Promoting a Data Strategy
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In order to resolve social issues and maintain and improve Japan's international competitiveness in cooperation with the rest of the world, it is necessary to create an environment in which a diverse, high-quality, and sufficient amount of data can be used easily, safely, and reliably. Therefore, the government as a whole will promote the transparent and reliable use of data.
Countries around the world regard data as the foundation of national prosperity and international competitiveness in the digital society, and are developing necessary systems and rules and strongly promoting efforts against the background of the expansion of data volume and the improvement of AI capabilities due to the progress of digitalisation and the promotion of innovation. In Japan, we have formulated the first "Data Strategy" (the first summary of the Data Strategy Task Force in December 2020) and the "Comprehensive Data Strategy" (June 2021) as the direction of specific efforts toward the construction of digital infrastructure suitable for a digital nation in the 21st century, and have been promoting efforts. Based on the progress, the specific implementation of the Data Strategy and the direction of further priority efforts are published in the Priority Plan approved by the Cabinet on June 9, 2023.
Related Materials
Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society (Text) (PDF / 1,189 kb)
Implementation Guidance for Data Handling Rules on Platforms ver. 1.0 (PDF / 3,194 kb)
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