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Public service mesh

This is an information collaboration platform for the rapid utilization and collaboration of administrative data. By utilizing and collaborating with administrative data through the Public Service Mesh, we aim to further improve the service experience for residents and reduce the work efficiency and burden on local government employees.


The public service mesh consists of two frameworks: "information utilization within local governments" and "information coordination between administrative agencies." It is an effort to realize these with a consistent design so that the data held by administrative agencies can be used and coordinated safely and smoothly.
With regard to the "utilization of information within local governments," the government will sequentially enable local governments to make demonstrative use of functions for smoothly realizing cross-functional data extraction and processing and data linkage.
With regard to "Information Coordination among Administrative Organs," based on the My Number System, the current infrastructure will be renewed through the provision of common functions equivalent to the current intermediate servers.
The following diagram illustrates each relationship.
For details, please refer to "Utilization of Information within Local Governments" and "Coordination of Information between Administrative Organs" .

Diagram showing the relationship between the public service mesh and front services, local governments, and ministries and agencies. The public service mesh (information utilization within local governments) is an information linkage between front services and local governments. Among the front services, there are Mynaportal, common API infrastructure included in it, and digital Authentication App. There are also common SaaS groups such as benefit support services and private enterprise SaaS. In addition, the public service mesh (information linkage between administrative agencies) is an information linkage between administrative agencies such as ministries and agencies and local governments. Through data linkage and information linkage between these local governments and administrative agencies, residents use online services such as online application procedures and receiving push notifications.

Utilization of information within local governments

The Public Service Mesh (Service for Utilizing Information within Local Governments) is a data-linkage infrastructure that facilitates the use of local government resident information within the same local government by smoothly linking standard compliance system and front office services, in addition to extracting and processing local government resident information across business and systems in the implementation of administrative services. To be specific, we will ensure consistency with data requirements and linkage requirements for the unification and standardization of local government core business systems, and make it possible for local governments to use necessary functions on the Government Cloud on a trial basis from the twenty twenty-five level.
In addition to reducing the burden on both citizens and administrative officials who carry out procedures, it is important to develop environments in which necessary support can be received at the necessary time. In the past, local governments extracted and processed resident data by use, but by using information utilization services within local governments, it is expected to reduce the burden of work.

Information coordination between administrative agencies

By coordinating information necessary for administrative procedures between administrative agencies, etc., citizens and residents can omit submission of documents for various administrative procedures.
In January 2026, the Public Service Mesh will provide a common service (Inter-Agency Information Coordination Service (*)) to government agencies and other organizations in order to improve the processing capacity to meet the ever-increasing need for information coordination among administrative agencies based on the My Number System. In this way, the infrastructure for realizing information coordination will be renewed.
*A function equivalent to an intermediate server, etc. (such as a function that mediates the delivery and receipt of duplicates of information held by each institution), which is currently constructed and supported by each institution.

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