2nd Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society
- Last Updated:
- Date and Time: December 24, 2021 (2021) (Fri) from 9:40 to 9:55
- Location: Main Hall, 2nd Floor, Prime Minister's Official Residence
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- About "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society"
- Other
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/25KB)
- Document 1-1: Outline of Priority plan (Draft) for Realization of digital society (Simplified Version) (PDF / 289 kb)
- Appendix 1-2: Outline of Priority plan (Draft) for Realization of digital society (PDF / 1,595 kb)
- Document 1-3: Priority plan for the Realization of digital society (Draft) (PDF / 4,730 kb)
- Materials 1-4: Separate Volume on digital society for the Realization of Priority plan (Draft) (PDF / 3,007 kb)
- Materials 1-5: digital society (Draft) Action Plans for Realizing Priority plan (Attachment) (PDF / 910 kb)
- Material 2-1: Revision of the Operation Guidelines, etc. based on Article 4 of the Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Ordinance (PDF / 450 kb)
- Material 2-2: Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Operation Guidelines (Revised Draft) (PDF / 53 kb)
- Appendix 2-3: Holding of the Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board Meeting (Revised Draft) (PDF / 67 kb)
- Minutes (PDF/145KB)
Mr. Makishima: : We will be holding the second "Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society" in 2021.
Thank you for taking the time to join us.
Let's get down to business.
I will explain about agenda 1 and agenda 2.
I would like to explain the "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society (Draft)," which is scheduled to be approved by the Cabinet today, based on Reference 1-1.
Based on the Basic Act on the Formation of digital society, which came into effect this year, this Plan sets forth the "Basic Policies on Measures to be Promptly and Intensively Implemented by the Government for the Formation of digital society." It will be formulated for the first time after the establishment of digital society after discussions at the Digital Agency Concept Conference, which consists of experts.
In addition, it will clarify the efforts of not only Digital Agency but also each ministries and agencies along with the schedule, and will serve as a "guidepost" for the consideration and efforts of "Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee" and "Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision".
As you can see on the left side of the middle, we have organized the shape of the society we aim for and the matters to be addressed from the six perspectives of growth strategies, digitalization in the fields of medical care, education, disaster risk management, and dependents, revitalization of area, A digital society where no one left behind, digital human resources, and International Strategy.
Also, in the middle, the philosophy and principles that we have been upholding are clearly stated again.
On the right, as I will explain in more detail later, we will advance structural reforms through digital consultation and efforts to realize Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation in close cooperation with each ministries and agencies.
The bottom half of the document shows basic measures.
For example, as "public service's digitalization for the people," the Plan includes measures to be taken by the government in the future, such as "Consolidation of Total Design through the Country, Region, and private sector," "public service's digitalization in Emergencies, Including Promotion of Installing Vaccination Certificates in Smartphones," "Promotion of Utilization of My Number System," "Lifestyle digitalization," "Industry digitalization," "Renovation of National and Local Information Systems Supporting digital society, Development of Infrastructure and Promotion of Technology development Supporting digitalization," and "Development and Securement of Digital Human Resources."
On page 12 in the lower right of Attachment 1-2, I would like to explain in detail the structural reforms toward the realization of digital society. Based on the discussions at the Digital Policy Consultation, we have set five digital principles, and through confirmation of conformity with these principles, we will advance regulatory reform in conjunction with digital reform and administrative reforms.
On page 13, in order to realize Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, based on the discussions at the Conference, we will present the basic concept of providing support for the resolution of Issue in each area and advance major efforts.
Finally, please see Exhibit 2-1.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Ordinance of Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society, the Operating Procedures of the Council will be amended to streamline the procedures and change the title of the office.
That's all for my explanation.
Next, I would like to ask for your comments on the explanations so far.
Minister Kaneko (Gong): The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of will work to realize Priority plan through measures such as promoting applications and Issue for the further spread of My Number Card, standardizing and standardizing local government information systems, developing Digital infrastructure such as 5G and optical fibers, and promoting digital utilization support for the elderly, etc., which are included in this digital society.
Minister : The judicial procedures, registration, family registry procedures, and immigration and residence procedures included in the Priority plan are important because they constitute the foundation of the lives of the people. MOJ will actively work to realize the security, in cooperation with related ministries and agencies, paying attention to the rights of the people, and taking all possible measures to ensure information digital society.
Minister Hayashi: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of has been promoting the strengthening of diplomatic capabilities and the improvement of services for the people through the rationalization of work centered on digitalization. We will make steady efforts, including the early realization of online consular work. In addition, while taking into account the perspective of the Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada, we will continue to play a leading part in promoting DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) and creating international rules in the digital field.
Minister Suematsu: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will contribute to the realization of digitalization by actively working to solve Issue, such as the integrated realization of "personalized optimal learning" and "collaborative learning" through the use of GIGA School Concept and education data, the promotion of digital transformation in research, and the development of human resources who will support the promotion of digital society.
