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Strategy & Organization Group recruitment projects

(I) Person in charge of

Job Description

The Office in Charge of the Secretariat is responsible for overseeing the entire Agency so that Digital Agency, which was launched as a organization for the unprecedented fusion of the public and private sectors, functions effectively and efficiently as a control tower for the realization of digital society. You can be involved in a wide range of topics related to digital, and consult, communicate, and coordinate with various counterparts (each team in the Agency, related ministries and agencies, etc.). Specifically, you will be involved in any of the following operations.

  • Law examination services (examination pertaining to the establishment, revision, or abolition of law under the jurisdiction of Digital Agency, drafting of official documents prepared by Digital Agency, etc.)
  • Parliamentary affairs (supervision of Diet affairs, coordination for the passage of important bills)
  • Planning services (examination and adjustment of important Issue across groups, planning of events within the Agency)
  • Personnel affairs (support for new graduates and mid-career recruitment, training for human resource development and activities, organizational culture formation, etc.)
  • Strategic Planning / Public Relations (PR affairs such as formulation of roadmaps related to overall Digital Agency strategies, confirmation of KPIs and business management of each project, and response to press conferences and press interviews by ministers, etc.)
  • In addition, planning and comprehensive adjustment of individual topics such as Web3.0

Essential Skills

  • Communication ability to smoothly consult, communicate, and coordinate with related parties
  • Enthusiasm and positivity for work
  • An inexperienced curiosity about work
  • Capability to understand the definition and logic of words in detail when interpreting the law Proposal

Welcome Skills

  • Experience in dealing with Congress
  • Experience in negotiating and coordinating with various parties
  • Experience in back office departments such as general affairs and human resources
  • Public relations work experience in an administrative organization, etc.
  • Knowledge and experience of law

(ii) Budget, lump-sum appropriation, contracts, and procurement reform

Job Description

  • (Budget, Lump-sum Appropriation) In order to implement budget requests, execution plans, etc. related to measures for Digital Agency.
  • (Contract) Digital Agency is implementing various procurement such as information systems, and at present, national government administrative officials are implementing procurement (contract) procedures, etc. In the future, regarding the clouding of information systems in local government, in situations where cooperation between the national procurement and local governments is necessary, local government officials' understanding of procurement is necessary.

Business description (main items)

Accounting services such as budget request, execution plan, execution management, budget transfer consultation, and contract services, or planning and drafting of new procurement methods such as digital marketplace, etc.

Essential Skills

Desirable to have accounting budget, execution, and procurement experience

Welcome Skills

It is better to have knowledge in the digital field.

③ Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Secretariat

Job Description

We are conducting inspections and reviews of analog digitalization that inhibits regulation. People from local governments will mainly be involved in the following operations.

  • Services related to the inspection and review of regulation, etc. that fall under analog law. (Ideal way of review, communication and coordination with related ministries and agencies related to the revision of law, etc.)
  • Services related to support for local governments initiatives (planning and drafting of manual revisions, communication and coordination with local governments, etc.)
  • Preparation of materials, liaison and coordination, etc. related to the holding of meetings such as digital consultation

Essential Skills

  • A mindset that respects team members with diverse backgrounds and acts positively without barriers between the public and private sectors
  • Communication ability to smoothly consult, communicate, and coordinate with related parties
  • Enthusiasm and positivity for work
  • An inexperienced curiosity about work

Welcome Skills

  • Expertise and experience in Promotion of DX and other digitalization operations
  • Knowledge and experience of law

④ security Officer

Job Description

In cooperation with the security Expert Team, including the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), we plan and propose cybersecurity measures for Digital Agency and provide implementation support. Specific details of our work are as follows.

  • Development and operation of internal regulations including the Digital Agency security Policy (secretariat services of the Information security Committee)
  • Planning and implementation of self-inspection, public awareness, training, etc. for security improvement
  • Planning of security audits for each system and support for the execution of auditing organizations
  • Communication and coordination with related organizations such as NISC (Cyber security Center)
  • Work such as budget, accounting, adjustment, etc. to carry out the above

Essential Skills

  • No need for security expertise
  • A mindset that respects the diverse backgrounds of the security Expert Team members and acts positively without barriers between the public and private sectors
  • Communication ability to smoothly discuss, communicate, and coordinate with relevant parties such as the person in charge of the system and NISC
  • Enthusiasm and positivity for work
  • An inexperienced curiosity about work

Welcome Skills

  • Experience in IT and system-related departments
  • Work experience related to the maintenance of regulations
  • Experience in accounting

⑤ Digital Agency and implementation of public service architecture which design aims for

Job Description

Digital Agency is organizing the future image of the architecture through the country, local governments, and private sector in order to realize "procedures can be completed in 60 seconds in smartphone," "public service can be launched in 7 days," and "costs as high as private sector." We are recruiting human resources who will be in charge of adjustment work, planning work, procurement office work, etc. in the following projects.

  1. A common My Number Card certification service development in a country or region
  2. Building data exchange platform for xxxx
  3. Development of Front Service Common Functions
  4. Improvement of Mynaportal design, etc.
  5. Renovation of the Attribute Information Management Platform for Government Employees, etc.
  6. Building a Unified Operations Center

Essential Skills

  • Ability to promote and manage projects in public authorities with coordination between departments and organization
  • Ability to perform work to resolve Issue and investigate cases tenaciously by moving one's hands
  • Practical abilities related to a series of procurement affairs such as the creation of procurement specifications for information systems and public offering

Welcome Skills

Practical experience related to 1 to 6