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2023 (2023) First Expert Meeting on Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review


  • Date and time: Thursday, March 30, 2023 (2023) from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Holding of the Digital Agency Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review Expert Council
      2. Election of Chairman and Nomination of Alternate Chairman
      3. Operation of the Advisory Council for Digital Agency Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review
      4. Discussion on review and improvement of business (explanation of each business)
        1. Government Common Website (1 Project)
        2. Common System for Internal Management of Travel Expenses, etc. (SEABIS) (1 project)
        3. Information System for Services Related to Personnel Affairs and Remuneration (1 business)
        4. Employee Authentication Service, Attribute Information Management Infrastructure for Government Employees, etc. (2 projects)
    3. Other (future plans)
    4. Adjournment


Summary of proceedings


Thursday, March 30, 2023 (2023) from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Held online



Chairman Sato, Committee Member Iwasaki, Committee Member Sasajima, Committee Member Shimada, Committee Member Mito

Summary of proceedings

After the Secretariat announced the opening of the meeting, the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman were elected by mutual vote of the members. After that, the Secretariat explained the background and positioning of the establishment of the Association and how to proceed in the future, followed by an explanation of the project from the person in charge and a question and answer session.

The main questions and answers are as follows.

1. Government Common Website (1 Project)

Committee: As for certification services used in the takes the lead in creating the Digital Agency Government Common Site. However, please tell us if you have any ideas on whether it is a policy to make revisions based on the reaction to the simultaneous horizontal expansion when it is extended to all ministries and agencies in the future.

Person in charge: Digital Agency to create one website by combining all the ministries and agencies because it takes a lot of work and the users are different. Each ministry and agency has a timing to renew the system, and by deploying information on what worked and what did not work in the construction of the Digital Agency website to each ministry and agency at that timing, the target users of each ministry and agency are different, so they can use what they can use. In addition, we should receive feedback on the results and deploy it again, so that eventually all the ministries and agencies can create a website with the necessary knowledge and functions.

2. Common System for Internal Management Services for Travel Expenses, etc. (SEABIS) (1 project)

Committee: As for certification services used in the policy goal, is there an emphasis on the integration of the travel and reward system and the goods management system, or is it a direction to brush up on SEABIS?

Person in charge: We are thinking of the latter. We would like to modernize the entire SEABIS in the future.

Committee: As for certification services used in the If what you are going to do is not done, please tell us what kind of situation will continue and what will be the problem.

In addition, regarding the cost and the effect per hour, I think it is necessary to consider the effect per hour instead of always choosing to be inexpensive. Please tell us your recognition.

Person in charge: Regarding the first point, it can be mentioned that expenses remain high.
In addition, the second point is as you pointed out, and the operation is based on the perspective of time.

Committee: As for certification services used in the Base Law adjusted to the system's convenience, so I think it is important to make a request to the ministries and agencies responsible for the Base Law.

3. Information System for Services Related to Human Resources and Remuneration (1 business)

Committee: As for certification services used in the system is just complicated if the purpose is to build a system, so please tell us more about the big purpose, such as what kind of mechanism you want it to be and what the problem is.

Person in charge: This system is used by both so-called "person in charge of salary, person in charge of personnel affairs" and "all other employees." However, as expected, heavy users are person in charge of personnel affairs and person in charge of salary. Regarding the part used by general employees, for example, notification application, it is extremely difficult to use it at present, which is Issue. In order to ensure that the part used by person in charge of personnel affairs and person in charge of salary can be used properly, it is Issue that is operated in such a way that response to related system revisions must be prioritized first.

Committee: As for certification services used in the . Please tell me if you want to improve the current needs and issues of personnel and salary personnel first.

Person in charge: That's the most important thing. In addition to that, because the part for general employees is difficult to use, there are cases where questions are asked to the person in charge of human resources and the person in charge of salary, so I think it is important to solve that in terms of overall efficiency.

Committee: As for certification services used in the In terms of the personnel and salary system, there is cooperation with other systems in public authorities, but compared to private sector, there should be less information to be handled, so I think we will have to discuss in the future whether it is OK as it is, what the goal is, and whether the system is appropriate for this information system.

4. Employee Authentication Service, Attribute Information Management Infrastructure for Government Employees, etc. (2 projects)

Committee: As for certification services used in the Please tell us whether there is a risk of centralizing ID management with the aim of single sign-on for all systems.

Person in charge: In the future, as a risk in the event of a service failure of this ID platform, we will consider alternative means in the event of a failure.

Committee: As for certification services used in the In terms of the system requirements to be considered in the future, please tell us whether there are any requirements for independent development that are not included in the certification service in private sector.

Person in charge: We assume that it is unique in that we grant authority by using human resources management data managed by each government office and ministry. On the other hand, we plan to use private service such as IDaaS for directory services and authentication functions, which are assumed to be common specifications.

Committee: As for certification services used in the private business and academic and research institutions, cooperation with external parties is currently advanced without being limited to organization. We recognize that the certification service of this project is limited to the administrative organization, but in the medium to long term, cooperation with external parties may be considered. Please tell us whether the use of, for example, IDaaS organization is expected in order to perform certification without being limited to private service.

Person in charge: In the future, the certification infrastructure for government employees is assumed. On the other hand, in the future, the certification infrastructure for local government employees and the certification infrastructure for critical infrastructure are also assumed. Therefore, we would like to consider a certification infrastructure that assumes the cooperation of multiple certification infrastructures by utilizing IDaaS private service.
