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I had an online exchange of views with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for digitalization of Ukraine Alexander Fadelov.

On June 27, 2022, H. E. Mr. Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Minister for Digital Transformation and cybersecurity, H. E. Mr. MAKISHIMA Karen, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation, H. E. Mr. Oleksii Vyskub, First Deputy Minister for Digital Transformation and H. E. Mr. Yehor Dubinky, Deputy Minister for digitalization and Digital Transformation of Ukraine exchanged views online.

A portrait showing an online exchange between Minister for Digital Transformation MAKISHIMA Karen and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for digitalization Affairs of Ukraine Alexander Fadelov. The monitor behind the seat where Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima sits shows Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for digitalization Alexander Fadelov on the monitor.

A landscape photo showing an online exchange between Minister for Digital Transformation MAKISHIMA Karen and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for digitalization Affairs of Ukraine Alexander Fadelov. A monitor is located at the back of the seat where Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima is sitting, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for digitalization Alexander Fadelov is shown on the monitor.

Outline of Exchange of Opinions


Minister Makishima stated that he was pleased to have the opportunity to speak in the midst of the difficult situation surrounding Ukraine, which was the first time since the G7 Minister for Digital Transformation Meeting last month. He also stated that he is aware that malicious cyber activities related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine have been fused with military activities, and that Deputy Prime Minister Fadelov has made efforts to respond to such situations. He also stated that he is aware that Ukraine has endured such a situation with thorough preparations, and that the functions of its critical infrastructure, such as communications, have been maintained, and that he would like to sincerely commend him.
In response, Deputy Prime Minister Fadelov stated that he was pleased to be able to hold a meeting today.

2nd: Exchange of views on bilateral efforts in Ukraine

Deputy Prime Minister Fadelov explained Ukraine's digital and cybersecurity initiatives in the event of a conflict. The two leaders exchanged views on Japan-Ukraine cooperation in the cybersecurity field, digitalization initiatives in both Japan and Ukraine, and future ways of cooperation in the digital fields in both Japan and Ukraine, and shared the view that they will seek cooperation.

3. Future Cooperation

Based on today's exchange of views, Minister Makishima and Deputy Prime Minister Fadelov shared the view that Japan and Ukraine will promote cooperation, including the sharing of knowledge.
