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The government will promote the digitalisation of semi-public sector (mobility), which is closely related to people's daily lives and in which the involvement of the national government is significant and which has a large ripple effect on other private sectors, and work on the development of systems for the coordination and utilization of data. Through these efforts, the government will realize an affluent life for the Japanese people by providing optimal services that meet individual needs.
In the field of mobility in Japan, securing the freedom of means of transportation for each citizen, reducing traffic accidents, eliminating the shortage of human resources due to the low birth rate and aging population, reducing environmental impact through more efficient distribution and people's flow, improving convenience for consumers, and strengthening the international competitiveness of related industries are urgent issues.
In addition to autonomous driving, new mobility services using digital technology are spreading, such as the development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and on-demand transportation, and the emergence of new transportation methods such as drones and automatic delivery robots.
Based on this, Digital Agency will promote the design and implementation of a Architecture for the entire digital transportation society that will realize the future vision, while working together with the public and private sectors to draw a future vision for high-value-added and efficient use of space for all modes of transportation, from people to objects, from walking to flying, and developing rules for data sharing, collaboration, and utilization.
Related Information
- Public-Private ITS Concept and Roadmap (Government CIO Portal)
- Architecture Policy (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Recent Initiatives
"The Future of the Digital Transportation Society 2022" was decided.
Published: August 2, 2022
At the 4th Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board Meeting held on August 1, 2022, the "Future of the Digital Transportation Society 2022" was decided.
"The Future of the Digital Transportation Society 2022" is an evolutionary continuation of the "Public-Private ITS Concept and Roadmap," which is a government-wide strategy for ITS and autonomous driving, from the perspective of how to envision the future of the digital transportation society.
With the aim of "advancing the advancement of mobility" as set forth in "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (approved by the Cabinet on June 7, 2022), the government and the private sector will work together to advance the necessary technological development, transportation infrastructure development, and institutional development.
We received a progress report from IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan) on the study of a mechanism for linking information processing systems related to mobility (Architecture)
Published: September 27, 2022
Digital Agency asked IPA to specify a future vision in which autonomous mobile robots will be used and lead to the resolution of social issues and the development of industry, and to study a mechanism (Architecture) for the cooperation of multiple related information processing systems with different operators and managers for the operation of autonomous mobile robots.
At the Digital Architecture Design Center (DADC), which consists of a group of experts working as a bridge between the public and private sectors, IPA held the "Autonomous Mobile Robot Future Vision Study Meeting" and the "3 d Spatial Information Infrastructure Architecture Study Meeting" with the support of related ministries and agencies, and proceeded with the study of Architecture designs. Based on the progress of the study so far, IPA compiled the "Autonomous Mobile Robot Architecture Design Report" and the "3 d Spatial Information Infrastructure Architecture Design Report", and made a progress report to Digital Agency.
Based on this progress report, the relevant ministries and agencies are planning demonstration projects, and DADC is planning to refine the Architecture based on the results of the demonstration projects.
- (Overview) Summary of Architecture's Discussions on Autonomous Mobile Mobility (PDF / 1,384 kb)
- (Text) Autonomous Mobile Robot Architecture Design Report (PDF / 12,651 kb)
- (Text) three dimensional Spatial Information Infrastructure Architecture Design Report (PDF / 4,314 kb)
Meetings, etc.
- Mobility Working Group
- Sub-Working Group on Social Rules for Autonomous Vehicles in the AI Era
- Workshop on the "Mobility Roadmap"
- Research Group on the Future of the Digital Transportation Society
Fiscal 2024 "Survey and Research on Data Linkage for Social Implementation of New Mobility Services"
Published: December 18, 2024
IGES carried out a study on the creation of applications necessary to capture and utilize regional mobility demand as data, and clarified the ideal way of data linkage in the region and the direction for implementation.
Reports, etc.
- Detailed Report (PDF/8,398 kb)
- Executive Summary (PDF/2,234 kb)
- Points of Attention Regarding Sharing and Cooperation of Operation Information (PDF / 1,971 kb)
Fiscal 2023 "Empirical Research on Cooperative Operation of Multiple Mobility Systems"
Published: May 8, 2024
In order to consider mobility in general, such as autonomous vehicles, robots, and drones, and to consider a new mobility policy for mobility demand, we conducted a demonstration of cooperative operation centered on robots. In this demonstration, we conducted research and study on information that should be shared between mobility provided by different business operators, necessary specifications and rules, etc.
Reports, etc.
- Final Report on Empirical Research on Cooperative Operation of Multiple Mobility Systems (Summary Edition) (PDF / 2,33 kb)
- Final Report on Empirical Research on Cooperative Operation of Multiple Mobility Systems (Detailed Edition) (PDF / 17,681 kb)
- Attachment of the report explaining the specifications of the robot service operation infrastructure in this demonstration (PDF / 2,856 kb)
Attached is the data obtained from this research.
- Set of data obtained in this research 1 (ZIP / 410,441 kb)
- Use Cases: Security Cleaning, Food And Beverage Hauling, Luggage Hauling
- Source: Dataset obtained in verification test
- Set of data obtained in this research 2 (ZIP / 317,198 kb)
- Use Case: Institutional Logistics
Fiscal 2023 "Empirical Research on DX for Infrastructure Management for the Construction of Digital Twins"
Published: April 24, 2024
Based on the results of the Fiscal 2022 "Survey and Research on Digital Twin Construction", we conducted demonstrative survey and research to expand the four dimensional spatiotemporal information infrastructure that enables mutual sharing of spatial information related to infrastructure facilities for electric power, gas, water supply, sewerage, and communications through digitalisation and spatial IDs from the following three perspectives: "Updating and adding functions in anticipation of the start of operations in the area of underground facilities in fiscal 2024," "Adding ground facilities to target facilities," and "Adding use cases for remote control and disaster response."
Reports, etc.
- Report on Empirical Research on DX for Infrastructure Management for Digital Twin Construction (PDF / 10,941 kb)
- Technical Specifications for Empirical Research on DX for Infrastructure Management for Digital Twin Construction (PDF / 1,525 kb)
- Infrastructure Management DX Region API Specification (ZIP / 323 kb)
Fiscal 2022 "Survey and Research on Digital Twin Construction"
Published: April 26, 2023
With the aim of promoting the implementation of digital twins in society, we conducted research and studies on the development of necessary specifications and maintenance methods, while conducting demonstrations of specific use cases for digital twins related to three dimensional spatial information.
Reports, etc.
- Research Report on the Construction of Digital Twins (PDF / 22,559 kb)
- Survey and research on digital twin construction 3 d spatial ID data Standard Product Specifications (PDF / 7,469 kb)
- Survey Research on Construction of Digital Twin 3 d spatial ID data standard operation procedure (PDF / 4,042 kb)
Open Data / Metadata
- Estimated Flooding Results (ZIP/26,872 kb)
- Underground installation (ZIP/562KB)
- PLATEAU Building (Vector Tiles) (ZIP / 7,246 kb)
- People's flow Mesh Statistics (Vector Tiles) ① (ZIP / 335,001 kb)
- People's flow Mesh Statistics (Vector Tiles) ② (ZIP / 378,514 kb)
- People's flow Mesh Statistics (Vector Tiles) ③ (ZIP / 390,493 kb)
- Map and GIS Infrastructure Import Tool (Source Code) (ZIP / 6,015 kb)
- Maps and GIS Infrastructure WebAPI (source code) (ZIP / 6,201 kb)