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Web3.0 Study Meeting (7th)


  • Date and time: November 18, 2022 (Friday) from 10:00 to 11:30
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
  1. Opening
  2. Proceedings
    1. Hearing 1 (JP GAMES Co., Ltd.: Mr. Hajime Tabata)
    2. Hearing 2 (Next Commons Lab: Mr. Atsushi Hayashi)
  3. Adjournment




From 10:00 to 11:30 on Friday, November 18, 2022


Online Meetings



  • Jiro Kokuryo (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Keio University)

  • Masahiko INAMI (Special Assistant to the President of the University of Tokyo, Professor of Physical Informatics, Center for Advanced Science and Technology

  • Yuko Kawai (CEO of Japan Digital Design Co., Ltd.; Executive Director of the Strategic Planning Department of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.; Executive Director of the Strategic Planning Department of MUFG Bank, Ltd.)

  • Keiji Tonomura (Attorney, Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office)

  • Taiyo Fujii

  • Shinichiro Matsuo, Research Professor, Georgetown University

Digital Agency (Secretariat)

  • Minister Kono, Senior Vice-Minister Okushi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ozaki, Director General Kusunoki, Councilor Nozaki


Mr. Tabata of JP GAMES Co., Ltd. explained Hearing 1.

  • JP GAMES was established four years ago as a game creator to promote the metaverse by expanding the know-how and technology of Game development to areas other than games while working on Game development.

  • Share the message, "Games have more power than games." It's not the player's view of the game, but the creator's view of the game.
    To a game player, a game is nothing more than play, but to a game creator, it is a visitor attraction tool for many people to gather and a stay device for people to stay for a long time. Play is an element of one experience, and we design and produce it by combining various things such as hospitality and the value of the experience for spending time. In other words, a game is a mass of know-how and technology to make people stay in the world for a long time.

  • We have been working on this project for four years because we believe that we can use it not only as a game to play and end, but also for DX and Issue solutions in various industries and companies, and that the know-how to gather users and stay in the world for a long time can be used to solve social Issue.

  • He spent much of his career at Square Enix, where he was before independence, in the development and distribution of a series of popular role-playing games called Final Fantasy. He has worked to make Final Fantasy, a Japanese game and Japanese IP, accepted by many people around the world and grow into a global IP.
    Along with how to make and sell games, he worked on how to include more value than games.

  • For example, there is a title called Final Fantasy XV, which was development in the past, but by including the city of Venice in the game world, people who played Final Fantasy can enjoy Venice even if they have not actually been there. There is also a documentary called "NHK Special' The Birth of Mankind,'" which combines the technology of Final Fantasy with the knowledge of researchers and historians to attempt to reproduce the ancient history of human beings, which is impossible to reproduce in reality, as video.

  • The first thing he worked on as an independent was the development of the official Paralympic games.
    The IP of the Paralympics is very well known, but the degree of interest is extremely low. Issue was wondering if the IP would be interested even if it was little by little from a state of no interest.
    We worked on the world's first official Paralympic game, created the project code name Pegasus, and held an event in which people with and without disabilities gathered as avatars in the city of Pegasus City, without distinction, and participated as users in the virtual Paralympics. During the Oripara period last year, we recorded about 200,000 downloads, and a video of the game was played more than 30 million times under a single hashtag. I have considerable experience in using the power of games to approach various social Issue.

  • At first, JP GAMES, a game studio established four years ago, was engaged in the development of games and the development of metaverses using its technology. However, the company has been split off, and areas such as metaverses and Web3.0 are being carried out by specialized companies. In the past, there were many work requests from overseas companies, but now there are many requests from Japanese companies, and in the past two years or so, I have noticed that there are an increasing number of companies that want to enter the metaverse and Web3.0 fields.

  • We are working on a virtual travel project with ANA. Virtual travel is not a substitute experience for real travel, but a virtual space that should be a place for travel lovers. At the same time, we are aiming to create an entrance experience for people who have not yet gone on a real trip or who cannot go on a real trip due to various circumstances. We are currently working on a plan to release it next year and spread it.

  • I believe that the metaverse is not a market in which each world exists independently. Users have many communities to which they belong. There are places where SNS users spend their daily lives. When their account IDs acquire avatars, they go out to various virtual spaces. I believe that the metaverse market will grow by being used in this way.

