Digital Agency Annual Report 2023
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Two years have passed since the establishment of Digital Agency. This page reports on our activities from September 2022 to August 2023.
The same content is also available in PDF format for your convenience.
Digital Agency Activity Report (September 2022 to August 2023) (PDF / 4,718 kb) (updated on October 11, 2023)
Interview video
Year in Review
A society where the use of digital technology makes it possible to choose services that meet the needs of each individual and to achieve a variety of happiness
The progress of digital technology has made it possible to respond to various situations and requests at a low cost, and to provide services and experiences tailored to each individual. We will promote the use of digital technology in cooperation with the entire society, and aim for a society in which no one is left behind and various happiness can be realized.
The digitalisation of society as a whole brings great convenience to people's lives, greatly reduces work and office work, and creates opportunities for new industries and businesses to be born. On the other hand, the prerequisite for the digitalisation of society is the safe and secure of each citizen. We will promote a "people-friendly digitalisation" in which each citizen can enjoy the benefits of digital technology with peace of mind.
A society that aims to use digital technology
In Digital Agency, we aim to create a society in which the use of digital technology allows people to choose services that meet their individual needs and enable them to achieve a variety of happiness.
Details: A society that aims to use digital technology
Progress toward the Desired Society
In Digital Agency, we will promote the use of digital technology for the society we aim for.
Details: Progress in Digital Applications for a Better Society
Initiatives to Expand Digital Convenience
My Number System will make the administrative procedures easier.
Details: Initiatives to Expand Digital Convenience
Achievements and Progress
Digital Agency Action Policies
Mission, Vision and Values
In Digital Agency, we have established a Mission, Vision and Values and we operate based on this.
Details: Mission, Vision and Values
Formulation of Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society
The "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society," which specifies measures that the government should implement promptly and intensively so that all parties concerned can work together to promote the vision of the digital society, has been formulated.
Details: for the Realization of the Priority Plan Digital Society
Digital Agency Focus Areas and Project Composition
Promoting projects based on the three focus areas in Digital Agency
Three focus areas for Digital Agency were defined in fiscal 2022 as information necessary for business promotion and decision-making.
In Digital Agency, all projects are linked to one of these areas and are integrated into the decision making process for business operations.
Specifically, the results of each project are linked to important indicators in the three focus areas, and are used for human resource management and cost management in accordance with the risk status of the project.
In this way, we are promoting projects that realize the optimal allocation of valuable human resources while keeping in mind the indicators to be achieved in our focus areas.
Reference: Three Focus Areas in the Digital Agency (Digital Agency Activity Report (September 2021 to August 2022) (PDF / 22,215 kb))
Residents, Businesses and Staff
- My Number Card diffusion
- My Number Card utilization
- Mynaportal
- Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation
- Shin Authentication App
- Standardization of local government systems
- Public service mesh
- Data preparation
- Amended Number Act
- Public money receiving account
- JGrants and gBizID
- e-Gov
- Design system accessibility
Details: Residents, Businesses and Staff
digital infrastructure
- Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting
- The Act to Advance Reforms of Digital Regulations
- Quasi-public
- Health, medical care, and nursing care
- Disaster prevention
- Education
- Child
- Mobility
- Business-to-business transactions
- Digital invoice
- Visit Japan Web
Details: digital infrastructure
safe and secure
- Government Solution Services (GSS)
- Government cloud
- International Strategy
- AI
Details: safe and secure
Digital Agency
Details: Digital Agency
Future Initiatives
- Making people's lives and business activities more convenient in safe and secure
- Improvement of services from the viewpoint of consumers and users
- Strengthening processes and systems for quality control
- Promoting Internal Development and Data-Driven Organization
- Digital Agency leads the team as a control tower
Details: Future Initiatives
As the control tower for the realization of a digital society, Digital Agency will play leading roles in the formulation and measures of Priority Plan and lead the digitalisation's efforts by related parties.
Update History
Updated September 4, 2023 Edition 2
- Some wording and layout have been adjusted.
Updated September 14, 2023 Third Edition
- We made it accessible.
- Some wording and layout have been adjusted.
Updated October 11, 2023 Edition 4
- Some wording has been adjusted.