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We posted an explanatory video accompanying the start of the publicly funded medical care public offering of the Initiative to Enable My Number Card to be Used as a Recipient Certificate of local government (PMH) 2024 Advance Implementation Project.

On Friday, March 8, 2024, we plan to start a public offering in My Number Card for the preliminary implementation project of the initiative (Public Medical Hub: PMH) to enable publicly funded medical care to be used as a claimant certificate of local government.
*We plan to invite applications from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for the vaccinations field and from Children and Families Agency for the Maternal and Child Health field. Each ministry and agency will notify you as soon as the details are decided. local government

Prior to the start of the local government public offering, we will post a video explanation. Please review it and consider actively applying.

Local government Public Offering Explanatory Video

Public Offering Guidelines

For details, please check the My Number Card, which has started the publicly funded medical care public offering for the local government preliminary implementation project in fiscal 2024 of the initiative (PMH) to be able to use the as the claimant certificate of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Relevant policies

Inquiries regarding this matter

Email: medical. 2 _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent unwanted e-mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When sending e-mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).