  • Games are also divided into conventional games and games for local offices of SNS users. For example, games that are popular on SNS such as "Fortnite" and "Animal Crossing", or games that are distributed by users and viewed by many people, have different characteristics from conventional games and function as a playground and local office for SNS users. I felt that many otaku and hobby-oriented metaverses would be born as a place to gather and spend time for hobbies, not just for fun. In addition, I speculated that service-oriented metaverses or business-oriented metaverses incorporating corporate services and social Issue solutions would be born there.

  • However, the service and business metaverses also need to be places where SNS users can go on business trips and have fun, so we think it will be necessary to have a mechanism that attracts customers and allows users to stay there for a long time, to receive corporate services while enjoying themselves, and to work on solving social Issue.

  • In addition, what is common to games and metaverses is that current SNS accounts do not yet have a body, but games and metaverses have a body, such as a character or avatar. It is meaningful to spend time in a virtual world with a body. It is surprisingly easy to forget knowledge acquired by reading or watching videos, but in the case of games, the pseudo experience of becoming someone in a world you do not know and living in that world is engraved as your own experience.

  • The metaverse using avatars and Web3.0, which will further develop as a business model, may have the same characteristics. In the case of avatars, unlike the operation of characters in games, it is presumed that the experience is one's own experience because it is close to the first person, and the degree to which the experience is engraved may increase.

  • Rather than using game know-how only for fun, it may be possible to create various ways of using it by combining it with game know-how, such as using it for education, using it for travel services for people who cannot travel easily, and using it for experiences for disaster risk management.

  • When I worked on the official game of the Paralympics, I built the technology so that the technology of the role-playing game can be easily diverted to the metaverse, and development the framework for the metaverse called PEGASUS WORLD KIT created through the Pegasus Project. Using this framework of technology, ANA's virtual travel project is also doing development.

  • With regard to "Metaverse as a Service," we believe that the metaverse should also become cloud-native. If an account has an avatar, it can go to various communities freely. We believe that it will become a world where you can fly to a world immediately after entering a URL without downloading an application each time, and the development of PEGASUS WORLD KIT technology has been premised on the cloud becoming native from the beginning.

  • We believe that UGC, which is an abbreviation of the term User Generated Content, will be an important point in the future spread of the metaverse and Web3.0.
    This is because the relationship in which content and game creators create content and provide it to players has already changed in the world of games. The market for CtoC, in which after content is transferred from creators to players, players make improvements themselves and deliver them to new players, is expanding. At this time, what is important is user extensions, so the metaverse we are working on now is built with an emphasis on user extensions. With this at the center of our efforts, we would like to provide this kit to many companies and individuals to create the world of metaverse.

  • At the same time, we are working to connect the increased metaverse world rather than isolating it. At present, SNS accounts do not yet have a physical body, so we are creating a common account that can hold accounts together, integrating the identity verification system and the billing system, and development a system that can move freely between the worlds created by PEGASUS WORLD KIT. Each world is an independent metaverse world, but by connecting each world and moving users, economic liquidity will be created, and mutual sending of customers between companies and services will be possible. Therefore, we believe that we can have growth potential as a platform, and we are promoting a strategy to expand the metaverse and a strategy to connect it at the same time.

  • What we want to achieve is not just the creation of economic zones. Games and metaverses can capture a lot of high-quality behavioral data because users use the bodies of characters and avatars to act. Because users have multiple personalities and take multiple actions per account, they can capture more granular behavioral data instead of the behavioral data of a single human. We believe that the acquired data should be used as a marketing tool for companies in the future.

  • Two points are shared as a Issue.
    The first point is "Many births and many deaths." This is how we view the current domestic metaverse situation. The definition of metaverse is wide, but it is a state in which many small metaverses are now born. It is also said to be a miniverse, but the state of chaos in small countries is very desirable at the stage when industry is born. In the past, the game industry was also born, both good and bad, and there was an era of many births and many deaths, with some selling well and some not selling at all. After that, it was refined as a market, and the industrial structure has become as it is now, and the current domestic metaverse seems to be at the very first stage.

  • They find the metaverse more difficult to market than games, so it's better to prevent as many deaths as possible.
    There are many ways to prevent frequent deaths, but is it possible to prevent, for example, many small miniverse from becoming stuck and dying in isolated strategies by grouping them across various platform technologies? I feel that by having people think about strategies and measures to prevent frequent deaths, they can focus on creating better services.

