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Meeting of Relevant Ministries and Agencies on Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business, etc. in local governments (3rd meeting) (held on September 1, 2023 (2023))


  • Date and Time: Friday, September 1, 2023 (2023) from 14:00 to 14:20
  • Location: Online Meeting
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Greetings from the Chairman
    3. Holding of Meetings of Relevant Ministries and Agencies
    4. Agenda
      1. Proposal for Revision of the Basic Policies for Standardization of local governments Information
      2. Future efforts concerning the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments
      3. Reports and communication related to standardization
    5. Question and
    6. Adjournment


Relevant policies

Summary of proceedings


From 14:00 to 14:20 on Friday, September 1, 2023 (2023)


Online Meetings


  • Kazuhiro Deguchi (Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary (Assistant to the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary))
  • Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency)
  • Tomoaki Abe (Deputy Director-General, Digital Agency)
  • Takeshi Fukuda (Deputy Director-General of the Information and Communications Policy Bureau (in charge of Economic and Social System))
  • Yoshiyuki Komiya (Director-General of the Secretariat, Children and Families Agency)
  • Ken Yamano (Director-General of Local Administration Bureau Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
  • Nobukazu Matsui (Deputy Director-General of the Information and Communications Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Justice (in charge of the Civil Affairs Bureau)) * Attendance by proxy
  • Yuko Nagano (cybersecurity, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Minister's Secretariat, Director General for Policy Planning)
  • Hideo Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Director General KURODA)

Greetings from the Chairman

(Chairman Ninomiya (Chief Officer for Digital Policy): Greetings from Director Digital Agency Kusunoki on behalf of Chairman Ninomiya due to his absence)

  • Regarding the standardization of business processes and information systems in local governments, a revised version of each standard specification was announced at the end of March with the cooperation of the ministries and agencies responsible for the system. In addition, a revised version of the Basic Policies for the Standardization of local governments Information Systems is expected to be approved by the Cabinet soon.
  • Unification and standardization are efforts that contribute to improved services for residents and business efficiency. In addition, standardization of data requirements makes it possible to more quickly deploy new measures and applications using various national and local data. Unification and standardization are the foundation of local government administration digitalization and are essential efforts for improving public services.
  • The Secretariat will explain the proposed revision of the Basic Policies for Standardization of local governments Information Systems and future efforts for unification and standardization, and share the progress of standardization work at each ministry and agency. We ask for your continued support in steadily advancing future standardization efforts.

Holding of Meetings of Relevant Ministries and Agencies

Digital Agency explained the changes in the members of the Council of Relevant Ministries and Agencies and the Secretariat due to the change in the affairs under the jurisdiction of the relevant ministries and agencies in accordance with Materials 1 to 4.


  1. Proposal for Revision of the Basic Policies for Standardization of local governments Information
    Digital Agency explained as follows based on Attachment 5.
    • After the Basic Policies for Standardization of local governments Information Systems were decided in October 2022, a survey was conducted on local government schedules and transition schedules in Issue throughout Japan. It became clear that transition groups are concentrated in twenty twenty-five and that some Issue systems are considered to have extremely high transition difficulty.
    • As a revised proposal based on these, while maintaining the transition by the end of FY 2025, for systems that are considered to be extremely difficult to transition, the deadline for completion of the required transition will be set after sufficiently understanding the situation, and the deadline after twenty twenty-five will be exceptionally accepted. Even in this case, in order to ensure smooth data uptake and contribute to the prompt start of services for the public, the system will be compliant with the standards for data requirements by the end of FY 2025.
    • Since it is predicted that transition work will be concentrated in the twenty twenty-five of the year, the national government will promote support for transition so that the timing of local governments can be dispersed by advancing the schedule as much as possible.
  2. Future efforts concerning the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments
    Digital Agency explained the following four points in accordance with Attachment 7.
    1. Basic Concept on Revision and Operation of Standard Specifications
      • In the case where it is difficult to revise the standard specifications up to one (1) year prior to the base date for conformance due to circumstances such as system revision, etc., responses shall be made, such as widely confirming the impact on development operators, etc., so that there will be no return to development from the stage of consideration of system revision, etc.
    2. Points to be examined for the operation of standard specifications, etc.
      • Regarding compliance confirmation, we aim to create a compliance confirmation tool by the end of this month and conduct a compliance confirmation test at an early stage.
      • As for the character requirements, we would like to clarify the whole picture of the character identification work in local governments by the end of fiscal 2023, with a view to the full-scale operation of the identification map from fiscal 2024.
    3. Policy for Review of Designated City Requirements
      • Regarding the projects that were "re-examined" last year, we would like to decide whether it is necessary to reflect them in the standard specifications by the end of FY 2023. Based on the progress of discussions by the ministries and agencies responsible for each system, Digital Agency and the ministries and agencies responsible for the system will work together to conduct final detailed examinations with the cooperation of designated cities and businesses.
    4. Transition Support for standard compliance system
      • While Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will continue to serve as the liaison and coordination point with each local governments, Digital Agency has established "Standardization Liaison" by dispatched officials from each prefecture since May this year. Therefore, we will use such a mechanism to build a "face-to-face relationship" with local governments, grasp the situation, and provide support from a technical perspective. In that case, we would like to ask for the support of the ministries and agencies responsible for each system.
      • If a Cabinet decision can be made, surveys will be conducted in Digital Agency and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in cooperation with prefectural governments on systems that are considered to be difficult to transition. A schedule will be set that will enable smooth and safe transition for all systems that are difficult to transition.
  3. Reports and communication related to standardization
    Digital Agency explained the outline based on the progress reports submitted by the ministries and agencies.


Digital Agency explained that the next meeting of relevant ministries and agencies is scheduled to be held around September next year, and that meetings will be held as necessary.
