Examples of utilization by private business
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Open Data 100 private business Examples (PDF / 10,816 kb) (as of September 13, 2024)
Examples of utilization
1. Case name: Agrinote
- Documentation (PPTX/848KB) (updated June 30, 2023)
- Overview and Theme: Agriculture: From Memory to Record
- Operator: Water Cell Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation
2. Case name: Eagle Bus
- Documentation (PPTX/1,222 kb)
- Overview and theme: Optimize bus routes with sensor boarding and disembarkation data!
- Operator: Eagle Bus Corporation
- Classification: Industry Creation
3. Case Name: Kahlil
- Documentation (PPTX/1,284 kb)
- Overview / Theme: Find the book you want to borrow!
- Company name: Kahlil Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation
4. Case Name: Household Account Book and Accounting App Zaim
- Documentation (PPTX/773KB)
- Overview & Theme: More Money, Fun!
- Name of Operator: Zaim Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
5. Case Name: Pollen
- Documentation (PPTX/1,016 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Make the daily life of hay fever a slightly new experience.
- Company name: Hakuhodo I Studio Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
6. Case name: Koko Yure
- Documentation (PPTX/5,371 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Before you build a house, you will immediately know the risks of an earthquake!
- Company name: Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation
7. Case name: Burari Sabae
- Documentation (PPTX/1,182 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Discover Sabae's New Charms!
- Operator: ATR Creative
- Classification: Industry Creation
8. Case Name: GEEO
- Documentation (PPTX/2,297 kb)
- Overview and Theme: You can understand the market sentiment of real estate in Japan!
- Name of Operator:
- Classification: Industry Creation
9. Case Name: Ambient Environment Squatter
- Documentation (PPTX/1,502 kb)
- Overview & Theme: What is the combat strength of the city you want to live in?
- Name of operator: 30 min. (IID, Inc.)
- Classification: Industry Creation
10. Event Title: National shelter Database
- Documentation (PPTX/898KB)
- Overview and Theme: When the Time is Right. Give Everyone the Information to Evacuate
- Operator: Dentsu Zenrin Datacom
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
11. Case Name: Milmo
- Documentation (PPTX/1,110 kb)
- Overview and Theme: A New Shape to Support Nursing Care
- Operator: Welmo Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Declining birthrate, aging population, industry creation
12. Case Name: AlexDream!
- Documentation (PPTX/592KB)
- Overview and theme: Utilizing all data released by the Japan Meteorological Agency
- Company name: Harex Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation
13. Case Name: Safety Map
- Documentation (PPTX/1,430 kb)
- Overview and theme: Provision of locations with frequent accidents and dangerous locations using car navigation data
- Company name: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
14. Case Name: Wanning
- Documentation (PPTX/1,741 kb)
- Outline and Theme: visualization of Epidemic Situations of Infectious Diseases and Early Countermeasures are Possible!
- Name of operator: Oriz Corporation
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
15. Case name: National Water Management Ledger
- Documentation (PPTX/2,072 kb)
- Overview and theme: Can respond quickly at the scene of a fire, helping to strengthen a voluntary disaster risk management or area disaster risk management!
- Company name: placeOn Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
16. Event Title: National shelter Guide
- Documentation (PPTX/1,086 kb)
- Overview and Theme: It is now possible to search for the nearest shelter and evacuation area from your current location!
- Company name: First Media Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
17. Case name: Working Mom Cheering Squad
- Documentation (PPTX/3,395 kb)
- Overview and theme: It is possible to easily and efficiently search and compare childcare facility information.
- Company name: I-NET CORP.
- Category: Declining birthrate and aging population
18. Case name: Bus Location
- Documentation (PPTX/1,704 kb)
- Overview and theme: Real-time grasp of the location of the bus and the time when it passed the bus stop!
- Company name: Uno Motors Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation
19. Case Name: Yurikuru Call
- Documentation (PPTX/1,766 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Earthquake Early Warning in smartphone!
- Company name: RC Solution Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
20. Case name: DR-Info
- Documentation (PPTX/1,541 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Let us know the risks of predicted natural disasters in advance!
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
21. Case Name: Japan AED Map
- Documentation (PPTX/550KB)
- Overview and Theme: Search for AEDs all over Japan!
- Company name: Allm Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
22. Case name: Danger Detection and Crime Prevention App "Moly"
- Documentation (PPTX/623KB)
- Overview and theme: A crime prevention service for women and children that provides early notification of danger in their current location and encourages them to avoid crises before they occur
- Operator: Cote Seven Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
23. Case Name: Jibun's Ground App
- Documentation (PPTX/1,393 kb)
- Overview and theme: Quickly examine the disaster risks of your location and the ground condition around you and display it as a score
- Company name: Jibannet Holdings Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
24. Case name: Mappin' Drop
- Documentation (PPTX/1,397 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Easily create maps in various shapes!