  • The second point is that they feel Issue because they "cannot do personal activities."
    The problem of "no personal activity" can be seen in the growth of video platforms such as YouTube and TikTok, but I think the current generation of IT will fall into the structure of CtoC, in which individuals can publish what they create, and other users will be interested in it and see, hear, and spread it, and it will become a market where users will participate greatly for the first time.

  • As I have seen how sovereignty has been completely transferred from the era when game makers had sovereignty to players, and how players can create more secondary creations and distribute primary creations to increase the number of users, I feel that the point is whether the metaverse will become a place where individuals can enter, enjoy themselves, and work on their own work.

  • There are aspects of the metaverse that only companies can tackle today. It can be said that this is a stage where even if individuals tackle it, they cannot make it into a business due to environmental problems. In any case, only when individuals can engage in individual activities will they have vitality, and it will spread as a market.

  • Because I feel that the metaverse and Web3.0 models are effective when individuals expand their Issue of activities, I believe that the metaverse and Web3.0 will not be separated in my view and will be integrated step by step into a new IT platform. I would like to discuss whether it is possible to prevent the two areas of frequent death and whether it is possible to create various systems, design and mechanisms that encourage personal activities.

The following remarks were mainly made in the questions and answers from the members and the answers from Mr. Tabata.

  • Member: First, regarding the story that personal activities cannot be done in the metaverse, I would like to ask what restrictions prevent personal activities.

  • Member: The second point is about high productivity and high mortality. There is an argument that the problem of Japanese industry is that the exit rate is extremely low, and as a result of the remaining companies that are essentially being eliminated, productivity is dragged down. However, we do not understand what the problem of high productivity and high mortality is. While good things grow while many things are born, even if other things are destroyed, it is probably the case that growth occurs due to the concentration of customers and investment. If many things are born, customers will also diversify their investments, and in the end, growth will not occur.

  • Member: The third point says that the government and Digital Agency should decide the format, but Digital Agency does not know whether the technology is good or bad. Originally, the market should choose a convenient format, and after Digital Agency designated it, if a better one comes out, the designated one will be left behind, so we think that Digital Agency should not decide the format.

    • Speaker: What is lacking in , I think it is important that bad things are eliminated and only good things remain. On the other hand, there is a concern that services that build a space that suits the characteristics of the Japanese metaverse, or services in which users spend time in that space, will lag behind other countries in development due to the progress of multiple deaths.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in In fact, Japanese IP is gaining popularity overseas, but on the other hand, I feel that Japan's IP and Japan's space construction technology are still in the phase of multiple deaths in order to provide them to the world. There is a concern that Japan will lag behind, and among the multiple births and multiple deaths, the multiple deaths should be suppressed as much as possible, and the good parts of Japan's various metaverses should be united so that Japan can compete in the world.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in Regarding the third question, I agreed with the opinion that Digital Agency cannot build the format, but I told him that the industry can ride with confidence when the country is proactively involved in the market formation and competitiveness of metaverses and Web3.0, so I asked him to send a message that shows the direction.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in Regarding the reason why individual activities are not allowed, if we view the metaverse simply as a construction of the world, individuals can also be active. However, when we build the metaverse this time, we are bringing technology and know-how on attracting customers and long-term stays cultivated in games to the metaverse. We feel that the use of game technology and know-how will lead to users' enjoyable experience and understanding of various corporate services and social Issue.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in personal level, so I would like to provide as many individuals as possible with tools that make it easier for them to development the metaverse, and create an environment that makes it easier for individuals to create metaverses. I think that will solve the problem of creating an environment for individuals, but I also think that an environment that makes it easier for individual creators to participate in corporate metaverse projects is also necessary.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in At present, creators also belong to companies, and most of them work for the company. However, I think that individual activities will expand as efforts to create various things in communities where individuals are gathered, such as Web3.0, occur. Conversely, I feel that it is difficult for individuals to work on the metaverse as individuals because the situation where individuals are involved in corporate efforts is limited.
  • Member: I think there are institutional and technical aspects to support personal activities, but I assume that if generative AI can be used more, it will be easier to create the world, including avatars, as a technical theory. I don't know what kind of right the right of an avatar that feels the same as itself is, but I would like to ask if you have any ideas on how to communicate between multiple metaverses and how to protect the right.

