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Local government Standard Open Dataset (Official Version)

The content of the conventional "recommended datasets" has been revised, and the name has been changed to "local government Standard Open Dataset (abbreviation: local government Standard ODS)." (For details, please see Explanatory Article (recommended datasets to local government Standard Open Dataset) (PDF / 3,137) .)

After soliciting opinions on the details of the review multiple times, we will announce the official version this time.
We recommend that each local governments apply the "local government Standard Open Data Set" when updating open data in the future.
We also publish a converter that converts from the conventional "recommended datasets" to the "local government Standard Open Dataset", so please use it if necessary.

List of local government Standard Open Data Sets

1. Revisions to the existing recommended datasets

In order to ensure consistency with the GIF, items of the current recommended datasets have been added and modified.

Rules to be followed when creating

Data Item Definition List

  1. List of public facilities
  2. List of cultural properties
  3. List of Designated Emergency Evacuation Area
  4. Population by area and Age
  5. List of child care facilities
  6. Open Data Directory
  7. List of Public Wireless LAN Access Points
  8. List of AED locations
  9. List of Long-Term Care Service
  10. Medical institutions List
  11. List of tourist facilities
  12. Event List
  13. List of public restrooms
  14. List of Fire Defense Water Facilities
  15. List of Business Licenses and Notifications for Food, etc.
  16. School menu for food feeding Information
  17. Elementary and junior high school commuting area information
  18. Boring histogram, etc. (Data items are defined by external sites.)
    • Subject: private business and local governments
    • Rules and formats to be followed for creation: Standard Form *
      * Please refer to "Part 2 Boring histogram Part 5 Boring Replacement" and "Part 6 Soil Test and Ground Investigation Part 6 Soil Test Result List" of "Guidelines for Electronic Delivery of Geological and Soil Survey Results" (established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
  19. City Planning Basic Survey Information
  20. Procurement Information
    • Subject: local governments
    • Rules and formats to be followed for creation: Standard Forms ("Standard Guidelines") *
      *Refer to "data connections and data connections Model public service" of the procurement Model.
  21. Standard bus information format
  22. Support System (benefit) Information

Format Sample

Converter tool

It is a tool that converts open data published in the traditional "recommended datasets" format into the format of the "local government Standard Open Data Set".
It runs on Excel. Refer to the "How to use" sheet in the converter for instructions.

2. New Data Set (Data Model Type)

Based on the needs of Open Data Utilization private business, we considered adding a new dataset that can be collected and disclosed by area and is expected to be utilized by implementation by referring to the local governments Data Model published in the beta version of the GIF private business Service Data Model Guidebook.

Rules to be followed when creating

Data Item Definition List

  1. List of disaster risk management Administrative Radio Stations
  2. List of education Organizations
  3. List of public parking lots
  4. List of public bicycle parking lots
  5. List of polling stations
  6. List of Garbage Separation Methods
  7. A baby station
  8. List of garbage collection points
  9. Sightseeing Spots

Format Sample

Explanatory material


Comments and Questions About local government Standard Open Datasets

Regarding the local government Standard Open Dataset, Digital Agency accepts opinions on the addition and improvement of datasets and questions about datasets from business operators and others who are considering the use of local governments and local government Standard Open Dataset. "Opinions and Requests" Please contact . When making an inquiry, select "Policy" and then "Data Strategy" for "Inquiry Type".
If the formulation agency is outside Digital Agency, please contact the local government in charge at the link listed in the ministries and agencies Standard Open Data Set List.