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9th digital society Concept Conference


  • Date and Time: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 (2024) from 8:00 to 9:30
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Toward the Revision of "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society"
    3. Adjournment

Conference Video

The conference is available on YouTube (Digital Agency official channel).



Office: Good morning. As it is on time, the 9th "digital society Concept Conference" will be held from now.

Today's meeting will be held online.

Regarding today's meeting, after consulting with Chairman Murai, we will hold it in a form that is open to the public and the press, and we will broadcast it live through the Teams Live Event.

In addition, today's materials have already been posted on the Digital Agency website, so if you would like to see the broadcast, we would appreciate it if you could take a look at them in your hands.

Today, 10 members will attend the meeting online. Members Mikitani and Muraoka will be absent, and members Kuniryo, Natsuno, and Wakamiya will be absent. We have received materials from Members Mikitani and Muraoka, who are absent. In addition, from the Digital Agency side, Minister Kono, Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Yohei Ishikawa, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yasuo Tsuchida, and other members of the secretariat will attend the meeting.

Thank you very much, Mr. Murai.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, . Thank you very much for joining us early in the morning despite your busy schedule.

I am Mr. Murai, Chairman. Nice to meet you.

As stated in the agenda, today's meeting will be an opportunity to hear the opinions of the members of the Council on the formulation of "Priority plan for the Promotion of digital society." First of all, the Secretariat will give an explanation, and then we will start your discussions. We will proceed as usual. Questions and so on will be managed with a show of hands button. Thank you very much.

Now, I would like to start the discussion. I would like to have an explanation about Priority plan. There is a review of the personal data Protection Act every three years scheduled to be held soon, and this has great significance for the use of data. I have asked for the voices of business operators and others on this matter. Please also have the Secretariat explain this. Thank you.

Director-General Tomiyasu: I am Tomiyasu, Director-General . Nice to meet you.

First of all, I would like to explain based on Material 1. In advance, Material 1 was distributed as a slightly thick material because it was a digital-related initiative after the establishment of Priority plan last year, but today I will choose a page and explain the points in a nutshell. After that, in Part 2 on Page 2, we received opinions from the Concept Conference that visualization should advance various progress management, so I would like to introduce the initiatives and finally the points for the revision of Priority plan this fiscal year, and I would like to hear the opinions of the members. Thank you.

First of all, please refer to page 9 of Material 1. As a digital common infrastructure initiative, we are working to spread, expand, and promote My Number Card, and to expand utilization. We have received 99 million applications and 79.1% of applications from citizens. Although it is not listed here, first of all, in December this year, the issuance of new insurance cards, which we are promoting together with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, will end, and we are promoting the use of Myina Health Insurance Card, which uses My Number Card as an insurance card. Regarding the materials listed here, we are working to expand use cases by using the Digital Garden City Issue Fund. From the right, we are working to expand use cases by working with each local government, such as service desk DX, online application, Konbini Issue, and citizen portal.

Next, on page 12. Regarding the expansion of use in the private sector field, we are implementing demonstration experiments in the entertainment field with the cooperation of private business. To briefly introduce it, we are asking people to confirm their age at various events, confirm that they are entering the special area in the middle, and make a demonstration experiments when they need to confirm their identity and age, such as the second notification from the bottom.

Next, on page 14. In the middle, you can use My Number Card in Mynaportal to display and obtain your information in public authorities. You can also use online application with such places, so we opened the API in Mynaportal, and the API user in private sector on the left side provides contact points with users such as the Health medical care App and the disability card App, and we are expanding efforts to use them by combining their own services.

Next, with regard to business operators, we are promoting the spread of gBizID as a mechanism that allows business operators to authenticate with multiple administrative procedures using a single ID. There are figures, but the number of gBizID Prime issuers is 1.13 million, and as you can see below, the number of connected systems is 172 in national, local, and other areas, and we are also promoting the spread and expansion of Wi-Fi.

In addition, as one of the efforts related to business operators, please see page 19. We have also submitted a revision of the law to the current ordinary session of the Diet. As you can see in the picture, in order to improve the base registry, when we change the registered matters such as the name and location, we need to make separate notifications if we have received permission, permission, subsidies, etc. from various public authorities other than the registration. In the future, however, if we change the registration once, we can link the information to other public authorities where it is necessary, so we aim to make the procedure only once.

Next, I would like to briefly introduce initiatives related to digital government. It is page 23. It is so-called Government Cloud. On the left side is "selected cloud service," which is the cloud in the lower-left corner. It is required to meet the requirements by the end of fiscal 2025, but it was added last year.

In addition, the number of places that actually use Government Cloud is increasing. As you can see on the right, I apologize for the small letters in red, but the number of systems is also steadily increasing to 156, 88 in local governments, and 68 in Japan.

Next is Government Solution Services. Government Solution Services integrates the LANs of the Cabinet Office and Ministries, eliminates duplication, and creates a new inter-ministerial network. As the current situation is shown in the red frame, the number of bases and users is gradually increasing, and the total for fiscal year R5 in the middle is shown below, which is 1,280 bases and about 27000 users. This effort is being made with each ministry to integrate the LANs of the Cabinet Office and Ministries into Government Solution Services (GSS) every time the timing of renewal comes, and on the right side are ministries that are preparing to introduce them in the future, such as Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Tax Administration Agency, which are preparing to introduce them from 2024 to 2007.

In addition, below is the Digital Marketplace, which simplifies and speeds up government procurement. In particular, in SaaS, it is intended to expand opportunities for small and medium-sized vendors and startups to enter by speeding up procurement. At present, we are building a demonstration version of the catalog site. As shown in red below, 270 businesses and 300 software are currently registered. We would like to release the catalog site of the actual Digital Marketplace after the second half of this fiscal year, so we are continuing to validation and considering the actual production.

The next is the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments. As you can see from the red line, we are currently proceeding according to the schedule. Digital Agency has one Standardization Liaison in each of the 47 prefectures, and we are carefully communicating with the prefectures.

In addition, recently, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and Digital Agency held hearings with organizations that have systems that are difficult to transition even for one of these 20 core operations, and they are responding carefully to the difficulty of transition. There are 171 organizations.

In addition, we are working to provide various common functions that can be used by the local government of digital government in Digital Agency. On page 30, for the Municipal counter DX "One-stop, no writing service", we aim to allow people who do not use digital to go to the counter and proceed with the procedure without writing anything if they have a My Number Card by cooperating in the backyard. Currently, in service desk DX, there are 17 local government in local government that are doing this on the Buckler.

Next, on page 34. It is called Benefit Support Service. This is also used in benefit for low-income people. I am sorry to say it in small letters, but we have created a benefit SaaS in Digital Agency to realize rapid and efficient benefits by completing the process from application to transfer digitally. We are now providing it to local government. Although we are in the red, it is expected to be 15 local government in fiscal 2023 and 172 local government in fiscal 2024.

Next, I would like to talk about data. It will be after page 38.

