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Regional Well-Being

A wide range of projects are being carried out in the area of community development. By widely using this Community Well-Being Index as a "common index," it will be possible for citizens, businesses, and other related parties to cooperate toward the common goal for the purpose and efforts of community development that each project aims for.


Content of Initiatives

1. Website for utilizing the Well-Being Index in Digital Garden City

2. Study Group on Promoting the Use of Regional Well-Being Indicators for the Realization of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

3. Collection of explanatory videos for local government employees

4. Collection of materials for utilizing the Regional Well-Being Index

We will publish materials for using the Well-Being Index, such as materials used by local governments that conducted workshops using the Well-Being Index in advance.

5. Regional Well-Being Indicator 1 Day Seminar

For the realization of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, we held a one day seminar on the utilization of regional well-being indicators for local government officials who are implementing or considering the utilization of regional well-being indicators.

For those who are wondering "what kind of index it is" and "how to use it," we held a one day seminar to learn from the basics to the use of the Well-Being Index for community development.

6. Introduction and dispatch of facilitators utilizing the Well-Being Indicator

In October 2024 (2024), Digital Agency launched a project to introduce and dispatch facilitators to utilize the Well-Being Indicator in order to support local governments wishing to hold workshops utilizing the Well-Being Indicator.
The involvement of related departments within the Agency and external parties is important in promoting cooperative community development using data. As a first step, the Well-Being Index Workshop is an effective means. Please make positive use of it.

6-1. Well-Being Indicator Utilization Facilitator Introduction and Dispatch Project
6-2. Facilitator for Utilization of Well-Being Indicators
6-3. Facilitator Training Course for Utilization of Well-Being Indicators

A course will be held to train facilitators to use the Well-Being Indicator, who will be in charge of standard workshops (for local government officials and local residents) using the Well-Being Indicator.
* The fiscal 2024 event has ended. The next time of the event has not been decided. We will inform you on this page when the event is decided.

7. Hands-on workshop to learn the design of town development using the Regional Well-Being Index [End of event]

We will hold hands-on workshops (for groups participating in community development and for citizens engaged in community activities and community development) using the Community Well-Being Index.

7-1. For organizations participating in community development
7-2. For citizens engaged in local activities and community development

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