Minister: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is in charge of many businesses that are directly linked to people's lives, such as medical care. We will strive to improve convenience for people by utilizing digital technology, such as steadily promoting data health reform that promotes the utilization of medical care and nursing care data.
Minister KANEKO (Hara): For the formation of the digital society, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will aim to make all of the more than 3,000 administrative procedures online by the end of FY 2022. In addition, we will accelerate efforts to integrate on-site agricultural land information using digital maps so that we can contribute to the development of the base registry.
Minister Hagyuda: In the "Priority plan" that will be newly decided by the Cabinet this time, in addition to clearly stating the "Digital Principles" formulated in Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, I believe that it is a major step forward in digital policy that the direction is indicated for the realization of DFFT and the promotion of the use of hybrid cloud in government procurement.
With regard to DFFT, in order to counter digital protectionism, it is important to cooperate with like-minded countries and promote the creation of international rules on data distribution. METI will establish a study group and conduct deliberations in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies so that a concrete plan for DFFT can be proposed at the G7 to be held in Japan in 2023.
In addition, regarding procurement, which is a government cloud system, considering that highly confidential information will also be handled by cloud systems in the future, it is important to promote the use of hybrid clouds, which combine public and private clouds, based on the importance of appropriate management of sensitive information and the expansion of cloud service, which has a solid business foundation in Japan.
It is very significant that the significance of these matters is included in the Priority plan Summit.
Minister ninoyu: The Police Department is preparing for the organization Revision to ensure the safety of digital society and developing the "Common Police Infrastructure" necessary for the integration of driver's license card and My Number Card. In the field of disaster risk management, we will actively work on the construction of the disaster risk management Digital Platform to strengthen the sharing of disaster information and other information among disaster response organizations.
Minister Noda: In order to enhance the ability of women in to become economically independent, we will formulate a Women's Digital Human Resources Development Plan. In addition, we will develop a dependents to deliver push-type support to Digital infrastructure and families in need of support. In addition, we will promote the creation of a Issue by digitalization, such as the construction of a new area and the promotion of the Super City Concept.
Minister Yamagiwa: has just launched a new capitalism based on a "virtuous cycle of growth and distribution" through the recent economic measures. Next spring, we will compile an overall grand design of the new capitalism and its action plan, including "the development of a new society after COVID-19." In that case, digital is an important element, and we will discuss it in cooperation with all parties concerned.
Minister KOBAYASHI: We will quickly work on at the Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada, such as ensuring the security and reliability of core infrastructure essential for the lives of the people and economic activities in Issue, and take legislative measures. In addition, we believe that it is necessary to formulate standards for handling highly confidential information in Government Cloud, and to support technology development and human resource development. We will cooperate with Minister Makishima and other relevant ministers.
Minister WAKAMIYA: In order to realize the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, I will present an overview of the immediate measures to be taken and mid - to long-term efforts, which have been compiled under my leadership in cooperation with the relevant ministries and agencies, at the Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision meeting to be held within this year. Through the implementation of digital technologies to local areas, we will revitalize local areas and realize a sustainable economic society while taking advantage of the individuality of area.
Mr. Makishima: .
May I take it that you approve of Agenda 1 and Agenda 2? Do you have any objection?
Mr. Makishima:
In closing, I would like to ask for an address from the Prime Minister. The press will be entering the room, so please wait for a while.
(Entry of Press Personnel)
Mr. Makishima: , I would like to take this opportunity to receive an address from the Chair, Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio.
Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio: Today, we have compiled a Priority plan that will clarify the image of digital society that Japan aims for, as well as the principles, strategies, and measures to realize it, along with a road map to the degree of twenty twenty-five to be achieved in digital reform.
Without digitalization, there would be no growth for Japan. We will realize a society that grows strongly by enhancing efficiency and creativity through the thorough use of digital and data by the public and private sectors.
For this reason, we will work on digitalization in public service, such as equipping smartphone with vaccination certificates and promoting the spread and use of My Number Card, as well as living digitalization in medical care, education, disaster risk management, dependents, and other areas.
In addition, this Priority plan will serve as a guidepost for discussions and efforts in Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee and Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision.
In the future, in line with Priority plan, we will promote structural reforms toward the realization of law, which will confirm digital society's conformance to digital principles for structural reforms. At the same time, we aim to realize Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, which will support efforts to resolve social Issue in each area, premised on compliance with digital principles and the utilization of data infrastructure.
Toward the realization of digital society, I would like to ask that Digital Agency will serve as the control tower, and that the Cabinet Office and each Ministry will closely coordinate and cooperate with each other, follow the roadmap included in Priority plan, and steadily achieve results while advancing the schedule as much as possible.
Mr. Makishima: .
Press are requested to leave the room.
(Departure of Press Personnel)
Mr. Makishima: , I would like to conclude today's second "Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society." Thank you very much for your cooperation.