6th digital society Concept Conference
- Last Updated:
- Date and Time: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 (2023) from 13:30 to 15:00
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- Status and efforts since the establishment of Priority plan in fiscal 2022
- Adjournment
Conference Video
The conference is available on YouTube (Digital Agency official channel).
- Agenda (PDF/19KB)
- Material 1: Status and efforts since the establishment of Priority plan in fiscal 2022 (PDF / 5,593 kb)
- Material 2: Materials to be submitted by Member Mikitani (PDF / 212 kb)
- Material 3: Materials to be submitted by Mr. Ohta (PDF / 106 kb)
- Minutes (PDF/471KB)
Secretariat: Thank you, Now that it's on time, we will begin the "digital society Concept Conference."
The secretariat will let you know at the beginning.
Today's meeting will be held online.
In accordance with the Operating Guidelines, this meeting will be held in a form that is open to the press and others after confirmation by Chairman Murai. We would like to inform you that the press are attending the meeting online.
So, from here, Mr. Murai, nice to meet you.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, Murai.
Thank you very much for taking the time to attend today.
Today, I heard that nine members, including myself, are scheduled to attend the meeting online. Although Members Ota, Koshizuka, and Mikitani are absent, they have received written opinions in advance, so I would like to share them with you later.
I heard that Mr. Muraoka left the office in the middle of the meeting. I would like to hear your opinions in advance during the discussion. Thank you.
In addition, Senior Vice-Minister Okushi and Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Ozaki are attending from Digital Agency. Thank you for your cooperation.
So, without further ado, I would like to have an address from Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Okushi. Thank you very much.
Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Okushi: , thank you very much for taking the time to attend the digital society Concept Conference. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Chairman Murai and all other members.
In June last year, we heard the valuable opinions of our members and formulated the Priority plan toward the realization of digital society. Priority plan will serve as a compass for the entire government to map out the future goal of digital society and work together on themes such as structural reforms and the resolution of local Issue in order to realize a world-class digital society in Japan amid the rapidly increasing significance of the region due to the progress of digital technology. In Digital Agency, we have been working to promote the spread of Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, and My Number Card based on Priority plan. Priority plan is formulated every fiscal year based on the Basic Act on the Formation of digital society, and will be revised this summer based on the progress made.
At today's meeting, as a kick-off for the revision of Priority plan, we would appreciate if you could give us your frank opinions from a broad perspective. Thank you very much.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, , thank you very much.
Now, I would like to start the proceedings. This time, I would like to hear an explanation of the situation and efforts since the establishment of Priority plan in fiscal 2022, and your opinions toward the next Priority plan as the first round. Listening to your opinions in advance is already part of various discussions, but first of all, I would like to hear an explanation from the Secretariat on the situation and efforts since the establishment of Priority plan in fiscal 2022.
Director-General Tomiyasu: I am Tomiyasu from Strategy & Organization Group, . Nice to meet you.
I will explain based on Material 1.
First of all, please take a look at the table of contents. As the content of my explanation today, I will first introduce foreign countries and international trends. I will also explain various efforts being made in Priority plan since the establishment of Digital Agency. Finally, as Mr. Murai just mentioned, based on the opinions I have heard in advance, I am organizing for the revision of Priority plan.
Then, I will proceed.
It is page 4. It is "International Trends in Recent Years", so I will briefly summarize it on a piece of paper. Efforts related to data, digital, and AI are making great progress.
The value of data is increasing rapidly. Since data affects the competitiveness of countries, efforts by countries are becoming active, and discussions on data security are rapidly developing. In addition, the creation of a mechanism for data distribution and utilization is progressing.
Starting on page 5, I have mentioned specific matters, but in the "Trends in Data Strategies in Various Countries," data strategies are positioned as a design map of digital society, and are being advanced in various countries, the United States, Europe, and so on.
On pages 6 and 7, I would like to briefly introduce various developments in each legal aspect and related policies.
Pages 8 and 9 refer to "Trends in Other Countries on Artificial Intelligence (AI)." In particular, in 2023, the United States has been actively engaged in various efforts, including the US-India initiative and various reports released by the Task Force.
In Japan, the Data Strategy is being worked on mainly in Digital Agency, and the AI Strategy is being prepared and advanced by CSTI. In particular, based on the recent rapid moves overseas regarding AI, I believe it is necessary to consider various matters for Priority plan from such a perspective.
Next is "Digital Agency's Main Efforts Since the Establishment of Priority plan" on page 11.
Priority plan is a government-wide initiative, but here I would like to introduce Digital Agency's initiative.
First of all, as it is written, organization has expanded from 600 people at the beginning to 800 people, and 300 people have come to specialization-based recuruitment. On the other hand, there are high expectations for Digital Agency, and the workload has increased considerably, so the number of people is still insufficient, but we are working on the projects described here.
Specifically, on pages 12 and after, pages 12, 13, 14, and 15, as some of the meetings include Concept Council members, we have set up meeting bodies such as the Digital Policy Coordination and the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group, and I would like to introduce that we are steadily advancing our efforts.
In addition, as stated in 7 on page 12, G7 Digital Tech Ministers' Meeting will be held in April, and we are making earnest preparations for DFFT.
Next, from page 16 onwards, I would like to briefly explain each of the individual arguments.
It is an initiative of the so-called Digital Consultation, which is "inspection and review work of regulation in light of digital principles." I will not explain in detail, but it is an initiative to engage in a review of regulations involving people and paper premised on analog, premised on digital technology.
As you can see on page 18, there may be some guidance, but when we searched for law again, we found that there are about 10,000 media, including floppy disk and other provision that have regulations, and we have compiled a schedule that will be implemented over the next two years.
On page 19, I briefly describe the effects of the regulation Review. As there is a labor shortage, it is to solve the labor shortage on the ground. As I will explain later, by clearly indicating that digital technology will be used in the future, we believe that it will contribute to economic growth by creating new startups and growing industries.
