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FAQ: About the Account Numbering System

Q & As are added as needed.

Q9-1 What is numbering a deposit account and what are the benefits of numbering a deposit account?


The numbering of deposit accounts is a system in which a depositor can arbitrarily assign a My Number to a deposit account by submitting the My Number to a financial institution.
There is an advantage (Note) that by around the end of fiscal 2024 (scheduled), it will be possible to confirm the location of a deposit account to which a My Number has been assigned at a single financial institution window in the event of an inheritance or disaster.

(Note) Benefits obtained under the Act on Management, etc. of Deposit and Savings Accounts Using Personal Identification Numbers Based on the Will of Depositors (Act No. 39 of 2021) (abbreviation: Account Management Act).

Q9-2 What is the difference between assigning a number to a deposit account and registering a deposit account?


The deposit account number is a system for notifying financial institutions of My Number, and is different from the system for registering deposit accounts with the government in order to receive benefit, etc. (public fund receiving account Registration System (Note)).

(Note) The public fund receiving account Registration Program was established under the Act on Registration, etc. of Deposit Accounts for the Prompt and Secure Provision of Public Benefits, etc. (Act No. 38 of 2021).

Q9-3: When can I start numbering bank accounts?


You can still submit your My Number to a financial institution.
By the end of fiscal 2024 (planned), it will be possible to notify My Number to multiple financial institutions via the financial institution, in addition to the bank account of the financial institution to which My Number has been notified.

Q9-4 Can I assign a number to my bank account from Mynaportal?


Around the end of fiscal 2024 (planned), it will be possible to submit My Number information to multiple financial institutions at once via Mynaportal.

Q9-5 What do I need to do to assign numbers to deposit accounts?


"Identification documents" and "documents that can verify the person's My Number" are required. For details, please check with the financial institution that makes the notification.
In addition to terminals that can access Mynaportal (such as Mynaportal), My Number Card will be required for numbering bank accounts via smartphone. Numbering bank accounts via Mynaportal is scheduled to be around the end of fiscal 2024 (planned).

Q9-6 Will the income and asset information be conveyed to the government if the deposit account is numbered?


Until now, the government has been able to confirm the account information of depositors only when conducting necessary social security means tests and tax inspections based on law. In these inspections, there is a possibility that the My Number will be used to identify and confirm the account of the person, but the government cannot confirm the account information of the depositor other than through these inspections.

Q9-7 Is it compulsory to assign a number to a deposit account?


When opening a deposit account, the financial institution will confirm your intention to submit your My Number (Note), but the My Number will not be assigned to your deposit account without your notification. In addition, a notice will be sent by mail from the financial institution, etc., and if you do not respond to the notice, the My Number will not be assigned to your deposit account without your consent.

(Note) This is a response based on the "Act on Management, etc. of Deposits and Savings Accounts Using Personal Identification Numbers Based on the Will of Depositors (Act No. 39 of 2021)" (abbreviation: Account Management Act). Even before the enforcement of the said Act, financial institutions have been requesting depositors to submit their My Number in accordance with the Act on General Rules for National Taxes.

Q9-8: If I register a benefit to receive a public fund receiving account, will the number be assigned to my bank account?


The public fund receiving account Act and the deposit account numbering system are different systems.
Therefore, even if a public fund receiving account is registered, the My Number will not be assigned to a deposit account without notification to the financial institutions. No number will be assigned to a deposit account without the consent of the Principal.