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Achievements and Progress in "Realizing a Safe, Secure, and Resilient Digital infrastructure"

Maintenance of Government Cloud

To the most convenient and optimal cloud service.
In order to quickly provide and improve highly convenient services, we will develop cloud service usage environments common to the country and local governments.

Results of One Year

Started using Government Cloud in Digital Agency and some local governments

An overview of the structure of Government Cloud. Twenty Government Cloud adoption cases have been created in local government and ministries. Each city, for example, stores data and provides services using common infrastructure and functions.

The target cloud service was selected, and the use of security was sequentially started in the local government Digital Agency Cloud Project and the Government Cloud website. In this selection, it is assumed that procurement will be made from cloud service registered in ISMAP, which is a evaluation system for government information systems. In addition, the latest security measure, such as data encryption, is implemented. security

Background of Efforts

At present, each public authorities independently performs the development, maintenance, and operation of business systems. As a result, the convenience, flexibility, security, and speed of the services provided vary, and the burden of business and cost on each organization has increased.

Future Developments

  • Transition will be conducted sequentially based on the requests for use of Government Cloud from fiscal 2023 onward made to the Cabinet Office and each Ministry (conducted in accordance with budget request every fiscal year).
  • Explanation of Government Cloud transition to the Cabinet Office and each Ministry, and provision of guides on transition as needed (after fiscal 2022)


Government Solution Services

They work productively and flexibly in government.
We provide necessary environments such as tools and equipment applied to the latest security technology so that government employees can work safely, safely, efficiently, and flexibly.

Results of One Year

Provide safe and secure network environments across Digital Agency and government agencies

A diagram showing changes in the way people work. Commuting to work from home has eliminated travel time. Collaboration has made it more efficient by allowing people to create and review documents at any time. Face-to-face meetings have become web meetings, eliminating travel time to meetings and eliminating meeting preparation.

We provide Digital Agency employees with communication tools such as Teams and Slack, as well as document tools with collaborative editing functions. We allocate and manage licenses for joint online conference systems in each ministries and agencies, making communication environments between organization safe and smooth. In addition, we have completed the development of a unique national line network nationwide, improving convenience and productivity, and creating a business environment in which employees can work flexibly.

Background of Efforts

The spread of the novel coronavirus has accelerated the spread of digitalization, including remote work. In the LAN systems and network environments that have been developed for each public authorities, organization has become apparent, such as the difficulty of cooperation between Issue and the inadequacy of measures against sophisticated threats.

Future Developments

  • In consultation with each ministries and agencies, the Cabinet Office and Ministries' LANs were integrated sequentially. National Personnel Authority started operation in late August. Personal Information Protection Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries started integration in October. Discussions are also underway in other ministries and agencies.
  • The "Common Government Network," which is currently used, will be abolished, and a new inter-agency network with broadband, high quality, low cost, and high security will be constructed.


Promoting DFFT

Become the world's leading digital government.
We will promote strengthening international cooperation and International Strategy such as DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) through the sharing of technologies and knowledge, and realize the world's leading digital government.

Results of One Year

Governments established relationships with Digital organization, signed memorandums of cooperation and established a digital partnership with the EU

Minister for Digital Transformation is seen in the right-hand seat of the G7 Minister for Digital Transformation meeting.

He attended the German G7 Minister for Digital Transformation Conference, responded to the G20 Minister for Digital Transformation Conference, and visited the United States for the first time as Japanese minister in charge of Minister for Digital Transformation and cybersecurity. He held bilateral meetings with relevant ministers from each country, built relations through meetings with ambassadors to Japan and others, signed Memorandam of Cooperation (MoC), and established the Japan-EU Digital Partnership. Based on these, we are learning various things and making Japanese contributions through discussions with partner organizations.

Background of Efforts

As the volume of cross-border data distribution increases, security and privacy risks such as unauthorized access and fraud are increasing. In order to realize reliable and free data distribution, it is necessary to formulate international rules. In addition, countries are facing similar Issue in digitalization, and they are required to cooperate in resolving them.

Future Developments

  • Hosting the G7 Minister for Digital Transformation Conference (2023)
  • Promoting the Embodiment of DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust)
  • Strengthening and expanding relations, such as bilateral memorandums of cooperation and digital partnerships
  • Facilitating interprofessional workshops and collaborative projects