This is on page 20. I mentioned earlier that there are 10,000 provision, but I would like to give you some examples that are easy to understand. Regarding rivers and dams that have been inspected in visual inspection, we will utilize digital technologies in drones and other places. The impact, which is written in blue, is that the river is 120,000 kilometers long and there are 110,000 urban parks.
In addition, as mentioned in the second part, there is a regulation from the perspective of occupational safety and health that a specified principal employer must patrol the work site once a day, but we believe that the use of remote monitoring using fixed point cameras and mobile cameras can reduce the burden on employers with Issue offices that are short of workers.
Pages 21 and 22 are representative examples. On page 23, as I mentioned earlier in Technology Map, we would like to introduce specific technologies in the form of a technology catalog. By introducing these to each ministry and agency, we would like to make it known that digital technologies can be substituted for regulations involving paper and people. At the same time, we would like to make it possible for companies to use these technologies for future investments.
As I have time, I will skip pages 24, 25, and 26. It is page 28. We are currently working on the spread of My Number Card. Digital Agency also introduces links to My Number Card, health insurance card, and others on its website, which is updated once a week. We are promoting policies based on data, while analyzing the causes of each rise and fall. By the way, this is the latest one on February 19, but My Number Card alone has more than 90 million copies on an application basis. When we update the materials, we would like to add new ones and make them public.
Also, as it becomes more popular, I think it is important to make it more convenient for people to use it. So, I would like to introduce some representative examples. I am very sorry to be in front of Mayor Ikeda, but I would like to introduce an example in which Mr. Miyakonojo City, who is more than 90%, is making great use of it. For example, Issue, a convenience store on the resident register, is more than 50%.
On page 30, we heard that it is used for various things in other local government, such as library cards, One-Stop Counter, and employee IDs. On page 31, we introduced an example from Kitami City, which is a representative example from One-Stop Counter.
Next, on page 32, we are providing support for the Digita Initiative, an initiative to utilize My Number Card. Here, I am introducing a conceptual diagram, but in terms of services rooted in residents, Digita is based on the idea of expanding and expanding the area, not in terms of medical care, transportation, and disaster risk management, and we are also providing support for initiatives using My Number Card.
Page 33 is the entrance to My Number Card, where you can conveniently visit Mynaportal on your smartphone. Regarding Mynaportal, in order to be user-friendly and easy to use, and to be a front desk that responds to the need of users to "find," "check," and "not forget," we are trying to build an easy-to-use one by making a demonstration version and confirming their opinions.
Pages 34 and 35 introduce various places in Digital Agency that have expanded their functions since the establishment of Mynaportal.
Pages 38 and 39 are about data sharing platform. At the time of the launch of Digital Agency, we will propose that "procedures will be completed in 60 seconds in smartphone" and "public service will be launched in seven days." We will make it like the North Star, and we will sort out what kind of Issue we will have to move toward here. In particular, I write on page 39. Among them, we are working on various projects with the goal of renovating the information linkages infrastructure between public authorities and local government, and using resident information to provide push-type services to residents.
On page 41, Digital Agency has been established, and we have established a Digital Promotion Committee. We started appointing Digital Promotion Committee members in fiscal 2022, and currently more than 20000 people have been appointed.
Next, from page 43 on, I would like to talk about our efforts in semi-public sector. I mentioned medical care, disaster risk management, and education in Digita earlier, but we are also advancing efforts in medical DX based on these three pillars. In particular, in revision of medical fee schedule DX, the third pillar, medical fee revisions are conducted once every two years, and vendors have hired people for a very short period of time to perform labor-intensive work. We are advancing efforts to make a significant efficiency by utilizing digital technology.
Pages 44 and 45 are related to medical DX, and page 46 is the concept of education in the field of data connections, which shows the concept of advancing both school administration and learning.
With regard to disaster risk management, on page 47, we will firmly establish the disaster risk management Architecture. As you can see on page 48, we will establish the Disaster Risk Management DX Public-Private Co-Creation Council. It is stated that there are 287 members in local government and private sector, and we would like to discuss what kind of initiatives are necessary for the Issue, including the architecture mentioned earlier.
Page 49 has a study group on how the digital transportation society should be.
On pages 50 and beyond, I would like to briefly introduce Peppol e-invoice. As for Peppol e-invoice, there is a problem that data cannot be connected if standard specifications are not consistent. As described on page 51, we will create a global standard specification called Peppol for exchanging electronic documents on the network. Based on this, we will create a system based on Peppol. Until now, it has been said that the seller's system and the buyer's system are different and that data is entered by people. By using Peppol, we will create a mechanism for direct data connections without people. In the future, we will promote digitalization of back offices of small and medium-sized enterprises. By creating a more user-friendly and efficient back office, we will be able to support small and medium-sized enterprises.
From page 53, the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group, as I said at the beginning that the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group is working mainly in Digital Agency, as stated on page 54, within the Data Strategy, we would like to position the Base Registry, Trust, data connections Infrastructure, and DFFT as projects that should be prioritized.
Page 55 is about the concept of the base registry. I think the background is important. We have made various demonstration projects for the base registry. What is the scope of disclosure depending on the purpose of use? In addition, when developing data, it is important to ensure the quality of the source of the data, such as the up-to-date and accuracy, but it is necessary to conduct integrated examination according to the roles of the data and the source. In addition, it has become clear that various man-hours are required.
As a countermeasure, we will create a disclosure scope based on use cases. We have also organized our idea to divide the base registries that have been developed or will be developed in the future according to the current status of data and information sources, and to set focus areas in corporate, land, and real estate, and to steadily advance them.
Page 56 is a specific and easy-to-read table.
On page 57, how to proceed with the corporate base registry, which has also been discussed in the Digital Consultation, is to realize a one time-only system, and as described in (I), (ii), and (iii), we would like to proceed with each method based on this idea.
