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Public money receiving account Registry

Public money receiving account Registry

This is a program in which citizens voluntarily register their savings accounts at financial institutions with the national government (Digital Agency) as accounts for receiving benefits, etc. The accounts that can be registered as public money receiving account are the savings account in the name of the person * 1 and one account per * 2 . For eligible benefits, etc., please see the benefits, etc., Benefits, etc. that can be received using public money receiving account.

* 1: Deposit account in the name of the principal
The only savings account that can be registered with public money receiving account is the one in the name of the person.
For example, you cannot register a savings account in the name of a parent as a public money receiving account for your child.
* 2:1 account per person
Only one deposit account per person can be registered with public money receiving account.

When registering a public money receiving account, please also read the Terms of Use for Using the Account Information Registration and Linkage System .


By registering the information of the deposit account together with the My Number in the national government (Digital Agency) in advance, it becomes unnecessary to describe the account information in the application form, attach a copy of the passbook, etc., and confirm the account information at the administrative agency when applying for benefits, etc. in the event of an emergency in the future.

Account information can be used for payment of a wide range of benefits, such as pensions, child allowances, and income tax refunds, in addition to emergency benefits.

This account to be registered is called the Public Benefits Payment Account (hereinafter referred to as the "public money receiving account").
You can check the information of the registered public money receiving account from Mynaportal and you can change or delete it at any time.

An illustration explaining the situation before the establishment of the public money receiving account Registration System. An arrow extends from the application form, to which a copy of the bankbook is attached, toward the government office. Each of the form and the government office has a sweat mark that indicates
This illustration explains what happened after the establishment of the public money receiving account Registration System. An application form without a copy of the bankbook is placed on the left side of the screen, and an arrow extends from there to the illustration of the building where the arrow indicates the government office. From the building that indicates the Digital Agency, the account information that has been confirmed with financial institutions is shared with the city hall. Below the illustration, it says,

How to apply for public money receiving account

You can now apply for registration in the following ways:

Registration is scheduled to begin at the end of fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2024) at financial institutions.

Provision of public money receiving account Information to Financial Institutions

At the time of public money receiving account registration, etc., based on the account information provided by the depositor through an external account verification service, etc., the name of the financial institutions, the names of the head offices and branches, the account type, the account number, and the name of the account are inquired of the financial institutions in order to confirm whether the account actually exists.

When financial institutions start accepting applications for public money receiving account registration at their counters (scheduled to start in fiscal 2024 or later), the fact that the account is registered as a public money receiving account may be provided to the financial institutions that have opened the registered account at the request of the financial institutions. In this case, the fact that the account is registered will be provided, and the registrant's My Number, etc. will not be provided.

Financial institutions use the provided information for guidance at the time of registration acceptance and other services.

Related Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the following pages.

*For information on how to register a public money receiving account in Mynaportal, etc., please check the Mynaportal Frequently Asked Questions .

Specified public benefit system

Based on the public money receiving account Registration Law, the My Number can be used for the payment of benefits for emergencies that are not based on law, if the Prime Minister designates it as a specified public benefit.


As in the case of the Special Supplementary Income Payment in 2020, emergency benefits may be provided based on a Cabinet decision, etc., without legal provisions.

Of these public benefits, under the public money receiving account Registry Act

  • Paid in the event of a disaster or infectious disease that is likely to have a major impact on the lives of the people and the national economy; or
  • Provided to mitigate the effects of sudden fluctuations in economic conditions;

Can be designated as a specified public benefit.

By being designated as a specified public benefit, information necessary for determining eligibility for payment and other information used as the basis for implementing the payment can be managed using the My Number.

This will make it more efficient to cross-check between applicants and beneficiaries in the administrative work such as application acceptance, examination, and payment of benefits, and contribute to the prompt and reliable implementation of payments.

In addition, depending on the payment requirements, it will be possible to provide benefits in a form similar to a push type.

Designated Public Benefits

  1. Fiscal 2020 Child-Raising Family Life Support Special Benefits (May 19, 2021)
  2. Self-reliance Support Benefit for Needy Persons due to the Novel Coronavirus (June 25, 2021)
  3. Extraordinary special benefit (reserve fund) for families with children in fiscal year 2021 (December 6, 2021)
  4. Fiscal 2021 Temporary Special Benefits for Families with Children (Supplementary Budget) (December 21, 2021)
  5. Fiscal 2021 Household Exempt from Resident's Tax Temporary Special Benefits (December 21, 2021)
  6. Fiscal 2022 Child Care and Family Life Support Special Benefits (June 1, 2022)
  7. Soaring prices of electricity, gas, food, etc. Emergency Support Benefit (September 30, 2022)
  8. Fiscal 2022 Maternity and Childcare Support Benefit (January 20, 2023)
  9. Fiscal 2023 Child Care and Family Life Support Special Benefits (April 24, 2023)
  10. Fiscal 2023 Maternity and Childcare Support Benefit (November 30, 2023)
  11. Fiscal 2023 Anti-Price Hike Benefits (Item 1) (December 26, 2023)
  12. Fiscal 2023 Benefits for Measures Against Price Hikes (Item 2) (January 15, 2024)
  13. Fiscal 2024 Anti-Price Hike Benefits (February 16, 2024)
  14. Ishikawa Prefecture regional welfare promotion support temporary special benefit (March 26, 2024)
  15. Fiscal 2024 Maternity and Childcare Support Benefit (April 1, 2024)
  16. Other benefits paid by the prefecture or municipality listed in the public notice.

Recent Initiatives

Meetings, etc.

No such information is currently available.