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Comments on the "Basic Guidelines for Open Data" will be invited.

1. Overview

In the "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society" (Cabinet decision on June 9, 2023), it is stipulated that the Basic Guidelines for Open Data will be revised to respond to changes in the social environment from the beginning of its formulation by the end of fiscal 2023 (fiscal 2023).
We have created the "Basic Guidelines for Open Data (Draft)" and are soliciting opinions as follows.

The main contents of the revision are as follows.

  • In order to clarify the position of local governments and the direction to be taken in promoting open data, the content of the "local governments Open Data Promotion Guidelines" will be integrated into the Basic Guidelines for Open Data.
  • In order to promote understanding of the significance of open data, descriptions of digital transformation (DX), etc. have been added according to the actual situation.
  • In view of the utilization of administrative data in generative AI, the application of the Government Standard Terms and Conditions of Use to local governments is recommended, and the expansion of administrative data that can be used secondarily is promoted.
  • For data that has not been disclosed at the present time, even if it is not necessarily expected to be converted into open data in the future, if it is possible to provide the data for a limited purpose of use or to a limited number of recipients, it will be promoted to actively provide the data.

2. Subject of public comment

3. Period for submission of comments

From February 9, 2024 (Friday) to February 20, 2024 (Tuesday)

4. Method for submission of opinions

For more information, please see the Public Comment Guidelines (PDF / 144 kb) .

5. How to obtain the materials

The materials will also be posted in the "Public Comments" column of the e-Gov , the general contact of the e-government.

6. Future Plans

Based on the results of the opinion solicitation, we plan to promptly formulate and publish a revised version of the Basic Guidelines for Open Data.

7. Reference Information

8. Contact information

Digital Agency Digital social common function Group Open Data Officer
Email: opendata _ public _ comment _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, @ is replaced with " _ atmark _ ".