Starting on page 58, I attach one sheet of paper called "Data Space Economy." As I just mentioned, we are working to create new value through collaboration based on data. As this progresses, real-time data from business operators will be available, and production and distribution will be determined accordingly, or data will suggest such things. I attach one sheet of paper because I believe that "Data Space will become an economy that leads the real economy" will flow in this direction as a big idea.
On page 60, I would like to introduce GAIA-X and other connectors that are being promoted in the EU.
Beginning on page 62, last summer, Digital Agency played a central role in summarizing the Government's views on Web3.0. Therefore, we held a review meeting on Web3.0, and we are organizing our views through quite vigorous discussion.
From page 67 on, Digital Agency will provide large-scale common functions, such as Government Cloud and Government Solution Services, which will integrate the LANs of the ministries and agencies.
In addition, as you can see on page 71, we created basic policies last year for the standardization of systems in local governments, and we intend to steadily advance support for transition in each local government.
Next, on page 74, for your reference, I would like to briefly introduce Digital Agency's global and international positions. We would like to learn what is necessary while studying what points are appreciated or not appreciated.
Finally, on page 78, regarding the "Revision of the Priority plan Plan," as I just mentioned, it is of course necessary to revise the plan based on the status of efforts after the establishment of the Priority plan Plan and the international situation, but we have received various opinions in advance, and the change in the DX, exactly the "X" part, is difficult, so various efforts are necessary to realize it. Also, we need to make efforts from the perspective of the demand side as well as the supply side, and we need to take an international perspective. So, I have written an explanation, but I will omit it because of the time.
We would like to receive your frank opinions today. Thank you very much.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Today, I would like to ask for your opinions on what will be included in the formulation of the next plan. You reported that the Government of Japan is working on the promotion of digital society through Digita and Digitari in combination with regulatory reform and others. In that context, I would like to ask for your opinions on the promotion of digital society by the Government of Japan as a whole, and what Digital Agency should do in that context. These should be included in Priority plan. Thank you.
Then, could you please introduce the opinions submitted by the committee members who are absent?
Secretariat: Thank you, Office.
First of all, I have received materials from Mr. Mikitani in Material 2.
I would like to make a simple analogy, but in my general remarks, I would like to make Japan a country where "people, knowledge, and money" gather from all over the world. The three basic policies for that purpose state that what the people can do is to reduce taxes, which are globally high, and to promote and utilize "new combinations."
From there, I would like to go into the details. There are five pillars. If you follow them in order, first of all, "In order to survive global competition in the digital age, we should drastically reduce tax rates and create a new flow of money centered on the private sector." There are discussions on global human resource acquisition / corporate location competition, crypto-assets, and public interest corporation reform.
The second is about human resources. It says, "In light of the current situation of an overwhelming shortage of digital human resources, we should enact the' Basic Act on Immigration' and drastically reform the education style." It describes the principles of accepting foreign nationals and proposes a new education style.
On the next page, it says that the expansion of teachers with business experience is also in response to digital society.
The third pillar is "We should abolish the Galapagos regulation and work on the regulatory reform for thorough digitalization." The principles of the abolition of the restrictions imposed on the so-called C2C business, the fluidity of the business model by the digitalization, the complete digitalization and zero cash society by the revision of the digital society Formation Basic Act, and the thorough opening of APIs should be specified. The My Number Card function should be installed in smartphones, the base registry should be developed as soon as possible, and the foundation of the digital society should be constructed as soon as possible. In addition, the regulation, which prohibits competitive inhibition, and the Commission regulation should be introduced.
The fourth story is related to startups. In the decision made in November 2022, the creation of a marketplace for the secondary market was proposed, saying, "We should work on further Issue while steadily implementing the five year Startup Development Plan."
Fifth, since "EBPM should be thoroughly implemented and strategic responses should be made through policy mix," EBPM should be thoroughly implemented by setting KPIs, subdividing them into trees, and managing their progress.
Also, as a strategic response based on a policy mix from a broad perspective, rather than incorporating overseas systems superficially and ideologically, a link to the policy recommendations of the New Economic Federation is posted for reference.
This is Mr. Mikitani.
In addition, Mr. Ohta expressed his opinion. On page 1, based on the case study of the GDS in the United Kingdom, there are four recommendations from the perspective of organization reform.
One is "Quick Wins," which are small but early successful experiences. In Digital Agency, it is possible to think of an app for COVID-19 vaccination certificates, and as you mentioned earlier, in Mynaportal, which has been renewed, we should carefully select and clearly indicate Quick Wins in the new Priority plan, and make efforts to spread them widely.
The second is visualization. Among Priority plan, we have received opinions so far. As indicators to grasp the progress of digitalization in a broad sense, we should set satisfaction levels and utilization rates of the people and private sector companies, grasp them on a regular basis, clarify them to the people, and implement them. Therefore, we have received a visualization of the gap between goal and the current situation.
The third is "Motivation through Commendation." By recognizing services and systems related to the realization of the society we aim for, we will accelerate the efforts of related ministries and agencies, local government, and private sector companies. In addition to the commendation, we will also clarify and share the digital principles that drove us to implement them.
Finally, regarding "sharing tools that enable change," we received a recommendation that the tools and wisdom necessary for realizing services and systems in Digital Agency should be shared with other ministries and agencies and local government. We also received a recommendation that a mechanism for sharing procurement, contract methods, and user testing should be included.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
I will be able to listen to your opinions for a little less than one hour. As I said earlier, I would like to have a discussion on this matter without being caught up in various things. First of all, may I have a talk from Mr. Muraoka?
MURAOKA Member: Hello, . I am Muraoka, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Chairman Murai, thank you very much for your consideration.
I would like to say a few things.
First of all, as you just introduced, I would like to express my gratitude to Digital Agency for the very strong and speedy digitalization of various parts of society as a whole.