First, on page 39, we formulated the Data Action Plan at the end of last year. On the left side, there are three initiatives to ensure data quality. We will review the Government Interoperability Framework, or GIF, which is the basic rule for data standardization, and strengthen its dissemination for utilization. The second on the left side is to promote the development of the Base Registry, which I mentioned earlier. The third below is the utilization of generative AI.

Moving on to the right, with regard to efforts to develop tools and mechanisms for cooperation in data utilization, (1) we will advance the construction of data connections and data connections infrastructure in the public sector and semi-public sector. In the middle, we will develop connectors and other tools with the aim of becoming a so-called data space economy by advancing demonstrations toward data connections. In the lower right, we are advancing efforts to develop an international framework for the realization of DFFT, which is called IAP.

Regarding semi-public sector, I would like to introduce some materials. It is page 42. For medical care, we have formulated a roadmap and are working with Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. As I explained at the beginning, we are accelerating the integration of My Number Card and health insurance card. In the middle, we are sharing information between medical institutions and pharmacies, and we are expanding the medical care information that can be viewed in Mynaportal. And at the bottom, we are working on a system such as medical institutions in efficiency. In revision of medical fee schedule DX, we are working on a radical modern system through a common calculation module for medical fees. We are working along the roadmap.

Next, I would like to introduce some more points about semi-public sector. As for the so-called educational DX Service Map on page 46, as you can see on the left, we are constructing a service map and catalog site for the purpose of easily obtaining information on digital services in the education field. In March 2006, we released a beta version based on the opinions of experts and users.

Next, on page 47, as a demonstration for the utilization of so-called learning logs, we are conducting such a demonstration projects in Kagoshima city. Here, I would like to introduce an example.

My next question is about disaster risk management in semi-public sector. As for disaster risk management, as you can see in the middle box, in cooperation with the relevant ministries and agencies, firstly, we will promote the development and utilization of disaster risk management Apps to support residents, catalog the app, and build a data connections foundation to support it. disaster risk management, Cabinet Office, is also working together.

Next, on page 51, we are doing various things using My Number Card. I would like to introduce the results of the first round. As described in (1), efficiency for shelter admission procedures showed a business reduction effect of 90.2% for admission procedures using My Number Card.

In addition, for example, in response to 6), acquisition of drug information and medical care information leads to a sense of security, I have heard that browsing drug information and medical care information was actually effective in the Noto earthquake.

Next, in terms of efforts related to the elimination of regulations on paper and in-person processes, we have formulated a two year road map for the 10,000 items of the regulations on paper and in-person processes Review that we have been working on through the so-called Digital Rincho, and we are managing the progress. Since we have to review 1,800 items each in March and June this year, we are currently making steady progress on the 10,000 items while confirming the status of efforts on the regulations on paper and in-person processes Review with each ministry.

The second major issue is policy progress management and visualization. Please refer to page 59. The purpose of this project is to visualization and disclose easy-to-understand data information to all concerned parties, such as related ministries and agencies and local government, so that they can cooperate in promoting policies, understand the overall progress, and find advanced initiatives and best practices.

In fact, the right side of page 60 is Digital Agency's website. Since it is a list of policy data dashboards, you can see dashboards related to My Number Card, local government's efforts on childcare, etc., and online. In fact, since it is a policy dashboard on page 61, you can see the so-called promotion of My Number Card situation and use as a health insurance card. If you go to the next page, on page 62, it shows the status of efforts to online 26 procedures for childcare and long-term care insurance by each local government and municipality, and shows what percentage of local government has 26 efforts online. For example, Chiba and Yamanashi prefectures, which are in the middle and are colored in dark blue, are 100%. In addition, if you break down this on page 63, you can see which procedures are online for each local government.

In addition, page 64 is a visualization of the progress of regulations on paper and in-person processes.

Next, I would like to discuss the 3rd point for the next revision of Priority plan.

Please refer to page 66. As for the basic concept of Priority plan, the ultimate image of society that Japan aims to achieve through digital technologies, and the six images that digital society aims to achieve in the course of that process, have been following Priority plan up until now. This time, as I have heard various opinions from experts and others, I believe that these goals will remain unchanged, and I have set them here.

It is page 67. In the current Issue where we should respond more intensively, I would like to list three threats to sustainability, such as a shortage of labor (strained resources), a decline in industrial competitiveness, and frequent disasters.

(2) I would like to introduce "anxiety and hesitation about' digitalization.'" There are a certain number of people who say that they do not think digitalization in society is good or that it is not applied to digitalization, and they are more restrained than other countries in trying to use digital tools.

I would like to introduce the figures on page 68. Page 68 was started last year because we should collect various data such as satisfaction from the members of the Concept Council. In that sense, for example, in the upper right corner, "people who have used online administrative services and are satisfied with it," which is 29% now, when we obtained the figures last year, we thought it was very important for us to raise this 29, but in this discussion, for example, in the upper left corner, "people who consider digitalization in society to be good," which is gray, there are 12% who do not think it is good, or in the lower right corner, "people who want to continue using online administrative services in the future," which is gray, there are 24% who do not want to use it. This is the actual situation.

Also, on page 69, regarding the "Situation in Japan as Revealed by Other Surveys," the degree of satisfaction of the people with the Government of Japan and private service is extremely low compared to other countries.

Next, on page 70, as you can see in the middle of the third page, in response to the question, "Do you tolerate friction and use tools anyway?", Japan's response is lower than the average of the 10 countries.

In addition, as it is a digitalization survey related to the attitude toward private sector, I picked it up as a reference. First of all, it is divided into four clusters. When classifying them into the four layers of the digital-active layer, the neutral layer, the left-behind layer, and the anti-digital layer, they are affected by items such as age, which I'm afraid are written in thin letters on the right side. Some of them are related to the administration, and in reality, the intention to use online services by the administration and the degree of recognition of online services by the administration are affected.

On the next page, in response to the question of which aspects of public service each cluster would like to use if it were improved, those who are active in digital were concerned about design and operability, and the highest percentage of those who are left behind was concerned about the support system in case they have questions.

Based on this, I would like to introduce in two parts the direction of our response to each priority Issue I mentioned earlier. First, we will strengthen the digital industrial infrastructure, thoroughly utilize AI and data, modernize industries on both the supply and demand sides related to digital, and so on.

The second point is that we need to strengthen sustainability in each Issue by utilizing digital technologies. We also need to promote data connections, build a data space, strengthen efforts in cooperation between the public and private sectors from an international perspective, and strengthen risk management to prevent the loss of data itself in preparation for emergencies.

Regarding (3), based on the people's reaction to digital as I mentioned earlier, rather than aiming for digitalization, we are using digital to resolve Issue. Through the resolution of Issue, we are strengthening efforts to make digitalization a matter of course. Is this the order of the idea? That is what I am writing here.

Also, in (4), as mentioned earlier, the population will decrease in the future, or there is a labor shortage, so in order to maintain public services, I would like to write the perspective of the development and operation of the national and local digital common infrastructure.