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
25. Case name: Park Information App "PARKFUL"
- Documentation (PPTX/1,522 kb)
- Overview and theme: Providing information on parks owned by local government in a form that is easier for citizens to use
- Company name: Kotolab Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
26. Case Name: Sumaity "Livable Town"
- Documentation (PPTX/841KB)
- Overview and theme: By aggregating and providing statistical data, etc., in municipalities nationwide, it will be possible to easily grasp the living environment of the town you want to live in!
- Company name: Kakaku.com,Inc.
- Classification: Industry Creation
27. Case name: Rescue Web MAP
- Documentation (PPTX/2,422 kb)
- Overview & Theme: All crisis management information to be delivered is displayed on the map
- Operator: Rescue Now Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
28. Case Name: Ikoyo
- Documentation (PPTX/1,590 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Changing Parent and Child Experiences with Where You Go
- Company name: Act Indy Co.
- Category: Declining birthrate and aging population
29. Event Title: area Events Calendar
- Documentation (PPTX/2,006 kb)
- Overview and theme: Distribution of information that meets user preferences in open data
- Company name: JOLTE Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation
30. Case Name: Coaido119
- Documentation (PPTX/2,698 kb)
- Overview and theme: Create an emergency information sharing network
- Operator: Coaido Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
31. Case name:
- Documentation (PPTX/2,141 kb)
- Outline and Theme: Community and area Development by Connecting People
- Company name: Tamema Co., Ltd.
- Categories: disaster risk management and disaster mitigation, declining birthrate and aging population
32. Case Name: Seikatsu Guide. com
- Documentation (PPTX/689KB)
- Overview and Theme: public service, Choose the City You Want to Live in with the Subsidy Program and Know the City You Live in
- Name of Operator: Wave Dash Corporation
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
33. Case Name: Provision of Data Science Lecture
- Documentation (PPTX/1,681 kb)
- Overview and Theme: A New Platform to Support a Practical education
- Company name: DataGateway Co., Ltd.
- Category: education, Industry Creation
34. Subject name: Anshin food-service control
- Documentation (PPTX/2,231 kb)
- Overview and theme: Checking the menu of school lunch is made easy with LINE!
- Operator name: LINE Fukuoka, Fukuoka City, ISIT
- Classification: Industry Creation
35. Case name: FIWARE version of the coronavirus countermeasure site
- Documentation (PPTX/885KB)
- Overview and Theme: COVID-19 pandemic Countermeasure Site Released as Open Source Software
- Company name: NEC Corporation
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
36. Case name: Gakko education Information Site
- Documentation (PPTX/1,240 kb)
- Overview and Theme: School education Information Database Site
- Company name: GACOM Co., Ltd.
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
37. Case name: Hospital Search App Using Open Data
- Documentation (PPTX/999KB)
- Overview and Theme: Map Search for Hospitals and Narrow Search for COVID-19-Related Visits and Clinical Department Items
- Name of business operator: Information Bank Godo Kaisha
- Category: Crime prevention, medical care, education, etc.
38. Subject name: G-CHAM: area Diagnosis with GIS
- Documentation (PPTX/8,945 kb)
- Overview & Theme: Driving EBPM with Open Data and GIS
- Operator: Osaka-jinja medical and pharmaceutical university
- Category: disaster risk management / disaster mitigation, low birth rate / high age, crime prevention / medical care / education, etc.
39. Subject name: local government Open Data Map
- Documentation (PPTX/670KB)
- Overview and theme: A service that allows you to search for open data from your current location (GPS information)
- Operator: Neo G. I. S Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management / disaster mitigation, low birth rate and aging population, industry creation, crime prevention / medical care / education, etc.
40. Subject name: LOCABO (Location: Location disaster risk management)
- Documentation (PPTX/2,410 kb)
- Overview and theme: Use hazard maps for disaster risk management by LINE
- Operator: PRIME BP Co., Ltd.
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
41. Case Name: LIVE JAPAN PERFECT GUIDE (Useful Map)
- Documentation (PPTX/5,921 kb)
- Overview and Theme: Useful Multilingual Map for Foreign Visitors to Japan
- Operator: Gurunavi, Inc. (LIVE JAPAN Secretariat)
- Category: disaster risk management and Disaster Mitigation
42. Case Name: Mom Dad Map
- Documentation (PPTX/794KB)
- Overview and Theme: Nursing Room and Diaper Changing Table Search App
- Company name: Kodomo Co., Ltd.
- Category: Declining birthrate and aging population
43. Case Name: Sugoroku. com / Sugoroku. com
- Documentation (PPTX/822KB)
- Overview and theme: Museum database to search museums, historic sites, ruins, etc. in Japan and overseas on a map
- Operator: Cybars Co., Ltd.
- Classification: Industry Creation