I believe that we local governments must also work together to advance efforts. Today, on behalf of the National Governors' Association, I would like to make a statement on matters that I would like to see included in Issue and the next Priority plan.
Broadly speaking, there is no objection to the current direction, but in order to achieve results more smoothly, I would like to make four major points, although there will be many practical discussions.
First, I would like to talk about the inspection and review of the regulations on paper and in-person processes. I believe that the inspection and review of the regulations on paper and in-person processes is very important for the efficiency, where the population is decreasing, in terms of eliminating the labor shortage and improving productivity due to the business region.
The national government will formulate an inspection and review manual to support local efforts, and with reference to this, each local government will proceed with a review of the regulation existing in the regulations on paper and in-person processes, rules, etc.
In such a situation, there will be many works such as identification of related regulation, revision work, and application of digital technology on the ground, so I am concerned that there will be no difference in progress between local government, especially in small local government where the number of staff is limited. In order to prevent such a difference, I would like the government to show specific examples of revision of regulation, etc. for each type of regulation. In addition, as you introduced earlier, you can give us a wide range of examples of digital technology catalogs to be applied. If you can show us in an easy-to-understand manner so that we can select products and services without hesitation, especially in small local government, we will be able to respond very smoothly. I would like to ask for support in a practical form that is close to the field.
The second point is related to the promotion of the use of My Number Card. It has spread nationwide. Even in this prefecture, the application rate is 73.6%, which is second in Japan. The rate of Issue is also 65.1%, which is third in Japan. Now, we have entered the stage of spreading and utilizing My Number Card, and efforts are being made to introduce My Number Card using One-Stop Counter in cities and towns in each prefecture.
Amidst this, it was announced that Digital Agency would build and provide the Municipal counter DXSaaS. This will be a great support from the municipalities, and I am very grateful.
On the other hand, municipalities that are considering the introduction of One-Stop Counter using the system already provided are in a situation where it is difficult to estimate the timing of introduction.
Therefore, in order to ensure that each local government can introduce the optimal service, we would like to receive prompt information on the detailed functions of the private sector SaaS, the cost of introduction, and the method of cooperation with the mission-critical system, including a comparison with the existing Municipal counter DX system.
In addition, seven years have passed since the issuance of the My Number Card, and the renewal of the E-Certificate for user identification, etc. with an expiration date of five years, will be in full swing. In particular, face-to-face identification at the counter will be a heavy burden on both applicants and the local government side. From the perspective of reviewing analog procedures, I would like to request that prompt and burden-free procedures be made possible so that identity verification using digital technology and online procedures can be completed. In this regard, I would like to see the promotion of simplified renewal procedures included in the next Priority plan.
The third point is cooperation with the Digital Promotion Committee. In Digital Agency, the appointment of the Digital Promotion Committee is being promoted. We expect that a synergistic effect will be achieved if the Promotion Committee can be used for initiatives such as smartphone classes in each area.
However, no specific information has been provided on how many Promotion Committee members there are in each area and who are the Promotion Committee members in the first place. In order to promote measures against the digital divide in local areas, I would like to have information on the Digital Promotion Committee members provided to each local government. In addition, I would like to have the use of Promotion Committee members in local areas and support for them included in the next Priority plan.
The fourth point is the promotion of local government DX. In preparation for the transition to standard compliance system using Government Cloud, which aims to achieve twenty twenty-five, surveys are being conducted on the transition schedule and transition expenses for each local government, but municipalities are also expressing various concerns. In particular, according to the calculations by this prefecture accompanying the survey, the cost for transition is several times the maximum amount of subsidies indicated by the national government. In addition, it is expected that a considerable amount of expenses will be required for the reorganization of the existing system, which will be separately provided, so the total amount of expenses for all local government will be an extremely large amount, and there are strong concerns that local government will bear a large amount of burden.
Furthermore, the national government has indicated that it aims to reduce 30% of the operating expenses related to the systems to be standardized, but there are concerns about whether the operating expenses will be reduced compared to the current situation, mainly in the cities and towns where the local government cloud has been introduced.
If these concerns are not dispelled, I am concerned that moves toward transition may stop. In order for municipalities to overcome various Issue and work with peace of mind, I would like the next Priority plan to include the full amount of support so that the national government will be responsible for ensuring that all municipalities will be able to make a transition and that there will be no financial burden on municipalities, as well as generous technical support.
As I have stated many things, the National Governors' Association will work together to develop national measures based on the next digital society toward the realization of a nation-wide Priority plan. To that end, I would like the plan to fully take into account the various voices of the local governments, including what I have just mentioned. Thank you very much.
That's all. Thank you very much.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Thank you, Natsuno-san.
Natsuno Member: Thank you, .
Thank you very much for making such a big package and plan.
In this context, I believe that the inspection and review of regulation in light of the Digital Principles on page 17 will be carried out comprehensively through the Digital Consultation. I would like to ask you to proceed with the inspection and review of floppy disk in light of the Digital Principles. I believe that the descriptions that are written and require documents will be revised steadily, but in addition, I would like to ask you to proceed with the inspection and review of Mt. Fuji so that it will not be omitted from the documents that are designated as Mt. Fuji in terms of operation or that are to be submitted in paper form in terms of operation.
The second point is that as more and more things are digitalization based on this plan, I think there will be cases where digitalization results in inconvenience. For example, it is now typical that when you register at a customs declarations in immigration, you go through the gate with a QR code issued by checking your passport with it at a kiosk. It is much faster to go to a place where there are people with paper. When I returned to Japan, I did all the procedures, but there were people in line there, so I wrote down the paper again at the place where there were people, and went to a place where there were people. I think a mistake in implementation will occur in the future, and I would like to see how to inspect and correct it if such a thing happens. This is the second point I would like to see included in the items for future consideration. Visit Japan Web
Finally, I believe that there was a discussion of international evaluation on page 74. I believe that there are some things that are good, such as being ranked fifth. In the remarks section, I believe that there are some indicators or excuses that are disadvantageous to countries whose management is pessimistic about their own countries. If you set goals to be the best five in all items, and if you regularly announce to the people a summary of how you are viewed internationally, this will be a self-evaluation of Digital Agency itself. I believe that it is extremely important to promote digitalization as a national movement that has risen in rank so much from the outside, and I would like you to do such a thing.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Then, Mr. Kawabe, please.
