Ensuring fairness and transparency in procurement / procurement reform to utilize new technologies
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In order to provide better public service, we will work to ensure fairness and clarity in specialization-based recuruitment from the perspective of promoting procurement. In addition, in order to realize prompt development and provision and continuous improvement from the viewpoint of users, we will work to realize a flexible and appropriate procurement process, strengthen the system procurement and development capacity of the administration, participate and appropriately select a wide variety of business operators, and ensure clarity and clarity of the process.
(1) Restrictions on bidding
In Digital Agency, it is essential to actively utilize the knowledge of human resources appointed from private sector companies, etc. On the other hand, in system procurement, it is required to ensure transparency and fairness so as not to provide benefits, etc. to companies, etc. in which the Company is concurrently engaged.
From this perspective, Digital Agency has developed rules to restrict bidding to companies with which the Company has concurrent business as described in the following materials. In addition, the Company will consider appropriately reflecting the rules in guidelines, etc. that are also applicable to relevant ministries and agencies, as necessary.
(2) procurement Support and Reform
It is necessary to seek a flexible and appropriate development that responds to various system procurement needs, not limited to bidding restrictions. We will consider each Issue from (I) to (iii) below.
(I) Process and system for procurement (contract form, etc.)
[Flexible and appropriate procurement process]
In order for Digital Agency to aim for "a society in which it is possible to choose services that match the needs of each person and realize a variety of happiness through the use of digital technology," it is necessary to clarify the PDCA cycle, rapid development and provision, and continuous improvement from the perspective of users.
In order to achieve this, we will consider the flexible selection of an appropriate development contract form and procurement contract unit according to the purpose, nature, procurement method, and stage of the system project. If necessary, we will also consider the flexible operation of the budget system.
In addition, we will consider how to respond to emergencies in preparation for cases where we are forced to take exceptional special responses to new situations, such as COVID-19 pandemic measures.
[Securing specialization-based recuruitment and Strengthening the procurement and development Capacity of the Administration]
In order to enhance ordering evaluation capabilities and system construction capabilities, Digital Agency will consider developing a human resource system, such as securing excellent digital human resources from outside while developing necessary digital human resources internally. We will also consider establishing a mechanism for information sharing on procurement on the ordering party side.
(ii) Participation of various vendors and selection of appropriate vendors
We will consider the development of procurement systems and operations that are easy for a wide variety of businesses, including SMEs and startups, to enter.
We will also consider eliminating unreasonable "vendor lock-in *" in procurement.
*A situation in which dependence on the technical specifications, etc. of a specific vendor has made it virtually impossible for a company other than the vendor to take charge of operation, maintenance, and repair
(iii) Clarification of processes and improvement of transparency, etc.
With regard to procurement, we will consider establishing open procedures that are as transparent as possible, including the process, in order to obtain the consent of the people.
Related Materials
(1) Restrictions on bidding
Request for Cooperation on Ensuring Transparency and Fairness in Digital Agency (PDF / 799 kb)
Regulations Concerning Restrictions on Bidding, etc. (PDF / 97 kb)
(2) procurement Support and Reform
There is currently no applicable information.
Meetings, etc.
Study Group on Restrictions on Bidding in Digital Agency
Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Study Meeting