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Meeting of Relevant Ministries and Agencies on Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business, etc. in local governments (First) (held on September 22, 2021 (2021))


  • Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 (2021) from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Location: Online Meeting
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Greetings from the Chairman
    3. Establishment of Meetings of Relevant Ministries and Agencies
    4. Agenda
      1. Response to the Act on Standardization of local governments Information Systems
      2. Points to be considered for standardization of core business systems in local governments
      3. Progress of standardization work, etc.
    5. Question and
    6. Adjournment



Relevant policies

Summary of proceedings


Wednesday, September 22, 2021 (2021), from 3:00 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.


Online Meetings


  • Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy)
  • Atsushi Mizuno (Councilor of the Cabinet Secretariat (Assistant to the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary)) * Attendance by proxy
  • Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency)
  • Shusaku Indo (Deputy Director General of Digital Agency)
  • OGAWA Yasunori (Deputy Director-General of the Information and Communications Policy Bureau (in charge of Economic and Social System))
  • Tomoko Fujiwara (Director-General of the Children and Child Care Headquarters, Cabinet Office
  • Hirotami KIKKAWA (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Director-General of Local Administration Bureau)
  • Osamu Kaneko
  • Sonoko Watanabe (cybersecurity, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Minister's Secretariat, Director General for Policy Planning)
  • Akihito Yokomaku (Deputy Director-General of the Information and Communications Policy Bureau Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (in charge of general policy)) * Attending on behalf of the President
  • Jiro Suguru Suzuki (Director-General for Policy Planning and Evaluation Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (in charge of statistics and information policy, and labor-management relations))
  • KIYOTA Hiroshi (Director of the Management Division, Election Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Autonomous Administrative Bureau)
  • Inaoka Shin'ya (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Director-General of Local Tax Bureau)
  • Takeo KAWAMATA (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Deputy Director-General of the Information and Communications Policy Bureau (child family, Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate))
  • Hitoshi HORIUCHI (Deputy Director-General of the Information and Communications Policy Bureau Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (in charge of Health and welfare for the Elderly and Disabled))
  • Yasuyuki Sahara (Director of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Health Service Bureau)
  • Mari YAMAMOTO (Director-General of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Society and Public Assistance Bureau
  • Katsushi Tahara (Director of the Disability Health welfare Department, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Social Welfare and Relief Bureau)
  • Masayasu Teramoto (Senior Specialist, National Health Insurance Division, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Insurance Bureau)
  • Masahiko Asami (Senior medical care Guidance and Coordination Officer, Senior medical care Division, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Insurance Bureau)
  • Naoki Miyamoto (Deputy Director General for pensions Management, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare pensions Bureau)

Greetings from the Chairman

  • The "Act on Standardization of local governments Information Systems" was enacted, making the use of information systems that conform to the standardization standards mandatory. In the "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society," it was decided to consider adding the Ticket and seal impression registration services of family registry and family registry to the 17 services subject to standardization. This is a very big opportunity, and everyone, including local government employees and the people, wants it. I would like to take this opportunity to firmly advance efforts.
  • In standardization efforts, it is extremely important to implement business reforms and ID management. There are also clear benchmarks for the three digital principles of digital first, one time only, and one stop. I would like to see efforts advanced with a view to wide cooperation not only in efficiency within local government, but also in disaster risk management, mobility, education, etc.
  • The First Group has already completed the standard specifications by the end of August, and the Second Group is aware that the standard specifications will be finalized by August next year. We would like you to work on it firmly, and Digital Agency would like to fully support it.

Establishment of Meetings of Relevant Ministries and Agencies

Digital Agency explained that a Director-General-level meeting of the relevant ministries and agencies would be held based on the agreement of the relevant ministries and agencies, and that a Director-General-level meeting and an Executive Board meeting would be held as necessary.


  1. Response to the Act on Standardization of local governments Information Systems
  2. Points to be considered for standardization of core business systems in local governments
    Digital Agency explained the schedule for responding to the Standardization Act and explained the following points to be considered for standardization.
    • We would like to request that standards-compliant applications based on standard specifications be thoroughly non-customized. For "office work that is not subject to standardization," in order not to customize standards-compliant applications, they shall be built separately in a loosely coupled form with standards-compliant applications and shall be linked through API linkage, etc. In addition, we would like to request that local government's unique measures be carefully discussed, such as whether they can be handled by standard option functions and parameter processing, rather than being excluded from standardization uniformly.
    • In order to make the work of data requirements and cooperation requirements more efficient, it is requested that the Cabinet Office and Ministries with jurisdiction over the system specify and clarify the data items to be input and output and describe them in the standard specifications at the stage of considering functional requirements.
    • From the perspective of promoting BPR based on the three digital principles, we would like to see the standard specifications reflect the following: connection with the Mynaportal and Mitsukuri Service (online application), use of information on the certificate of moving out (one stop moving), use of deterrent information on persons subject to support for domestic violence, etc., and use of registered information on public fund benefit payment accounts. In the future, we plan to hold workshops with motivated local government employees and Digital Agency and make specific BPR proposals. Based on these proposals, we would like to see the necessary revision of the standard specifications.
    • The Cabinet has decided to formulate standard specifications by the end of August 2022 in order to achieve the transition to standards-compliant applications by the end of fiscal 2025. In particular, the second group will work in parallel with the formulation of data requirements and cooperation requirements, but we would like to make efforts while maintaining close communication.
    • Regarding standard specifications, if there are functions that should be newly added or changed due to BPR based on the three digital principles, system changes, etc., it is necessary to describe them in the standard specifications as needed. If there is a law revision, we would like you to consider changing the business flow at the same time as considering the law revision. In addition, we would like you to consider reflecting the BPR proposals from municipalities in the standard specifications.
  3. Progress of standardization work, etc.
    The Cabinet Office and each Ministry explained the review system, background of the review, and future schedule.

Questions, etc.

  • Regarding data requirements and cooperation requirements, how to read future scalability is considered to be very important in System design. Therefore, it is requested that Digital Agency comprehensively examine it.
  • What should be considered about the cooperation of deterrent information such as domestic violence victims?
    → The ministries and agencies with jurisdiction over the system are requested to consider which forms should be suppressed and how to suppress them, etc., by referring to the table shown on page 20 of Attachment 4.
  • We recognize that cooperation between the first and second groups is also important, and we would like to seek the continued cooperation of the relevant ministries and agencies.


Digital Agency explained that the next Ministerial Conference is scheduled to be held around February next year, and that meetings will be held as necessary.
