37.
What I just mentioned is that medical DX is advancing initiatives as a large framework, but Digital Agency is also securing projects in the supplementary budgets to quickly and demonstratively implement such projects. Going forward, we would like to realize further information sharing by using vaccinations to obtain information input from medical care on vaccination tickets, prevaccination screening questionnaires, vaccination record, and recipient certificates for children and infants, which is a local independent project, from My Number Card at each scene. local government medical institutions
It is page 38.
I would like to explain what we have achieved so far, although it has been in the future. It is online qualification confirmation. Online qualification confirmation is the foundation of medical DX, and it is also being promoted as My Number Insurance Card.
Regarding the online status confirmation system, the insurer on the lower right, which is the Health Insurance Society, is the insured number. This time, it is on a personal basis, and the insured number or status information is on a personal basis. This includes your name, etc., and your My Number, which is on top of that, you need to enter it into the system of the Payment Fund and the Central Association of National Health Insurance. By doing so, even if the same person changes jobs, the information will be connected.
In addition, you will contact the medical institutions from the left, but the serial number of the E-Certificate in My Number Card will go to the system, and the eligibility information will be returned by linking the My Number and the serial number in advance. By doing so, conventionally, the insurer on the lower right has conveyed this information to the medical institutions with a paper insurance card. However, there are some restrictions with a paper insurance card.
First, information cannot be conveyed in real time. In the actual field, there are many people who visit the medical institutions with their old insurance card even if their actual insurance status expires. Information on their status can be conveyed in real time, and what their current status is.
In addition, since it is a paper insurance card, it is manually entered. At present, medical institutions is inputting the information of this status. If such information is entered in data, there is no need to manually enter it, and there is no need for medical institutions to do so. In addition, since the paper insurance card has limited space, for example, information on the maximum amount of high-cost medical expenses cannot be entered, but at present, we are taking a separate document for that purpose, and we are making it easy to obtain that information by retrieving the data in My Number Card.
It is page 39.
Another thing is that in this mechanism, information on specific medical examinations and information on drugs are also provided, and this information is also linked to the insured person number and information on qualifications, and eventually it is linked to the My Number, so it will be the same even if you change jobs, and you can view it in medical institutions or Mynaportal.
It is page 40.
In this way, the medical care information is simply regarded as Special Care-required Information, and the consent of the person himself is obtained, but as shown in ④ here, the consent of the person himself is obtained by bringing the My Number Card to medical institutions.
Page 41 is Mynaportal. In Mynaportal, as you can see on this screen, we are proceeding to be able to obtain information.
It is page 42.
We are currently working to make it medical institutions in the end.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, Mr. Saito will give an explanation on Attachment 2-3, "Architecture related to B2B transactions, design." Thank you.
SAITO Member: It is page 2.
First of all, what DADC is doing is in B2B transactions, and as Mr. Murakami of the Digi-Cho introduced earlier, various members are now considering a vision. What DADC is trying to do is, as shown here, to highly integrate cyberspace and physical space, and to link B2B transactions and so-called economic activities, DADC is working to create wealth not only in the Issue of so-called work private sector, but also in the efficiency of Architecture design, drawing a To-Be diagram, while envisioning a future vision that will simultaneously realize human-centered social solutions and industrial development. digitalization
It is the third page.
With regard to the realization of the architecture of Society5.0 that we are considering, basically, as shown in the lower left, if we continue the efforts that have been made vertically by each ministry, industry, and company, which have been made separately by each company, it will become a complex structure, and as a result, development that will cause future innovation cannot be expected. In addition, it is difficult to create industrial competitiveness, so as shown on the right, while depicting the embodiment of the vision that we would like to realize, we are going to design the architecture of the social system, and based on that, assuming various layer structures and module structures, we are going to talk about incentives and the setting of software, hardware, and rules in use cases, and we are going to implementation digital architecture in Japanese society.
It is page 4.
In the first place, this is being promoted at the request of Digital Agency, and it is being promoted here as Priority plan toward the realization of the so-called digital society. I will omit the details.
It is page 5.
In this context, I would like to introduce what we are currently considering in terms of what the future industrial architecture should be.
