List of policy dashboards
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As a control tower for the realization of the Japanese digital society, Digital Agency will lead the government in promoting data-based and evidence-based policy decisions and the visualization of their effects. As part of this, policy-related information will be disclosed as a "policy dashboard". This will be implemented as part of efforts aimed at open policy formulation and implementation based on Digital Agency's information.
- On February 28, 2025, we released a dashboard Dashboard on Joint Procurement of Local Government Systems Centered on Prefectures Prefecture.
Administrative procedure
It visualizes the efforts of local governments on digitalisation of administrative procedures.
Efforts for residents and businesses
- My Number Card Dissemination Dashboard The number of My Number Card applications, the number of issue cards, the number of health insurance cards used and the number of public money receiving account cards registered are introduced.
- Dashboard on My Number Card utilization The number of certified issue at convenience stores, etc. and the number of moving procedures at Mynaportal, etc. are introduced.
- Dashboard on the online implementation of 26 procedures related to child care and nursing care in local governments It introduces the status of online initiatives nationwide and by municipality.
- GBizID Usage Dashboard Acquisition and use of gBizID, a common certification system for business operators, are introduced.
Efforts by Local Governments
- Dashboard on Municipal DX Initiatives It introduces the DX promotion system of all local governments, DX of local government operations, DX status of resident services, etc.
- Dashboard on Local Government Frontyard Reform Initiatives It introduces the status of local government front yard reform initiatives such as non-writing counters, reservation systems, remote counters, etc.
- Dashboard on Joint Procurement of Local Government Systems Centered on Prefectures The status of implementation of joint procurement mainly by prefectures and case details are introduced.
Digital Transformation in semi-public sector
It visualizes efforts related to digitalisation in semi-public sector, such as health, medical care, nursing care, education, and children.
- Dashboard for Improving Productivity in Nursing Care This report presents the status of major indicators for improving productivity at nursing care facilities in Japan and other prefectures.
- School Affairs DX Initiative Dashboard It introduces the status of School Affairs DX initiatives in Japan, prefectures, and municipalities.
- Electronic Prescription Adoption Dashboard The introduction rate of electronic prescription at medical institutions and pharmacies in Japan and prefectures is introduced.
Digitalisation of society
It visualizes efforts related to social digitalisation, such as regulatory reform and awareness surveys.
- Analog Regulatory Review Dashboard The status of the review of analog regulations (completed, necessary, or not applicable) and the economic effects of the review of analog regulations are introduced.
- Dashboard on the results of an attitude survey of the social digitalisation and digital government services It introduces society's awareness of digitalisation, awareness of digital government services, usage status, and intention to use them, etc.
Points to Note
This information is provided under CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons License Notice 4.0 International). Please use "Digital Agency" as the source. For details, please refer to Digital Agency Copyright Policy .
Data to be published
We will continue to review the process and content of data disclosure.