In addition, based on the direction of international cooperation with willing countries in (5), I will introduce some specific initiatives from page 74 onwards. To strengthen and accelerate the construction of a common digital infrastructure, we will build a common digital infrastructure and develop a common digital infrastructure such as digital IDs. We will advance the future action plan established by the My Number Information full investigation Headquarters to prevent recurrence, or we will advance measures to expand the use of My Number, as I explained at the beginning. Then, (2) we will create an environment for an inclusive digital society. (3) we will steadily develop digital human resources.

My next question is on page 75. (2) So, as a tripartite approach of systems, systems, and services, at the Digital Policy Consultation, we are working on a review of services and systems based on the Digital Principles in regulations on paper and in-person processes. I believe that such efforts are extremely important, so I believe that it is important to work together to ensure the consistency of systems, systems, and services by viewing them as a whole, by constructing systems while firmly reforming systems and services. This is the case when formulating new policies, and I believe that existing systems will be reviewed from such a perspective. First of all, how about working from such a perspective starting with semi-public sector, and as an example of measures, I am writing about medical institutions, etc., schools, and births.

In addition, in Part 4 of the arrow feather, I would like to write about the strengthening of law to confirm the compatibility of review of digital legislation with the digital principles, which will be newly developed, and about the new policy going forward.

Next, I would like to move on to page 76. Strengthening digital government means standardizing and modernizing public systems. I believe it is important to eliminate duplicate investments and avoid sticking resources to old technologies. As for efforts, I have organized the views of the central government, local government, and semi-public sector. As for the central government, I believe it will use existing systems such as SaaS in regulation with a minimum of customization, and develop and use infrastructure functions that can be used in common such as Government Cloud.

In addition, in local government, the promotion and support of core business systems standardization that we are currently working on is extremely important. In addition, the central and local governments will cooperate and collaborate to promote the efficient development of Digital infrastructure.

With regard to the thorough utilization of SaaS in (2), I believe that it is extremely important to expand the application of the technologies used in private sector to the public sector so that they will be used rather than made in the future.

Next, on page 77, I am writing about the construction of a data space and the examination of rules related to data, which is the premise of the data space, in an international framework to work on utilizing data to solve social Issue by strengthening data distribution and cooperation in order to solve Issue and strengthen competitiveness using data.

Next is disaster risk management DX. To solve Issue through data connections, as an example of measures, we will utilize My Number Card, build a disaster risk management digital platform, and promote development and utilization of applications. And ③ is Trust. As a premise for data utilization, it is important to secure Trust, so we will create use cases related to digital identity and form technical standards based on international cooperation.

Next, on page 78. Among the priority initiatives to respond to the priority Issue, the fifth is security. And here, in terms of a safe and secure system, securing security is essential, so I have touched on various examples of measures.

Also, in terms of initiatives related to cutting-edge technologies, the entire government will thoroughly use cutting-edge technologies, including AI.

Next, regarding the discussion on the revision of the personal data Protection Law, which was directed by the Chairman, we have organized the opinions of business sites and business operators.

This is Material 2. Briefly, regarding the current review of the personal data Protection Act every three years, the personal data Protection Act has a provision that it will be reviewed every three years after the enforcement of the revised Act, and the twenty twenty-five is scheduled to be reviewed next time. I am aware that the review is currently being considered mainly by the Personal Information Committee. The law itself originally stipulates the balance between utilization and protection by protecting the rights and interests of individuals while giving consideration to appropriate utilization.

Digital Agency has also heard the opinions of experts and business operators, so I would like to introduce them. It is on page 3. First of all, the concept of eliminating excessive dependence on the consent of the Principal by introducing the concept of contract performance, legitimate interests, and public interests, for example, by creating a provision that does not require the consent of the Principal for the provision of personal data to third parties, is consistent with the GDPR, which is the legal system for the protection of personal data in Europe. For example, in terms of what kind of contracts there are, when banks make overseas remittances, they do so at the request of customers, but business operators have pointed out that it is necessary for financial institutions to obtain the consent of the recipient country after providing information about the system in that country.

Second is the utilization of statistical data. Under the current law, information processed in kana, which is information on individuals whose names have been deleted, is only allowed to be analyzed in-house, and it is not allowed to combine and analyze data from multiple companies. However, there are cases in which analysis of a large number of data is effective, so there was an opinion that it would be possible for a business operator who analyzes only this kana data to perform statistical analysis and provide it to other companies.

The third is to limit the scope of leakage reports to those that are truly necessary. According to the rules of the Personal Information Protection Committee, those that may have occurred are subject to reporting, but I am aware that under the law, there is a high risk of harm to the rights and interests of individuals. Therefore, there are voices calling for a risk-based approach to target "those that are highly likely to harm the rights and interests of individuals."

In addition, in the case of flexible interpretation and operation to provide optimal public services to individuals, if it leads to the convenience of the person in the base registry, it is necessary to review the rigid interpretation and operation of the current purpose of use of personal data regulation.

The fifth is the opinion on strengthening regulation. Regarding the new regulations on child information, there is an opinion that comprehensive consideration by dependents, which is in charge of Children and Families Agency administration, is necessary. In addition, there is an opinion that the surcharge system may have a chilling effect on unexpected business operators, so the hasty introduction of the system should be avoided. Regarding the group lawsuit system, there is also an opinion that sufficient discussion with the parties concerned is necessary because the accumulation of legislative facts is not sufficient, and the hasty introduction of the system should be avoided. In addition, there is an opinion on the ideal way of the review every three years.

So far, we have introduced the voices of business operators. Thank you very much.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, I would like to ask for a greeting from Minister for Digital Transformation Kono here. Minister Kono, please.

Minister for Digital Transformation Kono: . Today, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Chairman Murai and all the members for attending the digital society Concept Conference from early in the morning.

As Director-General Tomiyasu just explained, over the past year, we have been promoting the spread and utilization of My Number Card, and there have been linking errors, but we would like to resolve these at full investigation, and in the future, we would like to steadily spread Wi-Fi, including direct reading to eliminate human errors.

In addition, the new international framework on DFFT agreed upon in G7 Digital and Technology Ministers' Meeting in Takasaki, Gunma last year was approved at the G7 Summit and the OECD meeting in December, and a new framework called IAP was created under the OECD. Japan will serve as the Chair of the OECD Ministerial Council during the consecutive holidays in May, so I intend to make steady efforts here.

In addition, steady progress has been made toward the elimination of regulations on paper and in-person processes, and by the end of May, at least within the national administration, floppy disk will be eliminated. Foreign countries often ask how many inches are used in floppy disk, but floppy disk has disappeared, and I believe that the elimination of fax will be the next step.