As you can see here, the source of the competitiveness of industry and Japanese companies so far is the power of so-called high-quality and low-cost manufacturing. As you can see at the bottom on the left, it is said to be a vertical industrial structure, so-called pipeline business model, and it has been realized by such a thing. However, as it is, in digital society, it is very difficult to be in a conventional vertical structure, while it is becoming competitive to rapidly reform one's own business by responding to various environmental changes such as social needs and user needs, and accelerating innovation.
For example, cutting a vertical structure with a cooperative areas in between is a platform-type business model. By inserting a platform in each of the three vertical layers, we can create a three by-three structure, or a three by-three-by-three structure. This image has been realized in the business model of platform businesses. We must bring society into such a structure, and we must bring the industrial structure into such a structure. As Mr. Murakami explained earlier, we will aim for a mesh-type industrial architecture, and we are considering this on the right.
The core is the so-called data-linking mechanism. Even if various companies are connected, data is the core, and it will be bad unless it can be used mutually. However, mutual use must be made based on a certain contract or based on a certain world in Trust. It is necessary to create a data space, including access rights and data sovereignty, so I think the so-called data space promoted in Europe will be suitable for it.
It is page 6.
In this context, the world we want to create is basically called the data connections Foundation. Based on the data connections Foundation, we would like to capture various data on economic activities at the bottom, incorporate it into the B2B transactions Data, create a place for data utilization in cyberspace as shown above, aim for overall optimization in a sense, improve efficiency in various ways, and create a space by innovating. Although it is not clearly written, we are thinking of creating a data space layer on the data connections Foundation at the bottom, and on top of that, create a marketplace that accelerates innovation.
This is not necessarily one in total, but for each area. As Mr. Hiramoto said at the beginning, we are going to think about it from now on with an image of creating an environment for innovation in the form of a so-called data space and ecosystem for each data space.
It is page 7.
In this context, I would like to introduce some of the specific approaches that we are currently working on. As a specific approach to architecture design, it is important to identify model fields and clarify the direction of society and industry as a whole, and to promote architecture design while widely sharing it with use cases. This time, the supply chain and value chain are written on the right, and solutions to social Issue and economic Issue are placed vertically, and from the first traceability to development, efficiency of manufacturing, the third supply chain, and the fourth digital completion of accounting and finance are envisioned. In any case, we will work on the relationship between traceability. In particular, visualization of GHG emissions will be important in the future, so we will work on this together with the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. We will expand it to OEM, Tier1, Tier2, and Tier3, and bring it to digital completion, including small and medium-sized enterprises. This is what we are trying to do with Architecture design. private sector
It is page 8.
As for traceability, as you can see here, basically, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition to ensuring product quality, which is located in the lower right corner, and reducing the burden of responding to problems, which is located in the lower left corner, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to reduce the burden of responding to problems, which is located in the lower left corner. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working to build a mechanism to manage traceability of the entire value chain. In addition, we are working visualization procurement visualization
It is page 9.
In this context, as an example of elements necessary for the construction of Zaku Tsu data connections and utilization fields, although it is not clearly written about connectors, which Mr. Murakami mentioned earlier, for example, what kind of data utilization services are available and what kind of data is necessary for data connections? On the other hand, we will set rules on systems and technical specifications, which are at the bottom, including common tools, modules, and connectors, and Trust. At present, rather than talking about the content, we are working to establish certification, certification, data governance rules, and identifiers, which must be established in order to respond to various European regulation. Within this, we will create common tools and modules, including Trust and security, and deploy them to the entire Japanese society.
It is page 10.
With the support of both the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) serves as the control tower for the current overall scheme, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) serves as the host ministry, including relevant ministries and agencies. With the support of participants, secondees, and experts from B2B transactions companies and organizations in private sector, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) is currently holding a study meeting to advance the education program.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
With regard to Materials 2-4 and (3) of the agenda, time is pressing, so I would like to have the Secretariat explain them all at once. Thank you.
HIRAMOTO, Senior Expert (Data Strategy): , based on Materials 2-4, you have just made presentations in individual fields, and we would like to organize them from the perspective of architecture. This is the material that the Secretariat has prepared.
