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3rd Service Design Guideline Revision Review Meeting


  • Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 (2025), from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Location: online meetings
  • Agenda:
    1. Description of the target guideline
    2. Collection of opinions
    3. Closing address



  • Reference material: "Status of Examination of Service Design Related Guidelines" * Members only

List of Attendees

Members (in the order of Japanese syllabary)

  • AKASAKA Bunya (Senior Researcher, Human Augmentation Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
  • Masaya Ando (Professor, Department of Intelligent Media Engineering, Faculty of Advanced Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology / Department of Intelligent Media Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Engineering)
  • Yoshihiro Ito (President, NPO Information Gap Buster)
  • Tetsuya Uda (Director, Design Center, FUJITSU LIMITED)
  • Mikie Oi (Integrated Design Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
  • Mayumi Saotome (UX / HCD Promotion Group, Quality Management Department, Sony Group Corporation)
  • TANAKA Yumiko (Head of ExperienceDesign, Innovation Center (KOEL), NTT Communications Corporation)
  • Atsushi HASEGAWA (Professor, Faculty of Design and Design, Musashino Fine Arts University, Representative Director, Consent Co.
  • Naoki HIRASAWA (Professor, Department of Social Informatics, Otaru University of Commerce)
  • Shinichi Fukuzumi (Deputy Team Leader, Research Center for Innovative Intelligence, RIKEN)
  • Rei Yamamoto

Digital Agency (Secretariat)

Technical Review Meeting Service Design Task Force

Summary of proceedings

Main Comments from Members (Summary)

1. Explanation of the purpose of the meeting (Q & A)

No questions asked.

2. Discussion on the Guidelines

Comments on the Status of Consideration of Service Design Related Guidelines (Supplement)

*Contains utterances for each document under development.