In addition, Digital Agency is the control tower for the utilization of AI in administration, so I would like to do it not only by creating a speech proposal in ChatGPT, but also in the sense of administrative efficiency. In cooperation with digital administrative and fiscal reform, what has been done by 1,741 local government in the name of local autonomy so far is standardization of business, standardization of systems, and policy selection for local autonomy. Local autonomy will be done, but the country will move out to some extent, including semi-public sector, and the system or data connections foundation will be firmly developed, and Government Cloud will be developed. In local government, I would like to change the phase to using the system well, not building it in.

In addition, as you just explained, I would like to strengthen efforts for dashboard of policy data, firmly disclose the status of promotion of DX in the fields of dissemination of My Number Card, review of regulations on paper and in-person processes, standardization of work in local government, Kasumigaseki transition, education, and childcare on the website, and firmly spread a culture of data-based policy formulation and execution management in Buckler.

Today, I would like to have a frank discussion on the priority Issue that should be addressed toward Priority plan this summer, and how Issue should be resolved. Thank you very much.


Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Now, I would like to ask for the opinions of the members. There are materials for the two members who are absent today, Mr. Mikitani and Mr. Muraoka, so please introduce them from the Secretariat.

Office: Now, I would like to introduce you briefly.

First of all, Material 3, the materials submitted by Mr. Mikitani. As "1. tax system Reform," the reduction of taxes to attract human resources, intellectual property, and investment in age of AI, and as "2. regulatory reform," the withdrawal of a proposal to uniformly prohibit the sale of a part of pharmaceutical products over the Internet that lacks reasonable grounds, and the development of a new ride-sharing law to achieve the national minimum of securing transportation.

Going to the next page, we will abolish the certification of articles of association by notaries to enable the immediate establishment of a corporation, consider a review of the personal data Protection Act to promote smooth and sound data utilization, and promote the utilization and opening of education data.

Finally, as "3. Competition Policy," we have received a paper on the effective resolution of problems caused by the oligopolistic structure of mobile OS and app stores under the new law, and the securing of a fair competition environment in the telecommunications field based on the NTT Law.

Next, Handout 4, Handout from Mr. Muraoka.

As for the first circle, I would like to ask for detailed support in accordance with the actual situation of the local government for transition to standard compliance system using Government Cloud in local regions. In order to resolve various concerns about the burden of costs on the local government, I would like to ask for special consideration for financial support for additional expenses, etc. that are not attributable to the local government.

The second round is scheduled to end the issuance of the current insurance card in December this year and to be integrated into a mechanism based on the Minor Insurance Card. Therefore, we would like you to carefully respond to the dissemination of the significance and merits of the transition. We would like you to focus on the utilization of cards in the disaster risk management field.

Finally, the third circle, I would like to ask for continued generous support so that the development of advanced information and communications networks in remote islands and underpopulated areas does not lag behind that in urban areas. Also, I would like to ask for the active use of non-terrestrial networks, such as improving the disaster resistance of terrestrial networks and satellite communications, to be included. We have received such opinions. area

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, I would like to hear the opinions of the members. There is a person who is leaving in the middle of the meeting and is close to the time, so I would like to ask him to speak first. Mr. Wakamiya, please.

Wakamiya Member: This is Wakamiya.

Digital Agency has just started, but I thought it was amazing that he was doing so many things. However, speaking from the perspective of people who associate with so-called analog native speakers, in order to do this kind of thing more and more, it is absolutely necessary to education the people. Mr. local government and others are teaching us the operating procedures, but first of all, I think it is necessary to explain to the people why they must do this kind of digitalization and what it is like to do digitalization in an easy-to-understand manner using videos and other materials.

In addition, until now, the window of the city public office was actually a window where you went to the city public office, but I think that from now on, the window will be the homepage of each city public office. Therefore, I would like you to value the homepage from now on in order to value how you can make the general public aware of the thoughts of the country and local government in such a way as to make everyone understand on the homepage.

One more thing. For people who don't know what digitalization is for, for example, if you do digitalization on your medicine notebook, I think it would be rather easy for the general public to understand that this is digitalization. In that way, I would like you to put a sample of digitalization that everyone can understand. Thank you very much.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

So, Natsuno-san is also planning to leave the office in the middle of the day. May I ask you to do that?

Natsuno Member: Thank you, .

This time, I think that it has been compiled comprehensively, and it has been a really wonderful form. Three or four years have passed since Digital Agency was established, and I have the impression that the Trinity of Systems, Systems, and Services on page 75 has finally gotten off the ground. When we talk about digital, there are always many discussions about systems, such as how the system will be and how security will be. I feel that the Trinity of changing systems in response to new technology and thinking about how business will change as a set has finally gotten off the ground, even when I look at the various policies of other ministries and agencies.

So, in the future, in order to spread the idea of the Trinity Approach of Systems, Systems, and Services throughout the government, it would be strange to say that Digital Agency will examine various forms, but I wonder if it is important to properly check them. I think this is a concept similar to the Digital Legislation Bureau Concept, which has been around for a long time, but I thought it is very important to properly check systems and laws when they are enacted.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, I would like to ask the members of the national territory who will leave early as well.

Country Member: I would like to express my respect for the efforts made by the Secretariat, the Digi-cho, you and others. It is true that I feel that convenience has increased in various aspects, and there are various problems, but I think it is important to resolve them one by one.

In that regard, I believe that the "Direction of Response in Priority Issue" in 2 of the Draft Points for Revision on page 73 is the basic policies of Priority plan this time, so I think it is an important page. I would like to say two things that are somewhat contradictory, but in particular, I think it is very good to strengthen efforts to make "digitalization" "a matter of course" as a result of (3). In many cases, the results are expressed in the image of the output, that is, how much My Number Card has spread, but in the end, I would like to set KPIs or performance targets for how much it has improved as a result. I believe that if the results are conveyed to the people in an easy-to-understand manner, the evaluation of the efforts or the understanding of the people will be deepened. The first point is that it would be good to pay attention to how to express this.

The second point is that it may not be easy to understand, but it may take a little time. For example, I am thinking about the Base Registry, and I believe that it is important to prioritize the proper development of such data. Therefore, for example, I am not sure if this falls under this item, but I believe that if the idea of properly developing a data infrastructure is reflected in the development and operation of the common infrastructure in (4), it will function as a point for the next Priority plan, so I would like you to consider this.

That's all. Thank you.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Mr. Kawabe, please go ahead.

Kawabe Member: First of all, thank you for your explanation at the beginning.

As I believe many of you are watching today, I would like to point out that Digital Agency's wide-ranging plan to replace the analog administrative system, which was created after the war or in the Meiji period, with a digital system is truly amazing. In a sense, it is being implemented very quietly, and I would like to express my respect for it.

Overall, I think that the phase of establishing the mechanism is ending, and now we are moving to the phase of promoting it above all else, involving the local governments and other ministries and agencies that will use it. Even if the phase changes from establishing the mechanism to promoting it, the overall feeling is that we would like Digital Agency to take the same leadership.

