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(Acceptance End) Public Notice of Solicitation of Proposals for "Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc." for Fiscal 2022

Application ended on March 17, 2023.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 53, Paragraph (2) of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Protection of the personal data (Personal Information Protection Commission Regulations No. 3 of 2016; hereinafter referred to as the "Ordinance"), we hereby give public notice of the necessary matters concerning the solicitation of proposals for the fiscal year 2022 "Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc." (Proposal Solicitation Guidelines) as follows.
February 13, 2023
Prime Minister

1. Purpose

In accordance with the provisions of Article 109 of the Act on the Protection of public authorities (Act No. 57 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), to the extent that it does not hinder the protection of the rights and interests of individuals, we are soliciting proposals for businesses to be conducted by using Anonymously Processed Information on personal data, etc., prepared by processing personal data held by Digital Agency, based on the fact that the effective use of public authorities held by Biodiversity, etc. contributes to the creation of new industries and the realization of a vibrant economic society and prosperous lives of the people. personal data

2. personal data Files Subject to Proposals

The specific public authorities files subject to the proposal regarding "Anonymously Processed Information on personal data, etc." for fiscal 2022 are the following files.


Personal data files that fall under any of the following 1 to 3 are the subject of the proposal.

  1. A personal data File Register will be created and made public (Article 60, Paragraph 3, Item 1 of the Act).
  2. If the personal data File receives a disclosure request (information disclosure request) under the Act on Access to Information Held by the State of public authorities (Act No. 42 of 1999; hereinafter referred to as the "public authorities Information Disclosure Act"), any of the following 1. or 2. will be made
    1. Matters for which a decision will be made to disclose the whole or a part of the retained personal data recorded in the personal data file (Article 60, paragraph (3), item (ii), (a) of the Act)
    2. An opportunity to submit a written opinion pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, Paragraph 1 or 2 of the public authorities Information Disclosure Act (Article 60, Paragraph 3, Item 2 (b) of the Act)
  3. It is possible to create Anonymously Processed Information on a public authorities, etc. within a scope that does not hinder the proper and smooth operation of public administration (Article 60, Paragraph 3, Item 3 of the Act).

3. Proposing Party (Requirements for Proposers)

Public authorities, etc. Any person who intends to use Anonymously Processed Information for business purposes may be an individual, a corporation, or any other organization (Note). In addition, it is possible to make a single proposal or a joint proposal.
However, pursuant to the provisions of Article 111 of the Act, a person who falls under any of the following 1 to 6 (Reasons for Disqualification) may not be proposed.

  1. A minor
  2. A person who is unable to appropriately carry out the cognition, judgment, and communication necessary for properly conducting the business using public authorities, etc. Anonymously Processed Information, etc. for that person's own use due to a mental or physical disorder;
  3. A person who has become subject to a ruling for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings and has not had their rights restored;
  4. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment with work or a heavier punishment, or who has been sentenced to punishment in accordance with the provisions of the Act, if it has been less than two years since the day on which the person finished serving the sentence or ceased to be subject to its enforcement
  5. A person whose contract for the use of public authorities, etc. Anonymously Processed Information has been canceled pursuant to the provisions of Article 118 of the Act, if it has been less than two years since the date of the cancellation
  6. A corporation or other organization, any of whose officers falls under any of the above items 1 to 5.

(Note) If a proposal is made by an agent, please attach a document proving the authority of the agent to the proposal.

4. Application Period

From Wednesday, February 15, 2023 to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 2023

5. Method of proposal

(1) Documents to be submitted

When making a proposal, please submit the following documents (hereinafter referred to as the "Proposal Documents").

Proposal Documents

  1. Proposal
    • Written proposals concerning services to be conducted by using Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc. (Note 1)
  2. Attachments
    • Written pledge (a written pledge that does not fall under 3. (1) through (6) above)
    • A document clarifying that the services for which the public authorities and Harbor Anonymously Processed Information is used will contribute to the creation of new industries or the realization of a vibrant economic society or an enriched quality of life for the Japanese people;
    • Identification document of the person making the proposal (Note 2)
    • Other documents deemed necessary by the Digital Agency
    • Power of attorney (a document certifying the authority of the agent) (Note 3)

Download proposals and attachments in various formats

(Note 1) In accordance with the provisions of Article 116, Paragraph (1) of the Act, if the Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc. that has already been prepared is to be newly used by a person other than the person who made the initial proposal, or if the business operator who has already received the Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc. changes the purpose of use or extends the period of use, please submit a "Written Proposal for a Business Using the Prepared public authorities, etc. Anonymously Processed Information for That Purpose". The method of proposal, examination, and procedures related to the contract shall be the same as those for the initial proposal.

