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Mobility Working Group (4th)


  • Date and time: May 14, 2024 (Tue) from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Summary of Mobility Roadmap 2024
      2. Status of discussions by the "Sub-Working Group on Review of Social Rules for automated driving vehicles in age of AI"
    3. Exchange of opinions
    4. Adjournment


Summary of proceedings

At the beginning, Chief Researcher Mori gave the following address at the opening of the working group.
The measures discussed at the past three meetings and examined by each ministry have been compiled as Mobility Roadmap 2024 (draft). We would like to receive the frank opinions of experts. In addition, we would like to receive proactive statements and responses based on the opinions of experts in the relevant ministries and agencies.

1. Regarding Mobility Roadmap 2024 (draft)

The secretariat explained the content compiled in Mobility Roadmap 2024 (draft).

Key Comments

  • Experts
    • We should discuss what kind of services are necessary from the viewpoint of well-being or basic support of the industry in area.
    • Since the progress of automated driving varies by country and area, it is better to make it clear that Level 4 in the United States and the People's Republic of China is an "advanced case."
    • It should be compiled so that it is possible to understand how actual measures will be linked to the Issue of productivity improvement and driver shortage. It is also better to make it possible to understand what will be solved in what fiscal year by the implementation of each measure.
    • The technology of the autonomous control type generative AI can be efficiently improved by the utilization of the automated driving. It should also be included that the point is how much calculation resources can be secured as a country for that.
Basic Concept
  • Experts
    • We would like you to consider a system that will make it easier for sectors to work together.
    • It would be better to summarize not only the measures to be taken at each stage but also the status of the results of the measures taken.
    • The movement of people and logistics will be important for Japan and the world in the future.
    • In automated driving, software definition is important from the viewpoint of manufacturing.
    • It is important to share the cost of mobility by raising the operation rate by various contrivances for the service establishment.
    • In terms of demand assumptions, it is extremely important to uncover potential needs that will lead to the expansion of well-being of people who live in and visit the area, including the elderly.
    • The process chart should be color-coded by the measures already implemented and the measures to be implemented in the future, so that it is easy to confirm the points to be focused on and responded to in the industry.
    • It would be good to have a so-called journey map so that we can work on it while confirming the relationship between us as well as the process chart.
    • Since there are many ministries and agencies involved in the process schedule, it is better not to divide it vertically. In the future, it should be clearly included that the cooperation of ministries and agencies will be steadily advanced.
    • There are various types and differences in data, and in promoting cooperation and sharing, it is important to materialize and breakdown data and to keep pace with European efforts.
    • It is also necessary to consider the fact that mobility accounts for a large part of total CO2 emissions.
    • In the "advanced commercialization stage," it is stated that policy resources will be intensively invested. However, since the difference from the "intensive business demonstration stage" becomes unclear, it is better to devise an expression.
    • We would like to see efforts made so that it can be seen that cross-ministerial efforts are being made across ministries and agencies, not vertically.
    • It would be good if there is a description about optimizing the mobility mobility, such as using MaaS to cover the driver shortage by ride-sharing or automated driving, as well as mentioning about optimizing by cooperating with or dividing existing transportation such as railway, aviation, and micro area, and using MaaS such as data utilization and AI.
    • It is important to further develop the business model in the future. In particular, it is important to determine how much the running fee can be reduced or how much it will not be generated. Ultimately, we believe that it will not be a continuous business unless cost-effectiveness is achieved.
    • In order to achieve area cooperation, efficient infrastructure development may be possible by further stepping into community development such as digital × city planning.
    • In considering an infrastructure-cooperative automated driving society, we should consider not only the narrow perspective of road-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle cooperation, but also the ideal way of intersections and ITS infrastructure in community development.
  • Relevant ministries and agencies
    • Objective needs change according to subjective satisfaction, so it is necessary to continue to consider what is the demand and the necessary response, and what is involved in subjective satisfaction such as Well-Being.
Measures to be taken in the short term
  • Experts
    • It is necessary to designate a person in charge of operation management in case of trouble.
    • It is necessary to make it a technology development that can be deployed globally, not a development of Galapagos systems and infrastructure.
  • Relevant ministries and agencies
    • Based on the impact of area transportation on the health of area residents, efforts will be made to maintain and revitalize area transportation.
    • We will consider support measures to maintain and boost area transportation.
    • It is possible that we will consider logistics for next year's revision.
Measures to be taken in the medium term
  • Experts
    • It is also necessary to increase the operating rate by using automated driving vehicles in forms other than mobility when it is not moving, such as using it as distributed energy and using computing power.
  • Relevant ministries and agencies
    • Considering community development, etc., the road-vehicle cooperation system will be examined.
Fleshing out the roadmap
  • Experts
    • The road map should be followed up in line with the speed of technological progress, in some cases in less than one year.
  • Relevant ministries and agencies
    • While Issue is diverse, the current roadmap is to create a vertical and horizontal framework and line them up, but it will be Issue next year that will be able to step into deeper inter-agency cooperation.
Total / Other
  • Experts
    • The location and content of the breakdown of responsibilities between the roadside and the vehicle should be clarified.
    • Specific efforts related to social implementation, business evaluation, and improvements in productivity should be described.
    • In response to concerns that efforts in automobile driving are lagging behind those overseas, it is necessary to draw a story that international competitiveness will be achieved by this measure.
    • The reform of various business processes that are handled by people should be added to the roadmap in the future.
    • Japan should make technological breakthroughs on its own.
  • Relevant ministries and agencies
    • It is necessary to solve similar Issue in terms of people's flow and distribution.
    • SDV and automated driving should be discussed together.

2. Status of review by the "Sub-Working Group on Review of Social Rules for automated driving vehicles in age of AI"

Secretariat of the Sub-Working Group explained based on Material 4 .


At the closing of the meeting, Mr. Murakami and Mr. Mori gave a summary of the entire working group as follows.

  • It is necessary to ensure that public office does not pull social movements.
  • We would like to expand it as a service that has the inclusiveness of automated driving, such as making it possible to use services spun out from automated driving.
  • Mobility Roadmap 2024 is the first step, and we plan to review it flexibly, such as revising it every fiscal year while evaluating the specific progress.