This is a material. As you can understand from your explanation, in all fields, we are making an architecture and standardizing data. This is a common effort. This is being done in each field, and many of them are using GIF, or the government's mutual framework. But it is important to compare other common functions on the horizontal axis. That is what we are in the phase, so I organized each field.
On page 4, I would like to explain one example from smart cities. In smart cities, there are, of course, common networks and data sources. First of all, as shown on the left side, what are the common components used as the main building blocks? There are CKAN and area-specific brokers. In addition, what data models are used as the main data models? By arranging them like this, it is easier to compare them on the horizontal axis.
To be more specific, on page 5, by writing what the main elements are in each layer, it will be clear not only which broker is used in the architecture, but which base registry is used and what functions are required.
On page 6, if we look at individual parts, which parts are really necessary? In fact, when we implement, we are making our own parts, but if there are common parts, I think there are places where we want to use them. By properly organizing such parts by field, I think we can understand where they will be common and where the priority fields are.
Actually, in smart cities, the use of connectors has begun to advance, and there are requests for PDS and ID to be standardized.
In the same way, disaster risk management is also organized. On page 9, the point of disaster risk management is that it uses almost the same building blocks as smart cities, so we can see that the same parts are used for daily use and in the event of disasters.
Next, on page 12, in terms of the building blocks of education, I have heard that it would be good to have common building blocks such as learner IDs and PDS. So, I would like to ask if it is important to look at what can be shared from the perspective of the horizontal axis. So, I would like to summarize the three areas this time. On page 13, which is the last page, I would like to summarize the building blocks. First of all, in the building blocks of governance, I believe that everyone has created their own terms of use and privacy policies, so it would be better to share such things. In addition, in terms of technical matters, we have made considerable progress in sharing connectors as building blocks, but there are requests for sharing ID and authentication parts and data converters. Will you focus on such points? As the data model is relatively used by everyone, I believe it will be further expanded. Overall, I would like to summarize domestic efforts in this way.
Next, Material 3 is about the direction to promote data connections between fields in the future.
On page 2, there is a fairly solid process chart overseas, and what will be done by when in Society5.0? For example, there was a request to sort out the process by when in base registry, and when the tools will be provided, and to publish more and more examples. I think it is necessary to sort out common requests, and as it is at the bottom, I think it is necessary to sort out the rules side by side with the technical ones.
On page 3, from the perspective of the five principles of digital society Structural Reforms, I think it is necessary to standardize the data model and to realize one time only. In addition, I think it is necessary to provide such data to reorganize base registry and to create a data space.
On page 4, I showed a European model in the middle as a possible approach. It describes various things such as rules, confirmation of common blocks, and development of architecture. This model is quite good, so in consideration of these things, the following approaches are considered. Various parts are written, but on page 5, we narrowed down the focus.
First of all, data models are considered very important in Europe, as well as in other countries, so we are working to spread data models. Some data models are already being used by ministries, and there is a data design in financial sector, so we are receiving consultations on whether it is possible to incorporate them into GIF. I think it is important to systematize data models well by incorporating such existing data models.
In order to identify common functions, as I stated earlier in the preparation of the architecture, I believe it is important to sort out what building blocks will be created with priority and how roles will be shared with private sector.
In addition, when it comes to rule collection, there are individual rules for each field. There is a data utilization guide for a certain field, so I think it is necessary to collect such things, share the know-how, and make it a building block of governance that can be shared by everyone.
With regard to human resources, I wonder if we need human resources to actually implement this, so I have written three points at the bottom. I would like to promote a data model, a building block, and a human resources foundation.
In addition to this, I believe that you have pointed out that it is better to focus on this area, so I would like to ask for your suggestions based on the announcements made so far.
Councilor Mishima: .
Now, I would like to move on to an exchange of views.
If you have any comments, please let me know by the show of hands function or chat. I will designate you. After receiving your opinions and questions, I would like to have the secretariat respond to them later. Thank you.
Mr. Endo, please.
Member: I'm Endo . Thank you for your explanation. Thank you for letting me reconfirm that there is considerable progress.
