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New Arrivals/Updates

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Press conference

Summary of Minister Kono's Press Conference (August 30, 2024)


Planning competition: Survey project on data connections examination of use cases infrastructure, etc. in the industrial domain was posted


Updated the materials in the list of Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) (JPKI) introduction business operators and cases using My Number Card

Press releases

We posted the personnel changes in Digital Agency on August 31 and September 1, 2024.


We have updated the materials in My Number Card Info (useful information for private business).


We provide information such as API specifications for the function of the moving procedure online service Mynaportal "Contact move-out notifications and Visit Schedule (move-in appointments)".


We will seek opinions on a draft ordinance to amend part of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Registration, etc. of Deposit Accounts for the Purpose of Prompt and Secure Provision, etc. of Public Benefits.


We will seek opinions on a draft order to revise part of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Management, etc. of Deposit and Savings Accounts by the Use of Individual Numbers Based on the Intention of Depositors


Appended Table: The results of the public comment solicitation relating to the draft order for partial revision of the ordinance of the competent ministry and the draft order for partial revision of the ordinance of the competent ministry providing information have been announced.


We posted an outline of the twenty twenty-five budget estimate request, the request for the number of personnel of the Institute, and the request for the revision of tax system.