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Dashboard on Joint Procurement of Local Government Systems Centered on Prefectures


  1. What is Joint Procurement?
  2. Status of joint procurement
  3. Examples and details of joint procurement
  4. Status of joint procurement by system type
  5. Joint procurement status by prefecture
  6. Points to Note

1. What is joint procurement?

Due to the rapid decrease in the population, it is expected that the shortage of administrative service providers will rapidly worsen. In order to respond to this problem, it will be essential to improve the efficiency and convenience of public service provision by utilizing digital technology.

Joint procurement is a method of procurement in which systems are jointly procured from a single operator based on a single set of specifications agreed upon by participating organizations.
In particular, joint procurement mainly with prefectural governments can be expected to reduce the cost of introducing and operating the system due to economies of scale and reduce the burden of procedures due to the standardization of procedures. It also makes it easier for small local governments to introduce the system, and the expertise and know-how of participating organizations can be complemented.

Difference between sole source and joint source

Sole sourceJoint procurement
Procurement CoordinationLocal governments must coordinate procurementA representative body (prefecture, council, etc.) coordinates procurement (e.g., RFI, selection of suppliers, contracts, formulation of specifications, survey of intentions)
Procurement costCosts tend to remain high due to independent procurementReduce deployment and operational costs by splitting and consolidating
Administrative system for procurementEach local government must establish an administrative system.System procurement is possible even for small local governments that have difficulty in establishing sufficient systems.
Expertise and know-howThere are cases where local governments alone lack human resources and expertise.Human resources and know-how and expertise required for procurement can be mutually supplemented.
Coordination of information and dataDifferences in information and data among municipalitiesInformation and data can be linked by sharing operations among local governments

2. Status of joint procurement conducted mainly by prefectures

The number of joint procurements conducted mainly by prefectures is shown in three areas: general affairs, business, and tools.
You can check the types of systems that are jointly procured and the number of implementation throughout the country and consider candidates for joint procurement.

3. List and details of joint procurement cases

On the case list page, you can check the number of participating local governments, their population and number of employees, initial costs, annual operating costs, and other information, and you can search for joint procurement cases that are similar in size to your local government.

On the case detail page, you can check the cost scale of the joint procurement project, the background of the procurement, the process, and whether or not the specifications can be provided. If you want to know more detailed information for the promotion of joint procurement, you can contact the department in charge of each case and share know-how such as the points of joint procurement with the same system and problems in the process among the procurers.

Graphic shows how to use a dashboard that allows you to select a municipality from Power BI's list of joint procurement cases and see the details of the selected case

4. Status of joint procurement by system type

The page on the status of joint procurement by system type shows the number of joint procurements, whether subsidies have been used, and the benefits of procurement that local government officials who have conducted joint procurement have realized. It also shows the status of participation by local governments of systems that are considering procurement and details of individual cases.

Figure showing how to use the Power BI dashboard, which enables you to select municipalities from the joint procurement status by system type and check the participation status of municipalities and details of joint procurement cases

5. Status of joint procurement by prefecture

You can check the implementation status of joint procurement in each prefecture and consider the next system to be procured in your prefecture.
By checking the introduction status in neighboring prefectures, it will also be a material for considering joint procurement across prefectures.

Points to Note

Refresh Data

Dashboard metrics will be updated periodically.

Data Definition

See below for data definitions.

Source of each data

The various statistics used in the dashboard are collected from cases of joint procurement conducted mainly by prefectures (including those conducted by councils, etc. in which prefectures are involved as secretariats, observers, etc.), which were requested by the secretariat of the Cabinet Secretariat Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform Council and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to each prefecture. Although all prefectures have responded to this matter, cases that were not requested to be published as a whole, cases that did not respond, cases in which prefectures were not involved, and cases outside the target period are not published in the dashboard, and are not reflected in the statistical figures in the dashboard.

The population and number of employees are based on the following published data (fiscal 2022 figures).

You assemble this data and publish it along with the structured data for the dashboard.

True / false information

For more information on the accuracy of this dashboard, please refer to Accuracy: Dashboard on Joint Procurement of Local Government Systems Centered on Prefectures.

Contact Information

Cabinet Secretariat Digital Administrative and Financial Reform Council Secretariat
Phone: 03 5253 2111

Regional DX Promotion Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Autonomous Administration Bureau
Phone: 03 5253 5111
Email: gyousei _ dx _ atmark _ soumu. go. jp
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