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2024 (2024) First Expert Meeting on Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review


  • Date and Time: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (2024) from 10:30 to 12:00
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Holding of the Digital Agency Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review Expert Council
      2. Election of Chairman and Nomination of Alternate Chairman
      3. Operation of the Advisory Council for Digital Agency Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review
      4. Discussion on review and improvement of business (explanation of each business)
        1. Common authentication platform for corporations
        2. Government Solution Services
        3. Base Registry Business
    3. Other (future plans)
    4. Adjournment


Summary of proceedings


Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (2024), from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Held online



Chairman Satoh, Committee Member Iwasaki, Committee Member Uemura, Committee Member Kanbayashi, Committee Member Sasajima, Committee Member Kubo, Committee Member Horikawa

Summary of proceedings

After the Secretariat announced the opening of the meeting, the Chair and the Vice-Chair were elected by the members themselves. After that, the Secretariat explained the background and positioning of the establishment of the Association and the way to proceed in the future, followed by an explanation of the project by the person in charge and comments and questions and answers from the members.

The main comments and questions are as follows.

1. Common corporate certification platform (gBizID)

Member: I think that the difficulty of You currently know the number of users, but is it possible to show the penetration status in the form of utilization? What kind of outcomes are you considering at present?

Person in charge: As for the . In addition, it can be used for various administrative procedures, the number of linked systems, and the number of annual logins as accompanying information are also important. Since it is difficult to track the number of procedures that do not use gBizID for each administrative procedure, we are looking at the number of logins rather than the utilization rate as an indicator.

Member: I think that the difficulty of Target put more emphasis on the business efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises than large companies, but is this recognition correct? I felt that the number of registered users is insufficient for small and medium-sized enterprises, but if we are to target the number, I think it is necessary to set a KPI, for example, to achieve a certain percentage. What do you think about this point?

Person in charge: As for the We are targeting not only small and medium-sized enterprises but also large enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises are interested in applying for subsidies, but large enterprises also have great needs for social insurance procedures, and we believe that needs will change depending on procedures. Our goal is to have almost all corporations acquire social insurance, but from the viewpoint of financial efficiency, we would like to consider how to increase the number of employees who acquire social insurance.

Member: I think that the difficulty of invoice?

Person in charge: As for the uses the corporate number, and the invoice uses the invoice number. Since the invoice number is assigned based on the corporate number, I think it is possible to reconcile with the corporation, but I think it is difficult for the sole proprietor.

Member: I think that the difficulty of Is there a mechanism to obtain feedback from current users and non-users?

Person in charge: As for the When we receive inquiries, we ask what kind of needs they have, and we regularly exchange opinions with business operators who are highly interested in gBizID.

Member: I think that the difficulty of freelancers, side jobs, and side jobs, but I think it is necessary to consider how to grasp sole proprietorships and how to support business operators who have difficulty in procedures from the viewpoint of usability, how to set goals, and how to spend budget on public relations in Issue.

Member: I think that the difficulty of I think we need to look at the current actual ratio against the assumed parameter. How many registrations can be made and how many connections can be made against the assumed system capacity, and based on that as a parameter, we can determine the current registration status and connection status ratio.

Member: I think that the difficulty of KPI, I think it would be good to calculate the utilization ratio from the ratio of the number of normal procedures and the number of procedures using this gBizID.

2. Government Solution Services (GSS)

Member: I think that the difficulty of Regional local government?

Person in charge: As for the Region local government at present.

Member: I think that the difficulty of . I heard that human resources are needed and that it is necessary to update them, but I also felt that it is necessary to consider how many new people will be able to maintain them.

Member: I think that the difficulty of Government Common Network. In addition, I would like to confirm whether it is sufficient to have personnel come to Digital Agency or whether the government agency in charge also needs them.

Person in charge: As for the , but I think it is necessary in Digital Agency first.

Member: I think that the difficulty of GSS, if you know. I would like to confirm in more detail the point that it costs more because the work of each ministry and agency is not arranged, and the point that if area spreads to a distant place, the system will be expanded, and how to systematically strengthen the system.

Member: I think that the difficulty of ministries and agencies, the number of connecting points is currently small, and I think there will be a renewal period, but I would like to confirm this point. In addition, I think that it is required to move firmly in the event of a disaster as a public infrastructure, but I would like to confirm that the Kansai region is small in terms of the network configuration diagram.

3. Base Registry Business

Member: I think that the difficulty of As a request, I would like you to consider the unification of databases. Although the story of real estate ID is advancing, I would also like you to consider agricultural and forest-related matters, and design with a view to a large database that will be collated in the future.

Member: I think that the difficulty of Office has given up on the base registry, but since a large system will be constructed in the future, do you mean that the volume of the system and the range to be covered will be decided from now on?

Person in charge: As for the Office, we found that the scope varies depending on the system, and we concluded that it is practically difficult to develop it immediately.

One possible approach in the future is to first organize the concept of business offices across systems. Alternatively, I think there is an approach in which data is prepared based on a different definition for each system and then linked together. In the future, as the base registry is expanded, I think we will consider the cost-effectiveness of this approach.

The base registry will be worked on by design development in order by field, and basically it will be a project to be promoted from now on. However, the real estate registry base registry has been verified and is being promoted in cooperation with the fields of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

Member: I think that the difficulty of , I recognize that it is important how to organize the administrative side, not the system side. Digital Agency is in the position of System development, but if we do not decide on the organization of the administrative side, it may be premature to move only the system, so I would like you to consider the plan based on that.

Member: I think that the difficulty of registration and address change has prevented the proliferation of paper companies and easy relocation. Therefore, I think it would be good to proceed with consideration based on the merits of simplification and the fact that it has not occurred so often under the conventional system.
