Health, medical care, and nursing care
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Semi-public sector (health, medical care, and nursing care) is an area that is closely related to people's daily lives, in which the involvement of the national government is significant, and which has a large ripple effect on other private sectors. We will promote digitalisation in this semi-public sector and work on the development of data-linkage and data-utilization systems. Through this, we will realize a prosperous life for the people, in which optimal services are provided according to individual needs.
As we face the world's first super-aged society, it is essential for the continued development of Japan to extend the healthy life expectancy of the people, make social security system sustainable into the future, and enable future generations to live with peace of mind.
Under these circumstances, it is extremely important to actively promote the utilization of health, medical, and nursing care information in order to contribute to the improvement of individual health, as well as to promote the improvement of operational efficiency in medical facilities and to provide more efficient and effective medical services.
In addition, in light of the response to the novel coronavirus, it is essential to actively promote the use of such information from the perspective of security and crisis management.
For this reason, we will steadily advance the initiatives described in the "Progress Schedule for the Promotion of Medical DX" and the "Progress Schedule for Data Health Reform."
Related Materials
- Schedule for the promotion of medical DX
- Second Summary of the Working Group on Data Distribution and Utilization (Summary Edition)
- First Summary of the Data Strategy Task Force (Draft)
- Comprehensive data strategy
- The 7th Datahealth Reform Promotion Office (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
- Promotion of computerization in the fields of medicine, nursing care, and health (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
Recent Initiatives
, which links local governments and medical institutions in
Digital Agency, in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies, is promoting digitalisation initiatives utilizing My Number Card in areas such as medical care subsidies, vaccinations, and maternal and child health.
For PMH initiatives, please visit the Public Medical Hub (PMH) , which links local governments and medical institutions in .
Development of alpha version of standard electronic medical record
The progress schedule for the promotion of medical DX (June 2, 2023) states that we will promote the sharing of electronic medical record information and aim to provide high-quality medical care based on accurate information.
Currently, electronic medical records are not standardized with an eye to information sharing, and there are many medical institutions that have not introduced electronic medical records in the first place. Therefore, we will (1) promote the standardization of electronic medical records at medical institutions that have introduced electronic medical records, and (2) provide "standard electronic medical records" (cloud-based electronic medical records compliant with the standard) to medical institutions that have not introduced electronic medical records.
According to the Medical DX Process Sheet, we aim to introduce standardized electronic medical records at almost all medical institutions by 2030 at the latest. In fiscal 2023, we will define the requirements for standardized electronic medical records, and in fiscal 2024, we will develop them and conduct trials at some medical institutions.
- Summary of the 2023 Supplementary Budget (PDF / 394 kb)
- Standard Electronic Medical Record Technology Working Group (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)