In addition, I would like to refer to several materials. First of all, regarding the common infrastructure in Government Cloud in Materials 1-1 and 1-4, which are around pages 6 to 11 in the materials, I believe that it has been registered and disseminated in the same way. However, what we should be aiming for is the utilization ratio and utilization satisfaction, so I would like people in Digital Agency to get into the field of people who use it and increase the utilization ratio and utilization satisfaction. I would like the Digi-cho to start to improve the true KGI. If you say that it is the work of the Digi-cho to provide it, there is a shortage of digital human resources in each ministry and agency and in local government, so there is a possibility that it will not be able to increase the utilization ratio or the utilization satisfaction. I would like the Digi-cho to take leadership in this regard.

Next, I would like to talk about digital government in 1-2. Today I am also making a statement in my capacity as the President of the IT Federation, and I often hear voices from local vendors who are members of the IT Federation. I heard that it is an on-schedule to standardize 20 businesses in Government Cloud by twenty twenty-five. This is really wonderful, but in small and medium-sized local government, there is a so-called one person-oriented system problem, and it is often difficult to use 20 Government Cloud. For example, I think it would be good to prepare something that can be shared by multiple SaaS for businesses other than the 20 businesses, including those that become more local government.

In addition, in security measure, there are things that are difficult to complete if it is one person, so I would like Digital Agency to take the initiative in developing human resources, such as making it common so that it can be used by everyone.

In conclusion, regarding the revision of the personal data Protection Act, the results of the hearings with the industry were announced earlier, so I will omit it greatly, but if I were to mention about three, there are multiple labeling for personal data, which is very difficult to understand, and I think it is confusing. This needs to be fixed.

In addition, what is being talked about in the industry is that the review every three years is decided to be every three years in order to update it, but if that is the case, there will always be a revision, and there is concern that the content will become more and more strict every three years. Therefore, I think it is appropriate that if something is updated, it will be reviewed three years later, but I think it is better to revise the way of writing that it will be definitely reviewed every three years.

Last but not least, I would like to ask you to amend the personal data Protection Act so that it will be consistent with international standards as much as possible, although I think it is okay for us to have our own perspective, because there are concerns that harmonization between domestic rules and international rules of the personal data Protection Act, which is currently revised and strengthened every three years, will not be successful.

That's all from me.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Mr. Ikeda, please.

IKEDA: I have heard a lot about the administration of . I'm Ikeda.

First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Priority plan for the revision proposal of Digital Agency, which incorporates revisions in response to changes in the times.

As you mentioned in the materials earlier, the one stop contact point, which is not mentioned in this local government, has been introduced at an early stage and is already in operation. Because the SaaS system was introduced in Digital Agency, we believe that we were able to introduce a high-quality system in a short period of time and at a relatively low price, and we would like to express our gratitude. This system is a horizontal expansion of successful cases in other cities, but in other fields and systems, for those that are expected to be effective, we would like you to actively develop systems based on the same concept.

My second question is about the use of My Number Card's insurance card. As Mr. Muraoka mentioned earlier, I believe that it is necessary to develop public relations as widely and strongly as possible while the central government and local government firmly cooperate before the use of the insurance card starts. I would like to ask for your cooperation.

My third question is about the standardization of the local government system, for which concerns have been raised by local government within the Japan Association of City Mayors, and about the transition to Government Cloud. Currently, costs remain high due to the impact of various factors such as the depreciation of the yen, and I believe that problems such as a shortage of business resources are causing concerns in local government, and the shortage of digital human resources that you mentioned earlier is being voiced especially by the town and village assemblies.

I am aware that Digital Agency is already taking various measures in cooperation with local government, but in the event of an emergency, this is a project that will affect the people of local government, so I would be grateful if Okinawa Prefecture would continue to listen carefully to the voices of the local people.

My fourth question is about initiatives to make digital technology commonplace, which you mentioned earlier. In this regard, I believe it is extremely important to continue to provide services that make people feel convenient.

In addition, at our terminal Basic local government, we directly deal with elderly people who are completely unfamiliar with digital technology, and I believe it is very important to have a system that can be easily used by such elderly people and others. In this city, we directly provide various support for the use of digital technology to elderly people, and I always tell my staff to use analog technology in digitalization, but I believe it is necessary to firmly advance grass-roots initiatives such as this.

Last but not least, the voices from the business field on the personal data Protection Act in Material 2 were the materials earlier, and in it, flexible operation and interpretation to provide optimal public services to individuals were mentioned. We are naturally fully aware of the importance of personal data protection. On the other hand, in the public field in particular, it is possible that the convenience of the Principal will be achieved by making the interpretation of the use of the Principal's personal data, which is already stored by the public authorities for another purpose, flexible at the request of the Principal. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to define specific use scenes and operations that can be convinced by the people in the future. We would like to continue our discussions on these points. Thank you very much.

That's all from me.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Mr. Ito, thank you for your continued support.

Member: Thank you, .

As with all of you, I am very grateful. It may be similar to what Mr. Natsuno was saying, but of course, services and various operations are difficult, but in terms of various policies, Digital Agency's technology is overwhelming compared to other ministries and agencies, and there are many people and the level is high. For example, in the case of the personal data Protection Act, there are many reports from the U.S. on privacy protection technology and AI, but there are bias and discrimination in the model, and even though personal data is not included, personal data can be extracted from the analyzed data. There are various risks, but methods to create a very easy-to-use model while protecting privacy are also emerging at both the research and application levels. This technology has led to the emergence of laws that were actually impossible until now. From the personal data Protection Act, which says that only should be taken violently, it has become technically possible to make this kind of thing more detailed, unpleasant, and desirable. Therefore, if the latest technology is not in the place where discussions are held at the time of laws and policy formulation, laws based on the old way of thinking can be created. It is difficult to change a law once it has been created, so it is necessary for engineers to be in discussions, rather than seeing what has been created at the site of brainstorming by people with the latest technical information, including the Digi-cho. personal data

In addition, it is very important to have human resources who have both the humanities departments such as law and economics in the government and the latest science departments. So, I think that this cannot be done only by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and that human resource development is important. This may be a bit old data, but a report by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry says that there will be a shortage of 450,000 to 800,000 IT engineers in 2030. Human resource development is a very important point in the future, including in various regions, and I think that everyone is well aware of this. However, it is not enough to work a little harder as before, so I think that human resource development should be given high priority.

In addition, at the end of last year, there was a lot of excitement about AI safety. Of course, there is a bias, but what if AGI or Super AI comes out? What if AI is used to attack cybersecurity? What if bioterrorism? It became a global topic of conversation. The U.S. and the U.K. established the AI Safety Institute. The AI Safety Institute in the U.K. is mostly run by engineers, but the AI Safety Institute in Japan is rather focused on policy. The technical capability of AI safety is important in various layers. It is very important to create AI that can be analyzed, to guard, and to red-team. Since the functions have not been strengthened yet, the AI Safety Institute was included in the IPA and was assigned a great head, Mr. Murakami. The technical capability layer there should be properly supported by the Digi Agency. When we talk with the U.K., we have to communicate with engineers. This is also the case with policy. We need a team to exchange technology with overseas AI Safety Institutes, so we have to set up this somewhere. Another point is that AI safety is connected not only with AI but also with cybersecurity and some national security. The AI Safety Institute has people from each ministry and agency, but AI safety cannot be achieved without proper support and horizontal cooperation. How the Digi Agency supports AI safety and how the country works is also very important. I am worried that there are not many people in charge here, so I think it would be good if the Digi Agency could support it.

