Cashless payment of fees, etc. paid to the national government
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We will make it possible to pay fees, etc. to be paid to the national government cashless (internet banking, credit cards, e-money, settlement at convenience stores, etc.), in order to improve convenience for citizens and efficiency of business.
Under the Act on Payment of National Revenue, etc. Using Information and Communications Technology (Act No. 39 of 2022) (Cashless Act), which will come into effect on November 1, 2022, it will be possible to pay fees, etc. to be paid to the national government in a cashless manner (Internet banking, credit card, electronic money, payment at convenience stores, etc.) for which the ordinance of the competent ministry under the said Act has been established.
In Digital Agency, in order to improve convenience for the people and efficiency of business by making fees paid to the national government cashless, we are preparing guidelines on the said Act.
Related Materials
Act on Payment of National Revenue, etc. by Means of Information and Communications Technology (Act No. 39 of 2022) (Cashless Act)
Summary (PDF/365KB) / Text (e-GOV law Search)
Recent Efforts
Model Ministerial Ordinance and Guidelines on the Act on Payment of National Revenue, etc. by Means of Information and Communications Technology
In order to ensure the uniform and appropriate operation of the system based on the Cashless Payment Act, we have prepared a model ordinance (Model Ordinance) of the competent ministries and agencies that need to be formulated by each ministry and agency that has jurisdiction over each fee, etc. when going cashless, and guidelines that show the matters that each ministry and agency should pay attention to when operating the Act.
- Model Ministerial Ordinance on the Act on Payment of National Revenue, etc. by Means of Information and Communications Technology (PDF / 982 kb)
- Guidelines for the Act on Payment of National Revenue, etc. by Means of Information and Communications Technology (PDF / 748 kb)
Meetings, etc.
Currently, there is no applicable information.