    • Speaker: What is lacking in Issue believes that when we think about how to build the experience of individual users, there are risks to it as well. In the world of games, harassment between characters, such as slander, is a daily occurrence, and we have not been able to solve this problem. The current situation is that the number of users is increasing because it is more interesting than that. We do not yet have a clear solution, but we believe that the metaverse and Web3.0 may work as a deterrent to some extent by being linked to accounts.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in In particular, in the metaverse, it is desirable that SNS accounts that integrate various services are linked to avatars rather than their own accounts, so that even if each individual has multiple accounts, his or her personality must have social nature. In addition, in Web3.0, since one's personality is visualization, each individual structure is glassed-in.
  • Member: metaverse, I think that personality is not tied to individuals, but may be tied to communities, and I would like to continue discussions based on this.

  • Member: account, how do you think about the account, which is the most important issue when it comes to how to connect the world of the Internet and the Web with the world of the metaverse? Or, since it is related to the business model after all, whether or not to bring business into the world of the metaverse, and if so, in what form it will be brought into the world of the metaverse, the account discussion is closely linked.
    The Internet Identity Workshop in Silicon Valley, the top identity workshop in the world, argues that the problem is that platformers and identity providers track cookie use and individuals and make money from targeted advertising. I hosted a session there to create a "devil's dictionary" that looks at the same words from a different angle. There was a suggestion that login, for example, could be rephrased as allow us to track your across session and create your behavioral profile. Login is a good opportunity to track people.

  • Member: In other words, what to do with accounts is very closely related to tracking individuals, and since the beginning of the Internet, the business model has been basically three ways: collecting money through ads, subscribing, and selling goods. Tracking was the traditional business model of pulling ads, but is it necessary in the metaverse? Is it good to create accounts and make them easier to track in order to build an ecosystem in the metaverse world? Until now, business entities that have created and managed accounts have been able to track. Therefore, I would like to ask you if you have any ideas on what kind of business model and account model is desirable to have when building the metaverse this time.

  • Member: common format, as a global move, the Metaverse Standards Forum has started to move under the leadership of the United States. Is it desirable to promote Japanese original standards? Or is it better to participate in the creation of global standards? It is said that Japan tends to be a Galapagos, so I would like to ask what you think of the movement of the metaverse.

  • Member: In relation to this, in the case of promoting a business model of a conventional platform business that locks in users, it does not make sense if everything is shared and accounts can be moved freely, so I would like to hear your thoughts on whether or not to achieve a balance between sharing standards and a business model that locks in users.

  • Member: metaverse, I understand that immersion in the flesh and action in it accumulate into actual experience, and it is personal, and I would like to support the transmission from the excellent content of the game.

  • Member: Although it is strongly related to the business model, account problems, and privacy issues, the only way to monetize the information obtained from the accumulation of user behavior is advertising. If you feel the possibility of breaking the current situation, I would like to ask you about it.

  • Member: In fact, the ability to move away from an ad model is partly to blame for Twitter's chaos. Isn't it one way to think about a future where you're not being tracked and all of your data isn't aggregated in one big company?

    • Speaker: What is lacking in accounts, we recognize that it is a problem that GAFA designs everything and that it only leads to the current advertisement model. In reality, I think that SNS accounts will come to visit metaverses and games on business, but on the other hand, as a way to never go to the advertisement model, it is better to adopt the method of creating content that Japan is good at and monetize the content.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in games, movies, theme parks, and the excitement of travel.
      I think that is the big difference between American-style games and Japanese-style games, or anime and manga. Therefore, I think that the point of expanding business models other than advertising models is to communicate Japan's uniqueness to the world. What I do is to create impressive experiences even in the metaverse, and I want to stay in the world for a long time, and I have the point of monetization in becoming a fan of the world.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in Furthermore, in relation to the second question earlier, it is important to brand Japanese people to the world. The certainty and quality of Japanese work are overwhelmingly high even from a global perspective, but while Japanese products and Japanese anime are popular, I do not feel that the brand power of the bearers of Japanese products and anime has increased so much. By solving this problem, demand for Japan and Japanese people will increase internationally, so it may be possible to use it as a way to overcome various current problems.

This is the end of the first half. Next, Mr. Hayashi of the Next Commons Lab explained Hearing 2.