I will stop around here. That's all.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Mr. Noda, may I speak to you?

Mr. Noda: As Mr. Kawabe said, I think that services in the public office of the city have been improving considerably in recent years, and there are quite a few citizens who think that it is better to be treated with warmth by analog than by digital. However, the problem is that we cannot maintain the current services in the public office of the city for the future. We are in a situation where we cannot meet the expectations that we have had until now, while there is a labor shortage and the number of employees is decreasing, particularly in the countryside. We need to communicate that clearly. If people think that digital will improve things, they will think that it is not so good, and that people are better than us. I think it is also important to have people properly understand how serious the labor shortage is and how much service will deteriorate in the future, and to have people understand that if we do not introduce digital now, the quality of service will deteriorate in the future. Including the cost aspect, it will be the burden of the people, and it will be the burden of the citizens, so if we raise the expectations that digital is convenient and will improve things, I think that the number of citizens who block analog is better than digital will not decrease, so I felt that it is necessary to make efforts in this regard. .

As you all said, I think we've really made a lot of progress in the past year. First of all, I would like to say thank you. Thank you very much.

Policy Progress Management and visualization So, I received an explanation of the Policy Dashboard, and I thought it was a very good initiative because it was followed up in great detail on the dashboard. As an internal management tool for organization, I think it is a meaningful initiative to check how far the policy will progress. In addition, I think it is also very important to show from the people's perspective what kind of society is being realized using digital from the people's perspective, that is, how close we are to the six images of the society we should originally aim for. Digital is only an enabler, that is, a tool, and it is important to show how much convenience the people's lives have become and how much the quality of life has been improved by this, in accordance with the six images, and to manage the progress in a year in the form of a dashboard. I felt that it would be good if there was a mechanism in which the people would be absent and the digital tool would not become a purpose.

Next, regarding the Issue to be concentrated, which is stated on page 67, you recognize three Issue: a labor shortage, a decline in Japan-wide industrial competitiveness, and a threat to sustainability, and I think that is correct. I think this is a very important point, but as Mayor Ikeda said earlier, local problems are also extremely serious. As the Noto earthquake has been revealed, local infrastructure is in a critical situation, and the problem of the productivity of local SMEs is also serious. Wages of large companies are increasing, but wages of SMEs are not increasing at all. How to raise wages by increasing labor productivity of local SMEs? I think digital is essential for solving Issue in these regions, so I think it is good to have a local perspective a little more strongly. In particular, how to protect the aging infrastructure in the regions, where the population is rapidly shrinking, while using digital is a very important perspective.

The third point is about responding to the priority Issue. As Minister Kono said, it is important for the 1,800 regions not to create their own systems, but to expand the local government or to share the system. Cooperation between the national and local governments and wide-area cooperation between local local government is required. I think it is clear that it is no longer possible for one local government to respond, so I think it is necessary to drastically change the structure in which each local government works hard to development and to create a mechanism to encourage cooperation.

In addition, from the perspective of sustainability, strengthening data distribution and cooperation is an important point. For example, initiatives for a circular economy are advancing in Europe, and Japanese initiatives are also advancing recently, but digital is essential for building a circular economy, which is a sustainable economic system. Already, there are moves underway in Europe to manage the traceability of the entire value chain, that is, the entire value chain from the procurement of raw materials to the design, manufacturing, collection, and recycling of products, and then back to the materials and products, by attaching IDs to products and materials, such as digital passports and material passports. Digital is essential because such a circular economic model, a green economy, can only be established if there is a data connections mechanism. I would like to see data connections advanced from the perspective of forming a new sustainable economic model.

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment launched an industry-government-university partnership to realize a circular economy, and discussions on what to do with data connections have begun. I understand that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is currently considering using the Uranus Ecosystem, which is led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as the foundation of data connections. I would like to ask Digital Agency to consider how to support and cooperate with such efforts by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Mr. Koshizuka, please go ahead.

Koshizuka Member: Good morning.

If I listen to many of the items together, you have done a lot of things and made a lot of progress, and I would like to express my great respect for that. Also, in that sense, I think it is as other members have said.

There are several points that I would like to discuss in detail. The first point is about data. We are talking about data connections infrastructure and platform systems. Over the past year, it seems that the phase of data has clearly changed worldwide. You mentioned Uranus earlier, and as you made a few announcements yesterday, we have concluded an MOU with IPA of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with Catena-X of Europe to respond to battery regulation. After this, I heard that response to CBAM is probably underway. That is why it has actually started to be put into operation.

In addition, for example, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, PLATEAU, which is a digital twin that can be proud of worldwide, has been created. In addition, in the digital countryside and smart cities, many local government have already entered the market in the form of urban OS. What was in the phase of creating such a foundation until now has clearly entered the market, and I think it is a very big difference that we have reached the stage of moving and using it from now on. International cooperation in DFFT has also begun. We are now at the stage of making global contributions. What is very important about data is that this is still being done in a relatively fragmented state, so I think a Japan-wide control tower is necessary. So, it is necessary to realize that many Japanese data initiatives will proceed as one team. Data cooperation is not in the field of generating profits in competitive areas, but in cooperative areas. I think it is necessary to discuss how to sustainably manage it in the future, including how to bear the burden.

As for AI, the relationship with AI is also very important. As you mentioned about LLM, AI will start with multimodal LMM beyond language models. LLM is not only re-learning, but also a hybrid form with existing databases to match the expertise of each domain. Therefore, how to connect data connections infrastructure and data space with AI is becoming an extremely important phase in advancing AI.

Also, with regard to DFFT, there was an OECD meeting last week, and I participated in it because I was a member. It was quite a topic of conversation internationally, and about 200 people were participating, and there were 200 people, so there was no discussion. However, there were three working groups, and in the three working groups of cross-border payment, privacy enhancement technology, and transparency, I had the impression that the discussions started from a place that was not so essential. I thought that Japan should be more active in leading the working groups and making some proposals. This is my first question on data.

My second question is about disaster risk management. There are two. One is that it is important for the public and private sectors to firmly cooperate. Lastly, there are broadcasting, media, and disaster risk management where information about private sector is sent to the people of Japan, so it is important to firmly divide the roles. This is also related to the personal data Protection Act, which I mentioned earlier. When searching for people who have been affected by disasters, it is about time to use the history of location information on smartphones, which may be able to save many lives. This is quite sensitive data, so I think careful discussion is necessary, but I think that disaster risk management and personal data can be put on the agenda of discussion. This is my second question.