Kawabe: . I'm Kawabe from Z Holdings, IT Federation.
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to the people of Priority plan and the local administration for their extremely wide-ranging and specific efforts in regard to Digital Agency and the efforts that have been made since then. I truly appreciate their excellent activities.
In addition, I think it is also a very good point that I have been very much concerned about quick wins since I became Minister Kono. It is a very important perspective that reform proceeds while the people understand that the digitalization of Japanese administration is advancing, such as the vaccine passport, and I think this is also wonderful.
On the other hand, from the perspective of what we will do in this Priority plan in the next fiscal year and beyond, my overall impression is that there are still many things that need to be continued. As expected, it is a fairly large-scale initiative to change analog administration, which has continued for more than 100 years, to digital administration, so I recognize that all of them will not be completed in one fiscal year or so, so I recognize that there are many things that will continue to be done.
At the table of contents level on page 2, in order of layers, I would like to say what I think is important. One is the abolition of regulations on paper and in-person processes, which is being carried out through the Digital Policy Consultation. Unless this is done, the administration will not be able to make a transition in digital. So, that is the fundamental premise.
Next, at the bottom of the layer, Government Cloud, Government Solution Services, and the unified standardization of core business systems in local governments, if these things are not done, digitalization in each local governments will not proceed. Even if they proceed individually, data connections, which will be described later, will be inconsistent. So, at the bottom of the layer, I think that this should be continued and prioritized.
In addition, next is something like a service layer, but I think this will be the spread of My Number Card and the enhancement of digital public service that can be used to obtain specific residents. Through the efforts of Digital Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and others, it is truly wonderful that My Number Card went to 87 million with visualization as shown here. It is a system for identity verification or an administrative passport that exceeds driver's license card, and it will be used as a foundation. Therefore, I think we should be prepared to promote digitalization and create examples based on this, including the relaxation of regulation for the use of My Number, as well as My Number Card. Therefore, I think this is also a very high priority. In addition, I think specific public service, including quick-win ones, should flourish in cooperation with Digital Agency entities and various administrations.
One of the areas that I personally would like to pay attention to is the field of disaster risk management and disaster mitigation. Under the circumstances that the Great Kanto Earthquake or the Nankai Trough Earthquake could occur at any time or that typhoons come every year, disaster risk management and disaster mitigation is not so much preparation for once every 10 years as preparation for every year, and it is a situation in which residents are most troubled. In this case, the ideal is disaster risk management, and even if we were to be affected by the disaster, if we were to be very useful at the time of disaster mitigation, I think the understanding of the people and residents about digitalization by the government will advance, so I think it would be good to promote this area using My Number as a starting point.
I think that these are the things that should be done continuously with high priority.
Last but not least, I think we can finally shift our focus to such areas from next fiscal year. The first is on data strategies. Yesterday, Mr. Hiramoto, Executive Director of Data Strategies, attended an IT Federation event and explained the outline of data strategies. We are trying to do something concrete based on a very solid idea and concept. Once this foundation is in place, I believe it will lead to the kind of EBPM administration that Mr. Mikitani mentioned, so I think it should be promoted.
In addition, it will be very easy to collaborate with private sector companies and utilize private sector if data formats are available here. As Government Cloud and government solution services are available, it may be good to gradually shift to preparing data strategies in anticipation of social implementation. At that time, I think it will be good to strengthen collaboration with private sector companies. This is my first point.
My second point is that I also made a statement at the preliminary review the other day, and as it is reflected at the end of this document, I think it would be good to start work on the "X" part of DX on the premise that a considerable variety of foundations will be gathered. When I talked with the Vice Governor of Miyasaka the other day, based on his experience of changing Tokyo over the past four years, the "D" of DX can be achieved by preparing engineers to a certain extent and utilizing SaaS, but the "X" is quite difficult. It is organization that changes business operations based on the idea of changing the huge organizational reforms into a business flow premised on digital, or improving efficiency by digital and adding value. In fact, this is more difficult, and X is more difficult than D.
Digital Agency is an agency premised on DX, so X has been implemented to some extent, but what is important is that each ministry and agency and local local government will be digital transformation, so I think it would be better to start work on this area anew, such as serving as a control tower for this area or dispatching people who can do this. Even if D is established first, unless organization is based on the idea of X, it will be a waste of treasure and cannot create added values. Therefore, I hope that work on this area will be promoted next fiscal year.
That's all from me.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
The slide "Toward the Revision of Priority plan" that you are showing me now is, as you said, a broad framework of what has been discussed among our members so far, and I think it describes important points for prioritization in planning from now on. There is a relationship between "D" and "X," and I think the cost to local administrations that Governor Muraoka mentioned earlier has a very big relationship with "X." I think Mr. Natsuno's talk earlier is related to the international perspective. This page is a content that expresses what we have been discussing recently, so I thought it would be very good to start from here.
Thank you, Mr. Ikeda.
Member: . I am Ikeda, Mayor of Miyakonojo City.
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Digital Agency for the steady progress being made in digital society.
In addition, we would like to thank you very much for covering the examples of efforts by this city on page 29 of the materials.
As for this city and My Number Card, we have been promoting Issue on our own from the beginning. Now, thanks to the major efforts of the national government, in this city, it is 90.1% as of the end of January, and the application base is 94.8%, but it is advancing further, and Issue is more than 92, and the number of applications is 96 or 97. This city has a population of 160,000, so I do not imagine that the number of 95 or 96 in 160,000 towns will reach this level, and I will be scolded if I say it is a social experiment, but I am closely monitoring how far we will go from here.