Basically, I think it would be fine if you could proceed with it while we are doing it, but first of all, when we try to create value from data itself, especially in the area of total optimization, such as smart cities and Smart mobility, I think data sharing is very important. In that sense, we have already heard about connectors from the perspective of data connectivity or data interoperability, but the first point is that we would like you to consider that connectivity can be achieved in real time and decide on the architecture.
Second, by starting use cases, it may be necessary to redefine the quality and content of data, and this may become clear. Therefore, I would like to ask you to promote use cases in various fields as soon as possible.
The third point is that speed is important in use cases, so I think it is important to introduce private sector into private sector and to image use cases together with the government. I would like you to move in that direction.
Last but not least, I believe there are various kinds of standardization. When it comes to data, I believe global connectivity, or global data sharing, will be important. In that sense, I would like to see the creation of a solid route for parallel discussions, for example, on how connectivity should be with Europe, while imagining standardization.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Then, Mr. Murai, please.
Murai Member: When I heard what you said today, I felt like two things were intersecting.
As you explained at the beginning, this discussion will move to the Digi-cho, and it will be decided by field, and semi-public sector will come up. The idea of education, disaster risk management, health, medical care, etc., is what ministries and agencies have been doing vertically in the past, or as is the case with local local government, how to create a model that connects them horizontally from the perspective of citizens, and I think that semi-public sector has been discussed until now. Therefore, if we consider the data of semi-public sector, a data base that connects vertically and horizontally will be created, and I understand that Mr. Koshizuka and others are building various systems for that. This is one of the ways to divide the fields. semi-public sector
Another is who will maintain the distribution of data. Will the Digi-cho, for example, operate the transaction site, or will Mr. Saito's office do it, or will private sector be divided? On the other hand, for example, each industry has a government agency in charge, and each industry is working on the distribution of data. The government agency in charge of each industry has a budget, is responsible for the sharing and distribution of data, and coordinates them.
In other words, I was confused when I heard today's explanation. Is it a model in which the silos of each ministry and agency are connected horizontally? Or is it a model in which semi-public sector, where hybrid power is needed in the first place, is created as a sample for each department, and then the common organization department is further divided? Which of these two ways is it?
What I think is important is that it is a situation where it has to be moved somewhere. It is good if there is a place where it is moving, but it is necessary for data to be distributed, for transactions to be made, and for stakeholders to be distributed properly, so that it can move in a new way. However, I do not see the story of this movement. Who will move it and what will it do? It will be based on which field it will be divided into, and the actual state of the segment will be created. Is this field semi-public sector or each industry of each ministry and agency? Is it decided? That is my question.
Mr. Murakami: I believe that Mr. Murai , I will give you all the answers later.
Councilor Mishima: , I would like to respond later. Next, Mr. Watanabe, could you please make a statement?
Mr. Watanabe: Looking at the entire architecture, I think it is very logical to say that it is in the common block. In that, the convention came up, and I think it is true that the convention and its needs and the field are in great trouble. However, we actually created the guidance for data implementation of the platform a year ago, so I think that is one of the superordinate concepts.
As mentioned earlier, when creating the Code, I think you said that various guidelines should be organized. I think the guidance is a story that has been made once, so I think it is necessary to organize it as if it were made under it. That is one thing.
In addition, I would like to talk about individual medical matters. I believe that it is important to understand that vaccination record is coming into the common platform at this timing, and that it is important to make it visible as a collective data in the workplace and area when COVID becomes a endemic, and to connect it to projects such as data health. I think this is a very important attempt.
I think it would be better to do this as soon as possible, but when I think about it on the premise that I will really bring it to this point as a platform, for example, medical claim information and receipts will be included in this. For receipts, the Payment Fund must be a platformer, and according to the Payment Fund Act, a platform will actually be provided to private sector nursing care providers, but I feel that there may be cases where it cannot be done in the first place, so I think that is being sorted out, but I would like to ask for your cooperation.
Also, from an economy in which demand matches supply to an economy in which supply matches demand, this is a very good document. What it says is that it explains the relationship between supply and demand, but basically, it is people. That's why it says it is people-centered, and if people in area or residents of smart cities are data-centered, they are all smart cities. The concept of private sector today can be read like that, but it is a bit different. If digital data comes out first and the city comes out first, it becomes less important. This is what we have been doing in smart cities for a while, and I feel very keenly.
