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We will solicit opinions on the use of information acquisition and support technologies in daily life.

1. Purpose

We will collect information on what tools (for example, screen readers and screen magnifiers) are used by visually impaired people in their daily lives to obtain information and use online services. We will use this information as a reference material when considering the development and improvement of information provision and services in Digital Agency.

2. Target of the opinion solicitation

It is intended for visually impaired people, supporters, development of support tools, etc.

3. Implementation period

3 weeks from Monday, March 6 to Sunday, March 26, 2023.

4. Application Method

We will publish your comments in the Digital Agency Idea Box.
Please refrain from posting anything that contains personal data, slanders, or is contrary to public policy. Please refer to the Terms of Use below for details.
Digital Agency Idea Box Terms of Use

There are two ways to submit your comments:

  1. How to Contribute from the Digital Agency Idea Box
  2. How to Send by Email

If it is difficult to register or post a user in Digital Agency Idea Box, it is possible to send your opinion by email. In that case, the Digital Agency Idea Box operator will post it on behalf of you.

How to Contribute from the Digital Agency Idea Box

Please open the Digital Agency Idea Box at the following URL and post your ideas directly.
Digital Agency Idea Box
You need to register as a user to post your comments and reactions (such as likes) to other people's posts.

How to Send by Email

If you would like to send us your opinions by email, please check the How to Send by Email in the Information Accessibility Opinion Request.

5. Contact information

If you have any questions about using Digital Agency Idea Box, please send them to digital-agency _ atmark _ ideabox. cloud.
*To prevent unwanted e-mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When sending e-mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).
