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Using driver's licenses in My Number Card

From March 24, 2025, My Number Card will be available as a driving license (hereinafter referred to as "Minor License"). Existing driving licenses will also continue to be available, and holders of driving licenses will be able to choose from three ways of holding them: "Minor License Only", "Two Minor Licenses and Driving License", and "Driving License Only". Please check the characteristics of each way of holding How to hold a driver's license (after March 24, 2025).


What is a Minor License?

You can use the My Number Card as a driver license by recording the driver license information on the IC chips of the My Number Card.


There are concerns that Japan's declining population, declining birthrate, and aging population will make it difficult to maintain existing public services. As a result, business reforms and the application of digital technology to optimize and improve efficiency are required. As part of this response, the operation of Minor Driver's Licenses began on March 24, 2025, and one stop services for address changes and online courses for driver license renewals will be available to reduce administrative costs and improve user convenience.


Here is an introduction to the benefits of the Myna license. However, the benefits you can get depend on the conditions. Please check the details below.

  1. Reduction of the burden of procedures for changing addresses and names (one stop address change service, etc.)
  2. Online course for license renewal
  3. Lower renewal fees
  4. Speeding up the renewal of driver's licenses outside the domicile and extending the application period
  5. Have a single card

1. Reducing the burden of procedures for changing addresses and names (one stop address change service, etc.)

Eligible persons: Holders of "Minor License Only"

In the past, when there was a change in address, name, or date of birth, it was necessary to carry out the change procedure at both the municipal office and the prefectural police (driver's license center, police station, etc.). However, if you have a "Minor Driver's License only", if you carry out the change procedure at the municipal office, you do not need to carry out the change procedure at the prefectural police (driver's license center, police station, etc.).

* If you have both a driver's license and a minor driver's license, you need to report to the prefectural police (driver's license center, police station, etc.).
*For one stop Service for Address Change, etc., you need to submit the electronic certification for signature of the My Number Card at the driver's license center, etc. in advance. Please prepare the PIN number of the electronic certification for signature of 6 to 16 digits set at the municipal office.

2. Online course for license renewal

Eligible drivers: People who have a "Minor driver's license only" or "Driver's license and a Minor driver's license" and are good drivers or general drivers.

Those who have received a "Good Driver Training Course" or "General Driver Training Course" on their driver license renewal postcard will be able to use their smartphone or other device to take the training online at home at any time, instead of taking it face-to-face at a driver's license center.

*The online course can be taken from the course at the time of renewal of the driver's license after obtaining the minor driver's license.
*After taking the online course, it is necessary to visit the driver's license center and carry out procedures for updating vision tests and photos.
*The online course can be used only by those who have submitted a electronic certification for signing a My Number Card at a driver's license center, etc. in advance and completed the cooperation procedures on the Mynaportal. Please prepare a 6-to-16-digit electronic certification PIN for signing set at the municipal office.

3) Lower renewal fees

For both the new license acquisition fee and the renewal fee, "Minor License Only" is the cheapest.

Minor License OnlyI have a driver's license and a minor driver's license.Driver's license only
New license acquisition fee1,550 yen2,450 yen2,350 yen
License renewal fee2,100 yen2,950 yen2,850 yen

4. Speeding up the renewal of driver's licenses outside the domicile and extending the application period

Eligible drivers: People who have a "Minor driver's license only" or "Driver's license and a Minor driver's license" and are good drivers or general drivers.

The procedure for renewing your driver's license (hereinafter referred to as "Transit Point Renewal") at the Prefectural Police (driver's license center, Police Station, etc.) other than the prefecture where you live will be expedited. (In the case of "Minor License Only" renewal, the renewal procedure will be completed on the same day.)
In addition, in the past, it was necessary to apply between the "first day of the renewal period" and the "birthday", but the application period will be extended from the "first day of the renewal period" to the "last day of the validity period of the license, etc."

* In the case of a person who "has both a driver's license and a minor driver's license," the procedures for renewing the minor driver's license will be completed on the same day, but since the issue for the conventional driver's license takes the same number of days as before, the issue will be made at a later date.

5. You have only one card

If you are a driver's license holder and carry a My Number Card on a regular basis, you don't need to carry both your driver's license and the My Number Card when you drive by using a minor driver's license.

Information recorded in the My Number Card

The following information will be recorded on the IC chips of the My Number Card (on the face of the My Number Card, there will be no information about the driver's license):

  • Myna license number
  • The date on which the driver's license was obtained and the last day of the period of validity of the minor driver's license;
  • Type of driver's license (normal, large, two wheeled, etc.)
  • Items related to license conditions (AT only, glasses, hearing aids, etc.)
  • Face photograph
  • Color category (Excellent (Gold), New (Grass), Other (Light Blue), etc.)

