The 4th Meeting of Ministries and Agencies Concerned with Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business of Local Governments (held on December 19, 2024 (2024))
- Last Updated:
- Date and time: Thursday, December 19, 2024 (2024) from 16:00 to 16:20
- Location: Hybrid (Local venue: Digital Agency)
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Greetings from the Chairman
- On the Designation of Government Positions for the Secretary Board of the Council
- Agenda
- Revision of the Basic Policy for the Standardization of Information Systems
- Transitional measures after migration (implementation, etc. after migration of some functions)
- Other
- Question and answer
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/41KB)
- Appendix 1: Designation of Government Posts for the Executive Committee of the Ministerial Conference on Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business, etc. of Local Governments (PDF / 77 kb)
- Appendix 2: Proposal for Revision of the Basic Policy for Standardization of Local Government Information Systems (PDF / 281 kb)
- Appendix 3: Basic Policy for Standardization of Local Government Information Systems (Revised Draft) (PDF / 330 kb)
- Appendix 4: Basic Policies for Standardization of Information Systems by Local Governments (Revised Draft), Comparative table of the current and amended provisions (PDF / 384 kb)
- Appendix 5: Transitional Measures after Migration (Implementation after Migration of Some Functions) (PDF / 181 kb)
- Reference Material 1: List of Attendees at the Fourth Meeting of the Ministries and Agencies Concerned with Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business, etc. of Local Governments (PDF / 76 kb)
- Reference Material 2 Holding of the Meeting of Related Ministries and Agencies on Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business, etc. of Local Governments (PDF / 375 kb)
Related policy
Summary of proceedings
Date and time
Thursday, December 19, 2024 (2024) from 16:00 to 16:20
Hybrid (Local: Digital Agency)
- NINOMIYA Seiji (Vice-Minister for Digital Policy)
- Seiya Motoki TANAKA (Deputy Director-General of the Cabinet Secretariat Administration [Assistant Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Cabinet Secretariat])
- Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General, Digital Agency)
- Kazuhiko Mihashi (Deputy Director-General, Digital Agency)
- Takeshi Fukuda (Deputy Director-General, Minister's Secretariat, Cabinet Office [in charge of Economic and Social Systems])
- Toshihiro Hayasi (Director of General Affairs Division, Director-General's Secretariat, Children and Families Agency) * Attendance by
- Tomoaki ABE (Director-General of Local Administration Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
- Tsutomu TAKEUCHI (Director-General of the Ministry of Justice
- Shuichi Sakamoto (Director-General for Policy Planning, cybersecurity, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Secretariat, Deputy Director-General)
- Ya Fumi Okabe (Director, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare [in charge of Information Technology]) * Attendance by proxy
Greetings from the Chairman
- The first goal of standardization efforts is to enable local governments to reduce the human and financial burden of developing individual information systems and to focus on improved services for residents in line with local conditions. Second, standardization of data requirements will make it possible to more quickly develop new measures and services for residents using various national and local data.
- In 2021, the Law Concerning Standardization of Local Government Information Systems was passed and enforced, and in October 2022, the Basic Policy on Standardization was formulated based on the Standardization Law. Based on this, the ministries and agencies responsible for each system are working on the formulation and revision of standard specifications for each operation. I would like to thank you again for your efforts.
- Today's agenda includes the "Revised Basic Policy for the Standardization of Local Government Information Systems," which is expected to be approved by the Cabinet in the near future.
- The main points of this review are to steadily promote standardization efforts by local governments and business operators toward the end of fiscal 2025, to take necessary measures for identified issues in order to realize a smooth and safe transition, to establish rules for the revision and operation of standard specifications in consideration of the impact on system development and renovation, and to clarify the direction of financial support from fiscal 2026 onward, with an eye to fiscal 2026 and beyond.
- The Government of Japan would like to once again share its recognition of the content of the revision and, after the Cabinet decision, proceed with measures based on the revised Basic Policy together.
- In particular, regarding the transitional measure based on the assumption that the transition from the current system to a system compliant with the standard specifications will be completed by the twenty twenty-five, I will explain the image of the administrative flow today.
- In addition, for the stable operation of the system after the transition, it is important to establish rules for the revision of standard specifications in accordance with the system revision, etc. and to ensure thorough compliance with them.
- I would like to steadily advance standardization efforts in cooperation with the ministries and agencies responsible for each system, and I ask for your continued support.
On the Designation of Government Positions for the Secretary Board of the Council
Digital Agency explained the change in the members of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Ministerial Meeting in accordance with Appendix 1.
- Revision of the Basic Policy for Standardization of Local Government Information Systems
Digital Agency explained as follows based on Materials 2 and 4.
- In September 2023, the Basic Policies for the Standardization of Information Systems for Local Governments were revised. Local governments aim to migrate to standard compliance system by the end of fiscal 2025. For systems that are difficult to migrate by the end of fiscal 2025, the Basic Policies for the Standardization of Information Systems for Local Governments were revised to set a deadline for the completion of migration after fully understanding the status of the systems. After that, the Basic Policies for the Standardization of Information Systems for Local Governments will be revised based on the understanding of the status of initiatives and issues of local governments and businesses.
- The first point of the revision is to support the realization of a smooth and safe transition to standard compliance system by taking measures to promote the use of Government Cloud and taking interim measures after the transition from the viewpoint of steadily promoting the transition by the end of fiscal 2025.
- The second point of the revision is to clarify that the government will actively support, as a "specific transition support system", systems that are extremely difficult to transition to and systems that have been specified as having no choice but to transition after fiscal 2026 due to the shortage of resources of business operators and other circumstances, so that the transition can be made within about five years based on the transition schedule proposed by local governments.
- The third point of the revision is to clearly state that the ministries and agencies responsible for the standard specifications will promptly consult with Digital Agency and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications when it becomes necessary to revise the standard specifications. In addition, the revision of the standard specifications should be made at least one year before the enforcement date, and even if it is difficult, from the stage of consideration of the revision of the standard specifications, the impact of the revision should be widely confirmed with local governments and business operators, and the revision draft of the standard specifications should be disclosed as soon as possible, and measures should be taken for stable operation of the system after the transition.
- The fourth point of the revision is to consider the extension of the period of establishment of the digital infrastructure Reform Support Fund by five years and to provide steady support for transition expenses.
- Transitional measures after migration (implementation, etc. after migration of some functions)
Digital Agency explained as follows in accordance with Attachment 5.
- Regarding the transitional measure after the transition, I would like to explain the image of the work flow. First of all, I would like the business operator to submit a list of functions subject to the transitional measure and prima facie showing materials to Digital Agency, and then confirm the prima facie showing materials with the ministries and agencies responsible for the system. After that, I would like the business operator to report to Digital Agency, and Digital Agency will notify the business operator of the results of the confirmation. After consulting with the business operator and the local government, the local government will notify Digital Agency that it will use the system that implements some functions other than those subject to the transitional measure. I would like to deepen discussions with the ministries and agencies responsible for the system in the future.
- Other
No other matters to be reported
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