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Achieving a Resilient Digital infrastructure in safty and security

In Digital Agency, we will achieve a resilient Digital infrastructure in safty and security.

Government Solution Services (GSS)

Digitally transforming working environments in public authorities
We provide a public authorities that employs the latest security technology to improve the productivity and security of government employee work flexibility with improved productivity and security employees and to enable them to work flexibly.

Annual Results and Progress

Further promote GSS transition in each ministries and agencies Provide a comfortable work environment in public authorities

We promoted the introduction of the Government Solution Service (GSS), which we started to provide to Digital Agency employees in fiscal 2020, to each ministries and agencies.

  • National Personnel Authority August 2022
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries October 2022
  • Personal Information Protection Commission November 2022
  • Children and Families Agency April 2023

Stable operation has been achieved in the transition ministries and agencies including Digital Agency. Each ministries and agencies is also using GSS to realize a more comfortable work environment than ever before.

A chart showing the achievements and progress of Government Solution Services (GSS). improved efficiency of parliamentary operations in the Digital Agency in Reform of Working Practices. 5 institutions in number of Ministries and Agencies where introduced. About 26300 people in number of users.

Background of Efforts

Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, digitalization in remote work and other regions has accelerated. In the LAN system and network environments that have been developed for each public authorities, it has been difficult to cooperate between organization. There have been Issue.

Future development (planned)

  • Further promotion of GSS transition in each ministries and agencies * Scheduled to be introduced below
    • Imperial Household Agency September 2023
    • Cabinet Office (Cabinet Secretariat and Reconstruction Agency) January 2024
    • Consumer Affairs Agency January 2024
    • Japan Casino Regulatory Commission April 2024
  • Discussions are also underway in ministries and agencies.

Reference: Government Cloud, Government Solution Service (Development of Government Network)

Cloud service Begins Full-Scale Operations
We will develop a safe, convenient and efficient public authorities system in which cloud service can be used.

Annual Results and Progress

Full-scale use of Government Cloud started in each ministries and agencies and local governments
We provided technical support to the Cabinet Office and each Ministry, local governments, and semi-public sector, and supported the full-scale use of Government Cloud. We released "GCAS(Government Cloud Assistant Service)," a centralized tool for use procedures and documents.
In addition, we reviewed the requirements for technology through interviews with each business operator in May 2023.

Figure showing the full-scale operation of the cloud service. The number of number of transitions to Government Cloud was 44 in fiscal 2022 and 130 in fiscal 2023. One-Stop Counter aims to introduce the system in 20 local government in fiscal 2023 and about 130 local government in fiscal 2024.

Background of Efforts

Until now, public authorities has been conducting development of business systems in their own ways. On the other hand, the convenience, security, and speed of services provided by the government have been varied, and the burden of business and costs has been a Issue. Therefore, a mechanism has been established in which all public authorities and local governments can jointly use administrative systems as a cloud service.

Reference: Government Cloud,

Future development (planned)

  • 57 systems in each ministries and agencies started using Government Cloud by the end of fiscal 2023
  • In order to realize a one stop contact point without writing in municipalities, service desk DX provided by four SaaS vendor companies started operating on Government Cloud from the autumn of 2023
  • Provide technical support to the Cabinet Office and each Ministry, etc., such as modernization of systems, and realize cost reductions, etc. Implement sequentially
  • Held a survey on the local governments transition for Government Cloud employees and vendors, and held briefing sessions for all local governments. Continuously held since July 2023

International Strategy

Into the world's leading digital government
We aim to become the world's leading digital government by promoting International Strategy such as strengthening international cooperation and DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) through the sharing of technology and knowledge.

Annual Results and Progress

Implementation of G7 Digital Tech Ministers' Meeting as the chair Agreement to establish Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) to operationalize DFFT
At the G7 Digital and Technology Ministers' Meeting in Takasaki, Gunma meeting held in April 2023, we agreed to establish a general data-related Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) (IAP) for the first time on the realization of DFFT, which was proposed by the Government of Japan in 2019 and has been steadily advancing discussions so far. This will make it possible to accelerate concrete efforts as an implementation phase. In addition, Memorandam of Cooperation (MoC) signed with each country throughout the year to share digital transformation's experience and promote mutual learning. We are deepening discussions toward cooperation and collaboration in the technology field not only with G7 member countries but also with G20, Global South, Asian, Nordic, and Middle Eastern countries.

G7 Digital and Technology Ministers' Meeting in Takasaki, Gunma (photographed on April 30, 2023)

Background of Efforts

While data is essential for global business promotion and Issue solutions, there is a need for a regulatory cooperation and technological collaboration mechanism that enables the reliable use of data across countries while ensuring security and privacy. In addition, countries are facing the same problems as Japan in digitalization, and are required to cooperate in solving them.

Future development (planned)

  • G7 working group and ministerial meeting Meeting for the Establishment of the IAP
  • Japan-U. K. Digital Partnership Government-level
  • Japan-EU Digital Partnership Ministerial Meeting
  • Conclusion of new bilateral memorandums of cooperation, sharing of knowledge through expert meetings, etc. with countries that have concluded such memorandums, and exchange of human resources

Reference: Held "Workshop on the Use of Generative AI to Promote Workplace Reform" for


Get new technologies to validation faster
We will try to utilize generative AI in administrative practice and quickly conduct validation on the possibility of new technology.

Annual Results and Progress

Formulation and promotion of policies through a cooperation system with related ministries and agencies Examination for utilization in administration
With regard to the use of generative AI in administration, we are working to understand the actual situation of generative AI in cooperation with related ministries and agencies through the operation of agreements on business use and the compilation of application for use from each ministry and agency. We are developing use cases by holding workshops with Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs. In addition, we are responding to the rapid evolution and spread of AI and Issue caused by AI through AI Strategy Council by experts and AI Strategy Team, a cooperation system between related ministries and agencies.

A photograph of Minister Kono (June 26, 2023) inspecting Workshop on the Use of Generative AI to Promote Workplace Reform.
Minister Kono visiting Workshop on the Use of Generative AI to Promote Workplace Reform (held on June 26, 2023)

Examples of Businesses Considering the Utilization of generative AI

  • Support for information collection, translations, creation of proposals, etc. in international conferences
  • Creation of memorandum on questions and Diet response statement
  • Development, operation and maintenance of software, creation of documents such as written specifications, general supervision, etc.

Background of Efforts

Due to the rapid evolution and spread of generative AI such as ChatGPT, there is a growing momentum for the utilization of AI. While the government as a whole is promoting AI, the utilization of generative AI by the government must avoid the risk of leakage of confidential information, and it is required to improve the utilization environment.

Future development (planned)

  • Examination of the environment and policy for the business use of AI
  • Cooperation with Relevant Ministries and Agencies
  • Development of use cases, Proof-of-Concept (PoC)

Reference: Held "Workshop on the Use of Generative AI to Promote Workplace Reform" for central government agencies