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Category: Policies
Cybersecurity: Updated "Recent Efforts"
Public fund receiving account Registry: Updated "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)"
Updated ISMAP cloud service list
I had an online exchange of views with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for digitalization of Ukraine Alexander Fadelov.
We are pleased to announce the date of the 2022 "dependents Kasumigaseki Tour Day".
We have decided on a Mynaportal to cooperate with the study meeting for the start of move-out notifications and moving in (relocation) reservations through the one stop moving service validation and local government, etc.
Beware of Fake Sites in Digital Agency (Reminder)
Comments on the "ISMAP-LIU cloud service Registration Rules (Draft)" and others will be invited.
(Reception closed) We will invite applications for a Mynaportal that can cooperate with the review meeting for the start of move-out notifications and moving in (relocation) reservations through the one stop moving service validation and the local government.
We are soliciting opinions on the revision of "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society"