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Report on Activities in the First Year of Digital Agency

Digital Agency Action Report 2021/09-2022/08

One year has passed since the establishment of Digital Agency. This page reports on our activities from September 2021 to August 2022.
The same content is also available in PDF format for your convenience.
Digital Agency Activity Report (September 2021 to August 2022) (PDF / 22,215 kb)

  1. Major events
  2. Digital Agency Action Policies
  3. Achievements and Progress
  4. Organization Building
  5. Future Initiatives

Major events

Steady Progress in Reform and Services in One Year Since Establishment

2021 works

  • May 12: The preparatory office was established.
  • September 1: Digital Agency was inaugurated.
  • October 20: It started to be used as a health insurance card in My Number Card.
  • October 26 Decide which cloud services are eligible for the government cloud
  • December 20: new corona vaccination certification application / Visit Japan Web started operation
  • December 24: Cabinet decision on the first "Digital Agency for the Realization of a Digital Society" since the inauguration of Priority Plan

2022 works

  • April 27 Passage of the Cashless Law
  • May 10-11 Attendance of Ministers at the Japan-Germany G7 Minister for Digital Transformation Meeting
  • June 7: Cabinet decision on the revised edition of "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society"
  • June 3 Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting "Comprehensive Review Plan of Regulations in Light of Digital Principles" formulated
  • June 17: issue of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation promotion issue gold (digital mounting type TYPE2/3) was decided.

Digital Agency Action Policies

Mission, Vision and Values

In Digital Agency, we have established a Mission, Vision and Values and we operate based on this.

Details: Mission, Vision and Values

"Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" formulated

In order to realize a world-class digital society, it is necessary for all parties concerned to draw a vision for the future, solve problems in structural reforms and local areas, and promote security measures.
In light of this situation, we formulated the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society." This plan specifies measures that the government should implement quickly and intensively to realize the digital society that we should aim for, and serves as a compass for each ministry and agency to work on structural reforms and individual measures, and to communicate and propose them to the world.
The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle will be thoroughly implemented while regularly checking the progress and results of the measures described in the Priority Plan. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle will be thoroughly implemented. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle will be thoroughly implemented. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle will be thoroughly implemented. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle will be thoroughly implemented. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check digitalisation

Details: "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society"

Defining the "Three Pillars" as Digital Agency Focus Areas

We have defined overall strategies for the Digital Agency as information necessary for business promotion and decision-making, and will promote business in an organized and efficient manner based on these three pillars.

A conceptual diagram of the Digital Agency's overall strategies. There are three overall strategies,

Achievements and Progress

In the one year since the establishment of Digital Agency, we have steadily promoted the provision of public services and the development of infrastructure. We are also reforming our organization with the aim of creating a new organization with no distinction between the public and private sectors.

Provision of services

Promoting the Provision of Public Services and Infrastructure Development
With "Provision of Public Services Friendly to Consumers, Businesses, and Employees," "Promotion of Growth Strategies through digital infrastructure Development," and "Realization of a Safe, Secure, and Resilient digital infrastructure" as the pillars of our initiatives, we steadily promoted the provision of public services and infrastructure development that support the lives of the people toward the realization of the digital society we aim for.

1. Provision of public services that are friendly to consumers, businesses and employees

  • Popularization of My Number Card
  • Improvement of the Mynaportal
  • Provision of new corona vaccination certification application
  • Provision of services and certification infrastructure for business operators
  • Online administrative services for ministries and agencies
  • Passage of the cashless law
  • Promoting the standardization of local government systems

Details: "Provision of Public Services Friendly to Consumers, Businesses and Employees" Results and Progress

2. Promoting growth strategies through digital infrastructure development

  • Promotion of digital ad hoc administrative investigation meetings
  • Data strategy
  • Promotion of medical DX
  • Digitalisation in the field of education
  • Development of children's data infrastructure
  • Widespread use of digital invoices
  • Promotion of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation
  • Use of digital innovation Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform
  • Implementation of Digital Day

Details: "Promoting Growth Strategies by Improving digital infrastructure" Results and Progress

3. Realization of a safe, secure and resilient digital infrastructure

  • Development of the government cloud
  • Government Solution Services
  • Promotion of DFFT

Details: "Achieving a Safe, Secure, and Resilient digital infrastructure"

Organization Building

Reform the organization with the aim of creating a new organization with no distinction between the public and private sectors
As for the organization, we are promoting the creation of a new organization with no boundary between the public and private sectors, and improving the working environment so that it becomes an advanced example of how Kasumigaseki works.

Details: Organization Building

1. Create an organizational structure, organizational culture, and working environment.

  • Organizational Structure and Resource Management System
  • Organizational culture
  • Working environment

2. Introducing the project system and the unit system.

  • Project system
  • Unit system

3. An advanced example of the way Kasumigaseki works.

  • How to work efficiently
  • A free way of working
  • How to Learn in Business

4. Identify organizational issues and make continuous improvements.

  • Implementation of organization survey
  • Employee satisfaction and value penetration improved
  • Positive evaluation of recent and future initiatives

Future Initiatives

We will promote projects and strengthen our organization in order to achieve Digital Agency's goal.

Reinforcement of project promotion

Promoting projects based on figures and facts.

Setting targets and indicators

An illustration showing how lines converge like the roots of a tree, from four points to two, then from those two points to one.

A project group is established for each of the three pillars (overall strategies) of the Digital Agency. Responsible persons are assigned to the project group, and the path and overall picture for achieving the final goals are clarified. Important projects that cut across the project are also steadily implemented.

Improvement of service development environment

The three figures are surrounded by a circle, around which various icons such as speech bubbles and gears are scattered. Several other circles are drawn, and the circles are connected by lines.

We will develop a service development environment in which personnel from both the government and the private sector can demonstrate high performance, and in which co-creation with vendors is efficient.

Strengthening of the organization

From the organizational launch phase to the functional enhancement phase.

Promotion of employment

An illustration showing five people side by side.

In promoting the three pillars (overall strategies) of Digital Agency, we will actively expand the number of specialized human resources in digital technology and data utilization, and develop a system to achieve our goals.

Strengthen corporate planning functions

There is an illustration of an image of a line graph and a circle graph.

In promoting the three pillars of Digital Agency (overall strategies), we will strengthen our management planning functions to set goals and indicators and organize projects.

Update History

Updated November 15, 2022 Edition 4

  • There were some errors in the cumulative number of grants listed on jGrants (compared to the previous year), so we have corrected them (correct: 619).
  • Corrected typos

Updated September 28, 2022 Edition 3

  • Corrected typos
  • Layout Partially Adjusted

Updated September 8, 2022 Edition 2

  • There were some errors in the number of new issues in My Number Card, so we have corrected them (correct: 10.59 million)
  • Major events "Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting' Comprehensive review plan of regulations in light of digital principles' formulated" There was an error in the date, so it has been corrected (Correct: June 3, 2022)
  • Some other wording has been revised.