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Personal data conservation

1. Overview of the personal data Conservation System

The purpose of the personal data Conservation Law is to protect the rights and interests of individuals while ensuring the proper and smooth operation of government administration in accordance with the personal data Conservation Law.
Based on the purpose of this program, Digital Agency will also make efforts to appropriately manage personal data.

Personal data conservation systems

Personal data conservation in Digital Agency

2. Procedures for requesting disclosure, correction, and suspension of use

(1) Disclosure request

The head of a public authorities may request disclosure of his or her own personal data.
In principle, disclosure decisions shall be made within 30 days (disclosure on the day of the request (including viewing) is not allowed).
When making a request, you need to present a document that shows your identity (such as a driver's license card or health insurance card) and a disclosure request fee of 300 yen per request.
(When mailing, a certificate of residence is required (within 30 days of issuance))

When creating a claim form, please see the Explanation (PDF / 58 kb) for information on creating a claim form.

Request Form

  • Request for Disclosure of Retained personal data
  • Specific personal data (personal data including Personal Identification Number (social security and tax number system -)) Disclosure Request
  • Specific personal data Application Form for Exemption of Fees Pertaining to Disclosure Request
  • Specific personal data Power of attorney for disclosure request

(2) Request for correction

If you believe that the personal data disclosed by the above request is not true, you may request a correction.
*There is no fee. Please refer to the Explanation (PDF / 59 kb) for information on creating a claim form.

Request Form

  • Request for correction of retained personal data
  • Specific personal data (personal data whose content includes a personal identification number (My Number)) Correction Request
  • Power of attorney for specific personal data correction request

(3) Requests for suspension of use

If you believe that the personal data disclosed by the above disclosure request has been acquired, used, or provided illegally, you may request the suspension of use, etc.

*There is no fee. Please see the Explanation (PDF / 62 kb) for information on creating a claim form.

Request Form

  • Request for Suspension of Use of Retained personal data
  • Request for Suspension of Use of a Specific personal data (a personal data whose content includes a personal identification number (My Number))
  • Power of attorney for suspension of use of a specified personal data

(4) Appeal against a decision of non-disclosure, etc.

If you are not satisfied with the decision pertaining to the disclosure request, correction request, or suspension request, you may file a request for administrative review with the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of the of the Administrative Appeal Act. In addition, pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Case Litigation Act, you may file an action for rescission of the disposition with the Tokyo District Court or the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the high court having jurisdiction over the location of the general venue of the requester.

3. Contact person for requesting disclosure of owned personal data

19th and 20th floors of Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioi-cho, 1-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094
Digital Agency personal data Conservation Officer
Tel: 03 4477 6775
Email: kojinjyouhou _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

4. Contact person for inquiries about specific personal data

19th and 20th floors of Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioi-cho, 1-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094
Digital Agency personal data Conservation Officer
Tel: 03 4477 6775
Email: kojinjyouhou _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

5. Reference Information

Specific personal data Protection Evaluations are required to be conducted for administrative work handling Specific personal data Files, and evaluation documents prepared by each office are made public.

Administrative work related to Registration of public money receiving account, etc. based on the Account Registration Act and administrative work related to the management, etc. of deposits and savings accounts by the use of Individual Numbers based on the intention of depositors

Administrative work related to the operation of the Information Provision Network System

Administrative work related to the operation of the Disclosure System for Information Provision, etc.

Solicitation of Proposals for Anonymously Processed Information

We are not currently soliciting opinions.

Past Comments

Fiscal 2022 Public Notice of Solicitation of Proposals for "Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc."
From February 15, 2023 (Wednesday) to March 17, 2023 (Friday)