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Results of Public Offering on Products that Realize digitalization of Training and Tests: Online Test Delivery Service (without supervision)

Points to Note (from the Public Offering Guidelines)

  • In principle, information based on applications is posted in the catalog as it is.
  • The information published in the Technology Catalog is not intended to prove, authenticate, or otherwise support the technology, but is compiled as reference information for the use of the technology. Therefore, it is prohibited to display, advertise, etc. the technology published in the Technology Catalog as if it had been backed by the country (Digital Agency).
  • In addition, the Technology Catalog contains information based on applications, and the content thereof is not evaluated by Digital Agency. Therefore, Digital Agency shall not be responsible for the content of the catalog or any complaints related thereto, and the applicants shall be responsible for the same.

*Handling of this product in this public offering

This product is found to be a product that does not support any of the functions that were essential items in the Public Offering Guidelines (e.g., "functions related to the online implementation of training" and "functions related to the acceptance of applications for training and the management of students"). However, this is posted tentatively as a reference for future consideration of Technology Map and technical catalog development. Handling may change in the future.

Overview of Products and Services

Company Name

National Computer Systems Japan Co., Ltd.

Corporate Number


Company Overview Page

Company Overview Page

Product / Service Name

Online Test Delivery Service (Unsupervised)

Product & Service Overview Page

Product & Service Overview Page

Overview of Products and Services

A test service that allows you to take the test anytime and anywhere as long as you have an Internet environment.

Function 1. Course Application and Course Fee Settlement

Mechanism for identity verification when applying for courses

No description

Tuition Settlement

No description

Function 2. Training

How to Watch

No description

A mechanism to confirm the identity of the student at the start of the course

No description

Download various materials related to the training

No description

A function to check the status of the course by using a camera, etc. during the course

No description

Function to prevent illegal attendance

No description

Details of Technologies Related to Measures against Unauthorized Attendance

No description

Function 3. Test

Function to conduct an examination to measure the degree of understanding of the course


Test Method

It is compatible with the so-called WBT (Web Based Test) / IBT (Internet Based Test) method, which is conducted at home using the examinee's own computer, etc.

Response Method

  • Optional
  • A descriptive expression
  • Support a variety of response methods, including drag & amp; drop, hot spots, etc.

Test Timing

The test can be taken at any time by the examinee

System to confirm the identity of the examinee at the start of the examination

Confirmation with ID and password: When taking the examination, you can request authentication with the registered ID and password (do not check your appearance).

Function of measures against fraudulent examination

Anti-fraud measures based on testing content: There is a mechanism in which questions can be set in multiple patterns and the order of questions can be set randomly.

Details of Technologies Related to Measures against Fraudulent Examination

Questions can be set in multiple patterns, the order of questions can be set randomly, and settings can be made to use a different version from the previous examination.

Function 4. Issuance of Certificate of Completion

Certificate Issuance Function


Certificate Details

  • After the test is completed, a score report (score, pass / fail, and examination certificate can be displayed) can be displayed on the screen.
  • It can also be displayed on the web account.
  • It is possible to issue open badges (provided by group companies).

Additional Information

Information such as prices

Individual estimates

Functions for dealing with system troubles

No description

Interactive communication function with implementers of training, etc.

No means of communication with implementers, etc. is provided.

Scale you can handle

There are no particular restrictions for year-round examinations.

Software, etc. that should be installed in the terminal of the student when taking the course

No software required, but requires a minimum PC or Mac (hardware) (no tablet)

Where personal data is stored

Not disclosed due to confidential matters

Status of acquisition of various certifications related to the handling of information

  • ISO/IEC 27201000109609220100010960921
  • Privacy Mark

Other appeals related to products and services

It is internet-based, no reservations required, and immediate.
It can be managed together with the testing Center Test and the Online Test with Remote Supervision.

Introduction results

Introduction results in Japan

Organizations such as IT companies

Results of introduction in training conducted by government agency

No description

Key Case Studys1

  1. Use of successful candidates in confirmation tests
  2. For those who have passed the examination at the testing Center or at home, it is introduced for final check of knowledge and examination to confirm understanding. It can also be used for examination and self-study while looking at materials.

Key Case Studies 2

No description

Key Case Studies 3

No description

Contact Information

Department and person in charge of inquiries

In charge of development Operations, Sales Department of Pearson VUE

Contact phone number

No description

Contact Email Address

Contact Form
pvjpsales _ atmark _
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