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Category: Policies

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In fiscal 2021, we updated the survey and research for the expansion of data utilization in recommended datasets, etc.


Added new components, modified and updated styles, assets, etc.


Unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments: Standard specifications for data requirements and cooperation requirements were posted.


The competent minister approved the use of Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) for private business.


Updated information on courses held in area


Added resources to My Number Card Info (useful information for private business)


Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee (organizations, etc. indicated in the application guidelines): The application guidelines and the name of the organization have been updated.


Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee: We updated the application guidelines, etc.


Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee: We have updated the list of companies and organizations that are cooperating with us.


Added resources to My Number Card Info (useful information for local government)