(Note 2) If the person making the proposal is an individual, please attach a copy of his / her driver's license card, health insurance card, personal identification number card, etc. If the person making the proposal is a corporation or other organization, please attach a certificate of registered matters, a seal registration certificate, etc. (limited to those prepared within six months prior to the date of proposal).

(Note 3) Only when a proposal is made by an agent.

(2) Method for submission of proposal documents

Please submit it using one of the following methods.

  1. By mail or correspondence delivery (Note)
    Please submit two copies of the proposal documents.
    (Note) In the case of postal mail or correspondence delivery, please write "Proposal documents related to the use of Anonymously Processed Information such as public authorities are enclosed" in red on the front of the envelop. In addition, they must arrive on the day of the deadline.
  2. By email
    Please send the proposal and attached documents to the following email address.
    (Note) It must arrive on the day of the deadline.

Location for submission of proposal documents

  1. By mail or correspondence delivery
    Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioi-cho 19th and 20th Floors, 1-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    For the public Group, Digital Agency
    To Person in Charge of Systems Related to MYKEY
  2. By email
    Email: mykeypf _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
    *To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
    When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

6. Examination Standards for Proposals

Proposals will be reviewed to determine if they meet the following criteria.

  1. The Proposer does not fall under any of the items of Article 111 (Reasons for Disqualification) of the Act.
  2. The number of the Principal of the public authorities, etc. Anonymously Processed Information pertaining to the proposal shall be not less than 1,000 from the viewpoint of the effective use of the public authorities, etc. Anonymously Processed Information, and shall be not more than the number of the Principal of the Retained personal data that constitutes the personal data File pertaining to the proposal.
  3. The specified processing method conforms to the standards specified in Article 62 of the Regulations as being necessary to make it impossible to identify specific individuals and to restore the retained personal data used for the creation thereof.
  4. That the services to be conducted using the public authorities and Harbor Anonymously Processed Information for that purpose contribute to the creation of new industries or the realization of a vibrant economic society or an enriched quality of life for the Japanese people;
  5. The Use Period shall be a necessary period in light of the purpose of the services and the purpose and method of use of the Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc.
  6. The purpose of use and method of use of the public authorities, etc.'s Anonymously Processed Information pertaining to the proposal and the measures to be taken for the appropriate management of the public authorities, etc.'s Anonymously Processed Information, such as the prevention of information leakage, are appropriate for the protection of the rights and interests of the Principal of the Hong Kong, etc.'s Anonymously Processed Information.
  7. In the case where the head of the public authorities, etc. prepares the anonymously processed information on a public authorities, etc. pertaining to the proposal, it shall not cause significant hindrance to the affairs of said public authorities, etc.

7. Notification of Examination Results

The results of the examination of the proposal will be notified to each proposer individually.

8. Agreement on the Use of Anonymously Processed Information of public authorities, etc.

If it is deemed that the Examination Standards are met, a contract for the use of Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc. may be concluded by filling out and submitting Appended Form 10 of the Rules "Application for Conclusion of a Contract for the Use of Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc." and documents related to the conclusion of the contract (two copies of the contract), which are enclosed with the Notice of Examination Results, to the Proposer. In this case, the Proposer is required to pay the prescribed fee. However, changes to the terms and conditions of the contract are not allowed after the conclusion of the contract for the use of Anonymously Processed Information on public authorities, etc.
If it is found that the proposal does not conform to the Examination Standards, a notice will be given to that effect with the reason attached to Appended Form 11 "Notification of Examination Results" of the Rules.

9. Points to be noted

  1. The Proposer shall be deemed to have accepted the content of this Application Guideline by submitting the Proposal Documents.
  2. All costs related to the proposal, except for the shipping fee for the notification of the examination results, etc. from Digital Agency, shall be borne by the proposer.
  3. If it is deemed that the Proposal Documents are defective or the matters to be stated are insufficient, an explanation or correction of the Proposal Documents may be requested.
  4. The original copyrights of the Anonymously Processed Information on Digital Agency, etc. created and provided by public authorities belong to Digital Agency.
  5. Since the use of Anonymously Processed Information of public authorities, etc. is based on a contract, it is not subject to the Administrative Appeal Act (Act No. 68 of 2014).
  6. We will not return the proposal documents.

10. Contact information for the proposal

If you have any questions about the procedures for the proposal, please contact the following.
Please note that it may take time depending on the content of the consultation.

Contact information for this proposal

For the public Group, Digital Agency
In charge of Mykey Platform Related Systems
Phone: 03 4477 6775 (the main switchboard number)
Email: mykeypf _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).