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Base Registry

In order to promote digitalization throughout the country, it is essential to develop digital infrastructure as a social infrastructure. Digital Agency is developing and utilizing a set of data that serves as a social foundation as a base registry in order to promote the utilization of information linkages between public authorities and private business. This will lead to the promotion of one time only (eliminating the need to submit twice what has been submitted once) in administrative procedures and DX in private business.


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What is the base registry?

The base registry * is a database consisting of addresses, locations, names of corporations, and other information that is referred to in a large number of procedures across systems. The development of the base registry will contribute to the convenience of citizens and the efficiency of administrative operations. The development of the base registry will make various procedures more convenient, such as eliminating the need to obtain documents such as certificates, eliminating the need for manual input, and eliminating the need for the procedure itself.
*The official name of the base registry under the law is defined as "Basic Public Information Database." In order to systematically and comprehensively develop and improve the base registry, Digital Agency submitted a bill for revision (a bill for partial revision of the digital society Formation Basic Act, etc.) to the 213th ordinary session of the Diet, and this bill was enacted in the Diet on May 31, 2024.

In the future, we plan to formulate the first phase of the "Basic Public Information Database Development and Improvement Plan" stipulated in the said Act by the summer of twenty twenty-five.

Activities and Initiatives

Development status of the base registry

For individual base registries, there are Items that have already been maintained , and Projects currently under development, and Items for which development will be considered in the future. For individual data and the status of consideration, please see the following.

Items that have already been maintained

Projects currently under development

Items for which development will be considered in the future

The overall discussion (general remarks) on the base registry, the commercial registration and real estate registry database, and the address and location database are discussed in the following study meetings.

General remarks
Commercial Registration and real estate registry Database
Address and Location Relationship Database Relationship