  • For nearly 10 years, I have been working on measures to deal with the problem of declining population by entering local areas, area where depopulation is progressing, and marginal settlements. I have launched projects in local areas throughout the country. I feel that there is a possibility in local areas as a field for implementation a new form of society, rather than a pessimistic solution to Issue.
  • A new concept of "digital villagers" has been born, and a new project is being started using NFTs. The stage is the former Yamakoshi Village area. It is literally a marginal village with a population of less than 800 and an aging rate of 55.9%. In the midst of the fantastic scenery, colored carp swim in the terraced pond, and it is said to be the birthplace of colored carp.
  • It has been 18 years since the Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004, but the entire village of Yamakoshi was evacuated and could not be returned to the village for several years, so the name Yamakoshi has spread nationwide. Many people must have heard of the name of the place. The population at that time was 2,200, but it decreased to 800.
  • The trigger for the start of the project was area, which had worked on many things called area revitalization and area revitalization by utilizing subsidies for earthquake reconstruction, but as a result, it was unable to resist the wave of population decline. While it became clear that the village would be difficult to survive as it was, people in area asked us to think about ways to keep Yamakoshi Village alive, including digital space, regardless of physical residence in Yamakoshi Village. We asked about it exactly one and a half years ago, and the project started with a proposal.
  • As hypotheses, we started the project by looking at whether we could create a new concept of digital procurement using NFT, create a new community based on NFT by issuing "Digital Art × Electronic Certificate of Residence," collect wisdom and resources from all over the world through networks, and create an original fund area even though Yamakoshi does not exist as an administrative district and is a part of Nagaoka City.
  • We have created an English-language site called "The New Digital Village" to explain the current situation of Yamakoshi to people around the world, and to tell them if they can buy generative art with a motif of colored carp as a sign of digital villagers who will think and act together to survive the future of Yamakoshi.
  • For the digital villagers, the project calls them "Yamakoshi DAOs," people who are dwindling but who understand area's heritage of spirituality and area's resources.
    On the other hand, there are digital villagers around the world who sympathize with Yamakoshi Village and have purchased NFTs. They are extremely valuable people themselves, with ideas and funding. Unlike regular NFT projects, they want to find potential in the fusion of digital and real, rather than online. The intersection of real and digital is called Yamakoshi DAO as a "virtual community."
  • As a result, there are now more than 1,000 digital villagers for the real population of 800, and the digital villagers have exceeded the real population. In the early NFT sales, there were about 41 ether sales, and about 15 million yen at the rate of the time was collected from all over the world via crypto-assets. With the help of the budget and the power of the digital villagers who actually gathered, various projects are being launched. The response was more than expected, and various people, including Joichi Ito, are participating from Japan and overseas.
  • One of the utility features of the NFT is a social network that uses Discord to share daily project discussions, morning greetings, and daily conversations. Discord is a tool for running projects, and while Discord is basically open, there are a few rooms that only digital villagers can enter.
  • The second serves as a symbol of identity.
    People who have never been to Yamakoshi Village buy NFTs and start calling themselves Yamakoshi Digital Villagers, and they assume that digital arts are working as a sign and bridge of the virtual community. More and more people are showing off their digital villagers, setting them up on the desktop of the Apple Watch or on Twitter icons.
  • The third is a governance token.
    It does not issue its own FTs and uses NFTs as voting power, which allows it to act as a governance token when making decisions and distributing budgets.
  • Like other NFTs, it is being secondary distributed on OpenSea, so the initial transition price of 0.03 ETH is now 0.14 ETH. The floor price is 5 x to 10 x, and the value as a digital asset is increasing.
  • Basically, the list rate is 3%, and there are many people who have no intention to sell once they purchase. However, it is a reality that new digital villagers will enter by buying and selling through secondary distribution, and those who initially purchased multiple units will gain profits due to the price increase.
  • I would like to introduce the actual efforts, but I said that the fusion of real and digital is important. Although the management side did not expect it from the beginning, the digital village side asked the people of the real Yamakoshi village to participate in the discussion on Discord and the decision making on the distribution method of the budget, so we voted on whether we could distribute NFTs to the residents of the real Yamakoshi. As a result, 100% of the people said, "We definitely want you to distribute NFTs." At the community center and community center of the Yamakoshi village, there are courses to use NFTs with MetaMask. It is a marginal village where you can learn about MetaMask and NFTs, actually install them on your smartphone, and have online conversations with the digital village people via Zoom on a daily basis.
  • A part of the sales of the first round is considered as a common budget, and Yamakoshi Digital Villagers are taking the lead in drafting several projects to revitalize Yamakoshi Village. Since it is difficult to allocate the budget to all projects, we are using a distributed voting tool called Snapshot to discuss and decide. There are actually 12 projects listed in the Yamakoshi Digital Bloggers General Election. All of them are project idea plans to revitalize Yamakoshi raised by digital villagers. They are discussed on Discord, and digital villagers who hold NFT, the right to vote, vote, and distribute the budget to the top four projects.
  • Another is that over the past year, more and more digital villagers have actually visited Yamakoshi Village, rather than communicating only through Discord. Digital villagers say they have "returned home." People who have visited Yamakoshi Village for the first time also say they are "back."
    This situation is interesting. From a sensory point of view, the name Yamakoshi, an intangible asset of area, has become a commons by appearing in the digital space. As a sign of Yamakoshi digital villagers, they own Nishikigoi NFT on their smartphones. Although they have never been to Yamakoshi Village, they share the spirit and concept of Yamakoshi Village in the digital space. When such people actually visit Yamakoshi Village, it is almost like a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. A cycle is occurring in which real villagers and digital villagers meet in a village called Yamakoshi Village, have face-to-face conversations for the first time, and their sense of belonging is further strengthened.
  • Until now, it has been digital-centered, but I feel that the fusion of digital and real is occurring little by little, such as the employment of one digital villager in Yamakoshi Village, the future of public transportation, the future response of elementary and junior high schools where combined class is advancing, and the launch of projects for digital villagers to come up with ideas and solutions for the real Issue of Yamakoshi Village.
  • We are considering whether we can hold a party to commemorate the first anniversary in December. It is interesting that digital villagers have voluntarily come up with ideas, and various people have helped them by becoming project owners themselves. Various activities have been started under the sign of Yamakoshi Digital Villagers.
  • In the future, Yamakoshi has been working as the first penguin, but the number of similar consultations from municipalities and area is increasing. In particular, there are many people in local government, where depopulation is progressing and local government will be financially difficult in the future, and people in area, like Yamakoshi Village, which has been absorbed by a major merger of Heisei and does not have their own administrative district, but has the spirit of their own administrative district. I think blockchain technology is becoming more suitable for using crypto to create their own framework and gather friends and funds without borders.
  • While various things are happening at the municipal layer, we would like to expand the network by referring to the efforts of Yamakoshi.
  • I feel that there is a sense of distance between Web3.0 and marginal villages and regions, but on the contrary, I think that a breakthrough can be made by combining it well, and I would like to discuss it.