Under such circumstances, the number of online application procedures using Mynaportal is now about 280 in this city, which is one of the highest in local government nationwide, and we would like to further advance this in the sense of improving the convenience of My Number Card.
In addition, as I mentioned in the materials on page 29, we have been promoting the use of Issue at convenience stores from the beginning. If it costs 300 yen at the counter, you can get it at a convenience store nearby for half the price. We have been promoting it because there is no need for you to come all the way to the public office of the city. Before we started this, the use of Issue at convenience stores was 10% or 11%, but as you can see here, it is 53% now, which is quite large. We will continue to make steady efforts to improve the convenience that can be provided by the local government as the administration.
In addition, Digital Agency is working with all ministries and agencies to implement major reforms in regulations on paper and in-person processes in cooperation with the Digital Consultation Office and other organizations, and I am very grateful that Japan has made significant progress.
On the other hand, depending on the local government, there are still many situations in which we are not able to respond to regulatory reform. Therefore, as a regional Digital Agency, we would be very grateful if you could, for example, uncover specific examples of good practices in local government and share them with other regions.
Lastly, with regard to the standardization of the local government system, I am currently appointed as the chairman of the Administrative Committee of the Japan Association of City Mayors, and from that standpoint, I would like to encourage the standardization of the local government system itself from the beginning, which is what the Japan Association of City Mayors would like to see, but on the other hand, as I mentioned earlier, there are large disparities in recognition, awareness, and efforts depending on the local government. In particular, at the municipal level, I feel that small cities, towns, villages, and so on are quite lagging behind, including in terms of human resources. Of course, this system is a basic system that is directly linked to the lives of residents, so I would like to encourage the standardization of the local government system so that such situations and opinions in each local government will be assimilated in the same manner and more carefully than ever, and that there will be no inconvenience in the lives of the residents in each region.
That's all from me. Thank you very much.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Mayor Ikeda, as I have just mentioned, I believe that the city is the frontrunner, but as you said, no one will be left behind in horizontal development. In other words, as Governor Muraoka said at the beginning, there are parts that will work well in local administration and parts that are difficult. There is an idealism that the frontrunner, such as Mr. Ikeda's city, will be able to do horizontal development, but I believe that how to specifically do horizontal development has been discussed several times in Digita. I believe that it is important for Mr. Muraoka and the city to put the wisdom of that part into the Secretariat and include it in the draft of Priority plan. Thank you very much.
Member: Best regards
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Then, Mr. Kokuryo, please.
Country Member: First of all, like everyone else, I would like to express my respect for the various efforts you have made over the past year.
In addition, on page 17, which is the same page as Mr. Natsuno, I believe that Principle 3, the GtoBtoC model, is very important. In the past year, My Number Card has spread so much, and there are few countries in the world where people have this many hardware wallets, so we are making tremendous progress. In this situation, we must make people feel the convenience of GtoC services using them. I have no objection to moving forward with the distribution to My Number Card, and I would like to express my respect, but B, which will be sandwiched in the end, and perhaps the same thing can be said for local government, and what the central government is doing and local government is doing with various ideas on its own initiative, combined with the services provided by the Digi-cho, will be the point at which energetic DX will proceed.
In that sense, I understand that Mynaportal is working on various APIs. In addition, it is important to make the APIs of various government systems easy to use in private sector and local government. Also, I feel that basic services, particularly important ones, are Trust services. I think e-seal and timestamp are already on the agenda, but how to develop them? If that is activated, I think various DX on the private sector side, including invoices, will advance. I would like to see these moves and G work together.
Also, if we want to improve the user interface of various services from the bottom up, while fully recognizing the importance of the top-down approach, I think that the development of a service catalog for the government as a whole will be extremely important.
In considering such matters, how G, B, and C will divide their roles, and how the central government and local government will divide their roles. While deepening discussions on architecture, if each person works hard at each site, it will lead to vitality. However, it will prevent the system from being dispersed and give it centripetal force. Diversity, efficiency, and commonality must go hand in hand. I think it is good not to forget that goal and work hard.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
In particular, Mr. Kokuryo is specialized in B of GtoBtoC, and he also presented API. As Mr. Kawabe said earlier, in the entire national data strategy, what should be done with the system including the local local government is a big theme, so to speak. With the base registry data and others being developed, what should be done in the future will be very important in terms of how to create a society in which API and business can develop using data. Therefore, I would like you to propose your opinions on the part about data strategy in this Priority plan, especially in the current context.
Country Member: Best regards
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Then, Noda-san, please.
Member: Thank you very much, .
As you all said, I think you have made a lot of things happen over the past year. Thank you very much. I know you have had a lot of trouble, but thank you very much for your energetic efforts.
On top of that, when we first created Priority plan, I think we considered and advanced the structure in layers, such as what kind of society we would like to achieve through digital, what the philosophy and principles are for that purpose, what the basic strategies are, and how we would incorporate them into our measures.
After a year, the society we aim for in the first place, which is positioned at the top, cannot be realized in a year, of course, but I think it is difficult to understand how far we are heading toward realization from this explanation. We have been discussing it for a long time and have decided to aim for six directions. How far have we progressed in the six directions we should aim for, including growth strategies by digitalization, digitalization in medical care and other parts of semi-public sector, revitalization of area through digital, A digital society where no one left behind, and human resource development, DFFT? Did we fail to make progress? If not, what are the reasons for the failure to make progress? Who should do what to advance it in the future? Of course, it is not possible to realize it only by Digital Agency, so I have the impression that it is not possible to clearly see the factors, such as other ministries and agencies, local government, private sector companies, or the people. In today's explanatory materials, specific actions are listed, and I think a great deal of progress has been made, but I think it would be good if you could organize how close we are to the society we aim for from the people's perspective.
