Convenience of national life through Mynaportal
- Last Updated:
Mynaportal is an online contact for administrative procedures such as childcare and nursing care. In addition to online applications, we provide services such as confirmation of your information held by public authorities, etc. and receipt of notifications from public authorities, etc.
Through Mynaportal (website), we provide one stop services such as searching for administrative procedures such as child care and nursing care and applying online. You can also check your information held by public authorities, etc. and check the content of notifications from public authorities, etc. My Number Card is required to use some functions.
In addition, with private sector companies that provide various services, it is possible to cooperate between systems (API cooperation) for procedures such as social insurance and tax.
- Mynaportal (for the general public)
- Mynaportal (for companies and organizations) Disclosure of API specifications
- March 24, 2024 The top page of Mynaportal has been updated.
- December 27, 2023 Doctors can now take the necessary steps to sign electronic prescriptions in My Number Card.
For more information, please see Introduction of medical care, etc. (Mynaportal) . - August 30, 2023 We have discontinued the Demonstration Alpha and made a transition to the Demonstration Beta.
Recent Efforts
The provision of Mynaportal (beta)
In Mynaportal, the experience has been reviewed since December 2022, and some functions and screens have been provided as a demonstration version. Based on the feedback received during the demonstration period, we will continue to improve it, and on March 24, 2024, we will officially adopt the top page of the demonstration version and start providing it.
We will continue to rapidly demonstrate and improve each function. We would appreciate your cooperation in using and improving Mynaportal.
For more information, please see Introduction of Mynaportal .
Mynaportal App Revamp
On August 24, 2023, we started distributing Mynaportal apps (iOS and Android) with different home screens and app icons.
For more information, please see Introduction of Mynaportal App .
The provision of APIs for Mynaportal
We provide a function (Mynaportal) to make more convenient services by utilizing information on users that can be obtained by using APIs for Mynaportal.
APIs for Mynaportal Spec Disclosure Site
Mynaportal Hackathon Held
The Mynaportal Mynaportal Hackathon was held under the theme of "What can be done in Digital Agency to improve people's lives?" (June 8 to 12, 2023).
*A hackathon is a software development event where programmers and others involved in software development work intensively.
Mynaportal Hackathons
Meetings, etc.
Currently, there is no applicable information.
Relevant policies
- My Number (Individual Number) System ・ My Number Card
- Use of My Number Card Health Insurance Card (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
- Using health insurance card in My Number Card (Mynaportal)
*For public relations materials on Mynaportal, please see the My Number (Individual Number) System and My Number Card's Public Relations Material Page .