The following remarks were mainly made in the questions and answers from the members and the response from Mr. Hayashi.

  • Member: I would like to ask you a simple question. How many people are involved as engineers and technicians, and how are the expenses for them funded?

    • Speaker: What is lacking in Nishikigoi NFT, I am the position of the projector. On the Yamakoshi side, there is a area organization called the Yamakoshi Residents' Conference, which has been working since the recovery from the earthquake. In terms of engineering, we are working with the team of Mr. Takase of TART, who is the top runner in the NFT context.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in project itself doesn't require a lot of engineering costs or effort to launch. The NFT contract itself is simple and can be implemented by combining existing tools on the public blockchain, such as Discord and Snapshot, so it doesn't require continuous engineering.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in On the other hand, since we are developing generative art as NFT, we have collaboration with artists. We are collaborating with two digital artists, and we plan to develop new tricks at 3rd Sale scheduled next year.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in On the other hand, since engineers who are interested in digital villagers are involved, the creation of VR space in Yamakoshi Village and various tools are development independently as projects launched by digital villagers. It can be said that many engineers are involved in this digital villager community.
  • Member: DAO, for example, the fixed costs of people who translate English and Japanese on the DAO are necessary. Assuming that once the Yamakoshi DAO is started, it will not end in three months or one year, but will have to continue for 10, 20, 50, or 100 years, how will it be sustained? It is said that there are no engineering costs, but for example, it may cost a small amount of money to repair software if there is a vulnerability.