The third point is about the revision of the personal data Protection Act. As Committee Member Ito mentioned earlier, I think this is probably about Privacy Enhanced Technology. It is secret calculation, and there are technologies such as homomorphic encryption and secret sharing. This is a big discussion at the OECD in DFFT, as I mentioned earlier, and it is a discussion that can be worked on. I think we should start discussing the relationship between this and the personal data Protection Act. Under the current situation, things that have been secretly calculated are probably treated as personal data, so there is no benefit from PETs. However, I think it is important to discuss how to make it consistent with the law.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Thank you, Mr. Ohta.

Ohta Member: I'm Ohta, a member of . Nice to meet you.

First of all, looking at the summary, I understand well that Digital Agency has been advancing projects on a wide range of themes for three years as of September 1 this year. After that, I would like to make three comments.

First of all, I think it is very good that you have stepped into the point that I have proposed so far, which is to thoroughly observe the usage rate and satisfaction level of the people and companies in online administrative services. I believe that this is not a matter of doing it once and then finishing it, but rather to follow changes. At present, the usage rate of about 50% and the satisfaction level of about 30% are by no means high, but they are almost the same as the figures for Tokyo, which has been conducting similar fixed-point observations for three years. Although they are not at a satisfactory level, I think they represent the current situation.

With regard to the changes I mentioned earlier, in the end it will be the people of Japan. Looking at the situation in Tokyo Prefecture, it is realistically difficult to expect that the situation will immediately improve in six months to one year. We are talking about five years, so I think it would be better to follow the changes in more detail. To be specific, it is companies that have started to use digital services the most, including in private sector. This includes small and medium-sized enterprises. One way is to monitor the situation of companies in cooperation with prefectural governments, which are mainly in charge of services for companies other than the national government.

The other is to look at the satisfaction and utilization rates of the administrative staff who provide public service. I think this is the fastest increase, so I would like to propose that. We can see changes in this area in one to two years, so I think the response will be felt by the people who provide it and the people who receive it.

The second point is that I stated in my opening remarks that Digital Agency, which is almost three years old, is engaged in a wide range of work, but I believe that there is a risk that we are doing so with one fifth the number of personnel compared to other countries, or one tenth in terms of fields, so I believe that it is necessary to steadily increase the number of personnel, which was initially estimated to be 5,000.

However, it is not realistic to increase the number of positions at once, including recruitment, so for the time being, we will firmly concentrate people in important areas. For example, we will use the card we have now to confirm the eligibility of the insurance card that will be issued in December, but we will deploy on an extremely large scale, so I believe it is necessary to steadily increase the number of positions over the medium term while firmly concentrating people in such areas.

My third and final question is, as area revitalization has been going on for more than 10 years, I believe you are looking back on it. On a positive note, what is happening in area is that area will not be able to survive unless various services are provided by local financial institutions, not only by the government but also by public-private partnerships. This has been said on paper for a long time, but a new generation has come to the financial sector, and we are working to create a specific fund and provide loans and investments. So, although the theme will be changed, we will once again firmly cooperate with Digital Garden City. If we do not do so, it will end when subsidies and special Issue funds run out. Digita is in its third year, and I believe that the future will be led by promoting digital society based on cooperation with financial institutions so that this does not happen.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Thank you very much for your valuable opinions. There were many opinions that appreciated the progress made. On the other hand, as I believe Mr. Ohta's talk and Mr. Noda's talk, there were anxiety and hesitation about digitalization introduced on page 67, and in the international comparison chart on page 69, it seems that there are many Japanese who feel uneasy about digitalization. There were several members who pointed this out.

This is a story from overseas, but it is easier to understand how effective it was if there is a scenario story. For example, how much easier it was when I went to the window, or how much time I could save without going to the window. As I have mentioned before, in Australia, it is possible to understand that it was good to proceed with digitalization only by the indicator of how much time public officials spent on phone calls.

Whether we are living in a society, going to a hospital, or going to a restaurant to place an order and have a robot serve it, we sometimes feel that various things have changed so much. If so, I think it is important to compare the improvement made by Before digitalization and After digitalization in such scenarios and points of attention. I don't know if this is what public office is doing, but if I say Digital Agency, it will be a metric that says 8 out of 10 digitalization have been created. If so, it will be good for those who say they should proceed, but it may not affect the hearts of those who are worried or hesitant. While considering this, we are finally entering a really important phase in data. I think the personal data Protection Act and the international interoperability that Mr. Koshizuka just mentioned will be key. We are creating such a society, and I hope we can move forward there.

Now, time is running out, but I would like to hear the opinions of the current members and make a new statement. What do you think? Anyone is fine.

Mr. Ikeda, please.

IKEDA: I have heard a lot about the administration of . As the chairman said, for example, citizens come to the public office of the city. There are probably not many cases in which people feel the benefits of digitalization or such convenience only in the administrative world. There are usually not many people who come to the public office of the city so often every week. For example, in this city, as I said earlier, we are working on it in One-Stop Counter, and we started it in February. We are appealing to reporters that it took 15 minutes to sit at the window of the Citizens Division, instead of 50 minutes to move to several divisions when a family moved. As I said earlier, we do not move so often, so it may be difficult to feel the convenience only in the administrative world.

We run a convenience store Issue, and if you come to the counter in the public office of the city to complete the procedure, it costs 300 yen for the fee, but if you go to a convenience store nearby and get it in My Number Card, it costs 150 yen. It is not the case that we actually get resident records often, so there are absolutely few opportunities to feel the benefits of digitalization only in the administrative world. By the way, in our convenience store Issue, before we halved the price, only about 10% of people took it at convenience stores, but now 65% of people have taken it at convenience stores for the past seven years or so. People who have had one experience will never come to the counter again. In a world where people have one experience once a year, once every two years, or once every three years, I think the speed at which opportunities to feel convenience spread is overwhelmingly slow. In that sense, as I have been saying, I feel that expanding the utilization of private sector is very important in expanding convenience to the people. I would like to say a few words because of the discussion just now. Thank you.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, . I think this is a very valuable opinion.

I made a statement earlier because I thought that we should make an effort to make it understood in a scenario or manga that can appeal to the public. What do you think about other people?

Then Kawabe-san and Noda-san, please.

Kawabe Member: I can make you talk briefly.

I would like to talk about it now. In the Japanese case, analog things are reasonably convenient, and if you don't have the opportunity to use digital things only once or twice a year, you can't compare them. I think it is a big problem. I think what to do is to lead people to use them naturally. On the other hand, I think it is important to make people who are consciously stopping digitalization aware of it. There are people who love analog, like digital stoppers, so I think it is very important to make them understand that, for example, young people around them want to advance digitalization more, but they are stopping because of their own obsession. In that sense, this national survey and the survey by the Digi Agency are important, and I would like them to continue it. I think it is necessary to highlight this and give them a name to some extent, and enlighten them that they are not becoming digital stoppers in order to make the world more convenient. In the so-called OS update, it is common for IT to have problems that the whole convenience cannot be secured because there are the last 3% of people. Such problems are notified by Windows update, etc. We teach them that they cannot update the whole thing unless they update it soon, so why don't we give them a name and do such a thing? I think I will call them digital stoppers, but I have just a proposal.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Mr. Noda, may I speak to you?