I believe it is necessary to sort out our approach, including the Code of Conduct that I mentioned earlier. It just so happens that we will look at private sector's efforts, and we will create the implementation Data Governance Guidelines under the smart cities Guidance that I mentioned earlier. I believe we will be able to do so by the end of March, so I would like you to refer to that.
Lastly, I believe that the B2B transactions Future Vision Review Meeting is extremely important, but even when I listen to you today, the keywords Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada and security appear here and there. Although there is a keyword, the term Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada is not actually defined in the Japanese case. Even within the Act on the Promotion of Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada, it must be dealt with in operation, and it is still unclear who is responsible for discussions from that perspective. Therefore, when this keyword is introduced, it is necessary to clarify the responsibility system for reflecting the discussion, although I believe that this is not a problem only for the Digi-cho.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: . Next, Member Tezuka, please.
Tezuka Member: Listening to the whole story just now, I understand it very well in terms of data strategy.
From my point of view, I think that the perspective of Trust is absolutely necessary, and data distribution always comes with reliability. Therefore, in terms of interoperability, the perspective of data distribution, in other words, it comes as a functional requirement, but I feel that how to incorporate the concept of assurance as a guarantee requirement will be very important for Japan.
In other words, that is the point of view that shows the differences from other countries. To put it another way, DFFT and DataFreeFlow, up to this point, are data distribution, and it will be completed only when it becomes withTrust. I did not see much of that description this time, so I would like you to consider that point of view in the examination of data strategy. In other words, I would like you to consider how to position Trust Infrastructure in this.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, Mr. Koshizuka, please.
Koshizuka Member: Thank you very much. Thank you for your explanation.
Earlier, Dr. Murai mentioned who will be the final mover and how. The DSA, as the party that will be the mover, is currently mainly engaged in the construction of data connections infrastructure between fields, the construction and introduction support of data connections in the field of smart cities, and international cooperation such as IDSA. In fact, as a player that will move these areas, I would like to start by saying that the DSA would like to do its best.
There are some of the largest Issue, but in particular, there are some fields that are green, and there are many stories that are directly linked to business. In Issue, if we want to do business in many fields only in private sector, it is not yet a field where there will be sales between fields next year, so it will be necessary to make some kind of prior investment in cooperative areas. I think it is about how to overcome such a situation. I think Europe is probably in the same situation, but there are some that are moving in such a big ball, and I think there are many lessons from Europe in terms of how to share and implement between the public and private sectors. This is my first question.
Another point is that the term "connector" is used a lot in data connections Infrastructure. It is an important component and is a new concept. As Professor Tezuka mentioned earlier, important parts of data connections are, for example, ID providers, authentication infrastructure, data signatures, and Trust functions, which can be used by everyone in common. In that sense, I believe that such parts are also extremely important.
Finally, the individual components, such as connectors, ID providers, and authentication infrastructure components, are not just provided as parts of tools. It is very important that they are ultimately operated as a total system. There were many discussions about such components in the tool section, but I would like to see a little emphasis on how to operate the system as a whole without moving it to the end.
As an architecture for each field, first of all, we are revising the architecture of smart cities. Now, the final image we aim for has been written. It is also important to show the process of how to develop as smallstart.
Next, regarding disaster risk management, the broadcast media and Internet media in private sector are responsible for a large percentage of the communication of evacuation orders. Public-private cooperation is very important. The media side has a sense of mission beyond business. In a sense, I think that sharing roles will make it easier for the country. We have established the "Easy-to-use disaster risk management Data PF Study Group" with media-related parties and the University of Tokyo, so please let us cooperate.
Next, regarding education, I think it is important to use My Number or My Number Card anyway. When a person becomes a school age and enters elementary school, his / her learning data starts, and after that, he / she advances to another school or changes schools. I think it is important to organize the relationship between the learner ID and My Number.
First of all, regarding data space, I think it was good that the concept of data space came out. However, I think that the understanding of the concept currently differs from person to person, so I think it is better to define it properly.
Next, as applications and services, I think there are CarbonFree, new battery regulation, and CBAM regulation (carbon tariff).
