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Results and Progress in "Providing Public Services Friendly to Consumers, Businesses, and Employees"

The prevalence of My Number Card

The best service for each person.
We will create a system in which each person can receive the best My Number Card and private service by using public service.

Results of One Year

Ownership of My Number Card has expanded to 45.8%, and the number of use cases has also increased

This graph shows the number of people who own My Number. It has increased from fiscal 2015 to July 2022. As of July 2022, 58.15 million My Number cards have been issued. Last year, the number of owners increased by 10.59 million. The number of applications for use of health insurance card is 14.28 million.

Of a population of approximately 126.65 million, approximately 10.59 million people newly issued My Number Card. The ownership rate increased by 9.8% in one year. In addition, My Number Card was made available as a health insurance card. In addition, an increasing number of companies are using My Number Card's Public Personal Authentication function for online identity verification. The use of My Number Card has gradually expanded.

Background of Efforts

As social conditions change significantly and lifestyles diversify, the services required are also diversifying. In response to this, there is an increasing need for public authentication of individuals so that they can receive detailed services tailored to each individual.

Future Developments

  • Aim for My Number Card to be distributed to almost all citizens by the end of fiscal 2022
  • Integration of driver's license card and My Number Card (end of fiscal 2024)
  • Installation of My Number Card function on smartphone (by the end of fiscal 2022)
  • By the end of FY 2022, private business will be able to understand the address, etc. after the change with the consent of the Principal.
  • Aim to expand the private service that uses the Public Personal Authentication function


Improvement of the Mynaportal

All administrative proceduer by smartphone.

We aim to provide a consumer-friendly smartphone that can be completed anytime and anywhere in public service.

Results of One Year

Expansion of Online administrative proceduer and Easier Services

Screen capture of the Mynaportal app. My information page is displayed. On the right side of the capture, items such as

We have started to improve the UI and experience of Mynaportal and announced the provision of future services to support "Find," "Check," and "Don't Forget." In addition, we have started to provide functions to browse drug information and specific health examination information, functions to link with hometown tax deduction certificates for tax returns, and functions to Registration of public money receiving account. In addition to public authorities, we have also worked with private business to expand services in cooperation with Mynaportal.

Background of Efforts

As social conditions change significantly and lifestyles diversify, necessary services also diversify. In order to respond to this, it is necessary to have a system in which individuals can receive optimal services without restrictions on location or time.

Future Developments

  • Release of UI/UX improvement (demonstration alpha version) (during fiscal 2022)
  • Various online applications have been made possible. Functions for viewing medical information (September 2022), functions for viewing electronic prescription information (January 2023), one stop service for moving (February 2023), online application for passports (March 2023), and online procedures for national certification (fiscal 2024)
  • Expansion of the local government to online 31 administrative procedures related to childcare, nursing care, etc.
  • Expansion of public authorities and private business services with which we cooperate


Provision of new corona vaccination Certification App

Get emergency services faster and easier.
We quickly provided a vaccination certificate app in response to social demands. We made it easy to obtain a vaccination certificate in smartphone and make it available for overseas travel.

Results of One Year

The number of certificates issued through the vaccination certificate app has reached 10 million.

Screen captures and various information for the new corona vaccination Certificates app. The iOS app has a rating of 3.6 and the Android app has a rating of 4.6. The cumulative number of iOS/Android vaccination certificates issued is 10.4 million, and the cumulative number of iOS/Android app downloads is 8.42 million.

Launched in December 2021, the "new corona vaccination Certification App" has been used by many people in a short period of time, and has been downloaded 8 million times. It has acquired 10 million certificates. The app has received high ratings of 3.6 on iOS and 4.0 on Android. In addition, it supports multiple formats specified by international organizations and agencies so that it can be used for overseas travel.

Background of Efforts

In response to COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination is underway. To prevent the spread of infection and restore daily life, it is necessary to provide a means to easily present one's vaccination record anytime, anywhere, in a non-face-to-face manner. In addition, it has become common for countries to require the presentation of vaccination records when traveling overseas.

Future Developments

  • Continuously work on improving UI/UX based on the opinions of the public and local government
  • Vaccination certificate application / VRS system support in accordance with the policy of the vaccination business (as needed)
  • Improving interoperability of international standard formats adopted by Japan in cooperation with international organizations, etc.


Provision of services and authentication infrastructure for business operators

Administrative proceduer about the project online.
Promote online administrative proceduer of operations and support improvements in productivity in private business

Results of One Year

The number of grants that can be applied for through jGrants has increased by about three times, and the number of companies using jGrants has also increased by about 2.5 times.