Regarding the next plan, the Chairman mentioned earlier that there is a need for a review based on the current changes in the international situation. When I read the explanatory materials again this time, I had the impression that how to connect digitalization to a carbon-neutral society and how to smoothly realize transition on a digital basis when the economic model is changing significantly from a linear economy to a circular economy are a little weak.
As you know, the Green Deal and the digital strategy are inseparably linked, and Europe is advancing them in an extremely strategic and integrated manner. We are advancing them based on the idea that digital will contribute to decarbonization and the progress of the circular economy. A recent symbolic example is the Digital Product Passport, which digitally incorporates sustainability information into individual products. For example, it is information on how much CO2 is emitted over the life cycle, what raw materials are mined, where they are used, and where the products are made. It attempts to digitally register and disclose this information about products. It could lead to the exclusion of non-sustainable products from outside Europe. I recognize that this is a move that will probably have a major impact on the Japanese business and industry.
I hope that we can incorporate the perspective that we should aim for a carbon-neutral society and a circular society in the future by making full use of digital technology into Priority plan.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Noda-san, this is also a very important point of view. After the launch of the Digi-cho, I forgot to say at the beginning, but I was going to say that today's meeting does not need to be praised very much as usual, but in any case, I think that we have made great progress in what is being done properly as praised by everyone. However, when it comes to realizing each work, the part that I pointed out, which is where society should go, will be a little later, and we will have to do what we have in front of us. I think this is very natural in a sense. It will also lead to the fact that we have a sustainable society today, and whether we can obtain evidence for it, so we need to consider that this part will not be forgotten. Another thing is, I think that knowledge is important in this Priority plan, such as whether we are discussing where the world should aim from the new perspective that you just mentioned. I think it would be good if you could help us with that. Thank you very much.
Member: Thank you very much, .
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, Well, thank you for waiting. Wakamiya-san, please.
Wakamiya Member: I'm Masako Wakamiya . Nice to meet you.
Just like everyone else, I've looked at Mr. Digital Agency's materials, and they all seem to be in there.
However, if I were to say anything forcibly, from the perspective of an elderly person, first of all, we would like to have a digital debut course for smartphone, which I understand is quite advanced. If you have a smartphone, this time, it is My Number Card, but if you have a smartphone and My Number Card, they will be integrated. If you have a smartphone, the functions of My Number Card are in it. From the perspective of an elderly person, I think that's fine. I would like to ask you to do it with one without having two.
One more thing. Of course, just taking the digital debut course does not mean that you can understand it at once. Although the Promotion Committee members can help you in various ways, I think it will be necessary to raise the level of the entire people. There are many people who have a smartphone and can chat with their families via LINE, so in order to bring us closer to e-government, we need to raise the level of the entire people.
When I went to Denmark in June last year, I asked about 1,500 people to fill out a questionnaire. At that time, I heard that there was a course for the whole country to study how many people had acquired this kind of literacy. They said they had studied it. So, I would like you to consider a video teaching material that is easy to understand and asks everyone to know at least this much in order to associate with e-government.
Another issue before smartphones is the serious declining birthrate and aging population and labor shortage. We must continue to support the self-reliance of the elderly before smartphones. It is the digitalization of self-reliance support. I am not sure if the people who had smartphone before will benefit from digitalization, for example, in the form of AI speaker. I believe that the most serious problem is declining birthrate and aging population, so I would like you to make a special effort to deal with it.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
I believe that this is a very important perspective, and I believe that you pointed out the Issue that should be addressed, including the revision of various technologies and social systems.
Thank you, Mr. Ito.
ITO Member: I have been doing Web3 for a long time, but that section was very well done and it was a very fruitful study session, so thank you very much.
One is that architecture is very important for Digi-cho as a control tower, and I think that dividing each section and digging deeply into each section is one architecture, but technically speaking, there are blockchains on the Internet, and things like AI on blockchains, and I think there are layers. Therefore, Web3.0 and public blockchains are necessary for all vertical applications, and in the public blockchains, Privacy-enhancing technologies using cryptography and zero knowledge proof, and in the AI layer and identity layer, Privacy-enhancing technologies are well connected in the stack, and if the architecture can be done properly, it is enabled for DFFT and various applications, but coordination of each layer is very important, and if it is divided vertically into chunks, it cannot be done. There are people who can do the architecture properly in Digi-cho, so I think it is necessary to organize things such as how to do in DID and how to do in Trusted Web.
The reason why various Japanese DX's do not work well today is that vendors are all mixed up vertically, and the architecture is ragged. We have to change bad architecture into good architecture little by little, but this requires a view that includes long-term technologies and policies, which may be an architecture picture in a report like this. For example, I am writing Web3.0 only in the Web3.0 section, but each section has Web3.0, each section has privacy protection technologies, and each section has how My Number Card is connected, so it may be difficult to write a report. So, in the summary section, maybe a system diagram showing which parts are related and how they are related will be coordinated by policies and various regulatory agencies. It may not be necessary to write it in a report, but if you don't share it, I think it is one of the important roles of the Digi-cho to sort out where you are in the total map and where you are connected.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Like Noda-san's discussion earlier, when Digital Agency starts, as you said, the control tower, that is, what kind of division in Kasumigaseki will promote digital society, and what kind of structure it will be, including the roles of the public and private sectors, is exactly the architecture, I think, and it is necessary to proceed based on that architecture as the control tower. I think that is a story that is related to Noda-san's idea of what kind of society he wants to create. Technically speaking, this is architecture.
In this context, I fully agree that it is necessary for local government, as the control tower of private sector, to draw a picture of what roles each ministry and agency, local digital society, and Digital Agency will play. I am aware that the Digi-cho document uses the word architecture relatively well, but I think it is important to raise awareness in creating the next version in the sense that Mr. Ito just mentioned, and to incorporate such experience and knowledge, as well as new perspectives, into Priority plan.
