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4th Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society


  • Date and Time: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 (2023) from 8:45 to 8:55
  • Location: Main Hall, 2nd Floor, Prime Minister's Official Residence
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. About "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society"
      2. Other
    3. Adjournment



Minister Kono: From now on, we will be holding the 4th "Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society". Thank you very much for taking the time to attend.
Let's get down to business.

I will explain Agenda 1 and 2. I would like to explain the "digital society (Draft) for Realization of Priority plan," which is scheduled to be approved by the Cabinet on June 9. Based on the Basic Act on the Formation of digital society, which came into effect in 2021, the Plan sets forth basic policies on measures that the Government should promptly and intensively implement for the formation of digital society. After discussions at the digital society Concept Council, which consists of experts, the Plan will be revised this time based on the draft shown in Materials 1-3.

Based on Material 1-1, I would like to explain the main points of Priority plan this time. Please take a look at the tablet.
First of all, we will expand the functions of My Number Card. We will work to improve the convenience of cards and the functions of cards. At the same time, we will firmly work on measures against safty and security in My Number Card.

We will promote the utilization of AI by utilizing data.

Based on the results of the G7 Hiroshima Summit and the Gumma-Takasaki Digital Technology and Ministers Meeting, we will establish an international public-private partnership framework to realize the efforts of DFFT (DataFreeFlowwithTrust).
We will promote digital reform, regulation and administrative reform in Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, including regulations on paper and in-person processes, in an integrated manner.

We will promote DX in local local government and semi-public sector. We will make it possible for people who are unfamiliar with digital, such as "One-stop, no writing service", to benefit from digital.

We will work to expand services for business operators related to System procurement, including the trial introduction of a digital marketplace.

We will also revamp the systems and technologies that support digital society, including the development of Government Cloud and networks.

On the next page, we will summarize our efforts related to My Number Card, which is digital society's passport. As for My Number Card, there are about 97 million passports on an application basis. We will continue to make efforts so that all citizens who wish to acquire them, and in the future, we will encourage the use of public service and private business and increase opportunities for use.

We will promote the three main pillars of "Card convenience," "Improvement of Card Functions," and "safty and security Measures and Improvement of Card Usage Environments" to promote the spread and use of cards in the future.

For card convenience, we will integrate various cards such as driver's license card, simplify various procedures, and install card functions in convenience and smartphone.

In order to improve the functions of the card, we will consider integrating identity verification methods into the card and making card renewals online, and will begin to consider next version of the My Number Card.

As for safty and security measures for credit cards, we will promptly and thoroughly implement thorough measures through effective information sharing, coordination of measures, and unified information transmission mainly in My Number Card based on a series of incidents related to Digital Agency.

At the same time, the government will promote digitalization's efforts to reduce opportunities for human intervention.

We will improve the card acquisition environment to further spread the use of cards.

Please see page 3. In accordance with the schedule, relevant ministries and agencies will work to further spread and use My Number Card.

Next, please refer to Attachment 2-1. We will hold the "mobility Working Group" in order to relaunch the policy roadmap for Mobility Roadmap and to formulate measures that need to be taken over the next five years as "mobility."

Next, please refer to Attachment 2-2. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Ordinance, we will amend the "Holding of the Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board" in order to add the Director-General of the Director-General's Secretariat Children and Families Agency as a member of the Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board.

That's all for my explanation.

Next, I would like to ask for your comments on the explanations so far.

Minister MATSUMOTO: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will strongly promote, including financial measures, the promotion of the spread and utilization of My Number Card, the acceleration of the reform of the window and front desk of local government, and the support for the standardization and standardization of the local government system, which is the back yard, as well as DX in the field of fire fighting disaster risk management and local government DX such as the horizontal deployment of good practices. In addition, we will promote quality control and security measure, which are thorough systems in local governments and other regions.

In order to promote DX in area, we will work on the Digital infrastructure development necessary for the utilization of automated driving and drones based on the "Digital Garden City National Infrastructure Development Plan" revised in April this year.
In addition, in anticipation of international scientific and technological progress and standardization, we will work on Beyond5G research development, efforts to strengthen generative AI's development capabilities, and international rules for the use of AI based on the "Hiroshima-AI Process."

Furthermore, in order to promote the utilization of data, we will promote the acceleration and facilitation of the secondary use of survey information, which is the source of official statistics.

We will work to realize digital society through the Priority plan Summit, which includes the measures described above.

Minister TANI: The Police Department has developed a "Common Police Infrastructure" that integrates various systems such as the driver management system and the lost and found management system, and is promoting the integration of driver's license card and My Number Card. disaster risk management will actively promote disaster risk management DX, including the construction of the disaster risk management Digital Platform, which collects information useful for disaster response and shares it with disaster response organizations.

Minister OKADA: Toward the realization of the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, we presented the "Immediate Priority Review Issue," which summarizes measures that should be further deepened and embodied from the Comprehensive Strategies formulated in December last year and new measures, at the Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision held the other day. We will accelerate efforts to resolve social Issue in local areas using digital technologies by strengthening support measures for the realization of the Model area Vision and positioning initiatives such as the acceleration of horizontal deployment of services and systems that support good practices in digital implementation, which is also included in this Priority plan, in the Comprehensive Strategies, which will be revised at the end of this year.