Utilization of jGrants. The total number of subsidies listed increased by 619 compared to the previous fiscal year, and the total number of users increased by 95000. There are 37 local government that utilize the subsidy system, and there are 14 local government that utilize the subsidy system. government agency that utilize the subsidy system.

About 160,000 businesses used the subsidy application system (jGrants). The number of Prime accounts issued through the gBizID common corporate authentication platform (gBizID) has increased by more than 220,000 in the first year since Digital Agency was established, and the number of systems with which the government and local government cooperate has expanded from 37 to 52.

Background of Efforts

In the past, the public service related to the project was a burden on the business operator because the procedures were complicated, such as requiring individual accounts and applications for each system and scheme.

Future Developments

  • Number of jGrants used: 700 (fiscal 2022), 1,000 (fiscal 2023)
  • gBizID Prime: 1 million (fiscal 2022), 2.8 million (twenty twenty-five)
  • My Number Card can now be used for identity verification when issuing a gBizID Prime account (fiscal 2023)


Online public service for ministries and agencies

On an easy-to-understand government website.
By standardizing and unifying the design and content of government websites, we aim to be a efficiency for government work while providing everyone with quick access to information.

Results of One Year

Common rules and a common system for the standardization of government websites in development

It contains guidelines and specifications for some of design system's screenshots, color palettes, and UI components.

With the goal of standardizing and unifying government websites that are easy for anyone to access, we implemented the Digital Agency Common Content Management System (CMS) and design system, which set the rules for design, in development and applied them on a trial basis.

Background of Efforts

The design and content structure of websites and apps differ from ministries and agencies to region. This reduces the convenience of government-related websites and apps, and makes it difficult for users to reach the information provided by government agencies.

Future Developments

  • CMS Enhancements (March 2024)
  • Building a Children and Families Agency website using a common CMS (March 2023)
  • Application of Digital Agency, etc. to websites of other ministries and agencies and design system Web Service, etc. (sequentially from fiscal 2022 onwards)


Passage of the Cashless Law

Pay Government administrative costs without cash.
We will make it possible to pay fees to the public authorities without cash.

Results of One Year

The Cashless Payment Act was passed, and about 110 procedures are available for cashless payment.

Overview of the Cashless Law. About 50 million car inspection registration fees per year, about 45 million monthly fees per year, about 5 million traffic fines per year, and about 4 million passports per year will be able to pay the old fees cashless.

The "Cashless Law" has been enacted, which makes it possible to pay Government administrative costs, such as automobile inspection and registration fees, to the government by credit card, electronic money, or at convenience stores.

Background of Efforts

Many laws in each ministries and agencies do not provide for cashless payment, such as credit cards, when paying fees to the national government. Therefore, it is often necessary to pay by stamp or cash, which reduces the convenience of users.

Future Developments

  • Start of operation in each ministries and agencies: Automobile inspection and registration fee (scheduled for January 2023), passport issuance fee (sequentially from fiscal 2022), registration-related fee (sequentially from fiscal 2024), traffic fine (sequentially from the end of fiscal 2024)
  • Prepare a model plan for the ordinance of the competent ministry to be prepared by each ministries and agencies and operational guidelines for the law, and disseminate them from Digital Agency (by November 1, 2022).


Promotion of system standardization for local local government

Efficiency administrative operation for quality service.
Standardize core business systems in the local local government, improve resident services, and efficiency administrative operation

Results of One Year

Formulation and disclosure of standard specifications for all 20 services subject to standardization

Image of the standard specification. Each page of the standard specification is arranged diagonally in a tile. In the center, you can see the Resident Record System Standard Specification.

Standard specifications were formulated for all 20 operations subject to standardization. In addition, standard specifications for data requirements, collaboration requirements, and common functions were formulated and published.

Background of Efforts

The core business systems in which local governments handles basic administrative work, such as the resident record system, is subject to individual functional changes and expansion. Therefore, the burden of maintenance, management, and renovation is large. In addition, there is a Issue in which the difference between systems is large and shared use by cloud is difficult to proceed smoothly.
If standardization of systems in local government is realized, the burden of system modification in local government, which occurs every time national systems are revised, will be reduced, and human resources and budgets can be diverted to high-value-added digital investments by reducing operation burdens and costs.

Future Developments

  • Transition of core business systems in local governments to standard compliance system using Government Cloud (by the end of fiscal 2025)
  • Smooth transition support for standard compliance system and efforts to achieve the target of reducing operating expenses for information systems by 30% (by the end of fiscal 2025)
  • Periodic improvement of standard specifications based on system revisions and BPR
