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Initiatives for validation Projects for Vendors in Government Cloud

In Digital Agency, vendors (operation management assistants, application development operators, etc.) built standard compliance system environments on local governments that simulated and related systems in Government Cloud. In order to understand the characteristics of Government Cloud, technical validation, operation management and operation efficiency, data connections between systems, and various validation, we invited applications for validation projects for vendors. validation


Table of

  1. Initiatives for validation Projects for Vendors in Government Cloud
  2. Public Offering Information
  3. Validation Deliverables

1. Initiatives for validation projects for vendors in Government Cloud

In order to further promote the use of local governments for Government Cloud, we will invite vendors to actively participate in efforts such as the efficient operation of the shared use method in Government Cloud, the accumulation of know-how on inter-system cooperation, and validation of multi-vendor inter-system cooperation.
The selected vendor will build standard compliance system environments on local governments that simulate validation's Government Cloud and related systems, promote a shared use method for the purpose of accumulating know-how such as efficient operation and inter-system cooperation when multiple local governments use Government Cloud in a shared use method, and implement validation of multi-vendor inter-system cooperation.

2. Public Offering Information

Open Opportunities

There is no information currently being sought.

Projects for which public offering has been completed (results of public offering)

Fiscal year 2024 (2024)

Fiscal year 2023 (2023)

3. validation Deliverables

Fiscal 2023 Report on the Results of Support Services for the validation Project for the Promotion of the Shared Use Method and Cooperation among Systems in Multi-Vendor