  • Member: Real Villagers and the Digital Villagers, we understand that increasing the number of digital villagers is a KPI because the number of people is small due to local revitalization. However, in reality, it will not be sustainable unless we start an industry, and the number of digital villagers is increasing. It seems that they spend money to buy tokens and provide funds, ideas, and time for free, and give and take has not been established. Isn't it the next step to be able to start an industry in Yamakoshi and to be able to industrialize to give and take with digital villagers?

  • Member: Yamakoshi I would like to ask you if you have any ideas for continuing DAO for 100 years, paying fixed costs, or generating revenue.

    • Speaker: What is lacking in KPI, there are still less than 1,000 digital villagers at present. As a KPI of the Yamakoshi DAO, it plans to increase the number to 10,000 at the timing of the 3rd Sale next year, and it is most important to increase the number of fellow villagers.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in The current situation is that other small things are being done, such as Japanese-English translation and Japanese-Chinese translation, mainly by the Yamakoshi Digital Villagers. It is difficult to say whether they are seeking clear incentives. In the case of normal NFTs, the dynamics work on the floor price rising, and it is a simple structure that contributes to it and gets incentives for the rise, but in the case of Yamakoshi, the honest feeling is that they do not care about incentives so much.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in However, on the other hand, there are people who have become more comfortable with their work and have more jobs because they have joined the community of Yamakoshi Digital Villagers. In addition, there are many cases in which it has become easier for people working in the blockchain industry to approach and bring various stories by advancing their activities as digital villagers, such as starting a new job triggered by their activities in Yamakoshi Digital Villagers. So far, the results show that individuals can use their digital villager status and work freely.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in However, we do not believe that this alone will ensure the sustainability of Yamakoshi Village. In order to keep the real area of Yamakoshi Village alive, we need to work on various other things. We believe that the roles of Yamakoshi DAO are basically to work on various other things and to position ourselves as a human resource pool to sustain the industry.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in As we will announce in December this year, various regions are now asking to use the Yamakoshi Village of First Penguin as a reference. It is meaningless if the Yamakoshi Village alone survives. We must create a platform that shows the deep Japanese culture and area to the world, including other regions, and allows people around the world to access it. By evolving into a platform that allows the Yamakoshi DAO to access the Japanese area and Japanese culture, both tangible and intangible, on one layer, and to preserve and leave it, and becoming a hub, we hope to secure the sustainability and position of the Yamakoshi Village for the time being, and challenge ourselves in that position. We are working on it through trial and error.
  • Member: Yamakoshi Village, there are proposals for digital villagers, such as engineers and people from overseas, to participate and spread to real people. I think digital communities can be created among real villagers, but I have the impression that there is a gap between what digital villagers think and what real villagers want to think. From this perspective, I would like to ask again about the relationship between Yamakoshi DAO and real villagers, such as whether this digital activity will support real villagers, what kind of meaning will this DAO have if there is a big gap, or whether it will interfere with real villagers.

    • Speaker: What is lacking in We understand that the current situation is progressing in parallel. We would like to gradually interact with each other, but it is difficult to interact suddenly, so we think that is fine.
      Until at least 10 years ago, there was a strong motivation for people in area to solve area alone, and to keep area alive. In the past 10 years, area's decline has accelerated. It is impossible for people in area to solve area alone. We should open it up thoroughly, but as a method of opening it up thoroughly, I think the method of digital villagers this time is desirable.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in It will proceed in parallel, but as the consciousness of digital villagers, the more they are involved in Yamakoshi Village, the more opportunities there are for the hidden problems of Yamakoshi Village, which is their sacred place, to become their own problems. Some people are looking at the minutes of actual discussions in Yamakoshi Village and are starting to think about the difficulty of public transportation, the problem of the closure of elementary schools, and whether they can work together.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in In the future, when the amount of funds procurement increases and the number of people involved in decision making increases, when making decisions on issues related to the center of Yamakoshi Village, when the ratio of digital villagers, not only real villagers, to stakeholders increases, how to make decisions, rules and guidelines will have to be made. At present, we recognize that we are not separated from each other, but rather that we are good partners who can use each other.
  • Member: This time, I would like to ask your opinions on the points that were successful because it was Yamakoshi Village, and the points that can be generalized and the points that should be solved individually when deploying to other municipalities.

