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In fiscal 2024, the results of the second public offering for the validation Project on the promotion of the shared use method and cooperation between systems at multi-vendors were announced. [For business operators]

As a result of the examination of the second validation Public Offering of the Project for the promotion of the shared use method and the cooperation between systems at multi-vendors in fiscal 2024, the selected organizations were decided as follows.

Result of adoption

Contact information

Local Business System Infrastructure Team, Digital social common function Group, Digital Agency
Tel: 03 6891 1270
Contact: Email: git-local _ package _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
(Place for submission of application materials) Email: govcloud-submission-lg _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent unwanted e-mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When sending e-mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

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