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Bill for Partial Revision of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures and Basic Resident Register Act

The draft law was submitted to the 217th session of the National Assembly (ordinary Diet) on March 7, 2025 (2025).


Based on the results of a comprehensive survey on the usability of the My Number system conducted for each ministry and agency under the Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society (approved by the Cabinet on June 21, 2024), this bill will be revised to expand the scope of clerical work for which the My Number System can be used.
Through the use of My Number and information sharing, it will be possible to omit documents to be attached at the time of application, thereby improving the efficiency of administrative work and the convenience of the people.


Expansion of clerical work that can use My Number

  • Expand administrative work for national qualifications, etc., for which My Number can be used (administrative work related to 44 qualifications, such as judicial scriveners, certified public accountants, veterinarians, and electricians).
  • In addition, the number of administrative affairs where My Number can be used will be expanded (12 administrative affairs).

Effective date

The date specified by a Cabinet Order within one year and three months from the date of promulgation.


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