    • Speaker: What is lacking in The first point is the existence of a coordinator.
      What is working well at Discord is not only that NFT is interesting and novel as a technology, but also that half of it is a human resource that functions as a bridge between the real area and the real residents of Yamakoshi Village and the digital villagers. It is largely because the resource is on the Yamakoshi side. In addition, one Issue is how many people in area across the country can communicate in Japanese while cooperating with various people, understand area well, and have a stance of understanding crypto culture while studying it.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in The second is global reach.
      In the Yamakoshi Village project, about 20 to 30 percent of the digital villagers are foreigners. I think we are halfway there in terms of global reach.
      While the population of Japan as a whole is physically decreasing, I think it is natural for the Japanese to compete for the pie alone. I think that it is Japan's local regions that have to go out into the world, but how can these efforts be sympathized with people overseas?
    • Speaker: What is lacking in Yamakoshi Village gained a certain amount of sympathy, but it was more reluctant than expected. The analysis says that the desire to keep Japanese marginal villages alive was a high-context in itself, although it stings anyone who stings. From a global perspective, there are many low-context things that can be sympathized with in any country or cultural area, such as various social initiatives using crypto and NFTs, the issuance of NFTs featuring women on Women's Rights Day by international organizations, and the procurement of funds to make the Internet accessible around the world. It may be necessary to reinvent the context for people who love Japanese culture, the means to access Japanese area, culture and tradition that are not Tokyo or Kyoto but have never been heard of, and that will eventually keep the area alive. Issue
    • Speaker: What is lacking in The third point is that I feel that the concept of NFT and digital arts are inducing people to believe in fiction. If we considered only utilities, a membership card with a still image, a Yamakoshi digital resident card, and a serial number of 001 would be fine, but if we had adopted them, it would not have worked. I think that beautiful digital arts are inducing communality. There is a concern that if the design is not seriously worked on in other area, it will end up being a dud.
  • Member: Digital Village. What is the recognition of the people of Digital Village today? Do they have a sense that the funds collected and pooled as NFT sales are theirs? How do they operate? Are the rules for handling the funds decided?

  • Member: In addition, it is my understanding that there is no corporate personality of Yamakoshi DAO at present, but it would be better to have a corporate personality. On the other hand, I would like to ask what is the context in which you are operating as Yamakoshi DAO and what is the context in which you will be moving in the form of JAPAN DAO.

    • Speaker: What is lacking in as a whole is that the NFT sales are the common wallet of the digital villagers, and basically the budget is used to contribute to the development of Yamakoshi Village. It is not necessary for the digital villagers to be the users of the budget, and the digital villagers may have a sense that they would like to work on projects that the real villagers think are really necessary, even if they have a limited budget.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in corporate personality, I think it will have to be created someday, and I have expectations for an LLC-type DAO and a place where lawmakers are considering legislation. In the future, I plan to launch a new corporation with an address in Yamakoshi early next year as a corporation that will take responsibility for the operation and budget management of this Yamakoshi DAO.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in Right now, I think the DAO-like way of working is at the stage of trial and error. We will distribute the budget to the project owner, but if it is large, we will give about 1 million yen in Japanese yen to the project owner who doesn't know well where to proceed with the project. It seems that only the account name and wallet address are shared, and if you say it in a violent way, it may be possible to escape, but at present, this has not happened.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in However, while feeling a little risk that funds are being distributed to anonymous digital villagers and projects are being born, a wide variety of people who have never been involved in Yamakoshi Village work and execute the budget to advance the project. It becomes the profit of the person or the budget of what the person wants to do. By expanding the intangible asset of Yamakoshi through NFT, I think it is connected to supporting various ways of working and various self-expressions, so I think it will be further promoted when it becomes more stable like a law or a corporate scheme, and I strongly feel the need for it.
  • Member: When it was incorporated, it was said to be an LLC. Is it possible to go under the LLC system? Or is there anything that should be changed? What is missing?

    • Speaker: What is lacking in Since the government is probably discussing an LLC-type DAO and a DAO in the form of an LLC in a certain direction, we expect the possibility, but we cannot wait until then, so we are in the situation of starting a joint stock company.
    • Speaker: What is lacking in is that what DAO is is not defined, and in terms of tax system and some points, it is difficult to do with the existing corporate personality. It is not impossible, but I think that the existing corporate personality does not fit as a form when I try to proceed with the project faithfully to the idea.

The secretariat explained that the next workshop is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 24.
The secretariat explained that the minutes of the meeting will be published after the members confirm the content.
