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Municipal DX services counter' One-stop, no writing service'

We aim to realize a "people-friendly digitalisation where no one is left behind" at the local government counter by realizing a "one stop counter that does not write, wait, or circulate" at the local government counter through joint creation with local governments.




In Digital Agency, in addition to promoting online administrative procedures through the use of online application systems unique to Mynaportal and local governments, Municipal DX services counter "One-stop, no writing service" initiatives are being promoted in close cooperation with local governments with the aim of reducing the burden on residents in procedures at counters and reducing the work load on local government officials.

Municipal DX services counter "One-stop, no writing service" is an initiative that allows people who are unfamiliar with digital technology to enjoy the benefits of improved services for residents and My Number Card while reducing the burden on staff by utilizing digital technology, even when they come to the counters of local governments.


As the digitalisation for services increases dramatically due to the advancement of digital technology, local governments are required to make full-scale efforts to promote digitalisation for resident services so that citizens can benefit from the digital society.
In addition, it is estimated that the working-age population will decline to less than 60 million people by 2040 *, and as the labor shortage due to the population decline becomes more serious, there is a limit to how well local governments can maintain high-quality business as usual. Therefore, in order to continue high-quality contact center service while the number of employees decreases, it is necessary to promote DX and further improve business efficiency.
* See 2022 White Paper on Information and Communications Technology / Trends and Future Estimates of the Aging Population (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

The Vision and Expected Effects of One-stop, no writing service

Issues to be resolved

In many local government offices where work reform has not progressed, residents who enjoy administrative services and local government employees who provide administrative services have their own challenges.
The problems faced by residents who go through procedures include "being forced to fill in the same items over and over again," "being forced to wait at the counter each time," and "being sent to multiple counters."
The challenges faced by local government employees include "the need to explain how to fill out each application form," "the wide range of tasks involved in checking the content of entries," and "the increasing complexity of work makes it more personal."

Desired shape as a solution and expected effects

"One-stop, no writing service" aims to solve the problems of both residents who enjoy administrative services and local government employees who provide administrative services based on the three digital principles of "Digital First," "Once Only," and "one stop."
Based on the concept of the Three Digital Principles, local governments will reform their own operations, including counter operations and backyard operations, and realize "no writing," "no waiting," and "no turning" by making the most of the digital power of their own information and My Number Card, etc. By realizing these, we aim to achieve both "reducing the burden on residents in counter procedures" and "reducing the workload on local government employees," leading to improved contact center service.
In order for local governments to realize the above vision, Digital Agency provides support to local governments in that are working on "One-stop, no writing service."

Examples of use

On January 16, 2024, the utilization of Municipal DXSaaS services counter, which supports the realization of Municipal DX services counter from the system aspect, began in Kinokawa City, Wakayama.
Kinokawa City is the first municipality in Japan to utilize Municipal DXSaaS services counter as a service window for local governments, and by the end of March 2024, 17 municipalities in Japan had begun using the system.

Utilizing local government

  • January 2024
    Kinokawa City, Wakayama (January 16), Chigasaki City, Kanagawa (January 30)
  • February 2024
    Miyakonojo City, Miyazaki (February 27), Izumi City, Kagoshima (February 28)
  • March 2024
    Iwata City, Shizuoka (March 1); Kagoshima, Kagoshima (March 1); Kakuda City, Miyagi (March 5); Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima (March 8); Kato City, Hyogo (March 14); Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi (March 15); Nishiwakishi, Hyogo (March 19); Sumoto City, Hyogo (March 19); Sarabetsu-mura, Hokkaidō (March 22); Daisen Town, Tottori (March 25); Yoshitomi-machi, Fukuoka (March 25); Minamisoma, Fukushima (March 27); Kanan-cho, Osaka (March 29)

support to local governments in

In order to realize "One-stop, no writing service," it is not enough to introduce a system alone. It is important to reform the business including the backyard, "BPR at the counter *".
If the introduction of the system is promoted without BPR at the counter, there is a risk that the procedures will become more complicated and the work of the staff in the backyard will increase. It is necessary to clarify the "shape (goal) of the counter that we aim for" and promote it so that both counter work and backyard work will be efficient.

An abbreviation for "business process reengineering" (Business Process Re-engineering), which means reforming business processes by restructuring the business flow and organizational structure from a process perspective.

Digital Agency carries out support projects to promote the Municipal DX services counter (One-stop, no writing service) of local governments.

  • BPR Advisor Dispatch and Training Project
    • BPR Advisor Dispatch Project: Highly knowledgeable and experienced local government officials are commissioned as advisors to the Liaison DX and dispatched to local governments of their choice to share know-how, etc., for the purpose of "creating opportunities" for local governments to self-drive the Liaison BPR.
    • BPR Advisor Development Project: We aim to create environments where local governments can help each other and co-create each other by training people who are newly aiming to become BPR Advisor as "trainees" and increasing the number of advisors.
  • Municipal DXSaaS services counter
    On the Government Cloud developed by Digital Agency, several business operators selected by Digital Agency build "Package for Window DX" functions (SaaS), and local governments can select and use the functions.
  • Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform
    We will provide opportunities for local government officials to exchange opinions, share the knowledge of leading local governments, and share the awareness of local governments using the BPR Advisor Dispatch Project.