  • As the positioning of the guidelines and guidebooks in the service design framework, the overall picture is organized in an easy-to-understand manner in the materials to be sent. It is desirable to show the difference between the guidelines and guidebooks, and the difference between Normative and Informative in the overall picture. In addition, it is desirable to organize the overall picture in a list so that the user can understand the use scene, purpose, etc. of each document.
  • It is desirable that the service design guideline group as a whole clearly defines the scope and positioning of service design and what it aims to achieve.
  • Due to the large volume of the guidelines, it would be desirable to clarify where to start reading and where to refer to in your project. The checklist will be useful in the field.
  • As for the checklist, the UI checklist is specific, but the accessibility checklist is simple. For many people, the checklist is the first entry point, and they may think that it is good to do this much. Therefore, the accessibility checklist should be in the form of a simple check and a detailed check.
  • It is difficult to set quality targets for use of the Usability Guidelines without expertise. It would be desirable to provide additional information on the concept of target setting and points to note.
  • I feel that the digital archive of web contents has a role and an advantage of being able to preserve the content of the information at a certain point in time of the published URL, so I would like to include the permanence of the URL once it is published as a general rule. For example, similar information such as the calculation method of resident tax is posted on the website of each local government, but it is desirable to provide it as a consistent URL on the site of the central government agency and link to it from each local government so that it is easy to understand what is correct.
  • As a concrete example of a dark pattern, an example of consent of personal information was given in today's explanation, but I would like you to introduce it as an example in the document. It would be good if there is an example of what can be a dark pattern.
  • Regarding sign language, it is recommended that the Guidebook for Introduction of Web Accessibility contain reference information on the use of sign language as a means of supplementing the audio portion of videos. Since WCAG does not have a person in charge of sign language interpretation and translation, there are many aspects that are misunderstood. On this occasion, I plan to give my opinion to WCAG. I appreciate that this is a more advanced example than other countries.
  • In the current situation, the only way to add sign language to videos is to ask a sign language interpretation center because sign language interpreters require specialized skills. The hurdles for implementation are high, and if it is optional, it will not be done. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the priority and promote it in strong words.
  • Regarding the ethical aspects of research, universities are under increasing pressure to conduct ethics reviews, and the Human-Centered Design Promotion Organization is also discussing the possibility that companies may need to conduct ethics reviews when conducting design research and usability testing. As user research and usability testing in Digital Agency may also require ethics reviews, the situation needs to be closely monitored.
  • Regarding ethics, there should be an ethical review in the academic field, but on the other hand, it is difficult to establish a system for ethical review even in companies. Regarding the review, it is not necessary to deal with all of them, but it is possible to establish an exception rule based on a certain standard, and it is good if it can be incorporated into the guideline.
  • By using AI as a knowledgebase for a comprehensive knowledgebase, it is possible to reduce errors without relying on individuals. Since Digital Agency's document is structured, I think it can be read by AI and used as logic, and I think it is good to consider machine-readable guidelines.
  • I think it would be good to use AI to evaluate the consistency of descriptions and documents. Although the service design guidelines are standardized, it is also acceptable to evaluate descriptions compared with other documents.
  • GOJ requests USG to correctly indicate in Japanese in documents issued by ministries and agencies, for example, whether paragraphs should be indicated with line spacing or indentation.
  • Regarding the scope of the guidelines to be developed this term, we are concerned about the use of the term "product design," as it may cause a gap in the image of people in the design field.
  • The translation of DS-67x should be noted because DS-68x is described as "Content Design / Communication Design".
  • The scope of application of the Web Content Guidelines is described as "shall be applied at the time of review." However, the expression "review" gives the impression that it is an improvement on what has already been released, so it is necessary to clarify it by supplementing the words so as not to cause misunderstanding.
  • GOJ requests USG to include the description of "collecting opinions from various users at the initial stage" in the usability guideline "1.2 Background and Problems" so that specific problems and barriers in usage scenarios of systems and services can be identified at an early stage and solutions can be incorporated at the design stage, which ultimately leads to the improvement of usability.
  • Regarding the usability guideline "4.1.2 Risk Management", it is unclear how to utilize feedback from related parties and users. Therefore, it is better to supplement the cooperation process with users and the specific flow of risk assessment.
  • The Usability Guideline "3.2.5 Evaluation Methods for Achievement" mentions methods such as "Usability Testing" and "Heuristic Evaluation." However, there is a lack of details on how to conduct these tests. It is recommended that simple procedures and links to reference materials be included in the supplement. For example, it is recommended that "Usability Testing including actual users is recommended in addition to heuristic evaluation by experts."
  • In "1.2 Background and Issues" of the Usability Introduction Guidebook, the importance of collecting diverse opinions from users at the initial stage should be fully emphasized. Collecting diverse opinions at the initial stage has the effect of suppressing the cost increase due to the correction in the post-process and the usability defect, and also leads to "5.1 Securing diversity (representation)".
  • The usability introduction guidebook "2.1.2 users" has a specific user profile, but it does not mention users with special needs such as the disabled and the elderly. From the perspective of inclusive design, it is better to be able to clearly assume various users.
  • In "5.1 Ensuring Diversity (Representation)" of the Usability Introduction Guidebook, "Audit" and "Building Social Trust" are suddenly mentioned, and it is difficult for readers to understand the necessity and significance. Therefore, it is recommended to provide supplementary explanations with specific examples. In addition, although the concept of "Representation" is presented, it is difficult for readers to have an image of how to realize it, so it is recommended to provide specific methods and examples.
  • In the WCAG, the use of sign language is considered to be an AAA-standard, but an increasing number of local governments have established a sign language ordinance, and the number of cases where sign language is adopted is also increasing. We would like to consider adding it as an option with a view to its use in public institutions and local governments.
  • In the Guidebook for Public Relations of Web Accessibility on page 24, "It is recommended to secure workers who can correct the contents of transcription in real time if possible." At present, the default is not to do it. Therefore, instead of "if possible," it should be "as much as possible in consideration of practicability and in order to prevent misunderstanding that it is not necessary to do it."
  • "Sign language interpretation" on pages 15-16, 20, and 24 of the Guidebook for Public Relations on Web Accessibility should be changed to "sign language" following WCAG. Sign language interpretation means expressing sign language on the spot, and it has a different meaning from sign language translation, which takes time to prepare sign language expression. It is better to include both meanings here, so it is appropriate to use "sign language" here.
  • At the end of page 25 of the Guidebook for Public Relations on Web Accessibility, it is necessary to add a note to the effect that sign language interpreters and subtitles provided in real time should not be used as they are when delivering archives or creating report articles.
  • P. 29 of the Guidebook for Public Relations on Web Accessibility is inaccurate and needs to be corrected. Although the distinction is not clear in WCAG2.0, it is necessary to distinguish between sign language translation, which takes time to prepare sign language expressions, and sign language interpretation, which expresses sign language on the spot.
  • Web Accessibility Publicity Guidebook P. 35 It is necessary to add the description of the contrast ratio and visibility of the entire image to the description of sign language.
Expectations for the next fiscal year
  • Regarding the service design, which is the target for the next fiscal year and beyond, since the range of words is wide, it is desirable to clarify the positioning as a Digital Agency and to specify what should be described in the guideline.
  • I believe that the service design guidelines for the next fiscal year will include design principles, and I would like to consider what kind of matters should be described in the guidelines.
  • As the amount of guidelines increases, it becomes more difficult to find the necessary information. Therefore, the flow of what each person in charge needs to refer to is also important, and I would like you to design it well. When you can see the readers of each document, the wording and amount become realistic. It is easier for those in charge of practical work who make UI to receive it if there are many diagrams and examples. If you can add a device to make readers receive it, I think the implementation rate will increase.
  • The design system and guidebooks of Digital Agency are attracting attention not only by the government but also by private companies, and they are being referred to as standards. Therefore, when each document is made public, we would like to use it in our own training, etc.
  • I think there will be cases where we cannot respond to the content of the guidelines due to a lack of time and budget at the site. It would be good if we can think about how to proceed with the project well and how to implement it.
  • Ministries and agencies will deepen their understanding by accumulating and sharing examples of the use of the Guidelines. It may be difficult to make it available to the public, but it is desirable to consider disseminating information because it will be helpful by making examples widely available.
  • It is important that the guidelines and guidebooks are actually used, and that engineers, designers, and other people in the field can feel that digital administration has been improved. I hope that model cases of implementing the guidelines will be created, and that they will actively communicate how the guidelines are used and how they have changed from the initial assumption based on the guidelines. If they can feel that what has been made is improving, I think that a common understanding of points to be grasped will emerge.
  • Training on how to use the Guidelines is necessary, and it may be necessary to establish rules for the use of the Guidelines. The actual use of the Guidelines includes the formulation of specifications and daily operation, which involves the issue of quality. It is also recommended that the Guidelines be extended not only to the national government but also to local governments, as this will lead to the dissemination of the Guidelines throughout the country.
  • This guideline focuses on the web such as JIS 8341-3 and WCAG. However, the relevance to the whole software such as JIS 8341-6 is not seen, and it is necessary to examine the future direction of how Digital Agency thinks about the accessibility of the whole.
  • There are laws and standards in the United States and Europe as overseas standards, but there are not enough in Asia. It would be good if Japan could show what it conforms to and what it is based on. For example, it would be good if we could create a JIS based on JIS 8341-1 that matches the standards in the United States and Europe, and finally make it ISO.