Next, regarding the perspective of Europe, it is important to have a proper data community. However, there are many countries and it is complex. In terms of networks, it is like creating an OSI. With the emergence of the DSSC (DataSpaceSupportCentre) and the DSBA (DataSpacesBusinessAlliance), I feel that there is a little confusion.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Mr. Shimoyama, may I have your say?
Shimoyama: Since the keyword LinkedData was mentioned, I would like to talk about it as a person who was originally involved in research. I believe that it is necessary to strategically introduce LinkedData in Japan. In particular, LinkedData is said to be used to share data across organization even in the EU data space. It is a technology that is very suitable for distributed data management. Examples of implementation in Japan are the Corporation Info of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Statistics LOD (LinkedOpenData) of the Statistics Bureau, and the Japan Search of the National Diet Library. Therefore, it is already practical to introduce LinkedData in Japan.
At this time, in order to make it possible, control at the data model level is very important. It is a technology to link things created between organization on the web, so I think it is premised that the data is properly created. Therefore, regarding the control of the data model, on page 6 of Handout 1, you explained that the data model is the basis for everything, but if you look at page 5, when you compare the EU data space and the Japanese data space, I think there are areas that have not yet been examined. In particular, around B2B transactions, where you announced today, financial and money flows, contracts, and settlements, it is necessary to consider regulation at the data model level.
Currently, we are working closely with the GIF, for example, in disaster risk management and education, and we have been conducting studies at the data model level. I believe that we need to consider finance at the GIF level in the future, so I would like to take various steps toward the next working session. Thank you.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, Mr. Tomioka, please.
Tomioka Member: Thank you for explaining today from the perspective of comparison with the EU from Digital Agency.
I believe that this is an important initiative that deserves to be called a data strategy, but on the other hand, I am aware of the problem of how much the world understands it. I think that even in the industrial world, user companies do not know much about it. For example, when you ask them if they have heard of DATA-EX, they almost do not know about it.
In the case of the EU, for example, European Commission President Jacques Lien spoke about GAIA-X in his State of the Union address to the Parliament. I believe that this is a story that has been properly established in the world, including an industrial policy theory to counter megaplatformers in the United States and a legal theory to establish data sovereignty.
In the current situation, especially in Japan, where there is a big wall between IT companies and user companies, I think it is only regarded as a usual sales talk of SIer. The EU is creating the Catena-X in the automobile industry, and I don't think it is possible to predict whether Japanese user companies will actually make such a move.
Therefore, I believe it is also important to build a story that can be widely shared in the world, and for example, to have the Prime Minister speak about it in his Policy Speech. Today, I was able to hear just a part of this story, and I would like to see you build momentum for this.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, Mr. Ota, please.
Mr. Ohta: I have already said from the beginning that it is better to have use cases ahead of us, so I very much sympathize with the opening statement of balancing use cases, architecture, and technology. I think it is important.
Today, I think that traceability and supply chains are good because the use cases is clear, but in terms of geospatial information, I said from the beginning that there is a chance, but the case study level is too weak, so I think it is better to provide economic value.
In European countries, the value of land is high, using spatial geographic information. To put it simply, even in a use cases with a population density of about 50 people per square kilometer, there is more than five times the value of land in Japan. Therefore, environmental management and other policies are formulated using solid data. In addition, in Portland, GIS data is very rich, but the value of land is high, so I think it is better to clearly show what the region is doing for.
On the other hand, if we look at the situation in Japan, we hear that the budget request for PLATEAU has been significantly reduced. Therefore, the first point is that it is better to clarify for what purpose the data will be developed and used.
My second question is that education, medical care, and health are already in DX rather than data portability, so I think we can hardly discuss them unless we narrow down the points of discussion. I won't say the reason today, but I think it would be better to focus on data portability. Today's talk about medical care and education has already entered medical care itself and education itself, so to be honest, I don't know what I want to discuss here, so I will give data strategy as an example, but I think it would be better to narrow down the points of discussion.
That's all.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, we have an opinion from a gold bullion member.
Sa-jin Member: I think it is important who will make the connector (who will serve as the chief architect).