My Number Card security

  • If you lose your My Number Card, you can temporarily suspend use 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by calling the My Number general toll-free number (0120-95-0178).
  • For those who have lost their My Number Card, we have launched the issue Issuance and My Number Card Program, which delivers a issue to their home in one week after they apply for a limited express train at a municipal office.
  • It is difficult to spoof or abuse My Number Card because of its facial photo and PIN number. In addition, it is also difficult to forge My Number Card because of its various security measures. For more information, please contact . My Number Card issue

Expiration Date

The valid period of the My Number Card and the minor driver's license are different. The last day of the valid period of the minor driver's license is not indicated on the ticket, but you can check it with the Mynaportal or the minor driver's license reading application.

How to Use a Minor License

Procedures for Commencement of Use as a Minor Driver's License

From March 24, 2025, procedures will be available at the driver's license center and some police stations. For details, please visit the website of each prefectural police department.

How do I find information on my Myna license?

Although license information (such as the type of license and the last day of the validity period) is not indicated on the My Number Card ticket, you can check the information recorded on your MAINA license by using one of the following methods:

  • Log in to Mynaportal to verify
    It is necessary to submit a electronic certification for signature (with a PIN of 6 to 16 alphanumeric characters) to the driver's license center or police station in advance and carry out the procedure for cooperation with the Mynaportal.
  • Check with "Myna License Reading App"
    Please check the My Number application website. You can install the My Number application from your smartphone or PC and check the license information recorded on the IC chip of your My Number license. To check the information, you need a PIN (four digits) that you set at a driver's license center. It can also be used by car rental agencies to check the information on your My Number license.

How to hold a driver's license (after March 24, 2025)

How to hold a driver's license, you can choose from the following three options.

  1. "Minor license only"
    It is a way to use My Number Card as a driver license and return the current driver license.
  2. "I have a driver's license and a MAINA license."
    You can use My Number Card as your driver license and keep your current driver license.
    As in the past, it is a way to have only a driver's license.

When you drive a car, you are required to carry either your driver's license or your minor driver's license. If you do not carry your driver's license, you will not be allowed to carry your driver's license and you will be punished.

Differences in How to Hold a Driver's License

Depending on how you hold your driver's license, the fees and procedures for various procedures vary.


Minor License OnlyI have a driver's license and a minor driver's license.Driver's license only
New license acquisition fee1,550 yen2,450 yen2,350 yen
License renewal fee2,100 yen2,950 yen2,850 yen
Training Format and Renewal Fee(Face-to-face)Excellent: 500 yen, General: 800 yen, Violation: 1,400 yen
(Online)Excellent: 200 yen, General: 200 yen, Violation: Not allowedNot Applicable


Minor License OnlyI have a driver's license and a minor driver's license.Driver's license only
Renewal procedures at the driver's license center, etc. (eye tests, photography, etc.)Necessity
One stop service for address change, etc.AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
Speeding up the renewal of driver's licenses outside the domicile and extending the application periodGood quality and general onlyGood quality and general onlyNot Applicable

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Minor What should I do if I lose my driver's license?


In the event of a loss, please call the My Number toll-free number (0120-95-0178) (Reference: for inquiries regarding My Number System). Temporary suspension of use is accepted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition, in the event that a My Number Card needs to be reissued due to loss, etc., from December 2, 2024, we have launched the "Limited Express Issuance and issue Program," in which a My Number Card can be delivered to your home in one week as a general rule when a subject applies for a. For detailed information, please check the application method using the Limited Express Issuance and issue Program - My Number Card General Site . My Number Card issue

Q2 Is there an alternative way to drive a car if I lose my Myna license?


If a person with only a minor driver's license loses a My Number Card, he or she is required to obtain a issue for his or her existing driver's license on the same day at a driver's license center, etc., or to have his or her driver's license information recorded on an IC chip of the My Number Card at a driver's license center, etc., after reissuing the My Number Card.

Q3 If I lose my minor driver's license, I don't have any other identity verification documents with my face photo. Can I have my My Number Card reissued?


Please contact the municipality where you live for details of the procedures for reissuance.

Q4 If I have an expired My Number Card signature electronic certification (PIN 6-16 characters), will my MAINA license also be invalidated?


The expiration date of the My Number Card electronic certification for signature does not affect the validity of the MAINA license.

Q5 Can I make a issue for my driver's license again after I have only my minor driver's license?


You can get a issue for your driving license at any time by following the prescribed procedures.

Q6 What should I do if I want to apply for an overseas driver's license?


When applying for an overseas driver's license, if you have only a minor driver's license, depending on the country you are traveling to, you may need an existing driver's license. In addition, if you wish to change your way of holding your driver's license from holding only a minor driver's license to holding two minor driver's licenses, please make a reservation in advance and visit the Driver's License Center.

Can I use an android phone with Q7 electronic certification as my driving license?


You can't use , an android smartphone equipped with electronic certification, as a minor driver's license.

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