Now, I have heard the opinions of those who have raised their hands in general. We have received very valuable opinions from all of you, and I believe that we will begin the process of having Priority plan prepare for this and other matters. In addition, I would like to continue to hear your opinions. I would like to hear what you would like to leave out and say. What do you think?
Mr. Kawabe, please.
Kawabe: , broadly speaking, there are two things. One is the vision you mentioned, the ideal society, and the overall architecture based on that, which you mentioned. In addition, GtoBtoC, especially the importance of B, based on the proper maintenance of APIs, which you mentioned, should be deepened in the sense of next year's Priority plan. Joi Ito
In the materials by Mr. Mikitani, all APIs are mandatory. That is very important, and it is a well-known story. In the internal system of Amazon, when various departments mutually use services, they directly connect them to the database. Jeff Bezos got angry at that, and asked them to make all of them APIs. Various departments instructed them to make them available through APIs, and the principles were thoroughly implemented, which led to AWS. Assuming that the government cloud is going to be implemented in the first place, all databases and administrative systems are APIs based on some rules. It is natural that local Government Cloud can be used, and it can also be used by local government servicers. In the context of the Kishida Administration, it can be used by startups, and AWS-like expansion will be brought about by the government grid, and administrative digitalization and private sector utilization will advance at once. Therefore, in the materials by Mr. Mikitani, the principles of thorough opening of APIs should be set as rules from the beginning, assuming that various systems will be developed. This is one set. private sector
One more thing, as the members of each head office have said, when it comes to the fact that there is a considerable difference between local government, which is promoted, and local government, which is difficult, I think that the backward local government is supposed to use Government Cloud more, and by using the package API, digitalization in local government will also advance. I think that the more backward local government is, the more we should depend on it in a good sense. Therefore, I wonder whether the backward local government is being followed up properly.
Rather, I think that it will be more difficult to achieve the final goal if the leading local government is not so close to Government Cloud and is advancing its own local government. I think it is better to confirm whether or not this is the case. Whether or not the smaller and weaker the Government Cloud is, the more is utilized. In order to achieve this, the API principles are very important. By promoting the utilization of API at local vendors, it is very important to create a world view in which a digitalization in a local local government can be easily created by a private sector servicer or vendor. I felt this by hearing your opinions and hearing the actual situation.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
I believe that the architecture itself, such as API and business, is useful for connecting the stories received from the first governor and the mayor, and should be considered to be continuous in that it will lead to Government Cloud. Thank you very much.
It's almost time, so I'd like to ask you some questions so far. First of all, may I speak to Mr. Asanuma of Chief Officer of the Digital Agency?
Asanuma Chief Officer of the Digital Agency: Thank you very much for taking the time to attend the conference.
We would appreciate it very much if you could confirm the work and output of Digital Agency and give us your opinions from various perspectives.
Today, at the beginning of my speech, I mentioned that we would like to reorganize Priority plan from the perspective of the "X" of DX, from the perspective of the supply-demand side to the supply-side, and from the perspective of the international perspective as part of our policies to rebuild organization from three perspectives. Based on your opinions this time, I believe that three broader perspectives are necessary to further advance Priority plan.
First of all, we have achieved results in terms of quick wins, where it is easy for Digital Agency to start and deliver to the people of Japan. But as for the next phase, I feel that it is important to standardize local local government services, to expand GtoBtoC services with the business operators you talked about today, and to determine whether Digital Agency will play a role as a control tower in a sense while cooperating with services in the future.
In addition, I believe that one of our major roles is to present the results and the current situation. In this regard, there are still some parts that have not been sorted out even in Digital Agency, so I would like to present not only the results but also the goals and current location, including from a global perspective.
Last but not least, I believe that our role is to incorporate new perspectives in a timely manner in the field of digital technology, which is rapidly moving.
I would like to thoroughly examine the three points I just explained.
That's all. Thank you.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Then, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ozaki, could you please give us your opinion?
Secretariat: Thank you, , you are out of the room. Next, I believe you are Senior Vice-Minister Okushi.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Then, Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister Okushi, may I speak to you?
Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Okushi: Thank you very much for your really active discussion today. I would like to thank you again.
There were various opinions. Our original mission is to "ensure that no one is left behind." So, I think it would be good if we could see a place where we can make steady horizontal deployment based on understanding of various differences in area.
I believe that we need to make the realization of "X," which is premised on reform centered on Buckler, more concrete and visible, and in the process, what kind of continuous efforts are necessary, including costs, and what can be done and what will be done in the future.
Thank you very much for your kind words of praise for the spread of My Number Card. We have managed to come this far with your cooperation, so while utilizing this, I would like to advance the revision of the plan while thinking about how to activate Part B, including an easy-to-use API at the entrance, and what kind of society we will advance into through it, and what kind of future we will be. This is also a very good opportunity to communicate what kind of world Japan aims for with digitalization, so I would like to make steady efforts here.
Thank you very much for your time today. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
Then, will the office contact you?
Secretariat: Thank you, .
With regard to the disclosure of materials, the materials of today's meeting have already been disclosed on the Digital Agency website. In addition, the minutes of this meeting, not the minutes of the meeting, will be disclosed on the website after confirmation by the members in the near future.
As for the next schedule, I will contact you again after I coordinate with you.
That's all.
Chairman Murai: I'm sorry, .
As I have been talking about, as Chief Officer of the Digital Agency Asanuma mentioned earlier, the outline of Priority plan is being prepared based on the discussions at the Concept Conference. In the course of that, I believe that there will be various questions and actions to be taken, but I would like to conclude today's Concept Conference by asking for my participation in the discussions. Since Priority plan will be created from now on, I would like to ask for your continued support.
Thank you very much for your time today.