Mr. Noda: As Mr. Kawabe said, I think that services in the public office of the city have been improving considerably in recent years, and there are quite a few citizens who think that it is better to be treated with warmth by analog than by digital. However, the problem is that we cannot maintain the current services in the public office of the city for the future. We are in a situation where we cannot meet the expectations that we have had until now, while there is a labor shortage and the number of employees is decreasing, particularly in the countryside. We need to communicate that clearly. If people think that digital will improve things, they will think that it is not so good, and that people are better than us. I think it is also important to have people properly understand how serious the labor shortage is and how much service will deteriorate in the future, and to have people understand that if we do not introduce digital now, the quality of service will deteriorate in the future. Including the cost aspect, it will be the burden of the people, and it will be the burden of the citizens, so if we raise the expectations that digital is convenient and will improve things, I think that the number of citizens who block analog is better than digital will not decrease, so I felt that it is necessary to make efforts in this regard.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Thank you for your valuable opinions. As time is running out, I would like to end the discussion here. I would like the Secretariat to proceed with the creation of the Priority plan with the remaining time, including your opinions.

In addition, if there is anything that needs to be asked to the members, I would like you to proceed with it promptly. I believe that you have received many evaluations, so you said that the dashboard and KPI will be done in a short time. At the same time, the members pointed out that as DX progresses, that is, as digital society progresses, that is, as Digital Agency's work progresses, Digital Agency's work is increasing and the scope of defense is increasing. In that case, at the time of creation, the scale of at least 5,000 people that you mentioned earlier is necessary, and I think that we have come to understand quite specifically where and who is necessary. I thought that it would be good if you could write a plan that incorporates such things, including the roles of Priority plan and Digital Agency.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members who always give me very valuable opinions. I would like the Secretariat to take the opinions of the members and proceed with the creation of the Priority plan.

That's all for today's agenda, but at the end of the meeting, I would like to hear an address from Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Tsuchida. First of all, I would like to ask for your cooperation.

Mr. Tsuchida, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Digital: Mr. , thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule today. I would like to express my sincere gratitude. At the same time, I would like to ask one thing to those who are really strong in communication. As Mr. Ohta mentioned at the end, I would like you to communicate the number of staff, in a sense, the number of staff, and the strengthening of the system in Digital Agency.

As I mentioned today, Digital Agency is not only doing a wide range of things, but there are also many things that I need to do and want to do in the future, and there are many fields in which the needs of the people are strong. Amidst this, for example, AI was mentioned today, but to be honest, the current situation is that we are unable to increase the number of personnel to the extent that you are surprised. If it is a private sector company, it is possible to recruit and deploy people in advance to places where sales are likely to be clear and where customer needs are strong, but due to the budget and capacity of Kasumigaseki, it is not possible to increase the number of personnel yet. Even so, in two and a half years since the establishment of Digital Agency, we have secured about twice the number of personnel, which is unusual for Kasumigaseki, but the limit is becoming quite visible. Now, the executives of Digital Agency are working together to strengthen the system and strengthen the personnel, but we are nearing the limit, so I would like to use your help to strengthen the system of Digital Agency as much as possible, as you mentioned earlier that it will have 5,000 people, and to deliver the necessary digital services to the people of Japan, so I would like to thank you for your help today.

Thank you so much for today.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Yohei Ishikawa, please

Senior Vice-Minister ISHIKAWA: Thank you very much for your valuable opinions from the morning today, Chairman Murai and all other members.

Recently, I visited Miyakonojo City and saw the site where citizens are using service desk DX very conveniently. Taking this Miyakonojo as a model case, I would like to promote such administrative efficiency and digitalization in local government throughout Japan.

On the other hand, I believe you are correct in pointing out that the benefits of improving the convenience of digitalization have not yet been conveyed to the people of Japan. We are also continuing to sell our products to people in each private sector. Amidst this, we are in the second year of a demonstration test on the utilization of My Number in scenes of emergencies, and based on this, I believe that the fact that My Number Card is actually necessary for us and that there are scenes in which we can utilize it will spread to the people of Japan, so we plan to intensively conduct public relations and PR activities on such easy-to-understand examples in three ministries, Digital Agency, MHLW, and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, ahead of the switching of My Number insurance cards in December. Although the utilization of My Number at disaster risk management sites is still a long way off, I would like to steadily complete the DX for the people of Japan, digitalization, step by step.

It will be three years since the establishment of Digital Agency in September this year. I believe that the fact that we have achieved such results in the five year intensive period is the result of the tireless efforts of the Minister Kono and other staff members. I would be grateful if you could continue to guide us as a cheering squad.

Thank you very much for today.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, Ms. Minister for Digital Transformation Kono, please.

Minister for Digital Transformation Kono: , thank you very much for your time and support from early in the morning. There has been a lot of talk about Digital Agency's human resources, but we have finally reached a little less than 1,100 people. Under the current system, the ministries and agencies are entrusted with the recent registration information, the family registry cooperation system, and other matters that Digital Agency should carefully monitor. Increasing the number of digital human resources in the government as a whole may reduce the necessary budget amount. Therefore, we would like to discuss long-term policies for digital human resources in the government with Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs and others toward the next fiscal year.

We need to think carefully about what to do with AI human resources and other specialized human resources in the future. In addition, there are requests from the local local government that the national government, prefectural governments, and basic local government should support digital human resources. I think we need to think carefully about digital human resources.

In addition, it is said that administrative procedures are carried out many times a year. Once you file a final tax return or make a Issue at a convenience store, you will understand the convenience. However, I believe that the use of an app that can be used on a daily basis will lead to the convenience of digitalization or My Number Card. Therefore, applications that can use My Number Card not only for administrative procedures but also for citizen form into a card or for preventing resale are being worked hard by senior vice-ministers and parliamentary vice-ministers, so I think it is necessary to appeal the convenience of digital from such a point.

Analog is convenient in its own way, and compared to other countries, there may be people who respond carefully. In that context, considering the future population decline, I think digitalization cannot be avoided. We would like to quickly create a situation in which smartphones are installed and convenience is improved, people can use them properly like citizen cards, and if you evacuate with a smartphone in an emergency, My Number Card functions are also installed. There are still many things that need to be done, but we would like to do our best. We would like to move forward by fully reflecting the opinions we received today in Priority plan.

Thank you very much.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

Then, please let us know the contact information from the office.

Office: Office will contact you with 2 points.

First, the video of today's meeting and the materials used will be released on the Digital Agency website.

This is my second question. I will discuss with Chairman Murai about the holding of the next Concept Conference and after that, I will let you know.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Thank you, .

With that being said, I would like to conclude today's 9th digital society Concept Conference. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me today.

That's all.