3. Summary of Results

  • The whole system of service design guidelines was organized, and it was very good that some specific guidelines and guidebooks were created in it. I think it is important that such documents exist, that Digital Agency issues them, and that they remain as a resource that many people can access.
  • It is significant that this guideline is issued by Digital Agency. Since many readers may feel that it is highly reliable, it is good to take this opportunity to promote the bottom-up of Japanese digital design.
  • Some government agencies, local governments, and private companies are looking at how much accessibility should be considered. By documenting the national policy, we will create a standard for Japan as a whole. It is good that not only accessibility but also systematized documents are created through discussion. I feel that such a project originating in Japan will be referred to around the world, and I think it is meaningful.
  • As the digital domain is a fast-changing industry with new technologies coming out one after another, the next challenge is how to keep up with the guidelines and how to coexist with the bureaucratic way of documentation and the fast-changing digital domain.
  • After the guidelines are established, how they are used and how they are understood will be the next important point. Also, I think it will be difficult to decide how far they will go. It would be a waste if they say, "It's OK to do this much and there's no need to do anything else." It would be good if we could have discussions so that they can use them in a way that they can take one step further.
  • We are at a starting point where the Guidelines have been actually used and either a good one has been made or a good one has not been made and the Guidelines will be revised, and the future will be even more important.
  • We have no choice but to use digital technologies such as AI to maintain productive and efficient in terms of quantity and what is written where. I think it will be advanced if Digital Agency designs and announces to each ministry and society digital ways of working in which human and AI collaborate in various fields.
  • It is important to compile information not only in PDF format but also in other formats that can be used, such as AI. It is also important to look at the operation method in conjunction with the training.
  • Regarding the service design to be covered in the next fiscal year, if the scope is too wide, such as administration x design, design of the policy itself, and whether or not to include non-digital, it will be difficult to reduce it to a specific guideline. Therefore, it is important to decide where to cut off as a Digital Agency and promote it. There is nothing absolutely correct, and it is good to decide the scope of service design as a Digital Agency.
  • The term "service design" has characteristics in the way it is used in regions and markets. If we can discuss the scope as a Digital Agency and what is outside it, I think the use of design will advance in Japanese administration.
  • The discussion of quality management and organizational strategies is likely to be outside the context of the current situation in Digital Agency, as the core ideas and philosophies will be important in doing so, and it would be good if we could proceed with a framework that does not bend even if they are outside.
  • I think that private companies will feel that quality at the time of use is important from the viewpoint of quality through use.
  • The Guidelines include an ambitious attempt to realize a society in which diverse users can enjoy services equally. Improving accessibility is an important effort to lay the foundation for user-friendly services for all. It will be more effective through continuous discussion and exchange of opinions by diverse members. I hope that discussions will continue to deepen with diverse perspectives.
  • Regarding the opinion that it is necessary to collect the opinions of various users at the initial stage, it is desirable that the CIF Usage Description describes how various user groups use the CIF. Therefore, the CIF Usage Description should be incorporated into this guideline.
  • It was good that we were able to hear opinions from people with various backgrounds. The opinions expressed at the review meeting were reflected more than I imagined, and I think it was a very epoch-making initiative.
  • I would like to learn more about the ideas and systems of the Second Study Group on the Revision of Service Design-Related Guidelines, including the idea that there are experts in Digital Agency and that they emphasize ease of consultation.