Minister SAITO: The legal and judicial administration of is closely related to the lives of the people, and there is a strong need to promote digitalization from the perspective of users. In order to realize digital society, the Ministry of Justice will continue to collaborate and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies on the Priority plan, including registration and family registry procedures, immigration and residence procedures, and judicial procedures, which was included in the digitalization.

Minister OGURA: In order to realize a society in the middle of dependents, , it is very important to reduce the burden on families with children and others by actively utilizing digital technology. In Children and Families Agency, the "dependents Policy Promotion of DX Team" established under me is promoting the online submission of work certificates using Mynaportal and the use of My Number Card as tickets for medical examinations. I will work with a sense of speed while listening carefully to the voices of parties concerned, such as families with children.

Senior Vice-Minister IDE: Based on the GIGA School Concept, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has started full-scale use of one terminal per person at the mandatory education stage, and development is underway so that the installation of terminals for all grades will be completed by fiscal 2024 at high schools.

One device per person is an essential tool for realizing individual optimal learning and collaborative learning that draw out the potential of all children, and contributes to the realization of A digital society where no one left behind and the development and securement of digital human resources.

GIGA School Concept has been promoted under the leadership of the national government. We will further promote GIGA School Concept, including the daily use of one terminal per person, strengthening the digital human resource development system, and considering the formulation of new development policies after twenty twenty-five.

In addition, regarding the use of generative AI at education sites, we would like to formulate and publish guidelines before the summer based on the content of the hearing of opinions from experts, the status of consideration by the entire government, and the discussions at the Central education Council.

Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Isa: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is in charge of many businesses that are directly linked to people's lives, such as medical care. We will make efforts to improve convenience for people by using digital technology, such as working together with related parties to promote the realization of medical care so that people can receive better quality medical DX and care.

State Minister Nonaka: The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is promoting the online implementation of administrative procedures for MAFF measures through the eMAFF, and has completed the efficiency of about 3,300 procedures by March this year. In the future, we will strengthen dissemination activities to agricultural, forestry, and fishery operators, as well as local local government, and promote online use. In addition, we will promote efforts to integrate agricultural land information using the eMAFF map, and we will aim for the fundamental utilization of agricultural land-related business.

State Minister Ohta: As the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of , I would like to speak about the three items included in this year's Priority plan.
First of all, regarding our response to AI, in the period of change in generative AI, we will expand our computational resources, which are overwhelmingly insufficient, prepare data for reform in fields where there are great expectations for the use of AI, accelerate generative AI development in private sector with maximum respect for market principles, and promote research development with a view to the future.

Next, with regard to the "Comprehensive Nationwide Development Plan for Digital Lifelines" to be formulated within this fiscal year, under the "Conference for Realization of Comprehensive Nationwide Development of Digital Lifelines" to be launched as early as this month, we will advance discussions toward the prompt formulation of the plan with the relevant ministries and agencies.

Finally, regarding IPA, METI is working to promote the Uranus Ecosystem, which connects companies, industries, and borders by developing architectures and technical specifications, which are diagrams of complex rules and systems, using IPA's Digital Architecture Design Center as a hub. We will also work with Digital Agency, which is mainly in charge of public and semi-public sector, to develop digital standards and promote compliance.

Minister Kono: .

May I take it that you approve of Agenda 1 and Agenda 2?


Minister Kono: .

In closing, I would like to ask for an address from the Prime Minister. The press will be entering the room, so please wait for a while.

(Entry of Press Personnel)

Minister Kono: I now give the floor to the Chair, Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio. Thank you.

Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio: Today, we have compiled a revised draft of "digital society," which clearly states the image of Priority plan that Japan aims for and the measures to be intensively implemented to realize it. The revision of "Priority plan" this time reflects new efforts to realize digital society, such as the clearing of regulations on paper and in-person processes and the promotion of digital completion, the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments, and the development of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation.

In this context, with regard to My Number Card, which is the "passport of digital society," we have decided to take thorough measures against safty and security, further promote integration with existing cards such as driver's license card and Nursing Care Insurance Certificate and paperless cards, install functions such as health insurance card and driver's license card on smartphone, and start considering the next card in anticipation of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the system.
When making a transition to digital society, it is important for the people to have trust in digital government. In order to ensure trust in My Number Card, the Minister Kono should re-inspect all data and systems related to the series of incidents, strengthen the system for responding to incidents, etc., and strengthen measures such as thorough digitalization to prevent human error.
On that basis, the Minister Kono and other relevant ministers will cooperate to steadily implement various measures for digital society so that the people of Japan can enjoy the benefits of Priority plan with peace of mind.
That's all.

Minister Kono: .

Please leave the press.

(Departure of Press Personnel)

Minister Kono: Well, I would like to conclude today's fourth "Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society" with this. Thank you very much for taking your time.