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Press Room
Executive Directory Updated
Planning competition: Demonstration survey research on infrastructure construction for distributed cooperative operation of multiple mobility was posted.
We posted the conference materials of the (6th) Review Meeting on the Promotion of the Use of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation Well-Being Indicators for the Realization of area.
Materials for the information linkages System (Public Medical Hub: PMH) connecting local government, medical institutions, etc. have been updated.
On how to use My Number Card as a health insurance card.
The list of financial institutions that can be registered as a public fund receiving account Site has been updated.
Summary of Minister Kono's Press Conference (July 12, 2024)
The results of the second public offering for the 2024 Government Cloud Early transition Organization validation Project (as of the end of June) were announced. [For local governments Employees]
Updated for contractors (including subcontractors) in Digital Agency
In fiscal 2024, the results of the first public offering for the validation Project on the promotion of the shared use method and cooperation between systems at multi-vendors were announced. [For business operators]
Press Kit
- Brand Guidelines
- Photos, etc. * Scheduled to be posted in the future
Press Contact
Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _
" to "@" (one byte).
Reference Information
The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.