People who can build platforms and APIs well with their strong points and successful experiences in design are unevenly distributed, and I think there are more people in the Internet industry than in the enterprise IT area. If we do not involve such people well, have a high DeveloperExperience, and make it easy to incorporate into various systems, there is a risk that it will not be popular even if we invest cost and effort into building it. Initially, I think it would be good to create a prototype with a tool like Palantir and finalize the specifications.
Councilor Mishima: .
Next, we have an opinion from Mr. Goto.
Member: I felt that the discussion on architecture was centered, but at this stage, I think it is important to create practical examples that can be widely evaluated and referred to. To that end, as it was an individual effort, it is necessary to steadily advance work such as data format adjustment, so it is important to focus on the pilot system as soon as possible. While evaluating it, I think it is necessary to advance the elaboration of the overall architecture.
Councilor Mishima: .
Thank you very much for your valuable opinions.
The office will provide you with answers to your questions.
HIRAMOTO, Senior Expert (Data Strategy): First of all, we are actually working on improving the quality of data through feedback by promoting use cases, which was pointed out by Mr. Endo. Now, when the data created by the education team and us was used in education, it was pointed out that this is not the right place, and we are correcting it. We would like to do this in other fields as well.
In addition, as Mr. Murai stated, it is about how to proceed with semi-public sector. Basically, rather than horizontally linking the efforts of ministries and agencies, we would like to consider semi-public sector from the beginning in a horizontal manner in accordance with the purpose of Okinawa.
Mr. Tezuka mentioned that he would like to discuss Trust in DFFT a little more. DFFT is included in the next theme, so I would like to discuss it intensively there.
I would like to advance discussions at the GIF level, as Mr. Shimoyama and I have been requested by financial sector to exchange views on the need to consider financial matters at the GIF level.
We have been saying for a long time that we need a message from Mr. Tomioka that can be sent to the world. Although we have been busy building a technical foundation, we would like to do our best to enhance the message and spread it to all of you.
With regard to the topic of geographic space that Mr. Ohta mentioned, first of all, starting with the address, we are currently discussing with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism that real estate ID is also extremely valuable and has great social effects, and we are working on exactly what we are doing and how we can create value.
In addition, although it is a wide area, such as education, data portability is also important, but what we are relatively working on now is how to create standards for data, and we are studying together, so in that regard, I would like to focus on some.
Regarding the architecture for each field mentioned by Mr. Koshizuka, smart cities is recommending the introduction of a data model and a cooperation platform in Digital Garden City, and we would like to expand the successful model there. In disaster risk management, data distribution in the event of disasters is important, so please let us cooperate. In education, learner IDs are in sight from nursery schools and kindergartens to lifelong learning, and the relationship with My Number will be sorted out in the future.
Regarding cross fields, the data space is being organized based on overseas cases. Since green-related data is also attracting attention, we would like to consider it in the future. The data community in Japan is still small, and we believe that it is important to expand the community with DSA and CivicTech, while increasing human resources such as training.
The connector is certified by CADDE by DSA and an industrial connector by Digital Agency, and the connector by DSA is made based on the knowledge of the people concerned with DSA. The connector by Digital Agency is made based on the Eclipse connector, which is an open source. The development mechanism is important for connecting different connectors and connecting to foreign countries, and DSA plays a central role in discussions among the people concerned.
It is necessary for the Goto members to elaborate the architecture, and we are working on it with an emphasis on smart cities, education, and disaster risk management. The results are coming in sight, and we plan to organize the architecture based on the results.
Councilor Mishima: , has requested to speak.
Shoji, Member: In today's discussion, rather than a long explanation, I think the points at issue were not clear. I think it is a bit messy. Even if it is not portability, I think it is EBPM or data-based automation of work, but I think it is necessary to narrow down the main themes of the horizontal.
In addition, you mentioned the issue of insecurity in the education Report. In addition to protecting with technology and following rules, I think communication is important. It is probably important to enable people concerned to have discussions based on correct knowledge, and to increase the number of people who can discuss based on correct knowledge, including learners, parents, and people concerned. To that end, as Mr. Tomioka said, I think it is important to create messages and stories that can be conveyed properly.
In addition, I learned a lot about the building blocks today. As someone said, I think speed is important. In that sense, I think the idea of using what is available well is also important. It is not a matter of starting from scratch to think about how to connect this field and this field. It is an approach of arranging what is available and using what can be used.
At that time, although it may not have been mentioned much today, I wonder if it is okay to close this discussion to Japan. It does not work very well to create a data space by one country, go through it in Japan, and then spread the Japanese method to other countries. Therefore, when I say, "There is a data space like this," I think it is necessary to consciously discuss in detail, such as whether there are such things not only in Europe but also in other countries, whether they can be used in Japan as they are, whether what is being discussed in Japan is internationally consistent, and whether Japanese things should be spread to the world.
That's all. Thank you.
Councilor Mishima: .
If there are any additional questions from Mr. Murai, please let me know.
Mr. Murakami: I believe that Mr. Murai 's discussions and questions will be the basis for sorting out the overall confusion today. There are no boundaries between education and medical care. It is impossible to separate the field of semi-public sector somewhere. medical care will be followed by children. education will be followed by children. Family problems will be linked behind. If a disaster occurs at that time, what will disaster risk management do? As you can see, this discussion is in semi-public sector, but there are no boundaries.
There are no boundaries, but then, the reason why discussions in each field are established is because there is a system problem behind it. After all, the medical care system is the medical care system, the education system is the education system, and the carbon footprint is the carbon footprint. In this discussion, open must be arch. Data must be distributed openly. However, in each distributed data, there is a discipline issued by the system owner in each field. How to arrange the common arch in a way that fits this, and how to insert the system vertically, in this correlation, the actual arch is always defined as a transition model. I think it will be repeated.
Therefore, to give a simple answer, I believe that our own work is to maintain open architecture, design, and spread the standards necessary for it to all fields. I believe that it is the work of design in semi-public sector to work on each system so that it will conform to it, so that systems that do not conform to it will not be Digital Agency, or so that our good open architecture will be utilized by the systems.
The point at that time is that the architecture is open, and the foundation that is used in common is unnecessarily taken to the competitive areas in the market. If this is a cost center, it will drag down the design of the entire digital society. Therefore, I think that the architecture of the open will be maintained as clean as possible in the cooperative areas, and the design will be done in response to each system. What is the architecture of the whole and what is the architecture of each field?
Then, in response to your question about who will be in charge of the systems, I believe that the characteristics of each system are determined by the ministries and agencies in charge of the systems or the ministries and agencies in charge of each industry field. In that sense, the business architecture related to B2B transactions is METI, and I believe that IPA will take the lead, but on the other hand, the technology and general-purpose architecture that can be used in common across the board are Digital Agency and DSA. At least, the current division of roles is assumed to be that way.
However, it is necessary to mutually determine the common general-purpose architecture, common technologies, and the requests and mechanisms from the systems required in each field, so it is also necessary to collaborate with each other, and I think that it is the work of this working group to view the bridging phase from the side of the common architecture.
In addition, I believe that each move will be based on the private sector, and the Government will support it. However, it is necessary to take action with international cooperation in mind, anticipating how many minutes into the future there will be. Therefore, I believe that we will first select the projects that are considered to be the most important at the point of contact in the use cases, and develop them on a proof-of-concept basis.
The significance of Trust is as pointed out by Dr. Tezuka, and we will discuss it next time.
Also, as you pointed out, financial applications are absolutely important, and in terms of distributed architecture and blockchain, this kind of distributed technology has already been implemented, but I think that it is also good to decide how far the working group will discuss this from the point of contact between the system owner and the overall architecture.
As you said, the story and momentum are important. We cannot stay in Japan, so I believe that it is important to sort out the points of discussion little by little while sharing the current situation itself, which has been somewhat confused throughout today.
That's all from me.
Councilor Mishima: Thank you very much for your time today.
Today's minutes will be announced after everyone has confirmed the content.
In addition, the next Working Group is scheduled to be held on the themes of base registry, the utilization and operation system of open data, and efforts to realize DFFT, and I have already contacted you to ask you to adjust the schedule. Thank you.
With that being said, I would like to conclude the fifth session of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group. Thank you very much.